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  1. L

    Upgrading mid 2012 Macbook pro 13

    Hey guys, I actually wanted to buy the new Macbook pro because my old one is at his limits. But, I am really disappointed with the upgrade and want to wait and look for an alternative. In the meantime, I wanted to upgrade my mid 2012 macbook pro but I have no idea about hardware stuff :( That's...
  2. HansumKingtut

    Late-2016 vs Late-2013

    Disclaimer: Let me first start by saying that I totally understand that benchmarks do not translate to real world performance. Secondly I understand that CPU Performance for Intel has basically Plateaued as Intel has started to focus on efficiency rather then performance. Also, as a note, I was...
  3. Ovedius

    2016 12" Retina Macbook M7 game list

    Okay, I'm about to list a bunch of games and my subjective perception of how well they run on the MacBook. -I'm not going to list actual frames per second because a: I can't be bothered and b:shut up. I'm going to add a few words for each title regarding what settings I used, resolution and how...
  4. Aftermath747

    Does iOS 10 do what iOS 9 was supposed to?

    I was excited for iOS 9 simply because of the relatively crummy experience iOS 8 had been and the promise of drastic performance improvements due to Metal. Well, I never did notice much in the way of improvement, even up to 9.3.5. I upgraded to the 6s just because the 1 GB of RAM in the 6 was...
  5. Achiel

    IPhone 4s

    My Iphone 4s is 2,5 years old Performance is slow, battery life on moderate/high usage low Less than 3/4 day. Would a new battery improve performance/battery life?
  6. H

    iOS 10 on iPhone 5/5c - Experiences?

    Hey guys! Does anyone have an iPhone 5 or 5c (shouldn't make a difference, right?) and already upgraded it to iOS 10? My sister and mother are both on an iPhone 5c and I'm not sure yet if I should upgrade them to the most recent iOS release. In the past, I often heard of more or less heavy...
  7. applCore

    Performance / Benchmarks for 10.12 GM?

    Has anyone looked closely at performance of Sierra vs El Capitan and / or put together some benchmarks? I think many of us are very curious about how they compare and to see if Apple has continued to slim down the footprint.
  8. Aeparker

    How Stable is it?

    I'm am debating on installing the Mac OS Sierra public beta. All the new features look great. I held off on installing it because I didn't want to deal with bugs. This is the 7th update. How stable is it? I have a early 2015 iMac. I am a photographer, so I need my all of my Adobe software to...
  9. N

    Blazing performance iOS 10 PB4 !

    Using iPhone 5S Upgraded from 9.3.4 to iOS PB4 OTA, didn't reset settings & data Performance is really great ! Using as my daily driver, I mean on every aspects of the system. Everything goes smother, and quicker. Even games performance seems to be better. I also notice that iCloud backups...
  10. infinitejest

    i7 upgrade for 2015 13" MacBook Air

    I'm getting the 2015 13" MacBook with 8GB RAM, 128 GB storage. But I'm still not sure whether I should get the i5 (1,6 GHz) or the i7 (2,2 GHz) processor. 99% of the time, I will use it for browsing the Internet, doing school stuff (Pages and Keynote) watching movies, so I think the i5 would...
  11. I

    Extremely slow boot up times on iMac [Yosemite]

    Hi, I'm new here so hope I've posted this in the right place! I'm on a desktop Mac from late 2012 running Yosemite (10.10.5) and it's been running absolutely fine for months until this last week when I've suddenly been experiencing extremely slow boot up times. This morning, it took almost...
  12. B

    Performance differences with base configurations

    I am contemplating purchasing a new Apple MacBook, which would primarily be used for browsing, messaging, and writing. The MacBook may also be used occasionally for basic graphic design (using Adobe Photoshop). I do not require the MacBook to feature a particularly large storage capacity (the...
  13. haltezeit

    MP 1.1 - HD5770 poor performance

    I was wondering if someone could explain this lack of performance I´m faced since I´ll try to run this MP 1.1 Facts : - MP 1.1 2 x DC 2.66 - 7 GB DDR2 667 - FWM 1.1 - OSX El Cap. 10.11.5 - 240GB SSD - GPU HD5770 1GB GDDR5 - non EFI ! When I´m benching this MP for ex. in cinebench the HD5770...
  14. mac_4eva

    MacBook Pro 15" Mid-'14 Performance/Battery Status Today

    I was wondering what kind of battery performance other owners of the top-end MBP 15" Mid-2014 (w/ NVIDIA 750M) are experiencing and would love to hear your thoughts. My system stats via coconutBattery: Age: 22 Months Load Cycles: 980 macOS Battery Status: Good Design Capacity: 8440 mAh (same...
  15. ipottersmith

    iPad Pro Performance Beta 1

    Does anyone have Beta 1 installed on their 12.9" iPad Pro? How is the performance? I use it as a secondary work device and would like to test on it, but it's just integral enough to my workflow that I can't jump in willy- nilly, and I haven't seen anyone talking about the Pro in regards to the...
  16. Lion007s

    Macbook Retina 12 (m1) is review compared to MBPr & MB Air

    So I have a 2012 Macbook Pro Retina (15 inch) which has an awesome quad core i7, 8gb RAM, Intel HD4000 graphics and also a Nvidia 650M. It's one hell of a machine that allows me to be productive (I do photography and video editing as a side business). It handles tasks with ease, it is a beast...
  17. LucasG

    Radeon R9 M370X Performance

    So I recently bought a new MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015 which includes the Radeon R9. I went ahead and installed Windows 10 on a separate partition to play games such as GTA V every once in a while. With that said, it doesn't seem to run that well even when lowering settings. I've tried...
  18. T

    iPad mini Is the iPad Mini 2 performing well on iOS9?

    Hi Everyone! For anyone who uses an iPad Mini 2 for general browsing, document editing and light stuff; is iOS9 still performing well on the A7 chip? I'm not sure what the 5S chip was, but I'm thinking of buying a refurb'd iPad 2 mini for my girlfriend to replace her well broken iPad 2 on iOS7...
  19. AndrewSalfinger

    Performance issues with 5K iMac

    Hello, I have a iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014) lately I've been having some performance issues with apps like After Effect CC and Unity 5. The apps have been freezing on me a lot now (used to not) and was wondering if there was away to find out how reason why and how to fix it? I did tho...
  20. darcyf

    iPad 2 on iOS 6 -- stay or upgrade to iOS 9?

    I've recently inherited an iPad 2 that is running iOS 6 and doing so smoothly. It's a little strange seeing all the old iOS designs and Safari still has the search bar separated from the address bar. And I'm sure there are other things that make being on 6 kind of strange compared to what we're...