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macrumors 6502
Mar 25, 2011
French Pyrenees
Politics 101 is to distract your voter base and blame your problems on a foreign country. Having a common foreign enemy gives power to politicians. China is an easy target due to prolonged media propaganda and historical anglo saxon racism towards the Chinese.

Is China causing you problems in real life? No. Hard-working Chinese people is the reason we have abundant affordable products in the western world. But when the Chinese want to move up the value chain so they can catch up in quality of life, the west is now suddenly saying they're all around an evil country that must be sanctioned.

The west is basically saying to China, "no, you can't design, produce, and sell advanced technology. You must stay as our cheap factory."
Is China causing ME problems in real life? Not on a daily basis, that I know of. They certainly do when I'd go to China. They also do, on a daily basis and a much more detrimental level, to many millions of people living in China and even beyond.
PS: Of course China is not the only country to which this applies.


macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2003
Politics 101 is to distract your voter base and blame your problems on a foreign country. Having a common foreign enemy gives power to politicians. China is an easy target due to prolonged media propaganda and historical anglo saxon racism towards the Chinese.

Is China causing you problems in real life? No. Hard-working Chinese people is the reason we have abundant affordable products in the western world. But when the Chinese want to move up the value chain so they can catch up in quality of life, the west is now suddenly saying they're all around an evil country that must be sanctioned.

The west is basically saying to China, "no, you can't design, produce, and sell advanced technology. You must stay as our cheap factory."
Aside from being a slave state with massive repression of human rights, China has grand geopolitical designs that are akin to modern colonialism. You are either willfully naive or trolling.


macrumors 601
Nov 23, 2014
Will these policies effect prices of electronics in the near term? I'm considering hitting fast forward on a few purchases (widescreen monitor, some autofocus camera lenses) just because I worry prices may jump.
I’ve been in that mind frame for a year now 🤣 “Buy before you can’t afford it”


macrumors G5
With the way China acting on Hong Kong and Taiwan I'm surprised this didn't come sooner.

Profit rules all. Morals and greater good tend to be compromised if there is an extra buck to made. Here, you have an artificial force- GOV- stepping in to somewhat force the issue because obviously the chip buyer was ignoring "the way China acting..."

Apple will sell their soul to the devil as long as it increases their profits.
Nothing new, expect price rises with new iPhones given they cant source cheaper memory chips.

Expect price increases anyway... as long as most people will "just pay more." All things like this simply become some rationale for hiking prices... but it really comes down to will the market pay more this time?

So far, the answer has been "YES... shut up and take my money" EVERY time. As long as the bulk of us "just pay," pricing will "just rise." It's actually how capitalism is supposed to ideally work purely from the seller's perspective.

Buyers are supposed to demand more for their money (tangibly demonstrate we value our hard-earned money) but buyers seem to have forgotten their greater power in that way... instead, griping to the moon about inflation but then rolling right over and paying up anyway. When "we" pay more, we simply reward price hikes... and encourage more price hikes to help drive "record profits" YOY. Sellers appreciate all of "our" support... to the bank... again and again and again.
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macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2005
Lots of discussion here blaming politics, but the problem seems to be that YMTC is on the "Unverified" list. Why is that? The list seems rather short so what is special about YMTC that they are not inspected and on the "Verified" list?


macrumors 65816
Apr 17, 2020
The biggest risk to Apple is it's over reliance on China for manufacturing. It is an existential threat to the company because business can shut shut down in a literal flash -- no pun intended. Strictly business. From a moral point of view, Apple should have begun moving away well over ten years ago and is now needlessly in a precarious position.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 21, 2015
Ten Forward
Politics 101 is to distract your voter base and blame your problems on a foreign country. Having a common foreign enemy gives power to politicians. China is an easy target due to prolonged media propaganda and historical anglo saxon racism towards the Chinese.

Is China causing you problems in real life? No. Hard-working Chinese people is the reason we have abundant affordable products in the western world. But when the Chinese want to move up the value chain so they can catch up in quality of life, the west is now suddenly saying they're all around an evil country that must be sanctioned.

The west is basically saying to China, "no, you can't design, produce, and sell advanced technology. You must stay as our cheap factory."
"Anglo-Saxon racism" tell that to my Taiwanese wife.


macrumors 68040
Sep 9, 2015
It’s hard to imagine how Apple continues to to rely so heavily on China when they had the resources to train, build, and move manufacturing to a place(s) with far better human rights and geopolitical intentions many years ago, and would likely not have been dealing with many of the shortages, delays, etc. they have recently. I am guilty, because I continue to buy their Made in China products, and before the offended comment on me having an anti-China stance, I am merely anti-Chinese government, not the citizens.


Jun 25, 2009
It's nothing new for US. They've done this to Japan before. The only difference now is that China has a high chance to surpass the US due to its resources while Japan never really had that potential.

And because China has a communist government (in name only, capitalism in practice), the US has another angle to justify these policies.

The US can say "we're banning chip imports/exports to China because they're a single communist government state" instead of saying "we're banning chip imports/exports to China because we're trying to slow their growth so we can stay the world boss longer".

I always laugh when people think China vs the US is anything other than economics.

Yikes. China is US enemy #1, one of the only countries working on a military to rival ours. Several experts predict that they will actually pass us in technology within the next decade. China is not our friend and it isn’t about economics. It’s about becoming the new leader of the free world and there’s only one way that can take place.


macrumors G3
Jun 24, 2010
I can see a trade war coming too though, and it's one the West could lose because a large majority of products are produced in China for Western consumption, if sanctions are placed on them inflation will increase even further I will imagine.
The west needs to learn to manufacture products themselves again. Uses robot or something but we can’t rely on China. One day there might be a conflict. Starting then would be too late.
10 years ago no one believed Putin would start a war in Europe. Today many still think China won’t but we should not depend on that thought.
The globalization as we know it are dead I’m afraid.


Jun 25, 2009
Politics 101 is to distract your voter base and blame your problems on a foreign country. Having a common foreign enemy gives power to politicians. China is an easy target due to prolonged media propaganda and historical anglo saxon racism towards the Chinese.

Is China causing you problems in real life? No. Hard-working Chinese people is the reason we have abundant affordable products in the western world. But when the Chinese want to move up the value chain so they can catch up in quality of life, the west is now suddenly saying they're all around an evil country that must be sanctioned.

The west is basically saying to China, "no, you can't design, produce, and sell advanced technology. You must stay as our cheap factory."

China releases official statement after official statement threatening the United States with death and peril. That is the reason for attempting to handicap their advances. Just 2 or so months ago, they said (to the United States) “Those who play with fire will perish by it.”


macrumors 65816
Apr 17, 2020
Politics 101 is to distract your voter base and blame your problems on a foreign country. Having a common foreign enemy gives power to politicians. China is an easy target due to prolonged media propaganda and historical anglo saxon racism towards the Chinese.

Is China causing you problems in real life? No. Hard-working Chinese people is the reason we have abundant affordable products in the western world. But when the Chinese want to move up the value chain so they can catch up in quality of life, the west is now suddenly saying they're all around an evil country that must be sanctioned.

The west is basically saying to China, "no, you can't design, produce, and sell advanced technology. You must stay as our cheap factory."
Bad take because your premise is wrong. Exactly 0% of Chinese technological development has been created or developed within China. It's almost entirely stolen technology (or force transfers by misguided western firms). This fact has nothing to do with "hardworking Chinese people," which is true. Does it effect me? Yes -- because I value freedom, democracy, expression and individual rights. I no longer do business in Hong Kong.


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2017
You should! China is the US’s #1 threat, the entire world’s #1 threat. They’re just not there yet and not enough people can currently see the writing on the wall.
Funny. I don’t remember China being the country that has started wars with most of the world, continue to start wars, infiltrate and install leaders in foreign countries, etc.

Get your head out of your ass. The media propaganda has been strong.


macrumors 65816
Jul 1, 2021
Ah yes. Anything that is not negative said about China is CCP propaganda.

But the 99% negative stories about China in the west is not propaganda at all.

Do you have anything more original?

More original than CCP propoganda?

What can I say, when so many people parrot propaganda from the same government it tends to all sound the same.


macrumors regular
Feb 24, 2005
It's nothing new for US. They've done this to Japan before. The only difference now is that China has a high chance to surpass the US due to its resources while Japan never really had that potential.

And because China has a communist government (in name only, capitalism in practice), the US has another angle to justify these policies.

The US can say "we're banning chip imports/exports to China because they're a single communist government state" instead of saying "we're banning chip imports/exports to China because we're trying to slow their growth so we can stay the world boss longer".

I always laugh when people think China vs the US is anything other than economics.

China has been stealing trade secrets for years, a lot of their tech is either Russian bought or stolen. Every country should protect their IP from hostile foreign actors.

You talk like the US is trying to hold China back, yet if China is as advanced as you suggest they can go invent all that tech for themselves. A lot of Chinas problems come from how its economy is organised, it doesn't reward entrepreneurs, it doesn't allow free thinkers, it doesn't do what needs to be done to promote such advancements. An outspoken CEO like Jobs or Musk would have been disappeared long ago, and along with it Chinas hopes for technological success.
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