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That doesn’t hurt Apple... they will eventually pass it off to consumers. Thanks failure of a President

I agree that they would *eventually* pass it off to consumers, but the uncertainty of the situation combined with Apple’s current margins, consumer’s price sensitivity, and Apple’s historical desire to set an “even” price and stick with it, would result in Apple eating the tariff for at least a year or two. Apple’s not a super reactionary company. Hopefully by the time apple would have enacted theses price increases the tariffs will be gone (and/or will have figured out some other workaround).


macrumors Core
Jul 17, 2005
5045 feet above sea level
Now you almost get to feel how bad it is to pay Canadian prices. At least most states don't have the double digit 12% and higher sales tax we have. 15% still isn't the 30+% we have to pay in exchange but y'all can keep whining. :p
right because those higher prices don't pay for like your healthcare benis?

So we get to pay your prices and get raped on the medical billings!


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2016
Just about everything is going up because of these tariffs. Was just talking my local bike shop, they are no longer selling kids bikes because they have gone up about $120 each. So, I a nice kids bike that would cost about $100, is $220 now.

I'm assuming you forgot the /s...

More fake news. There isn't a 120% tariff on bicycles from China, but nice try.
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macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2010
You are comparing Bernie's wealth to that of Warren Buffet?
Of course he is a visionary. He is much more of a visionary than Tim Cook could ever be.

It's an attribute of a visionary to formulate a political platform that goes pretty much against the mainstream parties and opinions, then run on that political platform without any prior experience and win Presidency against all odds and contrary to all the pundits. If you think Trump is a dummy, than you don't understand how the real world works. He may be a con man, but he is no dummy. He also has uncanny intuition to make right decisions in the fields that he knows very little about. All of these qualities are clearly those of a visionary. Tim Cook has none of those qualities.

Trump was able to find top-notch economists who subscribed to his own vision of how the US should proceed in its trade policies vis-à-vis other countries. The trade deals that Trump is renegotiating are based on his own vision, which he voiced publicly on Larry King Live over 30 years ago. You should watch that interview to understand that what's happening today is Trump's vision from 30 plus years ago. He also sounds much more intelligent and coherent in that interview than he does nowadays.
I have a vision for your future and it ain’t pretty.

Mao, Chavez, Hussein, Stalin, Hitler all had one thing in common - a political vision. A politician should be practical and open to foreign ideas. Political visions haven’t served the planet well in the past. It is a good thing though that Trump doesn’t really have a vision. So he is just a moron and not as dangerous as the people I mentioned.


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2010
They also have another thing in common: they're all men. Therefore we can conclude that being a man is very dangerous.
Being a man is a biological fact that does not distinguish them from billions of harmless men. Having a political vision, a belief to know everything there is to know is exactly what made them dangerous.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
That's an excuse for everything now. I want a raise? Sorry, because of tariffs. My rent raised $600 month. Sorry, because of tariffs. LOL.

Many CEOs also seem to be blaming their companies poorer performance on Tariffs.

Tariffs do have a negative affect but I think much of it is an excuse for the CEOs.
We do not need China, China needs us!

We need each other.


macrumors 68000
Feb 18, 2003
Los Angeles
No sarcasm. Why is China cheating us? They need to stop

Don't want to be a nagging Nelly, but you know, Obama had a trade deal with Asian nations outside of China that would have given us leverage against China. But Trump (and the left) axed that. Now Trump is being outmaneuvered like crazy by a guy he can't understand. But Xi gets him. Every time Trump hits him, he hits Trump right back where his strongest voters were. He buys his soybeans elsewhere, making other farmers very happy to be getting the prices Americans were getting. Meanwhile, Trumpland is exploding. He subsidizes farmers now like FDR!


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
I agree that they would *eventually* pass it off to consumers, but the uncertainty of the situation combined with Apple’s current margins, consumer’s price sensitivity, and Apple’s historical desire to set an “even” price and stick with it, would result in Apple eating the tariff for at least a year or two. Apple’s not a super reactionary company. Hopefully by the time apple would have enacted theses price increases the tariffs will be gone (and/or will have figured out some other workaround).

I agree.

Many economist believe that the bigger companies like Apple will eat most of the tariff increase for a year or more.

It's great for the consumer but not so great for the investor.


macrumors 6502
Oct 25, 2010
Being a man is a biological fact that does not distinguish them from billions of harmless men. Having a political vision, a belief to know everything there is to know is exactly what made them dangerous.
So basically you are saying that no one else has ever had a political vision?

What's so different about political vision and vision anyways?


macrumors regular
Jun 20, 2007
Eh, Apple could handle a 50% tariff with the size of their margins.

No pity here, Apple. Eat up.
They won't lose a cent on that. Consumers will pay the price. This article is the best example of it, for people who don't want to have a blindfold in front of their, that is.


macrumors 68000
Feb 18, 2003
Los Angeles
This will hurt AAPL.

Absolutely. Slowing sales for the iPhone, when the price can't go higher, boom. (Those tariffs won't start until after Christmas, but the only possible way out is if Trump backs down.)

How long would it take for Apple to put up factories in the US that are economical and able to deliver 100 million iPhones at the best quality and the lowest price? Think 5 years. What they're making-- or assembling-- in the states? The Mac Pro. A few thousand units. Most parts from overseas. Remember when this started? Sometime between buying Japanese TVs, because they were better and cheaper, and farming out memory chips for computers, because they were too expensive to make in the USA. Much labor required, Asian labor cheaper. When? Around the late '60s, early '70s. Jobs tried to make the Mac in automated factories, but it was a failure. Maybe it could be done now. But now, Shenzhen has everything possible for any factory to get anything electronic or digital you can. Where do we have that in the US? Nowhere. Digital industry is now worldwide. Encourage the growth of basic industries here, sure. Wait ten years, and we could have a larger percentage of "the iPhone" made in the US. Assembled, most likely, by robots. Designed in California.

This "tariffs" play is stupid and dangerous. Apple (and the stock market) are right. This is to sane policy as the WWE is to heavyweight boxing. Trump is having a pretend wrestling match with a dictator. He and his crew, none of them economists but Navarro, who's the only economist, left and right, who thinks this a good idea, and a historian who was once on CNBC, so he must know business. Guess what he was saying in 2007-8? "All this talk of recession is crazy!"


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2010
So basically you are saying that no one else has ever had a political vision?

What's so different about political vision and vision anyways?
You can have a vision, but someone who doesn’t question his/her own vision, attacks everybody who questions it, fires people who do not follow it and calls people who will not vote for it traitors or ill informed is inherently dangerous, wouldn’t you agree?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 7, 2015

H.E. Pennypacker

macrumors 6502a
Oct 23, 2017
Apple's GPM at 38% with net margin at around 22% are hardly fat.

Apple will just add 15% to the price and everybody can have a nice moan-n-whine. Even better mid December with the higher 25% tariffs.
I find it interesting that you know apples exact profit margins. Or you don’t and you’re pretending you do. I’d say the latter.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 1, 2008
right because those higher prices don't pay for like your healthcare benis?

So we get to pay your prices and get raped on the medical billings!

Not all of our health benefits are free Another American myth and if you are in good health they aren’t much of a benefit.

Don’t many American’s get medical benefits through there employers?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 1, 2012
You know, I really couldn't care less about how China treats their workers. They can do anything they want. They are a communist dictatorship, and we have no grounds to reason with them or try to make their society more equitable. We should concentrate on creating an environment here that promotes better treatment of our own workers.

So you only care about Americans and not humans it. Glad we made that clear.


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
More fake news. There isn't a 110% tariff on bicycles from China, but nice try.

There has been four of the over last year that impact bikes. The owner of the bike shop has no reason to lie to me about how much bikes have gone up over the last year. I am sure it wasn't all tariffs, just most of it was...


macrumors 601
Oct 7, 2012
They won't lose a cent on that. Consumers will pay the price. This article is the best example of it, for people who don't want to have a blindfold in front of their, that is.

If apple consumers will pay any price for apple products, why didn't Tim raise prices before the tariffs and pocket that instead? I suspect apple has done lots of research on the max price people are willing to pay, MSRP will not increase.
There has been four of the over last year that impact bikes. The owner of the bike shop has no reason to lie to me about how much bikes have gone up over the last year. I am sure it wasn't all tariffs, just most of it was...

I'll give you a reason. He can raise the price and get richer and blame tariffs.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
If apple consumers will pay any price for apple products, why didn't Tim raise prices before the tariffs and pocket that instead? I suspect apple has done lots of research on the max price people are willing to pay, MSRP will not increase.

I'll give you a reason. He can raise the price and get richer and blame tariffs.

He has to raise prices, but the bigger deal is he stops sells kids bikes from balance bikes up. He doing this because they are too much and he doesn't want to cheat his customers He will sell them a used bike in hopes they come back later for new, or tells them to go big box stores and hope for the best. This isn't some big chain store it's a mom and pop store that takes very good care of his customers.
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