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macrumors 601
Jun 9, 2021
The picture is actually from his address to the 2021 CPDP (Computers, Privacy & Data Protection organization) Conference. For all his public posturing, I am sure Tim is more than happy to meet with any politician willing to give him and his company tax cuts or regulation exemptions, regardless of which letter follows their name.

Thank you, I knew I recognized it but not where from.

Interesting picture to choose. I agree with you, I don’t think that’s going to be his expression.
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macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
Tim Cook looks like he's at court staring at the man who killed his parents.
Tim Cook looks like he’s already built the hollowed out volcano island he’s going to move Apple to and take over the world from if congress gives him one more word about anything.


macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2021
Nawww... por little Tim. Now imagine that even IF thid drags on further (which it will at best) there's always going to be a push against Apple's monopoly.
And as an added bonus - that's USA! This is NOT taking inyo consideration what the EU is doing, which is independent of all those political gambles in the USA. And ever more the influence is going the other way around - that any piece of significant legislation aimed at privacy or against monopoly is inevitably translated into what US has to obide by.

The clock is ticking, Tim.


macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2012
Sam the Eagle vibes...


Aug 5, 2021
Republican lawmakers in Washington:


Democrat lawmakers in Washinton:


Elon and Trump trying to wind people up and control their minds from their social platforms:


Asians wondering what's wrong with Americans:

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macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Probably because you with your casual implied homophobia aren’t in the picture.

Maybe Mr Podesta was bringing Tim up to date about things involving his wife and 3 kids.

Tim being a gay man has literally nothing to do with it or anything - genuinely not sure what you’re getting at
I also never suggest “Mr Podesta” was gay nor that they were a couple. You formed all that on your own accord because I said TC is super happy in the photo (which he is?) so I have nothing else to add other than W-R-O-N-G.

Here's another

Compare that to photo in OP, not a subtle observation

...Weird mind reading on your part from a photograph.

On the other hand, I do think "Mr Podesta" is one of the seediest people in DC... and that's saying something considering DC sure is seedy!

Why do I even bother?
Last edited:
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macrumors regular
Nov 1, 2012
You realize how silly this sounds?

Adults are talking policy and you’re on about an old lady’s eyebrows?

And for all those cities? It was a few buildings, some of which were torched by now convicted white supremest agent provocateurs.

In the meantime national crime statistics show the alarming rates of crime, under education and poor healthcare, are in gop controlled areas.

You really should switch off right wing news or get off Facebook man, the nonsense you have bought into is making you silly.
Fake news at its finest.


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2016
Lobbyist, politician, philanthropist... and sometimes, but not often, CEO. Good lord Tim, give it a rest and just focus on making better technology. Jobs would be absolutely horrified by this pandering and greed. Jobs might have been tough to work with (by reputation only), but at least he knew the proper role of a tech CEO.


macrumors 65816
May 14, 2014
He looks like a guy that just got asked the question, "did you agree to disable AirDrop at the behest of the Chyna Communist government"?
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2011
Funny how they selected a picture of Timmey where he looks like he's not happy about it, when in fact the picture has nothing to do with this meeting.
It's almost as if MR went out of their way to find it.....hmmm.......
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 20, 2015
As expected, he talks up progressive values while currying favor with conservatives.

It’s absolutely shameless how quickly Tim abandons concepts like “freedom of speech” when it comes to authoritarian regimes like the Chinese Communist Party!
I understand (and empathize) with your POV but Apple is a worldwide company now, not just US. How would you deal with the radical political differences globally?


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
You realize how silly this sounds?

Adults are talking policy and you’re on about an old lady’s eyebrows?

And for all those cities? It was a few buildings, some of which were torched by now convicted white supremest agent provocateurs.

In the meantime national crime statistics show the alarming rates of crime are in gop controlled areas.

You really should switch off right wing news or get off Facebook man, the nonsense you have bought into is making you silly.
Nawww... por little Tim. Now imagine that even IF thid drags on further (which it will at best) there's always going to be a push against Apple's monopoly.
And as an added bonus - that's USA! This is NOT taking inyo consideration what the EU is doing, which is independent of all those political gambles in the USA. And ever more the influence is going the other way around - that any piece of significant legislation aimed at privacy or against monopoly is inevitably translated into what US has to obide by.

The clock is ticking, Tim.
Incoherent gobbledegook.
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macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
Tim being a gay man has literally nothing to do with it or anything - genuinely not sure what you’re getting at
I also never suggest “Mr Podesta” was gay nor that they were a couple. You formed all that on your own accord because I said TC is super happy in the photo (which he is?) so I have nothing else to add other than W-R-O-N-G.

Here's another

Compare that to photo in OP, not a subtle observation

...Weird mind reading on your part from a photograph.

On the other hand, I do think "Mr Podesta" is one of the seediest people in DC... and that's saying something considering DC sure is seedy!

Why do I even bother?

Synced? Seedy, as in believing that cheese pizza is not cheese pizza?


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2019
Funny how they selected a picture of Timmey where he looks like he's not happy about it, when in fact the picture has nothing to do with this meeting.
It's almost as if MR went out of their way to find it.....hmmm.......
They are playing some people on this forum like a fiddle. All to increase engagement a generate more revenue from the traffic.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Synced as in sync up as in meet

Play on words since we sync our iPhones.

And don’t know about all that but Breitbart tweeted this over a decade ago, obviously before his death, and long before 2016 election cycle

I don’t think TC is involved in some grand conspiracy just he has no issue hanging out with total sleaze-bags. He’s a globalist and not interested in American interests imo. If he cares for anyone it’s clearly CCP, again imo.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 20, 2015
I hope Greg “Joz” Joswiak - (Senior Vice President Worldwide Marketing) is going with him.

Tim Cook seems to love the government and politics. Why can't he just focus on Apple solely and enrich lives? I just don't see innovation and politics going together. It always becomes a burden.
I don't think he "loves the government and politics", but he is well educated and informed in business matters, and he is the "face" of Apple. I can't imagine anyone else to represent Apple.
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