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  1. E

    4TB G-Drive auto rename to MyBook and delete all data (Yosemite)

    Hi, I've just purchased a 4TB G-Drive - Thunderbolt & USB 3.0, to use mainly as storage for caches, render and previews. I've connected it to a macbook pro with thunderbolt. All working great, at first. But, switching it on suddently it renamed itself as MyBook and all the data in it disappeared...
  2. S

    MacBook Pro stalls on startup, progress bar

    Hi there, On clicking the startup button, my MacBook Pro chimes, shows the apple logo and the the progress bar reaches approx 25%-30% before it stalls and does not progress further. It shuts down after several minutes if left unattended. I've tried starting in: 1) safe mode (shift key) to no...
  3. J

    Running a DMG file from Terminal

    I have my mac booted up in recovery mode and instead of installing El Capitan, i'm trying to install Yosemite Combo from a USB stick, I have mounted the Yosemite image from the USB in disk utility, now I just need to run it so it installs, any idea how I can go about this? Thanks
  4. D

    MacPro 3,1 - any rational reason to go beyond Yosemite?

    Has anyone who has taken their 3,1 Pro to El Capitan found it to be worthwhile in the sense of speed, added value of newer apps, etc? Since that will be the top of the ladder for these older macs, I have been holding off, as Yosemite seems to work just fine most of the time. Would like to hear...
  5. Technologx

    How to dual boot macOS Sierra & OS X Yosemite?

    I have a 1TB HDD I've already partitioned it to be both 500GB. The main partition has macOS Sierra installed and the other partition I want to install OS X Yosemite. The Yosemite update I have is a pkg file and when I try to open it it won't allow me because I'm not running 10.10. So what do I...
  6. P

    Flashed NVidia PC card works on OS X 10.8 but not later versions

    EDIT: SOLUTION HERE I have a Mac Pro 5,1 (late 2009) which was sold to me with a Windows model NVidia GeForce EVGA GTX 680 4GB FTW graphics card. I don't know what most of those acronyms mean, but I was told it had been custom-flashed to work with Mac OS X, and so gave more power and VRAM for...
  7. gdesh

    hanging up at user account screen

    Can I get a little help here from persons much more knowledgeable than me? I have a 2006 20" imac that was given to me in 2012. The hard drive crashed within a few weeks (horrible clicking, grinding sounds) and it has been sitting on my desk for 4 years. Feeling industrious the other day, I...
  8. J

    I have adware (DoubleClick?) and can't get rid of it.

    As the title suggests, I have some kind of hijacking adware that is constantly trying to force a redirect. Fortunately, the pages it's trying to force redirect me to all have bad certificates, so I just hit "cancel" every time it tries, but that's really obnoxious when it's constantly doing...
  9. Te0SX

    Desktop SummerBreeze ~ WallPack ~ 5K

    Last mods I shared on DA. Photos named as original Photographers, search them on Unsplash, except the Yosemite one. Res: Mostly 5K Download Enjoy:D
  10. B

    Mac Mini Mid 2007 - Help

    #1148 Hey, i was just wondering how good my mac mini mid 2007 with 2.0ghz core 2 duo CPU, 4gb RAM and an SSD would work on Yosemite? Thanks Kai
  11. Slarney

    Normal Operating Temperature?

    Does anybody know what the average internal temperature for a 2009 iMac which runs on OS X Yosemite?
  12. S

    Trying to restore to one partition ; bootcamp

    So, i had a catastrophic day today trying to install Windows on my Imac using bootcamp. First of all after following all the steps in bootcamp, the Bootcamp partition i made on the Imac would not accept my Windows 10 install and i found no reason for it. Searched the internet for hours and could...
  13. V

    Talked to Apple today, I may need some help still.

    So today I had an Online Chat with apple support and Was asking A few questions here is How it went: Monday, May 02, 2016 12:29 PM Duration: 15 minutes 30 seconds Apple Hi, my name is Nathan. It'll be just a moment while I review the comments you provided. Apple: Hello Andre! How are you doing...
  14. fatttire

    Disk Utility won't let me create a CD/DVD disk image larger than 1.5GB

    I'm trying to create a 6GB Cd/dvd disk image on disk utility. However, when it is created, it always shows up as having 1.5GB of space. Anyone know why this happens and how I can fix it?
  15. juliengarcia

    OSX Network: Incoming traffic interface and outgoing traffic interface are not the same

    I'm on OSX El Capitan / Yosemite, and I've a strange behavior. I have the ethernet and Wifi interface enabled. The network interface order is set to WiFi then Ethernet, due to some proxy limitation on our internal network. I'm connecting to my mac with the ethernet ip to our web server, there...
  16. camelia

    Please Recommend a Flatbed Scanner, Not very expensive

    I want to scan small things to sell at eBay such as Badges, stickers, small point of purchase, food wrappers, bottle caps, etc, etc, Compatible with Mac OS Yosemite, El Capitan and Windows 7, 8 and 10. Please keep in mind that I do not live in the United States, I live in Mexico and some store...
  17. Z

    the latest Office

    Which is the latest version of Office for Yosemite on the Mac? Isnt there one?
  18. milesz

    Installed unsupported Yosemite on late 2006 macbook pro

    I went from Lion to Yosemite using Macpostfactor v1.0.1. The first boot up went to Yosemite and when I added the updates and reboot it when back to Lion. Also, When I tried to reboot the sys using the option key, I can see the Yosemite driver, click on it and it opens back in Lion. How can I...
  19. RedFlyer

    Weird font glitch after update to 10.10.5

    After updating from 10.10.3 to 10.10.5 this started happening The update wasn't very smooth, had to boot into safe mode to get the restart and install to work. anyone have any thoughts? It's like a font is missing. thanks!
  20. Jamesconnery

    Mac Pro 1.1 Sfott Yosemite beta Install woes

    Download Oemden's Yosemite Beta and created a Sffot install on a 16 gig USB. Every time I try to boot from the USB on my Mac pro 1.1 it freezes on the black apple boot screen with text at the top which seems to imply a kernal panic. I must confess I am not terribly technically proficient...