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macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2009
Are opening a bank account, buying a car, borrowing a book, getting utilities connected, cashing a paycheck, purchasing a home, buying liquor, getting a firearm, renting a car, getting a fishing permit, and hundreds of other things all racist too

or are you implying that Blacks are too stupid to do any of the above, because they all require a photo ID?

There is ONLY one reason to not require an ID to vote; and that is to cheat.
You need an ID to get into the DNC, for some crazy reason
The overblown use of a driver's license as an ID is a plague of the U.S. I certainly do NOT need an ID for: buying liquor, borrow a book, getting utilities connected, making a credit card purchase. And I will leave the business if I am asked for one.


Jul 3, 2013
Hopefully that person was reported. Unfortunately, trump supporters, nazis, people on parler think they are infallible and never report a thing. Hell, they voted for someone who openly advocated for killing his opponent, they're defending rapists, child molesters, racists, nazis. So, the 'both sides' argument you're tying to make doesn't work. The 'leftwing nutjob' is a fringe part of the left. The 'rightwing nutjob' is the majority of the republican party.

This is just irrational hyperbole.

I've just watched a year of absolutely out of control violence from BLM and Antifa tear through the US, city after city, night after night. I watch as Silicon Valley gives digital death sentences to anyone they dislike. I watch politicians like Maxine Waters openly incite violence on Twitter with zero repercussions. AOC spew insane rhetoric that is patently false. I'm watching the far left take over and infect everything with toxic identity politics while Republicans do what exactly? Get a bit rowdy at the capitol while the media whips it up into an insurrection?

I served in war zones, that has to be the worst insurrection I've ever seen, hell, where were their guns?

As an outsider to the US it's very much the left looking like they've lost their minds and the identity politics of the far left is tearing the social fabric of the country apart.


Jul 3, 2013
The overblown use of a driver's license as an ID is a plague of the U.S. I certainly do NOT need an ID for: buying liquor, borrow a book, getting utilities connected, making a credit card purchase. And I will leave the business if I am asked for one.

As someone who's lived in maybe a dozen or so countries. Using your drivers license to do those things is the norm, it's not a plague.

Alcohol, cigarettes, lottery tickets, utilities, renting, bank accounts, driving, flying, buying a SIM card, healthcare, train tickets, access to concerts, voting, to name a few are all times I've had to use a drivers license in Europe. Nothing unusual or unfair about it.

Good luck achieving those things if you are going to walk out when asked to show ID in the rest of the developed world.


Jul 3, 2013
I suspect that poorly educated Trump voters are celebrating tonight.
Why would you need to be so childish. I have degrees in EEE and math and would have voted for Trump if I was a citizen, my wife did and she is working on her third degree in medicine after doing history and English at Cambridge. Are we uneducated? Or do you just get a hit of dopamine feeling more intelligent by insulting swathes of voters?

I think the DNC is absolutely unhinged, but I don't think Democrat voters are poorly educated.

The funny thing was while at college it was the people studying worthless liberal arts degrees who were overwhelmingly pro Democrat. Most of my friends who were doing physics, math, engineering etc were quite often quiet Trump supporters.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2012
Definitely a good move from Apple. But it makes me wonder what Parler had to do with it’s “moderation” rules to please Apple. In the end of the day, Parler will end up like any other social network I think.

They ended up getting rid of their ceo and founder John Matze. They also hooked up with some content filtering company called Hive which supposedly works with Reddit and other big platforms to filter out content they dont like.

Whether you (not you OP, the general 'you') think parler is good or bad for the content they once had on their pages, they have now caved and assimilated. Just like the Borg if you watch star trek. The ceo loved free speech. Whatever flavor that came in. Now the politically correct crowd has taken over and it is no longer the same place.

Deleted my app today.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2013
You don't need a driver license to vote, if you don't have a driver license for some reason, you can get a identification card which is a legitimate ID without the driving privileges. I don't know why anyone living in the US would have neither a driving license or an identification card.


Jan 15, 2021
Mixed feelings. We shouldn’t allow fringe ideologies to find bubbles where they can reinforce each others’ false beliefs, but I’m also glad maybe they’ll keep the crazy off Twitter and FB.
Yes, silence those you disagree with. Banish them from every platform. They're dangerous! Their words are dangerous! AHHHH!!

"False beliefs." lol. I guess perhaps the NYT et al are more accurate. The Russian bounties story was apparently fake news all along (

I mean, we could do this with mainstream sources over the past four or five years all day.

People should really stop believing one side is all about "truth" and the other side is a bunch of wackos.

You just happen to prefer getting your false information from different sources than the Parler users.


Jul 3, 2013
You don't need a driver license to vote, if you don't have a driver license for some reason, you can get a identification card which is a legitimate ID without the driving privileges. I don't know why anyone living in the US would have neither a driving license or an identification card.
Yup, hell, I'll support free government Real ID's for any legitimate person in order to vote. The reality is the number of legitimate voters who don't have ID that do vote is probably miniscule. But we all know this isn't that minorities don't have ID, it's the DNC knows they pick up large numbers of voters from illegitimate voters. It's as simple as that.

ID is required in almost every European country without issue. But then again, most European countries can actually run a legitimate election without it turning into a circus. Postal votes are illegal in (I believe) all but one country and even there it's looking like they will be banned because they lead to fraud.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Can we ban Twitter and especially Facebook until they moderate things better? Facebook in particular is a doomsday device. I think all social media networks should be banned until they have a solution to ban people who advocate physical violence and abuse against people who they don’t agree with, or for any reason. Calls to harm and attack are never protected speech.

I get the feeling that this isn’t the last time we’ll see Parler banned from the App Store.
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Jan 15, 2021
Yup, hell, I'll support free government Real ID's for any legitimate person in order to vote. The reality is the number of legitimate voters who don't have ID that do vote is probably miniscule. But we all know this isn't that minorities don't have ID, it's the DNC knows they pick up large numbers of voters from illegitimate voters. It's as simple as that.

ID is required in almost every European country without issue. But then again, most European countries can actually run a legitimate election without it turning into a circus. Postal votes are illegal in (I believe) all but one country and even there it's looking like they will be banned because they lead to fraud.
What is the sort of "straight faced argument" for why marginalized (or supposedly marginalized) people can't get ID's?

Is it because they are cost prohibitive? I've never heard the argument.


Jan 15, 2021
Funny, I've not met a single Trump supporter in real life with a college education. It's like they're allergic to usually liberal institutions of higher learning where they're going to meet people with different views, be challenged in their own views, and grow mentally. Something, something bootstraps "it was hell for me, it should be for everyone" malarkey.

I know they exist in small numbers, but I'd guess they're most often small business owners just looking for selfish tax breaks, which aren't even breaks because their personal and corporate tax rate will rise every year through 2027 with Trump's gorilla math.

It's not for lack of trying, South Florida is chock full of Trumpers - but yeah, they're usually just stickers plastered onto pickup trucks belonging to day laborers. Most discerning minds sees a misogynistic, narcissistic man with a lot of bluster and a 1950s view of America that will never come again. He's become a corporate logo, a caricature of 1980s greed and ostentatiousness.

Any intelligent person knows he got his butt fired and lost the GOP congressional control because he couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag, let alone a pandemic that killed a half million Americans, to which he showed zero empathy or compassion whatsoever. Instead he chose vanity and refused to wear a mask. I'll never forgive him for that outright abandonment of his post.
I've had four years of college, three years of law school and can practice law in multiple states. I voted for Trump twice.

Many of my attorney colleagues voted for Trump twice.

I've met many, many Trump supporters in real life. Some have college degrees. Some don't. Some are super wealthy and some are bums who drink too much.

74 million Americans, your countrymen, voted for Donald Trump in 2020 alone.

The way you talk about the people you disagree with politically is truly nasty. I'm happy you have the right to do so, however.


macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2005
Western North Carolina
You don't need a driver license to vote, if you don't have a driver license for some reason, you can get a identification card which is a legitimate ID without the driving privileges. I don't know why anyone living in the US would have neither a driving license or an identification card.
Depends on the state/county you live in - the GOP is very much for photo ID [driver licenses] to vote. The state of NC required a driver's license or ID card to vote a few years ago; that was overturned later, but other states still require it.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2013
Depends on the state/county you live in - the GOP is very much for photo ID [driver licenses] to vote. The state of NC required a driver's license or ID card to vote a few years ago; that was overturned later, but other states still require it.
Yeah I just never understood what the issue of requiring a photo ID to vote in the first place is. I carry my license on me at all times as do most/all adults I know. Why is it so hard to pull out a driver license/Id card/passport(if for some reason you don't have a license or Id card) to vote? Is it the $50 renewal fee once every 5 years? Why is requiring an ID to vote oppressing minorities according to democrats?


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
If it gives law enforcement a way to keep track of the crazies who want to do harm and overthrow the country, I'm all for it.
I agree, but that’s a much smaller group than the “woke” crowd who have infiltrated higher ed, corporate media, big tech and the democratic party who want to not only overthrow the country, but dismantle western civilization. Those “crazies” were just a handful of people at the Capitol.

Compare that to the riots happening in major cities (over $2B in damages, dozens killed, over 900 officers injured), calls for abolishing the police, doing away with SATs and math because it’s racist, denying biological science, promoting socialism (which is responsible for over 100 million deaths and a system that has NEVER worked), inciting racism by spreading critical race theory and systemically racist policies like affirmative action, and convincing women that men are evil, etc. is far more dangerous which will require more than just law enforcement to get involved, unfortunately.


Nov 25, 2005
Didn’t Parler get rid of their entire iOS development team when their appeals where all rejected a while back? I wonder if they’d be able to come back immediately even if they wanted to.
That's an interesting point. I'm an iOS developer. There are places that I wouldn't work for. I did apply once for a job at an online betting company, maybe I wouldn't today, maybe I would. I wouldn't apply at a payday loan company. I wouldn't apply for a job at Parler. That kind of company has problems attracting qualified people. And it has shown, like _their entire messages have been downloaded and are now available at the right hacker site_. That's incompetence at work.
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