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Oct 2, 2004
How about I Lysol you in the face if I see you because I have the freedom to not want a covid variant created by the un-vaxed.
So all the vaxxed people who still caught covid and can still transmit the virus... where do they fit in you rube? Gonna spray your Mom in the face with Lysol as well? Assuming shes vaxxed, she can still spread it to you just like the unvaxxed.


macrumors 6502
Jul 18, 2002
Parts Unknown
How about I Lysol you in the face if I see you because I have the freedom to not want a covid variant created by the un-vaxed.

Vaccine is FDA approved now. None of you have a leg to stand on. Get Vaxed or lose your freedoms.

End of story.
The "approved" version of the vaccine is not currently available. You may want to edit your statement. Also, if you lysol anyone in the face, you could be arrested and charged with assault/battery. Or you may get the crap kicked out of you. Or both. Be careful, Karen.


Jun 6, 2005
If you haven't gotten a vaccination shot at this point, you should be fired from your job. The overhead of having to deal with unvaccinated workers is just too high for a business to operate.
Firing people is a serious issue. Don’t be so casual about that. Insane.

Your second statement is actuarial nonsense. On average a 30 year old unvaccinated person is far cheaper medically than a 50 year old vaccinated person.


macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
Should we also fire everyone who smokes cigarettes because second hand smoke has been proven to be worse for nearby people, not to mention raising insurance rates for these poor multibillion dollar companies. Perhaps every woman should also share their pap-smear status annually so those insurance rates don't affect everyone (including mens rates even though it doesn't apply to them).
How about you move to china so they can tell you how to live your life and you let americans be americans with their freedoms of choice.
If they smoke in the workplace absolutely they should be fired. But we’ve mitigated most secondhand smoke in the US. Not so much with COVID.
Your “freedom” of choice ends when you are actively endangering someone else’s freedoms of life. You don’t get to speed or ignore stop signs without consequences. You shouldn’t get to walk around spreading an easily preventable deadly virus either. George Washington was in favor of mandatory inoculation. The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times it’s Constitutional. You have no excuse to keep endangering others lives by refusing a simple action. That’s not freedom, that’s tyranny.


macrumors regular
Dec 17, 2020
Well, I had it back in February. Just had blood work done a few weeks ago. My doctor tells me there is no medical reason for me to get this medication because I am naturally immune. Given that he's a Johns Hopkins immunologist who knows me and my medical history and answered all of my pointed questions, I am OK with his medical opinion on the matter.

imagine taking medical advice from a person on the Internet that calls himself Witch Doctor. The anti-vax movement is a Riddle wrapped inside of stupid.


macrumors 68000
Jul 25, 2017
How come vaccinated people seem to be incredibly afraid of unvaccinated people?
I got my 2 Pfizer shots and couldn‘t care less about other people‘s vaccination status.
Many people live fear based lives. They wait for the next thing to be afraid of. Killer bees, covid, meteor, earthquakes, etc. Usually these people are very poor at calculating risks.


macrumors 6502
Nov 18, 2010
Current US Covid stats from Johns Hopkins University.

If you're arguing against vaccines, then you're part of the problem.



Jun 6, 2005
The current vaccine is far less effective against delta than hoped. It still works but not so much that we should be freaking out about it. Israel is highly vaccinated and have published their data showing that the vaccine does not protect against hospitalization as well as hoped.

Israel data also repeats what has been consistently shown … the most protected are those who have had the disease.

Given these factors continuing to threaten job lose for a disease that is relatively benign in the work force strikes me as mass hysteria. I got vaccinated. It important for my job. I know lots of people that don’t want to. Some have already had CV19 and simply don’t see the need, some simply don’t want to because it’s not a risk to them. Given that the disease continues to kill the frailest, even when vaccinated, I think it’s unnecessary to push it on young healthy people.


macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
I believe in the vaccine too, but just for comparison... what's the death rate of Covid compared to getting in or being around a vehicle. Once you find out, you'll realized we should also ban all forms of motorized transportation.
Exactly...we could even just lower the speed limit to 30 mph, it would save 10's of thousands of lives a year due to less severe crashes and more reaction time, but I see no one mandating that or supporting that. I'm so fed up with hystaria over covid. If you are vaccinated or under 50 and healthy the odds of covid being a severe problem for you are extremly low. The vaccine is available for all if they want it. There seems to be this false assumption we can beat COVId like we erradicate small pox...anyone who understands this virus knows that's not possible, but we will keep pushing for that apparently.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 1, 2016
Woodstock, GA
So all the vaxxed people who still caught covid and can still transmit the virus... where do they fit in you rube? Gonna spray your Mom in the face with Lysol as well? Assuming shes vaxxed, she can still spread it to you just like the unvaxxed.
I know its a hard concept but there wouldn't be something to spread if we stopped the virus by you know having a vaccinated population.

I guess no one reads the news about variants being more deadly lets drag this on as long as possible.

People in this country have turned into "muh freedoms" and literally are cool with killing people in masse.

Lets just close hospitals to the un-vaccinated and be done with it. I'm over it.


Oct 2, 2015
I believe in the vaccine too, but just for comparison... what's the death rate of Covid compared to getting in or being around a vehicle. Once you find out, you'll realized we should also ban all forms of motorized transportation.
You're comparing apples and celery. Everything has a risk. But, when you can minimize the risk with such a simple precaution...
People want to live their lives.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2011
Share! hahahahah. You mean shows us or else. Need to cuddle their employees. Get vaccinated and show proof or no job. Plain and simple.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 1, 2016
Woodstock, GA
This thread is very entertaining! So far we have someone threatening to shoot people, and another wanting to throw Lysol in people's faces.

Let me know if/when the airstrikes are planned. Or ASW.
I was making a point of his outrageous statement that its someones "right" to make others sick.

So if he can make me sick why can't I retaliate?

Stupid? Yup just like the original argument.

Guess I needed /s in this.
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