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Apple Fan 2008

macrumors 65816
May 17, 2021
Florida, USA 🇺🇸
Additionally, the Declaration of Independence says “endowed by their Creator” the capital C means that it refers to God. And also what about “In God We Trust”. The official motto of the U.S. Also, religious people have a right to have representation in government, saying they don’t is to say that they are less than human. The foundation of the United States was on God. That is why He is mentioned in the founding documents of our nation. To ignore God is actually to ignore the foundation of the country.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2011
Additionally, the Declaration of Independence says “endowed by their Creator” the capital C means that it refers to God. And also what about “In God We Trust”. The official motto of the U.S. Also, religious people have a right to have representation in government, saying they don’t is to say that they are less than human. The foundation of the United States was on God. That is why He is mentioned in the founding documents of our nation. To ignore God is actually to ignore the foundation of the country.
And, "In God We Trust" was added in the 1950s, as Americans in power realized that the best way to coopt government and ensure enduring control over a populace would be to use the trappings of religion.

As to the founding documents, there were numerous discussions regarding what language to use, and ultimately the realists and rationalists capitulated to the god-oppressed to include that language about the Creator. But, that said, believing in the statement 'endowed by their Creator' does not mean your presumably Christian 'god.'
The same way that they capitulated to allow slavery, so as to retain the support of the slave-owning Southerners.

For me, it could mean the Great Spirit, the originator of the cosmos, an unknowable 'force' which most definitely does not communicate holy messages to insane or delirious people who then record them as the word of 'god.'

No one sane has ever called religious believers less than human. You're thinking of the Nazis, as well as religious believers of each of the major faiths over the millennia. Open a history book for a refresher on who has done the persecuting. It is not non-religious people.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 19, 2008
Additionally, the Declaration of Independence says “endowed by their Creator” the capital C means that it refers to God. And also what about “In God We Trust”. The official motto of the U.S. Also, religious people have a right to have representation in government, saying they don’t is to say that they are less than human. The foundation of the United States was on God. That is why He is mentioned in the founding documents of our nation. To ignore God is actually to ignore the foundation of the country.
There are tons of words randomly capitalized in the Declaration of Independence.
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
Governments and Men are capitalized, does that mean governments and men are gods? Nature is capitalized as well… is that pantheism?
And what do you mean the foundation was on God?
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macrumors 65816
Dec 19, 2008
Also, if someone says they want to eradicate cancer, that doesn’t mean they want to kill everyone that has cancer.
Transgender people usually don’t want to be “cured.”

You’ve been telling us what eradicate doesn’t mean. Can you tell us what it does mean? What would ”eradicating transgenderism” entail?
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Apple Fan 2008

macrumors 65816
May 17, 2021
Florida, USA 🇺🇸
For me, it could mean the Great Spirit, the originator of the cosmos, an unknowable 'force' which most definitely does not communicate holy messages to insane or delirious people who then record them as the word of 'god.'

No one sane has ever called religious believers less than human. You're thinking of the Nazis, as well as religious believers of each of the major faiths over the millennia. Open a history book for a refresher on who has done the persecuting. It is not non-religious people.

Then how come you are demonizing not only Christianity but all organized religions with sacred texts.
Also what about North Korea, China and the Soviet Union. Those are all atheist states that persecuted/persecute religion.
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macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Additionally, the Declaration of Independence says “endowed by their Creator” the capital C means that it refers to God.

No it doesn't. "their Creator" refers to whatever deity that individual person decides to believe in. It could be a monotheistic deity, polytheistic deity, farfalle, rigatoni, or penne (for all you Pastafarians out there). In short, no single person can tell, refer or take meaning that it refers to a single deity.

Strike one.

And also what about “In God We Trust”. The official motto of the U.S.

In God we Trust didn't come about until 1956, 180 AFTER the Declaration of Independence, and 169 years AFTER the US Constitution was created. It replaced E. Pluribus Unum at that point, which means "out of many, one", which means out of all of us, we are one; united.

This has been litigated, and is still being litigated for its removal. See Griggs v. Graham.

Strike two.

Also, religious people have a right to have representation in government, saying they don’t is to say that they are less than human. The foundation of the United States was on God.

Additionally, the Declaration of Independence declared my ancestors to be "merciless savages". Calling them that is to say that they are less than human. Saying that Can you put much faith and trust in it when it denigrates the people whose land they were accepted on when they needed it the most (Thanksgiving ring a bell!?)?

Strike three.

That is why He is mentioned in the founding documents of our nation. To ignore God is actually to ignore the foundation of the country.

If we were to go down that road, no single founding document mentioned women, mentioned any other race, and for it to be created, referred to the other side of my ancestors as 3/5 of a person. To throw a quote of yours back to you:

Apple Fan 2008 said:
Saying they don’t is to say that they are less than human.

Strike four.

Honestly; well and truly honestly, you do not want to go down this road.

Last edited:
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Apple Fan 2008

macrumors 65816
May 17, 2021
Florida, USA 🇺🇸
Additionally, the Declaration of Independence declared my ancestors to be "merciless savages". Can you put much faith and trust in it when it denigrates the people whose land they were accepted on when they needed it the most (Thanksgiving ring a bell!?)?

You don't want to go down this road.

Who said I support that horrible language against natives? The Bible says that people are created in Gods image. I agree with that, all people of any nationality are made in the image of God.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Who said I support that horrible language against natives? The Bible says that people are created in Gods image. I agree with that, all people of any nationality are made in the image of God.

To pull in the other argument being had here, then those of any nationality, including of gender, are made in the image of your "God".

So it is fair to pick out bits and pieces that you support? I believe we see where the problem lies.

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macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Parts of the Bible? Or declaration?

The Declaration, but one can say both. I'll leave out the Bible in this, because that goes towards PRSI, which will get this entire thread shut down (we're treading on thin ice already).

But in going through your own posts, you say:
  1. The Declaration of Independence states "endowed by their Creator", and that "Creator" = God.
  2. The United States of America was founded because of God.
  3. To ignore "God" is to ignore the foundation of this country.

    Those are statements that you support, as they are your exact words in your post. However,

  4. When having "Merciless Indian Savages" thrown back at you, you disavow that, despite those exact words being in the very same document that you quote.
You can't have it both ways. That is why the Constitution is a living document, capable of being amended and modified, so that those wrongs initially stated in those documents can be corrected. There is not a single mention of the word "God" in the United States Constitution. Feel free to have a look yourself:

There is not a single mention of the word "God" in the United States Articles of Confederation, which came before the United States Constitution. Feel Free to have a look yourself:

To say that this country is founded because of God is not only an attempt to establish an official State religion, but goes against the very document that outlaws such a statement. If one believes that this country was founded because Zeus (Jupiter) and Aphrodite (Venus) say so - to rule with power, but love - they are fully within their rights to believe that. Not "God", but the GODS that person worships, and no one can take that away from them. Those GODS are their CREATORS, and does NOT refer to the one YOU believe in.

It would be wise to not project ones beliefs onto others and use historical documents to solidify those beliefs, when those documents not only support your beliefs, but also supports beliefs counter to your own.

Like I said, this is not a road you want to go down.

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Apple Fan 2008

macrumors 65816
May 17, 2021
Florida, USA 🇺🇸
To say that this country is founded because of God is not only an attempt to establish an official State religion, but goes against the very document that outlaws such a statement. If one believes that this country was founded because Zeus (Jupiter) and Aphrodite (Venus) say so - to rule with power, but love - they are fully within their rights to believe that. Not "God", but the GODS that person worships, and no one can take that away from them. Those GODS are their CREATORS, and does NOT refer to the one YOU believe in.

It would be wise to not project ones beliefs onto others and use historical documents to solidify those beliefs, when those documents not only support your beliefs, but also supports beliefs counter to your own.

Like I said, this is not a road you want to go down.

So, my belief in God is invalid, but someone else’s belief in Venus is valid? It seems like you have a double standard.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2011
Then how come you are demonizing not only Christianity but all organized religions with sacred texts.
Also what about North Korea, China and the Soviet Union. Those are all atheist states that persecuted/persecute religion.
Not demonizing Christianity. If that is what came across, then I apologize. It is rather the implementation of religious belief by many (but not all) religious organizations which is oppressive to the human spirit, freedom, and thought.

I am not an atheist (by the way)—and I don’t believe that totalitarian ‘communist’ nations (in practice they seem as equatable as feudal serfdoms) have any place in a discussion about freedoms, free thought, or the freedom from governmental and religious oppression. Totalitarian states merely replace the previous tools of oppression with their ‘supreme leader.’

But, I agree perfectly with our founders that religion and religious belief has no place in our government. That way lies monarchy, and theocratic control of everything.

And, just because I doubt the institutions which call themselves ‘religious’ doesn’t mean I don’t believe in a god. I don’t believe in anyone’s right to tell me what god is or is not.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
So, my belief in God is invalid, but someone else’s belief in Venus is valid? It seems like you have a double standard.

No one said that your belief in God is invalid; You are free and clear to believe in God, or whichever deity you choose to believe is your creator.. However, you do not have the right to impose your beliefs on anyone else, or use any official document we have to establish the rule of law to impose your belief in the deity you chose to believe in (by your own admittance, God) onto anyone else. That is why the words "THEIR CREATOR" are explictly written in the Declaration of Independence, because one person's Creator may not be another person's Creator.

Like I said, you do not want to go down this road.

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