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macbook battery

  1. S

    Battery Calibration - 2015 15" rMBP (or really any MacBook)- Great Results!

    Hi All, Long-time Mac tinkerer and collector here. I recently picked up a lot of 6 2015 rMBP with mixed specs, and intend to dish out at Christmas time to a few family members in need of casual, light-use machines. First, however, I had to do some maintenance - swapping boards to pair better...
  2. Abbas374

    Battery drainage during sleep mode

    I just bought MacBook Air M1 8gb 512gb with 99% battery charge capacity and have 27 count cycles. My battery is losing around 1% every 1 hour and 30 minutes durning sleep mode. I close most of the things when going to sleep mode. I turned off the bluetooth and wake for network access. is it...
  3. Abbas374

    MacBook Air M1 2020 Battery Charging Changing

    I just bought MacBook Air M1 8gb 512gb with 99% battery charge capacity and 26 count cycle. I have done all performance maximise settings of battery settings. I just noticed today when I unplugged the charger my device temperature was arrant 45 to 47 degree Celsius. Is it normal? I live in a hot...
  4. Lex S

    MacBook Air says charging but won’t turn on

    Hi, looking for some help here as the country I’m in only has one authorized service provider in another city and I wanna exhaust all my options before going in. My MBA won’t turn on. The battery status is at Replace Soon. I left it unplugged and the battery strangely died again (much quicker...
  5. TechNismo

    MacBook Pro Battery Drainage Overnight

    My MacBook is a MacBook Pro 2015 Retina (13" Base Model- only thing upgraded is storage which is 256gb of flash). So I usually charge my MacBook to 100% before I sleep. For the last week, my MacBook battery drains over night when not in use. For example it usually drains about 20-30% of charge...