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macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2003
Re: 10% off iPods and accessories - Today Only

Originally posted by Lancetx
Well, looks like the big sale is just a one day only 10% off deal. No 5GB iPods either. I'm sure there will be some disappointed people, but the 5GB for $99 rumor was rather unrealistic for anyone to expect anyway.
Did you goto the store and check it out?


macrumors regular
Oct 8, 2003
I would have been happy with a $199 5gb iPod today.

Originally posted by Lancetx
Well, looks like the big sale is just a one day only 10% off deal. No 5GB iPods either. I'm sure there will be some disappointed people, but the 5GB for $99 rumor was rather unrealistic for anyone to expect anyway.


macrumors 6502
Nov 18, 2003
Why Not?

'Nuff Said.

And yea.... I went by my local Apple Store today. They weren't even hyping their music offerings., but they were doing the 10% off bit.

Prediction: In 18 months iTunes downloads will cost $1.50.

In that time Apple wil no longer be able to subsidize the cheap downloads. iPod sales will have peaked due to the availability of cheaper, larger capacity Windows compatible players. Once again Apple blows anyt chance of taking on the rest of the PC market.


macrumors 68000
Aug 11, 2003
Well, things can change of course but it's not like Apple is exactly hurting right now and therefore had to severely cut prices or come out with a cheaper model iPod. Last time I checked the iPod was the top selling mp3 player and the iTMS was the top ranked online music store in terms of sales. If Dell should start to cut into that with their 15GB jukebox for $199, then I'm sure Apple will do something to retaliate, but not before then.

Rod Rod

macrumors 68020
Sep 21, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
reality distortion field

the reality distortion field is in full effect. second-guessing Apple is a sin. a desire to completely dominate is a sin. resting on your laurels is a virtue. </soapbox>

going by "the last time I checked" is backwards. what's the matter with looking foward? Dell can get you a 15GB player for $199 (as was linked above), so why can't Apple do a 10GB for $199? it's a fair question. it's better to build your boat before the flood. the last time I checked, it wasn't "raining" . . . but that rain's likely about to start and it's best to be prepared.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 31, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Re: nice idea

Originally posted by iMax531
but unlikely...

If there had been that intention, It never would have been axed in the first place. Blus, it is very un-Jobsian to introduce anything with lower specs, or to bring back an old product.

Like the 'new' dual 1.25GHz G4 PowerMacs which were revived from the dead when the G5s were introduced?


macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2003
What is this fixation with 5 GB as a magic number? Some have said 512 MB flash, some have said cheaper 15 GB HDDs.

What about the new 1.5 GB cheap 1" HDD from Cornice?
The one that the Rio Nitrus uses. The one in the Samsung ITCAM-7/ITCAM-9. The one in the new squarish Creative mp3 player (forgot the name, search on CNet).

Have you guys heard of the new thin-as-a-credit-card Mylar HDD ?
No comments on durability, but in terms of size, it's second-to-none.

By the way, Toshiba will be unveiling a new 1" HDD soon. Imagine if that'd be 5 GB, hmm?
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