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macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2020
Have you asked yourself why there are so many UN resolutions against Israel and none, that's zero, against Turkey for its treatment of its Kurds, or China for its treatment of Tibet, or many other countries deserving of "criticism"?
China doesn’t pretend to be good for their whole population, they just tell us to shut up because we need them and they can hurt us if we make trouble. Turkey mostly don’t care what we think of them either, except when they were trying to join the EU (which no one would be stupid enough to allow), and they can make themselves useful by blocking refuge flows, and in other similar ways. (Also, no one else likes the Kurds enough to go to bat for them, and few have anything to gain by helping them.) that means there’s no benefit to condemning those countries, because they don’t care.

Israel does care about being condemned, so even though it is in itself mainly symbolic it is still worth doing if you care about what Israel are doing. Israel get to call themselves the good guys and talk about democracy, and a load of people who think foreign policy is about good chaps being pals together think that’s reason to support them.

NSO's clients have misused the product, in violation of the contract they signed with NSO.
Surely it’s only NSO who have standing to sue, so it’s them who have to sue their customers. They won’t, of course, unless they’re forced to, because they aren’t idiots and knew who they were selling to and want to be able to sell to other like them.
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