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video player

  1. S

    Video temporarily freezes with audio continuing on new M1 MBP 14"

    At first I thought it was due to the ad block extensions I had installed but it is happening on quicktime/IINA video players as well as youtube/other streaming video. Additional notes - video has to be running for a few minutes before the freeze occurs and it happens in both full screen and...
  2. S

    Media player that can compare two videos side by side?

    Hello, I'm looking for some recommendations. I need a media player that can play two different movie files simultaneously, whether that be playing them side by side horizontally or vertically, one above the other. The purpose is to compare the quality of rendered video files so that I can...
  3. peter123321

    iPhone video player app with zoom-in

    Hi on Webex at my iphone, I can easily zoom-in the shared content. Please which video player app(mp4, avi,...) does support zoom in while playing? I take some coding courses and this is must for this kind of content.
  4. LargeSizedMan2020

    Is The Cisdem Video Player Any Good?

    Hello there, I was considering giving Cisdem Video Player a shot on my machine running Big Sur, VLC has had many problems functioning on Big Sur since it debuted and Cisdem boldly displays on the site that it is Big Sur compatible. I was curious as to any of you have tried it out. Is it any good...
  5. countershading

    contemporary Quicktime Pro alternative

    What’s a good alternative for Quicktime Player 7 Pro that will be supported in the next macOS? I still use QTP to conveniently chop off beginnings and ends of downloaded 720p YouTube tutorial videos ("subscribe to my channel…") and then save them as .mov without recompression. Current...
  6. D

    Certain video players go crazy in full-screen

    Hi everyone! I just got a new MBP (first time on MacOS in a while) and loving it! Running up-to-date Mojave. Having one odd problem though that I can't find an answer to. Certain video streaming sites (like Twitch), when Safari displays the video in full screen mode, the video keeps jumping...
  7. A

    Video Player that supports Metal API?

    I've been reading that Mojave drops support for OpenGL. I've been using iina Player for a while now and really appreciate it, but it looks like it utilises OpenGL for cross platform compatibility. Is there any video players that play anything you throw at them with a decent interface that are...
  8. L

    Video player with global hotkeys

    Is there any video player on macOS that has global hotkey support? Preferably one that plays lots of formats. On Windows I use KMPlayer and I can set up 3 global hotkeys for Play/Pause, Jump Back 3 seconds, Jump Forward 3 seconds. This way I can control playback while using Word, without...