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macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2019
McKinney, TX
What's wrong with having peaceful protests? The powers that be were fine when their brownshirts were looting local businesses during their race riots, but ordinary people are denied freedom of assembly. Refuse fascism.

Huh??? Anti-maskers have been holding protests for months, with full complicity from the government. Trespassing and vandalizing private property, assaulting store employees, spitting on children. In Pennsylvania, an anti-mask Trump supporter fired on five police officers with an AK-47, injuring two of them — and “Blue Lives Matter” has been silent about this.

Stores like Walmart and Home Depot have stopped enforcing their mask policies because their employees are afraid of being attacked by anti-maskers, and the police don’t protect them. I took my car for an oil changes, and there was a police officer sitting in the waiting room without a mask, in violation of the local ordinance.

Covid spreaders have killed more Americans than Hitler, Tojo, and Mussolini, but you’re still not satisfied?


Jun 4, 2009
Cambridge, England
Huh??? Anti-maskers have been holding protests for months, with full complicity from the government. Trespassing and vandalizing private property, assaulting store employees, spitting on children. In Pennsylvania, an anti-mask Trump supporter fired on five police officers with an AK-47, injuring two of them — and “Blue Lives Matter” has been silent about this.

Stores like Walmart and Home Depot have stopped enforcing their mask policies because their employees are afraid of being attacked by anti-maskers, and the police don’t protect them. I took my car for an oil changes, and there was a police officer sitting in the waiting room without a mask, in violation of the local ordinance.

Covid spreaders have killed more Americans than Hitler, Tojo, and Mussolini, but you’re still not satisfied?
Trump has driven a pretty large proportion of his voters completely insane with his paranoia.


macrumors 68000
Oct 13, 2011
Brooklyn NY
I wish they would just leave people alone. If they want to gather and have any kind of fun the dictator government breaks it up. This gets old after 9 months of this crap enough is enough. Covid is just as deadly as the flu but if someone has the flu at at concert they don't call the national guard and shut down the entire event.

Enough of this crap humans are social creatures and this political pandemic wants to undo all of human evolution.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
That clearly went over your head.:rolleyes: I’m referring to masking and social distancing which is a lot more mandatory in states like California than a non-lockdowned state like Texas. A red state like Texas should be leading in cases in comparison to a HEAVILY mandated state like Cali.

They're leading California in deaths, and have 10 million fewer in population. Nice try, though.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
And let's all not forget, even the "feelings-centric" democrat party doesn't care about every life. Not really. Remember, this is the party that wanted to create "Death Panels" under Obamacare. One of their city mayors threatened nuclear warfare against American citizens. Within the continental US!

Here's one of these ridiculous comments again. Death panels? There's never been any such thing, anywhere, in any nation. If you're referring to end-of-life planning... well, that's where you sit down with your doctor and your lawyer to make plans to what happens to you if, say, you were in a vegetative state. Do you stay on life support indefinitely? Or do you want the plug pulled. Also called a living will. Then there's things like appointing a health care proxy. Deciding the distribution of assets. Specifying the place and/or type of care you wish to receive in advance of needing it... in other words, you know, covering the costs of things every sane person would do anyway while they still have strong mental faculties... but having that included in your insurance coverage.


macrumors 68000
Oct 13, 2011
Brooklyn NY
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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Do you know the bogus idea of Social distancing came from a 14 year old paper in 2006. It's all bull to control people.
Brought to you by your comrades at RT.


Mar 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I wish they would just leave people alone. If they want to gather and have any kind of fun the dictator government breaks it up. This gets old after 9 months of this crap enough is enough. Covid is just as deadly as the flu but if someone has the flu at at concert they don't call the national guard and shut down the entire event.

Enough of this crap humans are social creatures and this political pandemic wants to undo all of human evolution.
My dad - early 60s, healthy, non-smoker, non-drinker, active, rarely sick - caught COVID in March. In April, he was rushed to hospital and was soon in an induced coma on a ventilator. During his stay in ICU:

- He had clotting that eventually lead to him having a stroke.
- His lung tissue was so damaged one lung eventually burst.
- His kidney function was so reduced he was on dialysis.
- His heart became infected.
- His liver function was also touch and go.

Several times, doctors basically gave him a matter of days. We were very, very lucky that he eventually came off the ventilator and was out of ICU after 37 horrific days, then out of hospital in June. His recovery at home is slow going; he’s regaining strength but he will never be the same.

Millions of people worldwide have died, and those who survived are going to suffer the effects for the rest of their lives. All that is being asked of you is to make a small sacrifice now to reduce the worst of it. It’s not a conspiracy. Today we got news that a 41 year old mask-rejecting, lockdown-hating Republican congressman elect - Luke Letlow - died of COVID. Dr Drew Pinsky, himself a member of the “it’s no worse than influenza” bozo squad now has it and has changed his tune. You need to wake up.

Burger Thing

macrumors 65816
Jan 7, 2009
Around the World
Do you know the bogus idea of Social distancing came from a 14 year old paper in 2006. It's all bull to control people.

Why so many people never use their brains. So here you are, providing us a link from Russia Today, one of Putin's propaganda channels which has only one goal: splitting western societies apart and you, like many others out there, fall for this idiocy.

But maybe you can explain me one thing: why is RT reporting social distancing is crap and yet, there are/were social distancing measures in place in Russia?


macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2011
Texas has been ALL THE WAY OPEN you should’ve seen the lake party’s over the summer. Commiefornia (TODAY) had there lockdown orders extended till mid-January. With cases surging. It’s almost like the science and numbers aren’t adding up.
I took my kids snow boarding today. It’s usually busy this time a year but I’ve never seen it like it was today. So so busy. You would have thought you were at a resort in CA instead of SW UT. I bet 70% of the license plates in the parking lot were from CA. What makes me the maddest is these people elect “leaders” who shut down their states and are completely irrational and hypocritical. So then the roaches come over the state lines and infest us because everyone is tired of the lockdowns. Yet the citizens continue to vote for the leadership that has turned their state into the laughing stock of the nation.
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macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2011
C19 deaths per 100,000 population (30 Dec 20, CDC data): Texas = 951. California = 626.

Looks a lot like science and numbers go together very well.

You’re actually very wrong, they don’t.
CA total COVID deaths= 24,526
UT total COVID deaths= 1,235

CA has about 10x the population of UT as well yet they have about 20x the deaths as UT. Keep in mind CA has pretty much been completely shut down for the last 9 months where UT closed school early in March but other than that we had a 2 week mask mandate by order of our Governor. Other than that, it’s been and continues to be mostly business as usual.

But I’m sure next you’ll also tell me that science says there’s more than 2 genders and if you “transition” you’re able to change the makeup of your chromosomes.
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macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2011
Uhhh. Yes they both have. Texas has 10 million less people, less cases, and more deaths. Florida has 20 million less people, 1 million less cases, and only 3000 less deaths.

That’s a huge statistical difference. Someone here is doing something right, and someone is doing something wrong. And a little hint... it ain’t California doing something wrong.

Can you explain to me why CA has 10x the population as UT yet has 20x the deaths of UT? We essentially had a 2 week mask mandate in the fall and other than that it’s been pretty much business as usual. High school sports, gyms, indoor dining, theme parks open. Completely the opposite of CA. Not to mention UT has literally been infested with with something much worse than COVID ever since March. Hoards of people are coming here at a much higher rate than they already were before COVID. I wish Trump would have build a wall to keep the CA refugees out of UT. It’s only going to get worse here too. ?
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macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2011
Apple makes moral, ethical and business decisions for their own sake. It it just that those decisions affects you sometimes.

Let’s be honest. Apple doesn’t make moral and ethical decisions. They strictly make business decisions. They know China would drop them in a second if they ever spoke out against their government or any other social issues over there. Here in the US they say and do whatever King Timmy wants to do in order to “stand up for what’s right.” I will admit that many times their agendas seem OK. However the hypocrisy is real with Apple. They never “stand up” when it involves markets and regions that would hurt their bottom line.


Aug 17, 2016
Properly coded sites should work just fine. The efforts to create an actual app is probably more than a website.
There are technologies like Flutter that can convert universal apps to native code on iOS, Android, and the web.

Flight Plan

macrumors 6502a
May 26, 2014
Southeastern US
Lol literally 3 sentences in and your credibility is blown to bits. The only person who ever talked about "death panels" is disgraced former governor and current conspiracy theory nutjob Sarah Palin, and she was lying through her teeth.
I don't need credibility with you or anybody else. I don't hang my whole reason for living on my credibility. And President Obama DID talk about "giving pain pill and sending home" people in a certain class. If you can't be bothered to find it, I don't really care.
Huh??? Anti-maskers have been holding protests for months, with full complicity from the government. Trespassing and vandalizing private property, assaulting store employees, spitting on children. In Pennsylvania, an anti-mask Trump supporter fired on five police officers with an AK-47, injuring two of them — and “Blue Lives Matter” has been silent about this.

Stores like Walmart and Home Depot have stopped enforcing their mask policies because their employees are afraid of being attacked by anti-maskers, and the police don’t protect them. I took my car for an oil changes, and there was a police officer sitting in the waiting room without a mask, in violation of the local ordinance.

Covid spreaders have killed more Americans than Hitler, Tojo, and Mussolini, but you’re still not satisfied?
I highlighted the passage above to illustrate something. People of all walks of life are getting tired of being muzzled, both figuratively and literally. The lockdowns and shutdowns are killing our country more than any virus with a 1% mortality rate.

As a result, people are fleeing places like Washington, California, New York, and New Jersey. NYC is a ghost town.

As far as I'm concerned, the people have spoken and they hate liberal democrat-run places.

I wish they would just leave people alone. If they want to gather and have any kind of fun the dictator government breaks it up. This gets old after 9 months of this crap enough is enough. Covid is just as deadly as the flu but if someone has the flu at at concert they don't call the national guard and shut down the entire event.

Enough of this crap humans are social creatures and this political pandemic wants to undo all of human evolution.
Amen brother, amen.

Here's one of these ridiculous comments again. Death panels? ...
Yes, there was always room for them in Obamacare. You don't have to believe me. But they were there because there was no other way to control costs except through the denial of care for people who were seen as "not worth it" to save.
Brought to you by your comrades at RT.
So people who don't go along with your opinion are Russian sympathizers? False premises abound today!
My dad - early 60s, healthy, non-smoker, non-drinker, active, rarely sick - caught COVID in March. In April, he was rushed to hospital and was soon in an induced coma on a ventilator. During his stay in ICU:

- He had clotting that eventually lead to him having a stroke.
- His lung tissue was so damaged one lung eventually burst.
- His kidney function was so reduced he was on dialysis.
- His heart became infected.
- His liver function was also touch and go.

Several times, doctors basically gave him a matter of days. We were very, very lucky that he eventually came off the ventilator and was out of ICU after 37 horrific days, then out of hospital in June. His recovery at home is slow going; he’s regaining strength but he will never be the same.

Millions of people worldwide have died, and those who survived are going to suffer the effects for the rest of their lives. All that is being asked of you is to make a small sacrifice now to reduce the worst of it. It’s not a conspiracy. Today we got news that a 41 year old mask-rejecting, lockdown-hating Republican congressman elect - Luke Letlow - died of COVID. Dr Drew Pinsky, himself a member of the “it’s no worse than influenza” bozo squad now has it and has changed his tune. You need to wake up.
Sorry about your dad. Sorry about that 41 year old.

But some of us are pretty much ready to accept whatever happens. We CAN'T keep the country shut down any longer. Over a million small businesses have gone out of business in the USA. That's many more millions of people who can't feed themselves.

The government is broke and cannot afford to feed us. But that's okay because we can do it ourselves if you just let us. Let us go back to work!

Was that on Earth-2?
I don't know what that means.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
Can you explain to me why CA has 10x the population as UT yet has 20x the deaths of UT? We essentially had a 2 week mask mandate in the fall and other than that it’s been pretty much business as usual. High school sports, gyms, indoor dining,theme parks open. Completely the opposite of CA. Not to mention UT is has literally been infested with with something much worse than COVID ever since March. Hoards of people are coming here at a much higher rate than they already were before COVID. I wish Trump would have build a wall to keep the CA refugees out of UT. It’s only going to get worse here. ?

Does Utah have any population density... anywhere?

No? Ok.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
Yes, there was always room for them in Obamacare. You don't have to believe me. But they were there because there was no other way to control costs except through the denial of care for people who were seen as "not worth it" to save.

No... no there weren't. Just stop. It's a lie perpetuated by a political party that has no power without fear. Because they can't exert force if they can't evoke fear, and they can't maintain the delusion if they allow you to question it. That's why they keep repeating their lies. That's why their "news" stations aren't registered as news outlets but rather as entertainment channels, because that comes with a legal requirement to tell the truth.
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macrumors 65832
Nov 13, 2014
I don't need credibility with you or anybody else. I don't hang my whole reason for living on my credibility. And President Obama DID talk about "giving pain pill and sending home" people in a certain class. If you can't be bothered to find it, I don't really care.

I highlighted the passage above to illustrate something. People of all walks of life are getting tired of being muzzled, both figuratively and literally. The lockdowns and shutdowns are killing our country more than any virus with a 1% mortality rate.

As a result, people are fleeing places like Washington, California, New York, and New Jersey. NYC is a ghost town.

As far as I'm concerned, the people have spoken and they hate liberal democrat-run places.

So anybody who doesn't go along with your, what, insane? More false premises. I tell you, President Obama was the king of the fake premise.

Oh, and I'm curious...where did you get your psychology degree?

Amen brother, amen.

Yes, there was always room for them in Obamacare. You don't have to believe me. But they were there because there was no other way to control costs except through the denial of care for people who were seen as "not worth it" to save.

So people who don't go along with your opinion are Russian sympathizers? False premises abound today!

Sorry about your dad. Sorry about that 41 year old.

But some of us are pretty much ready to accept whatever happens. We CAN'T keep the country shut down any longer. Over a million small businesses have gone out of business in the USA. That's many more millions of people who can't feed themselves.

The government is broke and cannot afford to feed us. But that's okay because we can do it ourselves if you just let us. Let us go back to work!

I don't know what that means.

You obviously do care, because you’re here taking the time to respond to people.

Your claim is simply a lie. Pure fantasy. 100% untrue. Never happened. I quickly Googled for the quote you’re alluding to, and it didn’t take long to find this article that proves you wrong. But I’m sure you’ll come up with some nonsense like the site is biased or is owned by Venezuela ?

On the off chance that you’re interested in actual facts, the part of the ACA you’re referring to would have increased awareness of and access to end-of-life and palliative care, something which is sorely lacking in this country.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
They're leading California in deaths, and have 10 million fewer in population. Nice try, though.
According to Wikipedia, "Each SARS-CoV-2 virion is approximately 50–200 nm (nanometres) in diameter."
According to, "researchers have determined the diameter of this virus to range between 60 nanometers (nm) to a maximum diameter of 140 nanometers (nm)."

Now take a cotton mask made from tee shirt material. According to it is reasonable to assume that each thread is 0.1203 mm and thread count is about 150 threads per inch (which 5.9 threads per mm). So 0.1203 times 5.9 means that threads make up 0.71 of each mm. Therefore, 0.29 mm is left for total space between the threads. Divide that again by 5.9 threads per mm and we get spacing between each thread of 0.049 mm (millimeters). This equates to 49,000 nanometers.

Whoa. Hold the horses. The mask (that is supposed to stop the covid virus which has a maximum size of 200 nm) has holes in it that are 49,000 nm wide (if evenly spaced, i.e. not stretched)

One does not need to be a rocket scientists to understand this is a serious problem. Of course that may be too logical for people that mainly reside in their protected and safe spaces, totally devoid of reality.
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macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2011
Does Utah have any population density... anywhere?

No? Ok.

CA hasn’t had school. People can’t go to the gym, out to dinner, to bars, or even the beach. All while our state parks stop admission by 10am because they are already full. Zion National park had its busiest September ever this year. Gyms, restaurants, bars have all been fully open. All of our universities, and state colleges have been open, and with the exception of one democrat run county. All K-12 schools have been open for the entire ‘20-‘21 school year. Does UT have the same population density as CA? Of course not but clearly you have your head stuck in the sand. Life has continued as normal and the economy is booming here. All while businesses are being completely shuttered and closed forever in CA. Population density doesn’t matter when one subset of people can live normally and the other subset of people is on lockdown.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
According to Wikipedia, "Each SARS-CoV-2 virion is approximately 50–200 nm (nanometres) in diameter."
According to, "researchers have determined the diameter of this virus to range between 60 nanometers (nm) to a maximum diameter of 140 nanometers (nm)."

Now take a cotton mask made from tee shirt material. According to it is reasonable to assume that each thread is 0.1203 mm and thread count is about 150 threads per inch (which 5.9 threads per mm). So 0.1203 times 5.9 means that threads make up 0.71 of each mm. Therefore, 0.29 mm is left for total space between the threads. Divide that again by 5.9 threads per mm and we get spacing between each thread of 0.049 mm (millimeters). This equates to 49,000 nanometers.

Whoa. Hold the horses. The mask (that is supposed to stop the covid virus which has a maximum size of 200 nm) has holes in it that are 49,000 nm wide (if evenly spaced, i.e. not stretched)

One does not need to be a rocket scientists to understand this is a serious problem. Of course that may be too logical for people that mainly reside in their protected and safe spaces, totally devoid of reality.

This might be one of the dumbest replies ever that has actual research used in it.

There’s a reason why there’s recommended masks, and ones that aren’t considered masks. Take Disney World for example. You can’t get in with a standard cotton mask, which you’ve used as your chosen hill to die on here, or with a neck gaiter. Both are factually useless and the guidance is to not use them.

That’s why the guidance is to use a hybrid layered mask consisting of a 600 thread count cotton plus a chiffon layer for nearly N95 levels of protection. With the second layers of flannel, then silk coming in behind chiffon as options. Shoot... if we listened to the WHO it’d be a 3-layer-or-bust requirement.

A disposable surgical mask is perhaps the best option but don’t make the same fashion statement cotton hybrids allow or the “I’m such a rebel” gaiter look. They’re light, cool and incredibly effective... and disposable, to reiterate their name.

And then, the length of exposure matters. The amount of time you stay stationary in a highly contaminated environment, the efficiency drops. That’s why large gatherings like churches are problems, yet moving through Walmart is not.

Just pulling your t-shirt over your nose like someone farted is effective even... though only at roughly 44 percent if the exposure is 30 seconds or less... it quickly drops to around 24 percent beyond that.

But of course... the factor that matters most is how you wear it. When you see all those morons with it beneath their nose or they’re wearing them as chin diapers... the effectiveness is 0% yet they’re “wearing” a mask.
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