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macrumors 68030
May 20, 2011
While the city can prevent UPS and Fedex they can't hold USPS packages as its a federal agency.
I don't "feel special", and I don't live in the affected areas. Since there is no real reason to delay the shipment, they could (in theory, if it were at UPS/Fedex and being artificially held) send it earlier to those people who would otherwise get it later.

Why do you feel offended that someone might get the phone earlier?

I don't feel offended. I just don't get why they need to get it earlier or feel that they do. It's not like an Apple event caused the delay. This event is outside of their control.
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macrumors 68030
May 20, 2011
While the city can prevent UPS and Fedex they can't hold USPS packages as its a federal agency.
FDX = ICAO airline code for Federal Express = FedEx.


That's what I thought, but there's been some local carriers popping up lately so you never know


macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
This. I'm far from Catholic, but this pope is worth respecting.
Agreed. In a long line of Popes making baby steps or worse into the future, this one is a Great Leap Forward. This is likely the best Pope the world has seen in terms of successfully motivating the church and its more conservative adherents out of the barbarism of the Bronze Age and into a healthier and more constructive modernity. If you're going to have billions of people who want to worship human gods and humans, and clearly we do and will for a while yet, this leader is a big step in a positive direction.

Had we had this Pope when I was still a Jesuit, I may not have recoiled quite so harshly once the inevitable occurred, but recognized some value in the rough-hewn, lumpy, cobbled-together societal safety net the church and faith aspires to be. Probably would have been more productive.


Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York
Um, yeah, but that doesn't change its status and recognition by the rest of the world because some think its a farce.

Also doesn't change the fact that he doesn't deserve it. And really, the Vatican's "status" and "recognition" are entirely perfunctory. Kind of like how we appease China during the Olympic Games by calling Taiwan "Chinese Taipei".


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2011
Super annoying, disruptive, and unnecessary.

Not sure if you're talking about the emails to users explaining that their beloved devices will be *gasp* A DAY LATE.... or if you're referring to the Pope's visit/motorcade/security.... really could go either way.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
All this piddle about the Catholic Church and sexual abuse. Meanwhile, I thought the left was ALL ABOUT alternative sex? Be that as it may, sex abuse of boys is way more widespread than anything related to the Catholic Church. Witness how U.S. Soldiers have been told to ignore sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies. Yes, you read that right.

Everyday I wake up and say, today is the day @FieldingMellish finally nails a false equivalency. We'll try again tomorrow.


macrumors 68000
Aug 14, 2014
Argh. Mine still say preparing for shipment. I just wish they would change. My office is closed tomorrow until next tuesday. My printer doesn't work at home. I just want to presign for delivery but I can't print the page for that until they change to shipped. If I track by reference I see them sitting in the philly distribution center so I know they shipped. I have both tracking numbers already. Blarg.

You can pre sign on the ups website when logged into choice ups.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
while I'm happy that apple is being proactive and doing Saturday deliveries... I'd still be PISSED if I lived in one of those zip codes and couldn't get my phones on Friday!

it was bad enough they pre-empted half of one of my soaps yesterday to show and reshow and reshow and reshow him walking off the plane and shaking obummer's and his families hands over and over and over again..

but then this morning when I tried to listen to the news on tv as I usually do while getting ready for work... they had coverage of him and obummer just standing there listening to music....

I finally turned it off and listened to the radio instead...

but missing my iphone delivery??? I'd be a raving lunatic!


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
while I'm happy that apple is being proactive and doing Saturday deliveries... I'd still be PISSED if I lived in one of those zip codes and couldn't get my phones on Friday!

it was bad enough they pre-empted half of one of my soaps yesterday to show and reshow and reshow and reshow him walking off the plane and shaking obummer's and his families hands over and over and over again..

but then this morning when I tried to listen to the news on tv as I usually do while getting ready for work... they had coverage of him and obummer just standing there listening to music....

I finally turned it off and listened to the radio instead...

but missing my iphone delivery??? I'd be a raving lunatic!

Apparently, one need not miss a phone delivery.


Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York
If you pray hard enough, sow your seed, and mail money to Pat Robertson, your iPhone will still come Friday. And you'll be cancer free.

But if you don't pray, spill your seed on the ground, and blaspheme Pat Robertson, you wait until NOVEMBE (and get one with a faulty force touch screen).


macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2007
Get over it. If it were Obama, the same crap would be happening.

And, by the way, "His Excellency" has more for the poor in one year the Protestants and Agnostics combined. The man is a true treasure, and I'm not Catholic.

To be fair Bill Gates is an atheist and he does more for all charities than the Pope and all Catholics combined....
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
To be fair Bill Gates is an atheist and he does more for all charities than the Pope and all Catholics combined....

Bill Gates although an atheist believes in the same moral principles, and is respectful of religion;

Gates was interviewed November 1995 on PBS by David Frost. Below is the transcript with minor edits.
Frost: Do you believe in the Sermon on the Mount?

Gates: I don't. I'm not somebody who goes to church on a regular basis. The specific elements of Christianity are not something I'm a huge believer in. There's a lot of merit in the moral aspects of religion. I think it can have a very very positive impact.

Frost: I sometimes say to people, do you believe there is a god, or do you know there is a god? And, you'd say you don't know?

Gates: In terms of doing things I take a fairly scientific approach to why things happen and how they happen. I don't know if there's a god or not, but I think religious principles are quite valid.

Note; while Gates has the money to throw around for good deeds, he does not have the charisma and worldwide influence of the Pope, therefore the comparison is a long shot at best.


Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York
The fact that the Pope has "worldwide influence" just shows how in the 21st Century, millions of people on this planet have still not been able to transcend superstition. other news. we have a double bomb threat on one block in midtown right now. Block is cordoned off, multiple times. We can't leave the building. Coincidence?


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2013
Chicago, IL
The fact that the Pope has "worldwide influence" just shows how in the 21st Century, millions of people on this planet have still not been able to transcend superstition. other news. we have a double bomb threat on one block in midtown right now. Block is cordoned off, multiple times. We can't leave the building. Coincidence?

Hopefully, midtown is back to normal shortly.

I will be in midtown for work next week. Can you recommend a couple of restaurants (preferably with an extensive bourbon list)? Thanks!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
The fact that the Pope has "worldwide influence" just shows how in the 21st Century, millions of people on this planet have still not been able to transcend superstition. other news. we have a double bomb threat on one block in midtown right now. Block is cordoned off, multiple times. We can't leave the building. Coincidence?[/QUOTE

and millions on the planet still have not been able to *live and let live* superstitions or not.


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
The fact that the Pope has "worldwide influence" just shows how in the 21st Century, millions of people on this planet have still not been able to transcend superstition. other news. we have a double bomb threat on one block in midtown right now. Block is cordoned off, multiple times. We can't leave the building. Coincidence?

Poor you.


Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York
Hopefully, midtown is back to normal shortly.

I will be in midtown for work next week. Can you recommend a couple of restaurants (preferably with an extensive bourbon list)? Thanks!

Hopefully. A few employees had gone out to lunch and couldn't get back in. They went home. Drat. I was on my out of the building and was out the door on the sidewalk when I noticed the entire block cordoned off multiple times, and the cop told me and others to get back inside. A few minutes earlier I would have gotten to get out early...hahaha.

If you're into whiskey, I'd highly suggest Highlands down in the West Village. It's good. Here's the website, though it is down for the moment. I called them to make sure hey didn't go out of business!

UPDATE: It's all clear. I was in the midst of typing this email when word came through so I ran out to do what I was going to do in the first place! Just got back.
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Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York

I'd say "live and let live" except for all the damage religion does and has done to the world. Islamic terrorism, the Inquisition, persecution of people who are homosexual, abortion clinic bombings, cruelty to animals, unhealthy attitudes about sex, I mean, the list goes on....
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