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macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
That and he was a lying sack of crap who encouraged his followers to hate everyone that didn’t look like them. But other than that, a real stand up guy.
So it’s ok when it’s against someone you don’t like. Got it.

Oh and by the way, he received multiple awards from people that “didn’t look like him”. Just ask Oprah, Sharpton, and Jackson. But that’s when he was a democrat….

I agree. And let’s not kid ourselves here, Steve Jobs did a lot of bad things with his family and was not nice. I wonder if he would be canceled in today’s society.
You bet he would. Lots of eyes wide closed on the religious left.
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macrumors 68040
May 9, 2006
Dr. Dre? He slapped Dee Barnes.
He did a lot more than slap Dee Barnes.

“He [Dr. Dre] picked me up by my hair and my ear and smashed my face and body into the wall,” she said. “Next thing I know, I’m down on the ground and he’s kicking me in the ribs and stamping on my fingers. I ran into the women’s bathroom to hide, but he burst through the door and started bashing me in the back of the head.”

Then there was Tairrie B:

When Dr. Dre heard the track, he turned up at the awards ceremony party, where he punched Tairrie “twice — once in the mouth and once in the eye. He hit me like Tyson, but I took it — I don’t know how.”

And then there was Michel'le - he broke her nose.



Jul 18, 2011
Dr Dre has also acknowledged the mistakes of his past, apologized, and has tried to do better. That's the part that gets glossed over. The late Senator Byrd did some pretty bad things in his past, like joining the Klan. He apologized for his past, admitted it was a mistake, and then changed his ways. What I'm hearing here is that people want to be able to continue saying things that others find offensive, and then be immune from any pushback.

In the past, casual racism, sexism, homophobia etc were tolerated because many people felt they couldn't speak out. That has changed. How you speak in your home, among friends, or at your place of worship is one thing. How you speak at your workplace is another.

I will admit that Apple HR and/or executive leadership failed on this one. He shouldn't have been offered a position in the first place. And yes, some of the things Steve said back in the day would not be tolerated today. It's been over a decade since he passed.

Dre was also hired at a time when cancel culture wasn’t as prevalent.

Times change, perceptions change, and I guess even Apple isn’t immune to peer pressure in this regard, I suppose.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
Of course.

Now let's swap "women" with "men" in the quote from the petitioners. How many of those 2000 people would sign that?
The problem with whataboutism, is that it doesn’t take in to account any of the finer points of a discussion. It’s a very similar vein as to when people say things like ‘why don’t we have a white lives matter… blah blah’ when speaking of Black Lives Matter. To say that it’s missing the point is an gross understatement.
Men, specifically white ones, have been at the top of the pile in society for a long long time. Controlling and suppressing everything that isn’t them. This includes women.
So to answer your question, the reason a petition like that wouldn’t have taken off so drastically, is because there doesn’t need to be a mass discussion on how to protect men against casual abuse in the same way there does for women.
Sure all men have problems, but they’re very much personal ground level problems, not problems to a mass scale which affect you simply because you’re a man - as it does with women, people of colour etc.

The simple fact this needs explaining is petrifying.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
And this ladies and gentlemen why you should care for your privacy and never let social media and corporates harvest your data and store it forever to have a free mail account or a search engine
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macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
Western society: we support and give the right to people to fully express themselves and the right to freedom of speech

also western society: we will banish and punish all those who resist the popular ideology in society until he gives in to our system of beliefs.

Newspeak by ministry of truth if you ask me.


macrumors 603
Aug 14, 2009
Western society: we support and give the right to people to fully express themselves and the right to freedom of speech

As been pointed out numerous times freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences, just freedom from prior restraint by the government, or, being forced to speak.

also western society: we will banish and punish all those who resist the popular ideology in society until he gives in to our system of beliefs.

That is true of society since the dawn of time. Groups do tend not to tolerate deviations from the social norms and take actions to silence them. While it often is painted in idealogical terms, it's not a left - right conservative - liberal differentiator; the differentiator is what speech or actions you want silenced.

Newspeak by ministry of truth if you ask me.

More like human nature.


macrumors regular
Sep 16, 2014
And I suspect you personally are a treat who is well qualified to make such a statement about all women in an entire state. It’s absolutely disgusting of you to make such a sweeping generalisation about women. You should be ashamed of yourself and you should look deep and hard at what gives you the right to say as such. Hint- this is not freedom of speech, this is a deep seated disdain for females.

Don’t forget, you yourself said:
”…his assessment of women in the Bay Area and California in general is spot on - maybe such a vacuous group of people should take their faces out of their mocha lattes and open a book or two”

What on earth would your mother say if you spoke to her with that tongue?
lol, she wouldn’t give a crap. You people are so presumptuous in that you believe everyone toes your social justice death line. Here’s a tip: most people don’t care, not least a 75 year old woman. Hahaha!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2015
I don't think an environment is unsafe where you are at risk of someone being rude or having opinions that you find offensive.

If a society is to be "diverse" and "tolerant" then it should allow diversity of opinions and be tolerant of those who's opinions we may consider different to the norm.
Do all societies agree some opinions are not just different but clearly wrong and dangerous? Of course. If you promote violence, your words are to be considered violent too and you must be punished. Some opinions can't be tolerated. If someone thinks black people are inferior and says it on the internet, I'm very glad if he gets fired.
...but surely in cases like this, it can be much harder to draw a line. First off, I'm glad there is severe evaluation recently, especially for people who are powerful and influential, even though I understand and partially share the fear that we may, in some situation, fall into rulings that are too hard. What seems wrong is that companies decide based on public opinion because they care about profit. I certainly support the right of people who think they're been fired for no valid reason to seek justice. All rules that are born to protect someone risk to harm innocent people and we must consider that. It's not a perfect system but it's better than just letting all potentially dangerous opinions flow with no consequence like it used to be.


macrumors regular
Aug 11, 2020
The problem with whataboutism, is that it doesn’t take in to account any of the finer points of a discussion. It’s a very similar vein as to when people say things like ‘why don’t we have a white lives matter… blah blah’ when speaking of Black Lives Matter. To say that it’s missing the point is an gross understatement.
Men, specifically white ones, have been at the top of the pile in society for a long long time. Controlling and suppressing everything that isn’t them. This includes women.
So to answer your question, the reason a petition like that wouldn’t have taken off so drastically, is because there doesn’t need to be a mass discussion on how to protect men against casual abuse in the same way there does for women.
Sure all men have problems, but they’re very much personal ground level problems, not problems to a mass scale which affect you simply because you’re a man - as it does with women, people of colour etc.

The simple fact this needs explaining is petrifying.
If a white man kills a black man, it’s hate crime. If a black man kills a white man, it’s racial justice! Right? Since slavery and stuff? We should champion two criminal justice systems! Fair and just!


macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2019
So it’s ok when it’s against someone you don’t like. Got it.

Oh and by the way, he received multiple awards from people that “didn’t look like him”. Just ask Oprah, Sharpton, and Jackson. But that’s when he was a democrat….

You bet he would. Lots of eyes wide closed on the religious left.
Lol you wrote that as if it’s some sort of gotcha. Hahaha


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
The problem with whataboutism, is that it doesn’t take in to account any of the finer points of a discussion. It’s a very similar vein as to when people say things like ‘why don’t we have a white lives matter… blah blah’ when speaking of Black Lives Matter. To say that it’s missing the point is an gross understatement.
Men, specifically white ones, have been at the top of the pile in society for a long long time. Controlling and suppressing everything that isn’t them. This includes women.
So to answer your question, the reason a petition like that wouldn’t have taken off so drastically, is because there doesn’t need to be a mass discussion on how to protect men against casual abuse in the same way there does for women.
Sure all men have problems, but they’re very much personal ground level problems, not problems to a mass scale which affect you simply because you’re a man - as it does with women, people of colour etc.

The simple fact this needs explaining is petrifying.
The problem with whataboutism is people don’t want to defend their insane views when they smack up against the wall of reality and put in to context.

If a white man kills a black man, it’s hate crime. If a black man kills a white man, it’s racial justice! Right? Since slavery and stuff? We should champion two criminal justice systems! Fair and just!
I believe the word you’re looking for is social justice.
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