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kernal panic

  1. T

    Constant Kernel panics and Mac crashing because of SSD?

    Does anyone know whats causing the crash. I ran Disk Utility and all ran fine in the end but snapshots (backup?) give an error. Startup in Diagnostics said all is fine.. and Safe Mode also runs fine. Thanks for your help! I have a 1TB SSD I have Added 3 reports.. ---- Disk Utility report...
  2. SwissDataHoarder

    Macbook Pro 2018 after update 2

    Hello i made a poll about MacOS update 2. Would be cool if you can answer it to help other user with their purchase. Please everyone should answer, not only who has problems with the mac. thank you This poll is shared on apple...
  3. M

    Investigating Kernal & Memory use

    Hello I am trying to figure out what programs I can "shut down" and get rid of when the Mac starts up. I realised at times the Mac obviously takes longer to start which is due to a lot of stuff starting up. I am reinstalling in the next few days a complete new OS on the system and removing...
  4. D

    Kernel Panic Help, (Always happens when I quit Firefox...)

    Can anyone help with this. It happen almost always when I quit firefox and does not seem to happen any other time. Here is the report. Thanks all. Anonymous UUID: FD1A82C4-9A66-AA07-ACF1-439CA0B8D3B7 Mon Jul 2 14:11:45 2018 *** Panic Report *** panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff8005787d3d): Kernel...
  5. N

    Kernel Panic diagnosis on High Sierra

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the macOS world, and recently I've been getting a kernel panic which basically happens when I let my Macbook sleep for more than 5-6 hours. This is the message that I keep getting : *** Panic Report *** panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f9270f341): "Failed to quiesce...
  6. N

    Kernel Panic - MacbookPro crashed

    Hi All, Can someone please advise me on what to do, I was trying to update the software on my Macbook Pro but it crashed whilst updating. I've posted a video on YouTube: Please advice me what to do, I'm in panic mode! Kind regards, Nic
  7. N

    Macbook Pro Crashed Whilst Updating

    Hi All, Can someone please advise me on what to do, I was trying to update the software on my Macbook Pro but it crashed whilst updating. I've posted a vido on YouTube: Please advice me what to do, I'm in panic mode! Kind regards, Nic
  8. ltinsley

    Kernel panic boot loop

    This morning I noticed my MacBook Air (2014, running Sierra) was not going to sleep when I shut the lid. Thinking it needed a simple restart, I hit the power button. When I attempted to turn it back on, I got a kernel panic log message with "DontStealMacOS" in the description. (I apologize for...
  9. G

    PANIC Happened today

    I was using my machine today, and all of a sudden, the screen went black, and then a message in several different languages displayed on the screen, Your machine had to restart do to some error, something like that. Once the machine restarted, I was able to get some sort of error message. Please...
  10. L

    Kernel Panic

    Hi there, My Mid 2010 MacBook Pro keeps suffering from what I believe to be kernel panics, every other day my Mac will randomly switch itself off and display a warning saying 'your mac had to be restarted due to problem'. When researching, the diagnosis appears to be kernel panic. I took it to...
  11. R

    can someone help me decipher this error log for a kernel panic?

    I was working and casually browsing YT when my Mac Mini (2012) went to a black screen. This is the second time I've had to deal with this recently, but the first time I actually got an error log when I powered back on. I need some help deciphering what this means. It looks like there might be...
  12. S

    Macbook GPU kernel panics resolved after Sierra update?

    Hey Folks! I was hoping someone with more knowledge than me knows what they did in the Sierra update that got rid of some GPU issues? I have a mid-2010 MBP 15' i7 and a couple years ago it would go into kernel panic every 20 minutes or so on yosemite. I had to give up on it because it was out...
  13. H

    tbMBP - Kernel_task

    Hey everyone, I am just wondering if anyone could explain why my kernel_task is using ~20% cpu and 1.2GB of ram in the background. All I am doing at the moment is watching a youtube video in chrome and writing this in another tab. For reference I only just received my Macbook Pro about 7 hours...
  14. Dj64Mk7

    MacBook Pro 5,5 experiences Kernal Panic when booting to Recovery HD

    Hi! My MacBook Pro 5,5 running OS X El Capitan experiences a kernal panic every time I go to boot into the Recovery HD. Please help…
  15. N

    Re-occuring Keneral Panic - MPB 2012

    Hi there, I have a 2012 MacBookPro9,2 that for the last week has been restarting intermittently (but very frequently). I have tested (and replaced) the RAM, ran the Apple Hardware Test (with no issues), run a harddrive test (with no issues and pretty new SSD) and reformatted, all to no avail...
  16. iPowers

    Laptop Restarts Randomly but Functions Fine?

    Hey guys, So I recently started to have an issue with my laptop. I updated my Mac (MacBook Pro that was made in mid-2010) to the latest version of El Capitan, and after a little while of that being around, my computer would do this thing where randomly it will just restart and will give the...
  17. K

    Can you explain to me what this means? The graphics backtraces calls out Intel Graphics, not Nvidia

    from Apple: Problem Description/Diagnosis macbook pro 15" mid 2014 Issue: 1) Computer is restarting unexpectedly and showing kernel panic report when it boots back up. Running Yosemite. No usage cases that make it more likely to happen; most typical case is just surfing Safari when it happens...
  18. T

    Macbook Pro restarted because of a problem

    It has been happening for quite some times and usually restarts whenever I am watching a show on dailymotion especially. It is getting frustrating as my warranty has also expired :( Am hoping to get some help here! Mac Details: Macbook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014) Processor 2.6GHz Intel...
  19. P

    iBook G3 Corrupted OS X

    I have an iBook G3 with firewire and that is about all I can tell you. When I bought it off of ebay it came running Mac OS 9.2. Stupid me decided that I should take a copy of Mac OS X off of an iMac G3 and copy that to the HDD of the iBook. I then attempted to boot off of the OS X folder I put...