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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple has today announced a new original documentary for Apple TV+ titled "The Year the Earth Changed," which takes a look at the effect of national lockdowns over the past year on wildlife and the natural world.


The documentary special, narrated by Emmy and BAFTA Award-winning broadcaster Sir David Attenborough and produced by BBC Studios' Natural History Unit, showcases exclusive footage from around the world over the past year, taking "a fresh new approach to the global lockdown and the uplifting stories that have come out of it."

From hearing birdsong in deserted cities, to witnessing whales communicating in new ways, to encountering capybaras in South American suburbs, people all over the world have had the chance to engage with nature like never before. In the one-hour special, viewers will witness how changes in human behavior — reducing cruise ship traffic, closing beaches a few days a year, identifying more harmonious ways for humans and wildlife to coexist — can have a profound impact on nature.

Described as a "love letter to planet Earth," the documentary highlights the way in which the recovery of nature over the past year "can give us hope for the future." Attenborough said:

During this most difficult year, many people have reappraised the value and beauty of the natural world and taken great comfort from it. But the lockdown also created a unique experiment that has thrown light on the impact we have on the natural world. The stories of how wildlife responded have shown that making even small changes to what we do can make a big difference.

The Year the Earth Changed will premiere globally alongside the second seasons of "Tiny World" and "Earth At Night In Color" on April 16 to celebrate Earth Day 2021, which is the world's largest annual environmental movement.

Season two of Tiny World grants viewers a unique perspective into the scale of the natural world, "illuminating the ingenuity and resilience of the planet's smallest creatures" using 3,160 hours of footage of over 200 species, while Earth At Night In Color reveals the "never-before-seen behaviors of animals after dark, captured using low-light cameras and light from a full moon."

Tiny World and Earth At Night In Color will also be featured in a special "Earth Day room" on Apple TV+, showcasing a curated collection of content that promotes the theme of preserving the planet. Also included are "The Elephant Queen" and "Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth," which debuted last year for the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day.

Article Link: Apple Announces David Attenborough Documentary 'The Year Earth Changed'


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2017
United States
I do hope that there is some actual "SCIENCE" behind this and not just 100% feel good, tree hugging nonsense backed up by nothing.

Then again I doubt I will watch it.
You're asking that the documentary include some "actual" science from one side of your mouth and then rejecting boatloads of science by calling the vaccinations "experimental drugs" out of the other. The weird positions some people are able to juggle simultaneously...


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2011
Despite popular belief... the dumpster fire didn't extinguish on 1/1/21. We're still in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic with all the fears and economical fallout resulting from it... Not to mention the added bonus of complete political and social distrust, outrage, and malicious hostility... I think this documentary is better suited to come out for the viewing pleasure of our grandkids or great-grandkids... Maybe it could be called, The Fall of the United States of America.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2017
United States
What happened to draw all the anti-science malcontents to this MacRumors post?

I enjoy most of the nature documentaries that Apple has put on TV+, I’m just as excited for second seasons of the other shows as I am for this new one.
It's no secret that anti-intellectualism has run rampant here in the United States, but it's a shame to see so much of it here on macrumors :(

It has certainly gotten worse since the start of Trump's presidency. Not really surprising considering he treated expert opinion and advise like it was worthless and pretended himself to be an expert in every field. But the roots of the issue are definitely deeper than just one president.


macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2012
Lockdowns have been a dream come true for those who love to forbid freedom. And, basically, they are those who condemn people who eat meat but won't condemn animals which eat other animals, because the point for them is not what you eat or what you do, but that you behave as an animal rather than as a person.


macrumors 65816
Dec 9, 2012
Are there really no store signs, or have they just been edited out? And the penguins are crossing on a red light! :)
They've been blurred, and the stores on Long Street are mostly indie shops so they don't have big shouty signs.
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macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
It's no secret that anti-intellectualism has run rampant here in the United States, but it's a shame to see so much of it here on macrumors :(

It has certainly gotten worse since the start of Trump's presidency. Not really surprising considering he treated expert opinion and advise like it was worthless and pretended himself to be an expert in every field. But the roots of the issue are definitely deeper than just one president.

In general, I think there are many people who for one reason or another feel powerless in life. And standing up against something important, almost anything, imbues power within. Even when there's overwhelming scientific evidence that whatever they're standing up against is real.

In the end, it's a form of Standing Up to the Man. A quick shot in the arm of feel-good power.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2017
United States
Lockdowns have been a dream come true for those who love to forbid freedom. And, basically, they are those who condemn people who eat meat but won't condemn animals which eat other animals, because the point for them is not what you eat or what you do, but that you behave as an animal rather than as a person.
Lockdowns have been a sad but necessary reality for those who love to see fellow humans not die and can't trust people to not be selfish and take the virus seriously without being required to.

Fixed it.


Jan 29, 2021
In general, I think there are many people who for one reason or another feel powerless in life. And standing up against something important, almost anything, imbues power within. Even when there's overwhelming scientific evidence that whatever they're standing up against is real.

In the end, it's a form of Standing Up to the Man. A quick shot in the arm of feel-good power.
You must have posted this same thing 100 times. We get it. You think your better than other people. Jesus
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