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macrumors 68020
Jan 13, 2008
Spare me the scare tactics and made-up examples. It's literally no different than the garbage that happens at non-union jobs except in the union positions, the good employees have a chance of being treated well.
Every single of my 6 examples are real examples occuring in Boston and Connecticut over the past 5 or 6 years.
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macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
Every single of my 6 examples are real examples occuring in Boston and Connecticut over the past 5 or 6 years.
Sure. But they're not examples of bad unions. They're just things that you don't like for some reason. What's wrong with collecting retirement after 30 years?


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
IMHO, totally fair. If you want to bargain collectively, you get and live with the deal you negotiate. If you want to let the company determine your benefits and exercise the sneaker option if it doesn't satisfy you, then you get and live with (or choose not to live with) the package the company offers.

You can't have the best of both worlds.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 24, 2008
any one in the camp that unions aren’t the answer, ‘poop or get off the pot’ but apple retail milks their employees too? it’s inexcusable considering how prideful they are of being ‘woke’ and how deep their pockets are. Yet they Can’t conjure up any compassion for their own and can’t find the funding. What an unexpected surprise! But it’s also retail you aren’t ever gonna be paid like a surgeon’s salary.

Even with a pay bump, inflation has severely outpaced raises and wages. The union camp generally voted for this- whether they admit it or not is besides the point - now enjoy the consequences

Thank goodness for no more mean tweets though. Let’s keep sending more and more of that taxpayer money overseas too for proxy wars. Who cares about Americans, right? Our leaders certainly don’t.

Why is it amidst all these “historic landmark” spending bills, citizens have seen zero ROI? Some people aren’t even remotely intellectually curious about that disparity

You will own nothing and you will be happy!

…And I would add to that you will vote for it over and over again too
This post is all over the place. lol

NY Guitarist

macrumors 68000
Mar 21, 2011
Sales are assets, the sales people are liabilities.

Liabilities are not necessarily bad. Your student debt is a liability, but it served a purpose for you. Same with sales people Apple hires.
From an accounting and capitalistic standpoint this is accurate.

From a humanistic point of view people being liabilities to a business is ultimately to the detriment of the employees.


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
I've never believed Apple (or some/all retailers) are there to "milk the employee for everything their worth." But you do have to consider the math: Apple employees more than 65,000 in their retail stores globally. If each were given some kind of $1000 yearly increase (wage, benefits, bonus, etc.), that would amount to $65,000,000 extra PER YEAR in retail employee compensation. I'm not saying the employees do not deserve it, but $65 million extra per year on a simple $1000 per employee increase is a LOT of money. I would argue that each retail employee in the USA would (as would we all) ask for more than a $1000 YEARLY increase. So keep doing the math and see how the numbers roll out into the hundreds of millions or even billions.

Apple retail employees earn between $17 and $30 PER HOUR selling 3 products (iPad, iPhone, Mac). If I were 20-30 years old, I would kill to earn that kind of HOURLY WAGE (hourly wage isn't (and shouldn't be) a CAREER folks) and work at a super clean, super fun, super friendly retail environment with cool perks like deeply discounted hardware (if not free). Compare working at an Apple retail store to your local supermarket or clothing store or any old store in a mall or the lawn care place in town or being a waiter or pumping gas or working at a car wash or working at a fast food place or <insert your favorite hourly wage job here> and I'd bet you'd pick Apple hands down.

Lastly, the last time I checked, hourly employees do not get a "share" of what the company makes. You want a stake/share in the company?...go work in corporate and work your way up to some kind of Director or VP or Executive level role where the DECISIONS YOU MAKE affect hundreds of thousands of jobs as well as tens or hundreds of millions of paying customers. Until then, you're decision to suggest the 128GB model over the 64GB model for 9 customers a day pales and frankly, has no market driver.
There’s far more than that to sell. Having a basic knowledge of the watches, computers, iPads, Mac’s, accessories, apple care, HomePods, head phones, charging accessories, phone plans, carrier requirements and more and to be able to convey that to an audience of difference abilities and knowledge is not easy.
One issue is that is being overlooked, including employees, is the Employee benefits.
when these employees lose them, the whining will be heard loud and clear.

Boston unions are a disaster. The MBTA union is a great example of why I hate unions.


Aug 17, 2016
Not really. Sales are revenue, people are (arguably) assets, their salaries are expenses or liabilities.

That’s the blue pill view of the world.

You should read Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Don’t just believe what they teach in ECON or AFM classes. Those are just a few schools of thought. It’s what the old money wants you to believe, and to serve their interest.
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macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
Thanks for your concise explanation of the worldwide supply chain failures and rising inflation! 😉
No, he’s exactly correct. Worldwide supply chain failures and rising inflation was a result of the government pumping trillions of $$$ into an already hot economy and incentivizing people to stay home and not work. When there is too much money chasing too few goods inflation happens and all prices go up. There will be a point where things get too expensive and purse strings will tighten, then prices will pull back after time. Couple that with current administration policy and their war on fossil fuels causing prices in energy to skyrocket (more inflation) because those companies won’t risk capital when the administration has claimed they want to put them out of business. In addition with the belief, that everyone who flips burgers or works at an Apple store (entry level position) is entitled to make $20/hr. (Living wage) which is just as hard to live on as when they were making $10. Everyone else suffers as the people at the bottom are still no better off. Sorry all prices go up when this happens. More fuel to the inflationary fire. There is simply too much money out there. 95% of our problems have been inflicted by poor policy. Spend spend spend!


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
Apple could have offered this benefit to all employees but AFAIK didn't.

The question is WHY did Apple treat employees differently based on their union status?
Because they can! Apple doesn’t want employees to unionize so they incentivized not unionizing. Nothing wrong with that. Apple no longer has the same relationship with those that unionized. The people who voted to unionized brought a third party in (more bureaucracy) so the union is their daddy now. Not Apple LOL! Companies don’t want their employees to unionize because it makes the cost of doing business go up. And that’s not in salaries for the workers. It’s all the BS and red tape that Apple has to deal with involving union bureaucracy. UNIONS MAKE THE PRICE OF EVERYTHING GO UP! and the workers don’t necessarily benefit. Gotta feed the fat union monster to keep them in business and keep themselves relevant. Think of it as bringing in a middleman or third party. They get their cut and you basically get no services for it.
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macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
Apple should treat its employees fairly.
Those Apple employees must have thought it was fair when they ACCEPTED THE JOB! If you don’t like the conditions, find another job. It’s really that simple. That’s how the free market works. Someone gets paid money for their goods and services for what they feel they are worth vs. what someone is willing to pay.


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
From an accounting and capitalistic standpoint this is accurate.

From a humanistic point of view people being liabilities to a business is ultimately to the detriment of the employees.
Think of it as a company views it’s employees as a necessary evil. They hate paying them but the business cannot exist without them😜
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macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
Way to fall on the sword union voters for your non union brethren. You did them a favor you should be happy 😃


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
out of curiosity why did conservatives stop supporting unions?
Because they are heavily corrupt and in bed with the Democrats. Unions are HEAVILY HEAVILY political Organizations. There is a lot of Fat at the top. Also because unions make the price of all goods and services go up because of their existence, bureaucracy, and BS. Also many good workers don’t thrive well in union mentality. It‘s based mostly on seniority.

Think of it this way, if you were a real go getter, better than most people you work with, would you rather bargain for yourself to get promotions and pay raises? Or, would you rather be grouped in with a bunch of average slobs who barely get the job done and never go above and beyond what’s required of them to have someone else bargaining conditions for you? Let’s not get into the fact that unions typically serve their OWN purposes before their members. Remember I said these are highly corrupt and political organizations looking out for their own interests, and by this I mean the people at the top. Not to mention they will tell you who you should be voting for.

In either case you could benefit or it could be a detriment depending on the type of person you are. So there really is no right answer when speaking in general terms for a mass of people. If I were a lazy slob maybe I would rather have someone bargaining for me. 😜. This is not to say there aren’t really good union guys. I’ve known some who were the best and hardest working people I’ve ever met. But in general the stigma of laziness, low production and performance pervades.
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macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
As someone who came from an entire career with no unions to my first job now with one, this is correct. The union is who represents you. You no longer have the power to individually bargain for better wages or what be it. Being in the union has proved to me, they really don't do much unless they want to. My experience doesnt account for being picked over someone with more seniority than me, I could be better, more qualified and more deserving of a raise or promotion, but if someone else with lesser credentials has been there longer, they get it. I accept that and move on with my day.
Gixxer good post. The following comment is not directed at you. My comment is about unions in general. I see lots of idealistic, or young, or naive people asking serious questions on this thread about this stuff and your post exemplifies a lot of what I have been saying about unions and the workers mentality due to the way they are.…..

This post by Gixxer is a good example of how unions can kill peoples drive, determination and ambition and turns them into communal zombies. Hence, why union workers have a reputation of being lazy and doing the least amount to get by without having to worry much about being let go. How is this good for a company forced to take on union labor? For anyone reading in this forum, this is one of many reasons why Corporations don’t want their employees going union. Not to mention all the other crap they now have to deal with because a union is involved. It’s like inviting an unwanted third party in your affairs that is just going to COMPLICATE everything. Much of it is pure bureaucracy.

Believe me, like Gixxerfool here, going from non union to a union mentality is a total paradigm shift in ones work ethic. Non Union guys tend to want to accomplish the task get done and save the company time and money. As a non union person i want to get done as quickly as possible and get the company going, it benefits them it benefits me in less down time and higher performance metrics calculated into bonuses.

Union mentality is, let's milk this cow for whatever we can and get as much as we can out of it. The longer we can drag this on the more hours we get paid. Thats also why Corporations don't want them.

Non-Union is we are in this together we share the same mission and goal.
Union - It's us vs. them.

Which sounds like a more cohesive and beneficial relationship in saving time, effort and money????
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macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
Very disappointed in Apple management.

I hope the whole company ends up unionized.
And then you will be paying even more for anything you buy from Apple. Guess what, Apple isn’t going to absorb the increased costs. It’s customers will. And Apple is one of the greediest profit margining companies in existence. They are zen masters at it. They regurgitating 3 year old parts that cost them a fraction of what it used to and not changing the price. Amongst countless other things. Lightning port on latest iPhone anyone? Yeah can’t go usb C and lose those royalties. Wow


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
It’s this unfortunately! If enough people sparked an outrage about this online, like a true viral never-ending outrage…Apple would probably reverse course. Otherwise they won’t. How sad that the only motivating factors are profits and shame.
Yes, agreed. For profit companies exist to provide a service and make a profit from that service. There isn’t enough “online shame” on this one to change the course. Only in the macrumors bubble.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
And then you will be paying even more for anything you buy from Apple. Guess what, Apple isn’t going to absorb the increased costs. It’s customers will. And Apple is one of the greediest profit margining companies in existence. They are zen masters at it. They regurgitating 3 year old parts that cost them a fraction of what it used to and not changing the price. Amongst countless other things. Lightning port on latest iPhone anyone? Yeah can’t go usb C and lose those royalties. Wow
It’s amazing that apple has made record profits. Being greedy has its advantages. So does having a strong brand name and and a customer base that like your products.

In the end i buy apple products because I like them and they last. Pay more, get more.

NY Guitarist

macrumors 68000
Mar 21, 2011
Unions are HEAVILY HEAVILY political Organizations. There is a lot of Fat at the top. Also because unions make the price of all goods and services go up because of their existence, bureaucracy, and BS. Also many good workers don’t thrive well in union mentality. It‘s based mostly on seniority.

Think of it this way, if you were a real go getter, better than most people you work with, would you rather bargain for yourself to get promoted and pay raises? Or would you rather be grouped in with a bunch of average slobs who barely get the job done and never go above and beyond what’s required of them to have someone else bargaining conditions for you? Let’s not get into the fact that unions typically serve their OWN purposes before their members. Remember I said these are highly corrupt and political organizations looking out for their own interests, and by this I mean the people at the top. Not to mention they will tell you who you should be voting for.

In either case you could benefit or it could be a detriment depending on the type of person you are. So there really is no right answer when speaking in general terms for a mass of people. If I were a lazy slob maybe I would rather have someone bargaining for me. 😜. This is not to say there aren’t really good union guys. I’ve known some who were the best and hardest working people I’ve ever met. But in general the stigma of laziness low production and performance pervades. It’s kind of like that in all walks of life.
*CORPORATIONS are HEAVILY HEAVILY political Organizations. There is a lot of Fat at the top. Also because *CORPORATIONS make the price of all goods and services go up because of their existence, bureaucracy, and BS. Also many good workers don’t thrive well in *CORPORATE mentality. It‘s based mostly on seniority.


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010

*CORPORATIONS are HEAVILY HEAVILY political Organizations. There is a lot of Fat at the top. Also because *CORPORATIONS make the price of all goods and services go up because of their existence, bureaucracy, and BS. Also many good workers don’t thrive well in *CORPORATE mentality. It‘s based mostly on seniority.
Not that i am a fan of Corporations.... I'm not. But what you did is misleading, as corporations don't control votes the same way unions do. And unions are infinitely more corrupt and political. Yes what you say is not false but unions are more corrupt and political by magnitudes. Not to mention, Unions come in and suck the blood out of businesses and try to leach money off of something they did not create and did nothing for. They took no risk, put in no capital investment, did NOTHING and they are there to intervene and suck money all under the guise of being the employee's representation. The EMPLOYEES AGREED to take the job for a given salary and benefits. If you are unhappy with that you don't take the job OR get another job. Amazing what free will is capable of. It's EZ. That corporation is entitled to the empire it built and the fruits of it without a parasite coming in and contaminating it. It sounds like communism appeals to you.

Also, corporations want their best and brightest incentivized promoted and doing bigger and better things. It' NOT seniority based like a union. You are way wrong there.
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macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2010
It’s amazing that apple has made record profits. Being greedy has its advantages. So does having a strong brand name and and a customer base that like your products.

In the end i buy apple products because I like them and they last. Pay more, get more.
I don't disagree with you but they are greedy AF. I also agree they have the best products and i also buy them but you'd be a fool to think you really weren't being ripped off. Their prices could be much lower and they aren't that generous to their customers. They nickel and dime you to death charging 400% margins on many of their things. $200 for 8GB or RAM or +$800 for and upgrade from 256 to 1TB.... and countless other things. Then engineer it so most of it you can no longer upgrade later. As a fan of their products, i still think they could do sooo much better much of the time.
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NY Guitarist

macrumors 68000
Mar 21, 2011
But what you did is misleading, as corporations don't control votes the same way unions do. And unions are infinitely more corrupt and political.
I can tell you really believe that.

It sounds like communism appeals to you.
FAIL: Your ad hominem attack is irrelevant.
Also, corporations want their best and brightest incentivized promoted and doing bigger and better things.
Not in my experience.
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