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macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
I won't go as far as to say Apple is dead to me, but yes I am disappointed. I have had every year's model iPhone and been an enthusiast, but in my opinion this really marks the end of the Jobs period.

I know we shouldn't say things like "Steve would have done this or that", but I wholeheartedly believe that Steve would not have allowed the X to be this phone. He might have allowed this X to be the iPhone 8 model (and not released those), but for the premium priced model he would have insisted, as the X as the 10th anniversary phone, having some new cutting edge feature that nobody else has, so everybody would be going "I don't care if it's $999, shut up and take my money" instead of complaining about the price because it's an evolution of not much new.

Holographic Siri, anyone? Just an idea, but you get the point, they should be skating to where the puck WILL be, just like in their Gretsky quote, not adding current industry features and calling that the future.

Now with the Cook era, I really think unless they can come up with something truly new, they're going to be the next Microsoft type company, always putting out the safe choice, improving a bit on competitor offerings, but not being the innovators. And that makes me very sad.

Agree on most accounts.
Money wise there are many alternatives to the iPhone purchase at a variety of price points.

I laugh at the people, I want the phone but don’t want to pay the price.
I want filet mignon and lobster tails 3 times a week.

One thing being overlooked is the capabilities of the phones and the apps available.

I’ve used the Apple Watch and iPad to shoot a number of training videos.
Last night I discovered Clips while walking through an Apple store.

The X has been a very productive tool for me, well worth the $.

Yes Gretzky’s quote is impactful. Hasn’t apple done just that though.
With the phone, eliminated the mechanical home button for a haptic, Siri, facial recognition removing the need for a button, App Store, and so on. Let’s not forget the headphone jack.

Apple may not be the “best” in some people’s eyes but they surely push the industry and drive advancement.


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
The alternative is Android and that is not an option for me.

BTDT and sent the t-shirt to a facility approved by the NRC and EPA for destruction.

Apple, certainly right now and for periods in the past, is sort of like democracy. It is a horrible arrangement, but it's better than the alternatives. At least IMHO. Dealing with Google and the carrier and the hardware manufacturer and the app devs was like volunteering to be on four different parts of the menu at a dinner for cannibals.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2014
The alternative is Android and that is not an option for me.
Yup!! I tried Android a few times, most recently with the S8 but always come back to "boring" iOS. Yes Samsung and other android OEM's may be more innovation as far as hardware features but Apple's software and ecosystem are still way ahead of Android.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I enjoy the X, Apple nailed the UI and gestures, I can fly through the phone.

Just using the phone and the gestures is fun in itself.

Agreed! That's the most impressive thing about the X to me. They took a home button centric UI that we were used to for 10 years and completely changed it to a gesture based UI and people are like "still the same iOS to me". To be able to make that transition so seamlessly is really impressive.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 25, 2016
I agree with you on this. It seemed they were very apprehensive and nervous during the keynote, where they were stuttering a lot. And I'm not disparaging against any of the executives, but the ambience did seem very different to me. I'm not sure why this was. Perhaps due to the immense amount of pressure with this new iPhone and in the new theater.
I think it’s become they had to make ordinary extraordinary and exclusive.


macrumors 68040
Jan 28, 2008
Vancouver, BC
Wow, OP is so cool and sophisticated and awesome!

I wish I could be as cool and sophisticated and awesome as you, OP!

Have fun with your piece of **** Samsung phone.
bet you've never used a modern samsung smartphone.
the galaxy s8 was leagues ahead of the iphone 7, and the note 8 imo is a better package for roughly the same price than the iphone x.

even whe youre looking at it from a design perspective.

youre unreasonably biased here.
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macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Rule the OP needs to follow: Don't ever get caught being too emotionally invested in a for-profit company, unless you're one of the execs.

It's just a tech company. The products aren't "magical" no matter how many times Tim Cook says so. It's stuff, and "stuff" is not as important as you think.

Take a few deep breaths. Have an adult beverage. Get laid. Do whatever it takes to calm yourself over this colossal disappointment and realize in the end it matters very little.

In all seriousness... all companies will change course that people don't like. Apple is not the ultimate company and they shouldn't be treated as gods. They just happen to make good things, but their charm is wearing off. That's a whole 'nther issue.
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Oct 17, 2016
I'm not going to be dramatic about this, but Apple is dead to me.

Okay, they were not sophisticated enough to imbed a touch id button under the screen so instead they go with Face ID. That's fine. But don't take us for fools by using Face ID as one of the X's big ticket items. I feel robbed. We already had a security measure in place, so what do they do, use an alternative security measure as a big new thing to come to iphone because they have hardly anything else to talk about, they have run out of ideas, there is nothing new with the X

Wireless charging. Yea great. Now iphone is only 2 years behind every other phone.

Oled display. Seriously is Apple that bereft of ideas that they have to talk about what every other ****ing smartphone in 2017 has?

Better camera and more powerful chip. This is what you can expect to be the big feature next year because they will have nothing new for next year so expect a better camera and a more powerful chip next year too.

This was supposed to be the biggy. This year Apple was supposed to come out of its post Steve Jobs shell and deliver. **** them, all they did was another incremental upgrade, and I'm talkking about the iphone x.

Where's the big softeare features? Still the same boring as ******* grid of apps, no ability to customise, not even split screen multitasking, it's 2017 for crying out loud. - "the most advanced mobile phone operating system" - yea right, pig's farking ass it is.

Time to start looking at the Note 8 because Apple is dead to me after this keynote.
“Not dramatic”

“Apple is dead to me”

“Because of a better security measure”

“I rather be complacent with what ‘just works’”


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
I enjoy the X, Apple nailed the UI and gestures, I can fly through the phone.

Just using the phone and the gestures is fun in itself.

Some of the gestures were really inconvenient for me (YMMV), BUT -

1. I agree that learning to use the phone was fun

2. Even though some of the UI choices were not what I thought were good ergonomic/good UX choices, the ones that "worked right" for me were almost spooky. There were times when I had the sense that - this is hard to describe and probably hard to take seriously when someone says this - the phone just disappeared physically, it was like I was just looking straight at the data without a physical object between me and the data. For as much as I like and feel comfortable with the TouchID phones, I have NEVER felt like the phone wasn't there.

It was sometimes like the difference between grabbing a hammer (7 and earlier) to drive a nail, versus just looking at the nail and having it go into the wood. (Hello Jedi mind tricks or Monty Python.)


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Some of the gestures were really inconvenient for me (YMMV), BUT -

1. I agree that learning to use the phone was fun

2. Even though some of the UI choices were not what I thought were good ergonomic/good UX choices, the ones that "worked right" for me were almost spooky. There were times when I had the sense that - this is hard to describe and probably hard to take seriously when someone says this - the phone just disappeared physically, it was like I was just looking straight at the data without a physical object between me and the data. For as much as I like and feel comfortable with the TouchID phones, I have NEVER felt like the phone wasn't there.

It was sometimes like the difference between grabbing a hammer (7 and earlier) to drive a nail, versus just looking at the nail and having it go into the wood. (Hello Jedi mind tricks or Monty Python.)
The one UI choice I don’t like is control center. Harder to get to now since it’s top right.


macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2012
Right behind you
Agreed! That's the most impressive thing about the X to me. They took a home button centric UI that we were used to for 10 years and completely changed it to a gesture based UI and people are like "still the same iOS to me". To be able to make that transition so seamlessly is really impressive.

Yea, but you don't specifically need the X for the gestures.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Yes you do. Where else do you have the same gestures currently? They’ll remove the home button and bring similar gestures to iPad also.
iPad already has some of the same gestures. I haven’t used the home button on my air 2 in a while.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
iPad already has some of the same gestures. I haven’t used the home button on my air 2 in a while.

I’m talking about the gestures the X introduced to replace the home button. Swipe up to close the app, swipe the bottom bar to go between apps, up and over for multitasking. All I said was that I like the gestures.


macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2012
Right behind you
Yes you do. Where else do you have the same gestures currently? They’ll remove the home button and bring similar gestures to iPad also.

I use gestures all day long on my iPad Pro. Other than authenticating an app, I never need to press the home button. Swipe up to enter app switcher and control panel, swipe up to delete apps, tap anywhere else and return home. I can swipe from the right to open the last app in my multitask window. I can use a geture to open split screen. There is even some 3D touch actions in a long press as they are found on the X. Gestures, gestures, gestures. I like them very much. As a matter fo fact, it was the gestures on my iPad that made me upgrade to the X.
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