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  1. F

    Apple Music Lossless over Bluetooth? Why do people 'expect' this?

    I think that not enough people understand what lossless audio is. It's not some sort of magic technology that unlocks a hidden layer in your music. It just keeps tiny, inaudible details from the original recording in—mostly noise. At the cost of several times higher bandwidth. See for yourself...
  2. SandboxGeneral

    ALAC From iTunes to iTunes via Apple Music Ends in AAC

    I'm getting more educated on Hi-FI audio lately, but I'm still learning. I'm an Apple Music subscriber and I understand that it uses the lossy AAC version of music. However, I have a few albums that are not available on any streaming service and have purchased the CD's. After I ripped them into...
  3. H

    Muzik Box - iOS - Offline MP3, FLAC player, transfer songs via Wifi

    Do you feel frustrated when you try to transfer your songs from computer to your phone. We make it becomes easier than ever, with Muzik Box application. Download: With Muzik Box, an elegant music player, you can transfer...
  4. Utterchaos23

    XLD has lost it's Apple Lossless option?!?

    Hi All, I've been using XLD for years to go from FLAC to ALAC. Having upgraded to macOS Sierra a few weeks ago I've seem to have lost the option in the XLD drop down to convert to ALAC. I have all the other option.. just not that one. I'm not sure if the OS is relevant as I don't use it...
  5. K

    Missing iTunes music files

    Hello all, really hoping someone here can help me out as this is a nightmare issue for me. Yesterday I started noticing that certain files on my albums were going missing from iTunes (with the exclamation mark), and I cannot locate them in the folders where they are supposed to be, or anywhere...