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imac pro

  1. A

    Windows Support Driver for iMac Pro (and gaming)

    Note: before reading below, yes I do realize that the iMac Pro is not for gaming. I do CGI and dev work. However, there's nothing wrong with a little bit of boot camp gaming on the side. If you're thinking is in line with mine, you'd be sadden to discover that the drivers provided by Apple *WILL...
  2. astralize

    iMac Pro Which iMac Pro for After Effects & Adobe CC?

    Hi everyone. I've already ordered the 18 core fully speced iMac Pro. But now am second-guessing and thinking that since After Effects has lost its multi-threading abilities since 2015, maybe I'm better off with a 10 core that has a higher clock speed. Does anyone have any insights or experience...
  3. BayouTiger

    Best iMac Pro Accessories

    Now that many are getting their shiny new IMP's up and running. I am curious what accessories you are finding to fill in the blanks. I've been using a Mac Pro for several years now, but still have two 12South Risers. They are not Space Grey, but will do the job. I like them for storage of my...
  4. CRisEPIC

    Can someone find this iMac Pro wallpaper

    ive been looking everywhere for it with no luck even with the imac release its nowhere to be found maybe someone has better luck pls help
  5. farslan

    Resolved Vega 56 (8GB) vs Vega 64 (16GB)

    Hi everyone, Lately I'm following this forum for information related to the iMac Pro as I'm thinking to get one. I want to get with the configuration: 10Core, 2GB SSD and 64GB memory. However I don't know if I should stay with the Vega 56 (8Gb) or should upgrade it to Vega 64 (16GB) ? I'm...
  6. T

    iMac Pro or 15'' MacBook Pro + 5k Display

    Hi, I do some video editing (1080p at the moment and 4k in the future) and podcasting. I am well aware, that this is some pretty light work and that the iMac Pro is total overkill for that. Nevertheless, I have a budget of $5.000 that I will either spend on: - a 15'' MacBook Pro + a 5k display...
  7. B

    Decision Help [imac std or pro] - what is best for me?

    Hey Everyone, I am in the Market for a new Mac. I have a maxed out 2014 Retina Imac. I am not very satisfied with the SSD speed (internal 256 SSD) especially, and I would like programms to open much faster. And: The Computer is written off as an expense after 3 years, so to save tax a new one...
  8. dannys1

    Order iMac Pro for testing purposes.

    Just ordered an iMac Pro to see what underlaying architecture changes there. I want to test the secure enclave and what it will and won't let you do from a Mac admin point of view - if we can still boot from external drives and restore in times of need - if it's possible to disable these...
  9. SFjohn

    iMac Pro 10 core vs 18 core

    I calculate the 18 core would be approx 20% faster than the 10. However that’s just multiplying numbers... Does anyone know how the larger L3 memory would factor into speed? Single treaded it looks like the 10 core is 5% faster than the 18 core... For arguments sake, assume cost is not a factor...
  10. 1

    Would An iMac Pro Help Me?

    I currently have the latest high end iMac (4.2 ghz Intel Core i7) with 32GB ram. I’m trying to decide if an upgrade to the 8-Core iMac Pro would be a significant enough upgrade to make the price worth it. I am a photographer and I work with 80MP - 100MP raw files. Here are my typical use cases...
  11. T

    iMac Pro Standard Configuration: which components should be upgraded?

    Hi there, I am thinking about buying the new iMac Pro. First of all: I know that every user prefers different configuration depending on their type of work, etc. So everything is highly subjective. Coming from the base model of the iMac Pro, which components should be upgraded? CPU (more cores...
  12. scottgoh

    iMac Pro coming in Dec

    Happy to see that a new iMac Pro is coming to Aust in Dec. Below is a happy image of my work!!@!@!
  13. phoenixsan

    What do you think about a battle between current Mac Pros and the upcoming iMac

    Hello my fellow Apple-savvy people..! The last week I was seeing again the official 2017 WWDC video feed.Being a user involved in numerical simulations, higher CPU taxing uses (as computational chemistry calculations) and not using a lot of graphic power, but needing a lot of storage and fast...
  14. driftless

    18 core, 128GB RAM iMac Pro

    I am wondering what sort of applications a fully tricked out iMac Pro would be used for?
  15. MrXiro

    Entry level Mac Pro Quad-Core or spec'd up New 5K iMac?

    I currently have the entry level cylinder 4-core Mac Pro; w/ 16gb RAM (up from the stock 12gb) with a dual 1080p monitor set up. I do a bit of video editing as it's my side job and I also produce short films hoping to break in as a film maker. Currently I only edit video in 1080p but I do want...
  16. B

    2017 5k Imac or Imac Pro

    Hey there, I wonder if I could ask for a little advice on the suitability of the Imac 2017 or the Imac Pro. I am a Freelance Graphic Designer working in London. I work mainly in CC versions of Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. The most taxing projects I work on are large events, so stage...
  17. Mr. Dee

    I think we will see the iMac Pro in September

    Apple is known for surprise and delight. When Steve Jobs announced the Intel transition, he indicated, the first Intel based Macs would start shipping in June of 2006. The transition was actually completed by June 2006 with the Mac Pro. Apple is likely using a similar strategy with the iMac...
  18. cmcbhi

    Maxed out iMac vs. Basic iMac Pro

    Given that a maxed out IMAX 27 approaches $4700.00 (upgraded processor, upgraded GPU, 32GB RAM, 2TBSSD, etc, what do you gain/lose by stepping up to the iMac Pro similarly equipped? It's only ~ $300.00 more.
  19. ShufromChina

    Brave imagination of the future iMacs...

    What if the future iMacs (the highest-end ones) screens can include 90-180 degree angle options, have touch/pencil compatibility and a "switch" functionality? When screen is set at a smaller angle with vertical (or a customized angle range), the computer runs MacOS and touch functionality is...
  20. WristyManchego

    Beefed 32gb RAM Macbook Pro rumour wrong?

    Read on a post ( that our KGI Securities bro Ming-Chi Kuo has predicted a beefed 32gb RAM Macbook pro to start production in September 2017. After WWDC and the release of the iMac pro, I'm beginning to think it was...