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Dunk the Lunk

macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2007
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
This, this remains essential. Any attempts to make public to anyone the voting history of the individual citizenry will end with a frighteningly near certain catastrophe resulting in the destruction of democracy and the rule of a one-party state. In time...

Yet there are still pushes made to do this. Excellent quotes provided here.

This is entirely true. And leaders of democratic countries should not cultivate public distrust of, or outright attack, the electoral process for their own gain. It ends with the same result. They are there to “preserve, protect, and defend”.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2013
Warsaw, Poland
I’m sure I can find many articles to contradict this.
Fact is, white males are still the de facto standard as they are the majority. The difference is now people are starting to realize we don’t need to always default to the “white is right” mentality anymore. Hence why white men and white people in general feel threaten.
You see, here's the issue. You want to find articles that contradict this. How? Discrimination is something that should be considered case by case. Go to this guy from article and tell him: 'you might have been unfairly rejected and for the moment stay jobless, but members of your race are majority of Apple Inc's board (or any other successful endeavor)'. How does it help that guy? In his case his race and sex were used against him.

I don't think whites feel threatened. Maybe irritated and that's why he sued. Talented and ambitious people will always find a way, no matter what skin color. As you can see, this guy from article already found another job. It's a trait you should nurture in your kids. All my childhood my father was teaching me I had to learn to get good job to make sure my kids don't lack what I have. Quite literally which was a little terrifying to 10 years old kid, but it worked. I believe all American social issues could be solved in a couple decades just with:
  • free education,
  • starting initiatives to rescue families, prevent divorces.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
And not hiring someone because they are a white male is racist and sexist too.

I am not white but I am tired of vilifying white people. Whatever happened in history is done and over for decades/centuries and whoever exists today should not be punished for the mistakes of their ancestors, neither should anyone today get privileged or rewarded for hardships they never faced.

As far as I am concerned, white majority countries has put all the laws and regulations to insure equality is met and I don't see anything more they can do. Well, at least the Americas, oceania , and western Europe.


Oct 18, 2020
I’m sure I can find many articles to contradict this.
Fact is, white males are still the de facto standard as they are the majority. The difference is now people are starting to realize we don’t need to always default to the “white is right” mentality anymore. Hence why white men and white people in general feel threaten.

People seem to forget that freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have the right to say anything you want and not receive consequences. You can say and do as you so wish as long as it isn’t slander or libelous but you have to be able to deal with the consequences of said speech.

I was on parler. Mainly to troll republicans because they are a ridiculous bunch.

it was harmless from the cult followers telling trump to pardon himself and his family (remember when republicans criticized Clinton for doing that to his brother) to seeing literal hate speech against blacks, gays, trans, Harris being a woman, etc. I even saw several posts discussing violence and wanting to continue so.

If parler shoild
Be allowed to exist because of free speech, Apple, Google, Amazon, etc should have the right not to host them.

nobody is censoring parler. 4chan has existed how many years?

they simply want nothing to do with them and sadly, people like yourself are the problem. You want to use the constitution to your advantage but when BLM or as you all put it “antifa” put it, exercises theirs it’s a problem.

the election wasn’t stolen or rigged or had any interference from Russia in 2016 because Trump won? But in 2020, it’s rigged because he didn’t.

it’s okay to literally storm a private building with the intention of causing harm to officials and even kidnap them because your guy lost. But protesting peacefully and marching in the streets for police brutality was wrong?

blue lives matter when obviously guilty cops get held accountable. Except for when you decide to riot at the capitol and actually kill a cop.

liberals are snowflakes. Except the last 2 months, conservatives whined because they lost.

republicans and anyone who supports Trump and is against his ban and parler removal. Do me a favor.

be racist. Be xenophobic. Be homophobic. Transphobic. Elitist. Misogynistic. Relgious zealots. Uneducated about the very law you try to use to defend your actions.

but be consistent. That’s why the GOP is pretty much over and it’s time for a rebirth. Because you literally became the same thing you complained about the last four years except you made it up as no democrat has acted like this and certainly no democrat did what they did at the capitol for Hilary because Hilary never incited a riot.

Y’all are jokes. End of.

I'm not asking these to things to argue with you, but am genuinely curious as to your take on them:

Hillary Clinton being vehemently opposed to Gay Marriage up until she decided to run for Office

Hillary Clinton voting in favor of the Iraqi War but liberals shun other conservatives who voted for it as well

Joe Biden stating multiple times he voted for 700 miles of fence at the Border to "tons and tons of drugs out"

Joe Biden making MULTIPLE racist comments over the years

Joe Biden voting in favor of segregated busing and being called out by it by his now Vice President in debates

Joe Biden being vehemently opposed to gay marriage and stating so many times in the past up until he wasn't

The Obama administration building cages at the border which somehow was blamed on the current administration

The Democratic Party is far from perfect. It houses horrible people too just as the GOP does. I mean, look at Hollywood. Constantly preaching in the media about how everyone should live their lives while being complete ******* in their personal lives is an example of this. Look at some of the Democratic Party's biggest supporters in that industy, people like Harvey Weinstein, who up until he was finally arrested was good friends with both the Obamas and Clintons. Or Shia Lebouf who preaches love and kindness and spent four years trashing the current administration for how awful they are while being a woman beater in his private life. Hollywood is one of the most racist and discriminatory industries in the world but they love to get up on stage and preach to the people on their liberal views and how everyone else is wrong to oppose them. I guess my point is that awful people exist on both sides but it doesn't mean that all of them are awful just as it means that all conservatives aren't awful people.

Again, I'm not asking these things because I'm trying to argue with you, but those are things that bother me. I'm not a fan of Trump at all and I voted for Biden (I thought both options were weak though), but there seems to be such hypocrisy in calling someone a racist who is conservative because the President has made racist remarks in the past and because some of his supporters are. Doesn't that also make all liberals racist because the incoming President has made racist remarks in the past as well and some of his supporters are clearly racist? I just don't think putting a blanket statement on people is fair and in my opinion both parties need massive changes.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I totally understand that and that isn't my point. My point was that I can see how people could get tired of Apple's preaching all the time. They kind of pick and choose what they support and don't support depending on what the situation is based on who they are selling to.
Apple is huge, not perfect, can be improved and I believe one of the better run companies out there. They are certainly entitled to pick and choose the resources, time and money and PR they give to those around them. I'm sure there is a lot of help that goes unnoticed and/or unmentioned.

It's just the way it is. One can try to catch Apple on inconsistencies and they will succeed, because they are so massive they can't turn on a dime. That doesn't mean Apple management wants things a certain way, and they are not working to change things. Their public opinion is very favorable by the purveyors of that type of information and they want to keep it that way, even if there is much vitriol here in MR at times.

With billions of customers, shareholders and observers there are as many unique viewpoints.

(And by the way I don't get tired of Apple "preaching" and as a side-note one can always not listen)


Oct 18, 2020
Apple is huge, not perfect, can be improved and I believe one of the better run companies out there. They are certainly entitled to pick and choose the resources, time and money and PR they give to those around them. I'm sure there is a lot of help that goes unnoticed and/or unmentioned.

It's just the way it is. One can try to catch Apple on inconsistencies and they will succeed, because they are so massive they can't turn on a dime. That doesn't mean Apple management wants things a certain way, and they are not working to change things. Their public opinion is very favorable by the purveyors of that type of information and they want to keep it that way, even if there is much vitriol here in MR at times.

With billions of customers, shareholders and observers there are as many unique viewpoints.

Excellent point, and I do agree with you. Enjoyed the discussion.


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2013
That's not actually true. It is a public company and has a legal duty to maximize profit for shareholders. They can't actually do what they want without getting in legal trouble with the SEC and shareholders.

Not commenting on this being good or not, just they do have a number of legal obligations and rules.
Apple is a publicly traded company, not a public company (meaning owned by the city/state/federal)Shareholders don't actually have the power to tell the directors of the company what to do. And you are intelligent enough to know I did not mean breaking laws.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2008
I applaud Apple’s intentions, but they just don’t get it. As a minority, I’m offended. What they’re doing is blatantly racist. They should be offering money, education, and support to all people in need, regardless of race, sex or ethnicity. That’s the true meaning of equality.

If Tim Cook were really a fan of MLK, he would be taking a very different approach. After all, it’s MLK who said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

People need to stop this insanity of trying to force equality and diversity. As Thomas Sowell pointed out, if 2 kids with the same parents have very different outcomes, how can we as a society expect everyone to have the same outcomes?? It’s madness!

* Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington and others on racism
* Black Americans failed by good intentions
* Where’s the proof of systemic racism?
With all due respect, this is a poor understanding of King. A horrible, reductive read of Dr. King's advocacy via nonviolent confrontation. King also said "...we're going to march to Washington, and we're coming to get our check."

As a minority, you are likely an immigrant to this nation, your family having come to America as the land of opportunity by choice. This outreach is targeted to, predominantly, the group of American citizens whose ancestors did not come here by choice, they were delivered in the hulls of ships and denied not only opportunity, but humanity for generations.

This is program that will target HBCUs (and, with respect, if you do not understand why HBCUs exist and how they came into existence, the lack of American historical understanding makes what I say near-impossible to process) to mentor and develop bright young people to ultimately expand America's talent pool in tech.

Here's a reality that you may not know: if you are a Black American who is a descendant of American slavery, the last 50+ years have provided the opportunity to get an education, but not necessarily the connections and relationships that allow someone from this group to matriculate and thrive.

A lot of folks love Sowell, because he is only one of a handful of intellectuals that will say what those same folk want to hear.

Here's another consideration: this outreach has NOTHING to do with skin color, it's only an indicator which triggers someone's empathy or their resentment or even rage, YMMV. It has to do with lineage and how that lineage and subsequent generational treatment stacked disadvantage writ-large. Apple isn't engaging in HBCU outreach just because the students are black, the outreach exists because of the deficits created over generations and understanding the need to narrow those gaps and expand the tech talent pool.

"Diversity" is a friendly catch-all word that allows America's majority population to better compartmentalize a multitude of human beings with lineages, experiences, challenges, problems, etc. into a more convenient mnemonic for understanding, but it's so useless.

What's wrong about being intentional about seeking and cultivating more tech talent? Ultimately, this is what makes a nation stronger and more competitive globally. It is these efforts that move the United States closer to A More Perfect Union.

The original America never intended to have a nation that looks like this. However, Apple as a private sector citizen will use a tiny slice of their vast financial warchest to expand American talent pools. Win-win-win.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 28, 2008
Beverly, Massachusetts
His body his choice. If he identifies as Black who are you to call him out? Trans racism is real and the fact we have to bring this up proves there is more work to be done.
You can't identify as black unless you are actually black.. ? Can I identify as Asian or Hispanic, or latino then?


Oct 18, 2020
I just wanted to confirm this post from back in September, is this you? If not, I'll gladly apologize but if so it's about as low as one can go.

Its obviously him. Lol has he posted since you called him out here?


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2008
What these sardonic, cynical bad faith displays of rhetoric banter and, as being argued above, performance art, shows is how and why people confuse the issues of skin color with America's (and other settler colony nations across the globe) history of the oppression and atrocities committed over a vast period of time to the same group of human beings. Again, this difference is critical.

I assert that Apple, and the rest of America's tech giants, should engage in intentional, targeted, outreach initiatives to "discover" (find), cultivate, mentor and matriculate tech talent for their industries from this particular marginalized population of American citizens, and it needs to be, ultimately, a multi-generational project to increase and "diversify" (ugh I hate that word) America's talent pool.

From this group could come ideas, visions of thinking and planning never considered. Apple ultimately is choosing to do this and should be doing this for their ultimate interest of making Apple a stronger corporation over time, especially since these are near-immortal multi-generational entities.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 28, 2008
Beverly, Massachusetts
Yes. If you can identify as a girl or boy why not race or age?
The folks I know that identify as a male or female had surgery done. 2 of the trans woman actually look like woman. You would never know they were once a man unless they told you. I suppose if you can darken your skin (blackface?) and get the same physical characteristics of a black, Asian, Hispanic, Latino person you could call yourself black, Asian, Hispanic or Latino... otherwise it’s just being disgusting and desperate.

Also transgender people feel like the opposite gender trapped in their own body. Never heard of anyone feeling like a black man trapped in a white person’s body. Have you?


Sep 16, 2020
The folks I know that identify as a male or female had surgery done. 2 of the trans woman actually look like woman. You would never know they were once a man unless they told you. I suppose if you can darken your skin (blackface?) and get the same physical characteristics of a black, Asian, Hispanic, Latino person you could call yourself black, Asian, Hispanic or Latino... otherwise it’s just being disgusting and desperate.

Also transgender people feel like the opposite gender trapped in their own body. Never heard of anyone feeling like a black man trapped in a white person’s body. Have you?
Hey Siri, look up transracial

Also what you are referring to has a medical term called “gender dysphoria”


macrumors regular
Aug 23, 2020
The folks I know that identify as a male or female had surgery done. 2 of the trans woman actually look like woman. You would never know they were once a man unless they told you. I suppose if you can darken your skin (blackface?) and get the same physical characteristics of a black, Asian, Hispanic, Latino person you could call yourself black, Asian, Hispanic or Latino... otherwise it’s just being disgusting and desperate.

Also transgender people feel like the opposite gender trapped in their own body. Never heard of anyone feeling like a black man trapped in a white person’s body. Have you?
I believe that your thinking is too "cis" and way too narrow minded. There is absolutely NO requirement for those who identify themselves being male, female, neutral, bi, etc which is different than their genetic make up to have any surgical procedures or take any hormones. One only needs to have feelings or beliefs that are inconsistent with their genetic or phenotypic make-up for folks to do non-cis identification. It is NOT a small step to self identify being a different race.

To be consistent with where we are in society in respect to LBGQT, we need to expand that beyond X and Y chromosomal boundaries. This necessarily means that folks should be able to self identify as trans or cis in all aspects of life, otherwise that is discrimination.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2007
I’m sure I can find many articles to contradict this.
Fact is, white males are still the de facto standard as they are the majority. The difference is now people are starting to realize we don’t need to always default to the “white is right” mentality anymore. Hence why white men and white people in general feel threaten.

People seem to forget that freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have the right to say anything you want and not receive consequences. You can say and do as you so wish as long as it isn’t slander or libelous but you have to be able to deal with the consequences of said speech.

I was on parler. Mainly to troll republicans because they are a ridiculous bunch.

it was harmless from the cult followers telling trump to pardon himself and his family (remember when republicans criticized Clinton for doing that to his brother) to seeing literal hate speech against blacks, gays, trans, Harris being a woman, etc. I even saw several posts discussing violence and wanting to continue so.

If parler shoild
Be allowed to exist because of free speech, Apple, Google, Amazon, etc should have the right not to host them.

nobody is censoring parler. 4chan has existed how many years?

they simply want nothing to do with them and sadly, people like yourself are the problem. You want to use the constitution to your advantage but when BLM or as you all put it “antifa” put it, exercises theirs it’s a problem.

the election wasn’t stolen or rigged or had any interference from Russia in 2016 because Trump won? But in 2020, it’s rigged because he didn’t.

it’s okay to literally storm a private building with the intention of causing harm to officials and even kidnap them because your guy lost. But protesting peacefully and marching in the streets for police brutality was wrong?

blue lives matter when obviously guilty cops get held accountable. Except for when you decide to riot at the capitol and actually kill a cop.

liberals are snowflakes. Except the last 2 months, conservatives whined because they lost.

republicans and anyone who supports Trump and is against his ban and parler removal. Do me a favor.

be racist. Be xenophobic. Be homophobic. Transphobic. Elitist. Misogynistic. Relgious zealots. Uneducated about the very law you try to use to defend your actions.

but be consistent. That’s why the GOP is pretty much over and it’s time for a rebirth. Because you literally became the same thing you complained about the last four years except you made it up as no democrat has acted like this and certainly no democrat did what they did at the capitol for Hilary because Hilary never incited a riot.

Y’all are jokes. End of.
You lost me when you said “marching peacefully”. BLM protests were anything but peaceful. They ended in rage and chaos, which stemmed from endless years of aggrevation.

While I agree that radical Republicans fuel the hate you speak of, neither BLM or the Capital mob was peaceful. You’ve got some tunnel vision here.
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Khaleesi Kendall

macrumors regular
Mar 31, 2020
You lost me when you said “marching peacefully”. BLM protests were anything but peaceful. They ended in rage and chaos, which stemmed from endless years of aggrevation.

While I agree that radical Republicans fuel the hate you speak of, neither BLM or the Capital mob was peaceful. You’ve got some tunnel vision here.
Hon, I went to several Black Lives Matter protests. Each one was peaceful. Cops were respected and even some joined in.

please stop lumping the actions of extremist with peaceful people. That’s like trying to say mlk wasn’t peaceful despite the fact the black panthers existed and were often more violent.

you trivialize a moment for racial equality and bringing awareness to police brutality and lack of accountability when you make asinine generalizations like that.

furthermore you’re comparing Black Lives Matter to republicans being annoyed their dude lost and wanting to kidnap government officials and harm them, including the Vice President and even killed and attacked cops despite quote blue lives Matter. Not even in the same league as anything that went on last year.

try again next time when you have a point that actually makes sense.

Khaleesi Kendall

macrumors regular
Mar 31, 2020
but there seems to be such hypocrisy in calling someone a racist who is conservative because the President has made racist remarks in the past and because some of his supporters are.
In the past? He’s made these comments since being in office lmao. There’s a difference in someone making comments decades prior and learning from them and then having the highest office in the country and making them and encouraging his cult of followers to buy into that rhetoric.

Khaleesi Kendall

macrumors regular
Mar 31, 2020
I am not white but I am tired of vilifying white people. Whatever happened in history is done and over for decades/centuries and whoever exists today should not be punished for the mistakes of their ancestors, neither should anyone today get privileged or rewarded for hardships they never faced.

As far as I am concerned, white majority countries has put all the laws and regulations to insure equality is met and I don't see anything more they can do. Well, at least the Americas, oceania , and western Europe.
Nobody is vilifying white people but the fact is that some white people refuse to acknowledge the advantage of being white in America. And not just with jobs. There are things white people never have to think about that people of color do.

no one should be held accountable because their great great great great grand dad owned a 100 slaves and snuck into the cabins to bang a field slave. But they need to acknowledge the fact that while we are supposed to be equal or country and society as a whole often doesn’t treat us as equal and understand why and work towards bettering that. We are still paying for the sins of our fathers. Once the baby boomers die out I feel the country will be a better place.


Oct 18, 2020
In the past? He’s made these comments since being in office lmao. There’s a difference in someone making comments decades prior and learning from them and then having the highest office in the country and making them and encouraging his cult of followers to buy into that rhetoric.

Again, the answer is always to say "Well Trump was worse because he did this." We all know Trump has made racist statements, and I'm not defending them. Focus on Biden. The hypocrisy in your comment is exactly what I'm talking about. For one, Biden has made comments very recently that were racist. And to that point, making MULTIPLE racist comments while holding public office (Biden) in no way excuses them and I don't care how long ago they were and what he "learned" from them. And he didn't learn that much apparently because he's continued to make them. But I get it. There are no racists on the left. All of those racists have "grown" and the horrific statements and actions they took in the past don't matter because they learned from them.

Give me a break. Your statement exemplifies why in my opinion both parties need to be overhauled.
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