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macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2014
That's an interesting point. I'm an iOS developer. There are places that I wouldn't work for. I did apply once for a job at an online betting company, maybe I wouldn't today, maybe I would. I wouldn't apply at a payday loan company. I wouldn't apply for a job at Parler. That kind of company has problems attracting qualified people. And it has shown, like _their entire messages have been downloaded and are now available at the right hacker site_. That's incompetence at work.
Haven’t checked recently but I recall Parler has a little gem in their TOS where if one of their members says something that causes a lawsuit, parler is allowed to pass their legal fees on to the end user who caused the suit?

Probably even more draconian for their employees. Wouldn’t be surprised if they “employ” you as a 1099 contractor and subject you to employee rules.


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2013
Leesburg, VA
I suspect that poorly educated Trump voters are celebrating tonight.

As someone with a bachelors degree and a masters degrees in software engineering and an MBA --and a Trump supporter -- I find your uneducated blanket statement interesting.

How are you liking the spike in gas prices after Biden reversed our energy independence under Trump, the 75,000 union workers made unemployed after cancelling the pipeline that was almost finished, the surge of illegal immigrants coming after Biden promised open borders and overwhelming state and local resources with thousands of kids in cages, the restart of wars Trump pulled us out of, increase in taxes that will hurt American competitiveness and jobs, and the bowing of the knee to Communist China who owns Biden and his son.

Yeah support for Biden and the radical democrats seems really "educated".


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2013
Leesburg, VA
The overblown use of a driver's license as an ID is a plague of the U.S. I certainly do NOT need an ID for: buying liquor, borrow a book, getting utilities connected, making a credit card purchase. And I will leave the business if I am asked for one.

Please explain - rationally - if you can why you shouldn't have an ID to vote? Just curious - since its one man one vote - shouldn't we expect people to prove who they say they are when doing something as important as voting? How do you prevent double voting - someone voting using another person's registration? How do you keep non-citizens from voting?

Most of the world have specific IDs for voting to make sure only elligible people are voting. Why not the US?

You DO need to show ID to buy booze to prove you are of legal age, you DO need to show ID to fly (always have) - You DO need to show ID to buy a car and register it.

If liberals are so offended by IDs? Why do I need one to buy a gun which is a constitutional right?

You argument is not based on logic.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2005
Western North Carolina
Yeah I just never understood what the issue of requiring a photo ID to vote in the first place is. I carry my license on me at all times as do most/all adults I know. Why is it so hard to pull out a driver license/Id card/passport(if for some reason you don't have a license or Id card) to vote? Is it the $50 renewal fee once every 5 years? Why is requiring an ID to vote oppressing minorities according to democrats?
Because not everyone knows how to drive [it is a privilege many people can not afford or have no need for if they live in an area with great mass transit], and others do not trust the government enough to get a photo ID from them.


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2013
Leesburg, VA
Because not everyone knows how to drive [it is a privilege many people can not afford or have no need for if they live in an area with great mass transit], and others do not trust the government enough to get a photo ID from them.
And you can get a free walkers ID in all 50 states. Your identity must be identified to vote - sorry no excuses. Voting is NOT a universal right - you MUST be a CITIZEN aged 18 years or older, a non-felon and you MUST vote in the precinct you live and only vote once. Such requirements require an ID.

Finally if you don't know how to drive or get a free walkers ID - then I am not sure we really want you to vote.


macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2019
No different than the garbage on Twitter other than it’s from conservative users. There will be a day when this entire administration along with congress is on the other side and I pray they take down big tech this time.


macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
This is hilarious. Parler will last about 15 minutes before it's removed again. A platform dedicated to the right wing echo chamber cannot be moderated as it would require removal of a majority of the content at any given moment.
unlike reddit and twitter the left wing echo chambers....spend 5 minutes on r/politics if you want to see some toxicity when anyone goes against the liberal agenda.


macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2019
Because not everyone knows how to drive [it is a privilege many people can not afford or have no need for if they live in an area with great mass transit], and others do not trust the government enough to get a photo ID from them.
I added the REAL DEAL (screenshot from Georgia web site) in regards to voter ID in Georgia. It seems again most stories about it are bs as expected since it’s free and easy enough to get. It’s Georgia not every state but it puts into light the misinformation many fall for.


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macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2019
OOOoo the Boogeyman network! Has anyone actually been on the site? It's far less nefarious than anything going on Twitter right now.
I am betting no... as way too many just repeat what they heard or think without any research. Anyone can find the same on every platform then and now.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2013
Because not everyone knows how to drive [it is a privilege many people can not afford or have no need for if they live in an area with great mass transit], and others do not trust the government enough to get a photo ID from them.
I've never heard of a us citizen not trusting the government enough to get a driver license or simply photo id. They're citizens though if they're voting so can just bring their passports to the voting booths.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
An app for the criminal and morally corrupt
This Thread isn’t about Twitter or Facebook.

After being extremely not inclusive and acted like China.
Agreed. I meant to be sarcastic.

Because not everyone knows how to drive [it is a privilege many people can not afford or have no need for if they live in an area with great mass transit], and others do not trust the government enough to get a photo ID from them.
You are either;
A.) Completely lying
B.) Completely misinformed
C.) A and B

If there are people out there that do not trust the government enough to get a photo ID, WHY DO THEY KEEP VOTING THOSE PEOPLE IN TO OFFICE? All of these cities that have “issues with ID’s” are democratically run cities that haven‘t had a republican mayor/state representative/governor in half a century or longer.



macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2012
Nottingham, UK
This kind of disgusting thing you are saying would make your grandparents vomit.

Antifa can be many things. It can just be an anarchist reactionary movement, left wing or rightwing. Or a movement against police violence and fascism. It WAS, and you know it, also the allied forces against Hitler.

BLM is a civil rights movement. As soon as you demote it to something else you out yourself as an actual racist, no ifs no buts.

Will Parler moderate the platform? Absolutely not. Go to @patriottakes on Twitter and we see daily screen caps of the anti Semitism and extremism on that platform. It’s an echo chamber of hate and it will remain that way as long as the GOP keeps acting like GQP.

Please. Stop calling allied soldiers "Antifa". Not only is about as accurate as calling Biden a communist. It also speads a dangerous misconception:

I've got Jewish ancestors on both sides of my family, many of whom fled Nazi-occupied Europe to live in the UK. So you might be surprised to hear me say that the people of this country, who fought and died on Normandy's beaches, were not doing so to protect people like us. If anything, the Jews were seen in much the same way as Syrian immigrants today - a nuisence. The Germans? Even worse.

My maternal grandfather, a German Jew, was actually beaten up at school several times for being German... by the children of allied soldiers, no less. They didn't care that his home country hated him too. He was 12 years old when the war ended, and is still alive today, though he ended up changing his name to something that sounded more English.

Even Winston Churchill was quite antisemitic except for when it suited him not to be.

Sure, Hitler had plenty of enemies, but that doesn't mean they were Antifascists with a capital A. The modern Antifa groups specifically take their name and iconography from Antifaschistische Aktion, a militant offshoot of Germany's communist party that only existed from 1932 to 1933. The year before Hitler came to power.

So even though this group opposed the rising tide of fascism, they actually did something that played right into Hitler's hands. Because the more that they attacked and hurt people, the more the Nazis could claim to be the less violent side, ultimately contributing to their election win in 1933. In much the same way that today's rioters will be used by the right to justify the ushering in of a police state.

I understand they are angry and want change. (Don't we all?) But choosing to lash out violently (and in many cases, randomly) will not do anything that benefits their side long-term. If anything, it will escalate the conflict, which appears to be what some of them want. But make no mistake: the people who want this are bloodthirsty radicals in need of a big bad guy to fight while the repercussions will be felt for generations by the very people they claim to be protecting. History repeats itself.
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Apr 11, 2018
None of those things listed are constitutional rights. Voting is. That's the difference. This whole call for a voter ID is just a tool being used to suppress the constitutional rights of the poor and minorities.

I have the constitutional right to bear arms... but I need to show an ID to buy a gun, by your definition this supresses my constitutional right.
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macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
I agree, but that’s a much smaller group than the “woke” crowd who have infiltrated higher ed, corporate media, big tech and the democratic party who want to not only overthrow the country, but dismantle western civilization. Those “crazies” were just a handful of people at the Capitol.

Compare that to the riots happening in major cities (over $2B in damages, dozens killed, over 900 officers injured), calls for abolishing the police, doing away with SATs and math because it’s racist, denying biological science, promoting socialism (which is responsible for over 100 million deaths and a system that has NEVER worked), inciting racism by spreading critical race theory and systemically racist policies like affirmative action, and convincing women that men are evil, etc. is far more dangerous which will require more than just law enforcement to get involved, unfortunately.

That "analysis" is so funny!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2016

He died as a direct result of thousands of qidiot followers storming the Capitol.
Not true. His cause of death was finally released yesterday.

""Washington's top medical examiner debunked a once-widespread media narrative on Monday by announcing U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick suffered two strokes and died of natural causes the day after he confronted Jan. 6 Capitol rioters.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald reminded readers that The New York Times "published an emotionally gut-wrenching but complete fiction that never had any evidence" by initially reporting, as Greenwald put it, that Sicknick’s "skull was savagely bashed in with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump mob until he died."""


macrumors 65816
May 31, 2020
Screw this. Loved the community of Apple users many years ago when we were progressive people with amazing ideas. Apple’s base expanded and that meant we got the literal Nazis coming to holler their backwards views, oligarch loving libertarian fantasies and Mad Max vision of the future where they can force religion on us at gunpoint. It’s bad enough Apple’s biggest individual shareholder is a rightwing psychopath who uses his ‘frog army’ of racist trolls to pump his stonks.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
Screw this. Loved the community of Apple users many years ago when we were progressive people with amazing ideas. Apple’s base expanded and that meant we got the literal Nazis coming to holler their backwards views, oligarch loving libertarian fantasies and Mad Max vision of the future where they can force religion on us at gunpoint. It’s bad enough Apple’s biggest individual shareholder is a rightwing psychopath who uses his ‘frog army’ of racist trolls to pump his stonks.
Can't have a discussion based in facts and merits? Call people names, take your ball and go home. Cool story, guy who joined this forum less than a year ago (oh the good ole days). And you think Parler is an echo chamber? Aren't you basically crying because you perceive your echo chamber has been "diversified"?

Where in this thread have people brought up religion and threatened anyone? So besides platitudes and feels, what do you bring to this discussion?

I see your rant was liked by WiseAJ, the guy who can't articulate why voter ID is racist. So he/she's here, just not brave enough to expose his/her thoughts on the matter. (There's a reason, but it's ugly)


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2016
Screw this. Loved the community of Apple users many years ago when we were progressive people with amazing ideas. Apple’s base expanded and that meant we got the literal Nazis coming to holler their backwards views, oligarch loving libertarian fantasies and Mad Max vision of the future where they can force religion on us at gunpoint. It’s bad enough Apple’s biggest individual shareholder is a rightwing psychopath who uses his ‘frog army’ of racist trolls to pump his stonks.
Your eco chamber of dreams smacked into reality and you had to grow up.

What is the makeup of the nightly riot participants from a political and idealogical view point? How about the looters?

What makes burning down a business the right thing to do? How does stealing a big screen TV assuage your dashed utopian dreams?


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
Screw this. Loved the community of Apple users many years ago when we were progressive people with amazing ideas. Apple’s base expanded and that meant we got the literal Nazis coming to holler their backwards views, oligarch loving libertarian fantasies and Mad Max vision of the future where they can force religion on us at gunpoint. It’s bad enough Apple’s biggest individual shareholder is a rightwing psychopath who uses his ‘frog army’ of racist trolls to pump his stonks.
(Pssst, you forgot to also ramble about Bitcoin in your post.) ?
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macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
As someone with a bachelors degree and a masters degrees in software engineering and an MBA --and a Trump supporter -- I find your uneducated blanket statement interesting.

How are you liking the spike in gas prices after Biden reversed our energy independence under Trump, the 75,000 union workers made unemployed after cancelling the pipeline that was almost finished,

Shame your MBA didn’t cover facts.

Only about 8% of Keystone XL had actually been built and SCOTUS dealt it a critical blow in mid 2020.



macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
Free speech should never cover Nazi propaganda and attacks on our government. Bad move Apple.
Agreed. Only if they’d also shut down the fascist BLM, Antifa, and critical theory propaganda on Twitter and FB that seeks to destroy our cities, police departments, democracy, capitalism, individual freedoms, and general way of life.


macrumors 65816
May 31, 2020
Can't have a discussion based in facts and merits?

Debate what?

There is very little separation between progressive liberals and sane conservatives. They both overlap on many issues.

We are talking about those cretins, grifters and extremists on platforms like Parler who call themselves conservatives but they aren’t. They are just a lunatic echo chamber being scammed and manipulated by charlatans and conspiracy cults.

If you’re a real conservative then do the right thing and challenge those Q people, racists and science deniers. You own or you get pwned by it.
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