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  1. T

    Keys Messed Up from Cleaning

    Hello! My mac’s been water damaged with the result being some keys (now only one key) being always pressed, and I was wondering what I should do about it and if the situation will get worse. My mac is a 13” Macbook Air from mid 2012 and currently has OS X 10.9.5. Here’s the story. I’ve been...
  2. emmak12

    iPhone 5s got wet, unsure of what to do next

    So I was kayaking today and quite a bit of water got into the boat where I had my phone between my legs. I snatched my phone out of the way almost right away but it did get pretty wet. I dried off the exterior of the phone and it seemed to be working fine. I didn't know what to do so I turned it...
  3. littleharpseal

    Will home button and receiver work?

    Hey all. Sooo I accidentaly dropped water on my iPhone (the bottle just exploded) and it was water just on its screen and home button aaand on receiver but I'm really scared. Will the home button will work in the future? Because now it works, the fingerprint works fine... it's an iPhone 5S. Will...
  4. Bonniekelly23

    Water in the screen of Macbook 12 inch HELP

    Last week water leaked in my bag and my laptop got wet, I turned it off and left it to dry for four days in front of the heat pump. It turned on fine and seems to be working fine, but there is still water in roughly just under 1/2 of the screen on the left side. I was just wondering if anyone...
  5. anish16

    Apps Caffeine + Water Tracking

    can anyone suggest me some good caffeine and water tracking apps with Apple Health integration and Watch support. I have already tried Track Caffeine - No Apple watch support. UP Coffee - No Watch support and no development in years. My Water Balance - Tracks Water & Coffee but does not add...
  6. SaltedsnakE

    Sprayed windex on iMac and now bass is very light

    Hello! I'm currently using 5k retina iMac late 2015 version. 2 hours ago I was cleaning its screen and sprayed some windex on the screen. Maybe I sprayed too much since I saw few drops of windex hanging on the bottom edge of the computer. After the cleaning, I turned on the computer and played...
  7. F

    iPod touch Any chance for a water resistant iPod Touch 7th gen?

    I like, i love the 6th gen iPod Touch, but there is one big problem with it: it has no IP68 as same as any other devices by Apple. Is any chance, is it possible in the future, that they think of me? I would like Apple-devices with IP67 / IP68 since the first iTouch...
  8. F

    Is my MacBook Pro a goner?

    At the weekend I spilt a glass of milk over my MacBook Pro Retina. The MacBook was closed, and upside down (with a hard case on) so I had hoped that the damage would be minimal. At the time I obviously cleaned it up the best I could, and covered it in rice whilst I waited for the security...
  9. T

    Water damaged MBA...ALMOST FIXED!!

    Hi guys, something odd is happening with my MBA and I'm thinking it's a motherboard/logic board thing, or possibly a RAM thing. Some water was spilled on the keyboard and fried something in there. I let it dry out for a while, took it all apart, dried off the components, put it back together...
  10. R

    Loch More Salmon Ladder

    Default RAW CS5-reduced to 8bit and over sharpened for web. I've compared this to the out of camera jpg and they are similar (not the same but) Taken yesterday afternoon couple of days after the floods (to hairy for my Citroen) when the floods where on. The building to the right usually...