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macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
I wish they would just leave people alone. If they want to gather and have any kind of fun the dictator government breaks it up. This gets old after 9 months of this crap enough is enough. Covid is just as deadly as the flu but if someone has the flu at at concert they don't call the national guard and shut down the entire event.

Enough of this crap humans are social creatures and this political pandemic wants to undo all of human evolution.

I suggest you shut all hospitals down then and wait it out, Darwin.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
My dad - early 60s, healthy, non-smoker, non-drinker, active, rarely sick - caught COVID in March. In April, he was rushed to hospital and was soon in an induced coma on a ventilator. During his stay in ICU:

- He had clotting that eventually lead to him having a stroke.
- His lung tissue was so damaged one lung eventually burst.
- His kidney function was so reduced he was on dialysis.
- His heart became infected.
- His liver function was also touch and go.

Several times, doctors basically gave him a matter of days. We were very, very lucky that he eventually came off the ventilator and was out of ICU after 37 horrific days, then out of hospital in June. His recovery at home is slow going; he’s regaining strength but he will never be the same.

Millions of people worldwide have died, and those who survived are going to suffer the effects for the rest of their lives. All that is being asked of you is to make a small sacrifice now to reduce the worst of it. It’s not a conspiracy. Today we got news that a 41 year old mask-rejecting, lockdown-hating Republican congressman elect - Luke Letlow - died of COVID. Dr Drew Pinsky, himself a member of the “it’s no worse than influenza” bozo squad now has it and has changed his tune. You need to wake up.

Well said and thanks for sharing.
“But I thought it’s all a hoax!” is becoming a too common last sentence.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
My dad - early 60s, healthy, non-smoker, non-drinker, active, rarely sick - caught COVID in March. In April, he was rushed to hospital and was soon in an induced coma on a ventilator. During his stay in ICU:

- He had clotting that eventually lead to him having a stroke.
- His lung tissue was so damaged one lung eventually burst.
- His kidney function was so reduced he was on dialysis.
- His heart became infected.
- His liver function was also touch and go.

Several times, doctors basically gave him a matter of days. We were very, very lucky that he eventually came off the ventilator and was out of ICU after 37 horrific days, then out of hospital in June. His recovery at home is slow going; he’s regaining strength but he will never be the same.

Millions of people worldwide have died, and those who survived are going to suffer the effects for the rest of their lives. All that is being asked of you is to make a small sacrifice now to reduce the worst of it. It’s not a conspiracy. Today we got news that a 41 year old mask-rejecting, lockdown-hating Republican congressman elect - Luke Letlow - died of COVID. Dr Drew Pinsky, himself a member of the “it’s no worse than influenza” bozo squad now has it and has changed his tune. You need to wake up.
First let me say, I'm sorry for the suffering your family has been subjected to.

With that said, we have to rely on facts to make public decisions. These comments are not about your family.

Let's review some facts.

In the US (and I understand that you are not in the US) between 15,000 and 60,000 people die each year from the flu. Bear in mind that we have flu vaccines and they still die. But we don't do masks for the regular flu. We don't do quarantine for the regular flu. Why, because we can't live that way.

In the US, about 37,000 people die each year in car accidents. About 3 million are injured. We have yet to ban the automobile. Why? Because we cannot live that way.

Heck, how many people have died from smoking and we still have not banned smoking. Why? You really should think about that when considering the motivations for government protections and the years the government protected tobacco manufactures.

The fact is people die. In fact everyone will die at some point.

I have a friend that has had several heart attacks, has a pacemaker, has COPG, smoked most of his life, is in poor health generally, overweight, cannot walk far, and takes a dozen or so drugs to stay alive. He and his wife (not much better health) both got COVID, medically confirmed. One night in the hospital for each and never given oxygen. Back to pre-covid health after about 30 days of bad flu symptoms for both of them.

Our son and one granddaughter both got covid, our daughter-in-law did not. Three days of normal flu. All three were at the same event (weekend party) where they got it. 14 of the 17 people at the party all got it. All confirmed medically. All just fine after normal flu symptoms.

There is no doubt that this virus is devastating to some people. What we don't know is why. The government does not know and the scientists don't know.

What we do know is that masks do NOT work. See the simple explanation I posted in this thread. We know that quarantine does work. You can quarantine your family without any government regulations, rules, or laws. Also without causing me any loss of freedom.

What we also know is that governments the world over use panic and fear to take our rights away. Rights we will never get back without a war. Since people can quarantine themselves, why does it take the government to do it?

I don't want your family suffering. But I don't what to give up my freedoms for a fake promise that the government cannot substantiate or deliver. Nature always wins, there is no real vaccine for viruses. Even the flu vaccine is only effective (believing government numbers) 20 to 40 percent of the time, with a vaccine (and I think they fudge these numbers in order to support large pharmaceutical companies campaign donations).

People that have taken the vaccine still get the flu they are vaccinated against and still die. The scientists don't know why. The government does not know why. If you read our CDC site they say the vaccine does not work very good but you still should take it. They don't collect any numbers about the number of people that die from the flu when they have been vaccinated. Wonder why?

So why do you want to take away my freedoms based on the lie that the government will be able to protect you and your family from nature and living? Especially in light of all of the conflicting evidence and motivation from the government.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Why so many people never use their brains. So here you are, providing us a link from Russia Today, one of Putin's propaganda channels which has only one goal: splitting western societies apart and you, like many others out there, fall for this idiocy.

But maybe you can explain me one thing: why is RT reporting social distancing is crap and yet, there are/were social distancing measures in place in Russia?

Meanwhile, the number of cases reported from Russia has been adjusted upwards, just so slightly, this month...


Apr 27, 2016
First let me say, I'm sorry for the suffering your family has been subjected to.

With that said, we have to rely on facts to make public decisions. These comments are not about your family.

Let's review some facts.

In the US (and I understand that you are not in the US) between 15,000 and 60,000 people die each year from the flu. Bear in mind that we have flu vaccines and they still die. But we don't do masks for the regular flu. We don't do quarantine for the regular flu. Why, because we can't live that way.

In the US, about 37,000 people die each year in car accidents. About 3 million are injured. We have yet to ban the automobile. Why? Because we cannot live that way.

Heck, how many people have died from smoking and we still have not banned smoking. Why? You really should think about that when considering the motivations for government protections and the years the government protected tobacco manufactures.

The fact is people die. In fact everyone will die at some point.

I have a friend that has had several heart attacks, has a pacemaker, has COPG, smoked most of his life, is in poor health generally, overweight, cannot walk far, and takes a dozen or so drugs to stay alive. He and his wife (not much better health) both got COVID, medically confirmed. One night in the hospital for each and never given oxygen. Back to pre-covid health after about 30 days of bad flu symptoms for both of them.

Our son and one granddaughter both got covid, our daughter-in-law did not. Three days of normal flu. All three were at the same event (weekend party) where they got it. 14 of the 17 people at the party all got it. All confirmed medically. All just fine after normal flu symptoms.

There is no doubt that this virus is devastating to some people. What we don't know is why. The government does not know and the scientists don't know.

What we do know is that masks do NOT work. See the simple explanation I posted in this thread. We know that quarantine does work. You can quarantine your family without any government regulations, rules, or laws. Also without causing me any loss of freedom.

What we also know is that governments the world over use panic and fear to take our rights away. Rights we will never get back without a war. Since people can quarantine themselves, why does it take the government to do it?

I don't want your family suffering. But I don't what to give up my freedoms for a fake promise that the government cannot substantiate or deliver. Nature always wins, there is no real vaccine for viruses. Even the flu vaccine is only effective (believing government numbers) 20 to 40 percent of the time, with a vaccine (and I think they fudge these numbers in order to support large pharmaceutical companies campaign donations).

People that have taken the vaccine still get the flu they are vaccinated against and still die. The scientists don't know why. The government does not know why. If you read our CDC site they say the vaccine does not work very good but you still should take it. They don't collect any numbers about the number of people that die from the flu when they have been vaccinated. Wonder why?

So why do you want to take away my freedoms based on the lie that the government will be able to protect you and your family from nature and living. Especially in light of all of the conflicting evidence and motivation from the government.

You have so much misinformation in your post it hurts my head to wrap my head around the warped logic you’re attempting to use.

Masks do work. This is easily verifiable. End of discussion really, it’s a fact, not an opinion.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
You have so much misinformation in your post it hurts my head to wrap my head around the warped logic you’re attempting to use.

Masks do work. This is easily verifiable. End of discussion really, it’s a fact, not an opinion.

If you believe that, then wear a mask. I don't fault you for that. But if they work so good, why do I have to wear one. If you have a mask on you are protected, right? If you take the flu vaccine, you are protected right? The answer is no to both questions and you have to do some pretty significant mental jumping around reality to explain why.

BTW, all research prior to covid was that masks were generally not effective except in special circumstances. Ask yourself why your normal doctor and nurse did not wear a mask when you when in for flu symptoms prior to covid? Because the real science did not support it then or now.

Asking some basic questions can reveal the truth even in these trying times.
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Mar 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
First let me say, I'm sorry for the suffering your family has been subjected to.

With that said, we have to rely on facts to make public decisions. These comments are not about your family.

Let's review some facts.

In the US (and I understand that you are not in the US) between 15,000 and 60,000 people die each year from the flu. Bear in mind that we have flu vaccines and they still die. But we don't do masks for the regular flu. We don't do quarantine for the regular flu. Why, because we can't live that way.

In the US, about 37,000 people die each year in car accidents. About 3 million are injured. We have yet to ban the automobile. Why? Because we cannot live that way.

Heck, how many people have died from smoking and we still have not banned smoking. Why? You really should think about that when considering the motivations for government protections and the years the government protected tobacco manufactures.

The fact is people die. In fact everyone will die at some point.

I have a friend that has had several heart attacks, has a pacemaker, has COPG, smoked most of his life, is in poor health generally, overweight, cannot walk far, and takes a dozen or so drugs to stay alive. He and his wife (not much better health) both got COVID, medically confirmed. One night in the hospital for each and never given oxygen. Back to pre-covid health after about 30 days of bad flu symptoms for both of them.

Our son and one granddaughter both got covid, our daughter-in-law did not. Three days of normal flu. All three were at the same event (weekend party) where they got it. 14 of the 17 people at the party all got it. All confirmed medically. All just fine after normal flu symptoms.

There is no doubt that this virus is devastating to some people. What we don't know is why. The government does not know and the scientists don't know.

What we do know is that masks do NOT work. See the simple explanation I posted in this thread. We know that quarantine does work. You can quarantine your family without any government regulations, rules, or laws. Also without causing me any loss of freedom.

What we also know is that governments the world over use panic and fear to take our rights away. Rights we will never get back without a war. Since people can quarantine themselves, why does it take the government to do it?

I don't want your family suffering. But I don't what to give up my freedoms for a fake promise that the government cannot substantiate or deliver. Nature always wins, there is no real vaccine for viruses. Even the flu vaccine is only effective (believing government numbers) 20 to 40 percent of the time, with a vaccine (and I think they fudge these numbers in order to support large pharmaceutical companies campaign donations).

People that have taken the vaccine still get the flu they are vaccinated against and still die. The scientists don't know why. The government does not know why. If you read our CDC site they say the vaccine does not work very good but you still should take it. They don't collect any numbers about the number of people that die from the flu when they have been vaccinated. Wonder why?

So why do you want to take away my freedoms based on the lie that the government will be able to protect you and your family from nature and living? Especially in light of all of the conflicting evidence and motivation from the government.
Well to start with: I live in the US, my dad lives in the UK. I know people on both sides of the Atlantic that have gotten ill with different degrees of this virus, including several who died. It is entirely unpredictable, and our key difference is that worries me, while you seem content to throw bodies at it and see what sticks.

I'm glad you raised automobile fatalities.

1. Can you drive around without a seatbelt? Do you?
It is actually against the law, and you can be ticketed and fined for driving without a seatbelt. Why are there laws mandating them? Because their usage reduces automobile fatalities. The CDC (that's the US CDC as you care about where I am so much) has said they reduced fatalities by about 50% - they are not a perfect solution by any means - but that is still fewer deaths, so we take it.

Who mandates that we should wear seatbelts? The government.

2. Can you drive as fast as you like anywhere you like? Do you?
It is actually against the law - there are varying speed limits throughout our roadways, and they are enforced by numerous measures (speed cameras, police, and so on). Because their enforcement is retroactive, i.e. we can't stop someone from speeding, only punish them for doing so, they are not perfect. The data suggests reductions in speed do reduce the severity of injury from collisions (science!) but obviously people still die from fast, aggressive and dangerous driving all the time so clearly speed limits are nowhere near perfect... but they have reduced deaths.

Who mandates speed limits? The government.

3. Can you drink and drive? Do you?
Again, against the law. Higher blood alcohol levels typically impair cognitive and motor functions, and behind the wheel of a car that can be fatal. Of your number of automobile fatalities, something like a quarter are due to drunk driving. Unfortunately, like speeding, it's retroactive - we can punish you for doing it, but not prevent you in the first place. That so many die from alcohol-related automobile fatalities means the law again isn't perfect.

Who mandates that you're not allowed to drink and drive? The government.

The government is taking away your god-given right to drive like an arsehole, even though it doesn't save 100% of human lives! As part of the social contract, most people adhere to these rules and laws because it is the right thing to do. We haven't banned cars because when people drive safely, they have utility - transporting humans and goods. Comparing automobile fatalities to deaths from a virus is bogus. can you tell me what percentage of all automobile journeys end in fatality? I'm guessing it's significantly lower than deaths as a percentage of people who contract _any_ virus.

Between 15,000 and 60,000 people a year die from the flu? And what do we do - nothing? Or did we create a vaccine and encourage people to take it every year? So far, COVID has killed at least _six times_ the top end of that number, the CDC and medical professionals are seeing typically more aggressive symptoms from it, and vaccination is nowhere near as widespread. Comparing the two viruses is again not accurate. As I pointed out, Dr Drew Pinsky was a very public proponent of "it's no worse than flu" and he has since apologised and changed his mind having contracted it. Once vaccination is more widespread and we're conditioned to it? Maybe they're comparable. Maybe. Till then, it's killing far more people, and leaving far worse after-effects on those who survive.

As with the myriad road safety measures, so far nothing is 100% effective against the virus. Masks, hand washing, social distancing, regular testing... they're only getting us so far. Does that mean they're worthless? I don't think so.

I agree on one thing: governments around the world have given conflicting information. The countries that have fared worse (e.g. the UK and US) are run by conservative governments who put the economy ahead of people, and have thus ruined both. The UK under Boris Johnson has flip-flopped constantly, sometimes in the same message, and people like my dad have suffered for it. The US under Donald Trump has been a total **** show, with mixed messages from federal, state and local governments. Luckily, I'm in Illinois and we've mostly gotten consistent, sound advice from Pritzker, for his many, many faults.

If you look at countries that took decisive action, where people on the whole were willing to do their part to reduce the spread, they are faring a lot better. New Zealand got to celebrate the New Year in person without fear!

We're not going to change each other's minds. I was raised to believe in helping others and doing what I can to reduce harm. For a country that loves to harp on about FREEDOM, it sure seems to forget how much individual sacrifice granted them those freedoms.


macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2002
Midwest USA
Those aren’t the type of crazy ones Apple was referring to. The Think Different advertizing campaign was about progressive people with helpful and constructive ideas. Not suicidal conspiracy theorists with an axe to grind against the modern world.
A lot of folks around in the mid to late 1700's most likely thought that the Founding Fathers were suicidal and had an axe to grind against the modern government.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
Those aren’t the type of crazy ones Apple was referring to. The Think Different advertizing campaign was about progressive people with helpful and constructive ideas. Not suicidal conspiracy theorists with an axe to grind against the modern world.
Rage against the machine until you become the machine.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Ask yourself why your normal doctor and nurse did not wear a mask when you when in for flu symptoms prior to covid?
Except that plenty did. (Even the strawman doesn't hold up.)

Asking some basic questions can reveal the truth even in these trying times.
Provided that they are actually answered with real answers.

Misunderstanding and/or misrepresenting things, how they work, and what they are for doesn't change reality.
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macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
Let’s be honest. Apple doesn’t make moral and ethical decisions. They strictly make business decisions. They know China would drop them in a second if they ever spoke out against their government or any other social issues over there. Here in the US they say and do whatever King Timmy wants to do in order to “stand up for what’s right.” I will admit that many times their agendas seem OK. However the hypocrisy is real with Apple. They never “stand up” when it involves markets and regions that would hurt their bottom line.
Apple touts itself as a green company. Meanwhile, they hand off the dirty work to Asian based companies, where they only have to say, please try harder to be green and try not to work your people so hard for so little.
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macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
I don't need credibility with you or anybody else. I don't hang my whole reason for living on my credibility. And President Obama DID talk about "giving pain pill and sending home" people in a certain class. If you can't be bothered to find it, I don't really care.

I highlighted the passage above to illustrate something. People of all walks of life are getting tired of being muzzled, both figuratively and literally. The lockdowns and shutdowns are killing our country more than any virus with a 1% mortality rate.

As a result, people are fleeing places like Washington, California, New York, and New Jersey. NYC is a ghost town.

As far as I'm concerned, the people have spoken and they hate liberal democrat-run places.

So anybody who doesn't go along with your, what, insane? More false premises. I tell you, President Obama was the king of the fake premise.

Oh, and I'm curious...where did you get your psychology degree?

Amen brother, amen.

Yes, there was always room for them in Obamacare. You don't have to believe me. But they were there because there was no other way to control costs except through the denial of care for people who were seen as "not worth it" to save.

So people who don't go along with your opinion are Russian sympathizers? False premises abound today!

Sorry about your dad. Sorry about that 41 year old.

But some of us are pretty much ready to accept whatever happens. We CAN'T keep the country shut down any longer. Over a million small businesses have gone out of business in the USA. That's many more millions of people who can't feed themselves.

The government is broke and cannot afford to feed us. But that's okay because we can do it ourselves if you just let us. Let us go back to work!

I don't know what that means.
People are fleeing CA, OR, WA, and IL and moving to AZ. The wheels are in motion to become the next state to create taxes on taxes.
seeing it first hand.


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
Misunderstanding and/or misrepresenting how things work and what they are for doesn't change reality.
Except that plenty did. (Even the strawman doesn't hold up.)
My wife is in healthcare. They are tested twice a week. Several of her colleagues tested positive. They were out of work for two weeks but continued being tested. all 5 testEd negative on all proceeding tests.
not one had symptoms but all 5 positives counted as cases.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
You’re kidding right? Almost every major city had had an influx of COVID after the protests. Then the media would try to pin it on Trump’s rallies. ?
So why didn't any major city have an income of COVID after the protests?


macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2011
So why didn't any major city have an income of COVID after the protests?
Salt Lake City did. Yes, there were plenty of protests riots downtown. Burned cop cars, burned civilian cars and many destroyed businesses. They were also almost all wearing “masks” too. Not because of COVID but because they didn’t want people to be able to identify who they were.
Portland also had their highest numbers during that time. Nightly riots and autonomous zones will do that though. I could go on and on but I don’t think it’ll do any good.


Jun 4, 2009
Cambridge, England
Salt Lake City did. Yes, there were plenty of protests riots downtown. Burned cop cars, burned civilian cars and many destroyed businesses. They were also almost all wearing “masks” too. Not because of COVID but because they didn’t want people to be able to identify who they were.
Portland also had their highest numbers during that time. Nightly riots and autonomous zones will do that though. I could go on and on but I don’t think it’ll do any good.
Were they anti mask wearing white people? I can imagine that kind of embarrassment would destroy the argument for your cause.


Jun 4, 2009
Cambridge, England
Fact is. The app was actively seeking to promote illegal gatherings. Regardless of the goading and ridiculous bull from Pro dump and anti maskers, the app was created for breaking the law. It doesn’t matter who voted for who or what you believe with regard to the virus.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
Let's review some facts.

In the US (and I understand that you are not in the US) between 15,000 and 60,000 people die each year from the flu. Bear in mind that we have flu vaccines and they still die. But we don't do masks for the regular flu. We don't do quarantine for the regular flu. Why, because we can't live that way.

In the US, about 37,000 people die each year in car accidents. About 3 million are injured. We have yet to ban the automobile. Why? Because we cannot live that way.

Heck, how many people have died from smoking and we still have not banned smoking. Why? You really should think about that when considering the motivations for government protections and the years the government protected tobacco manufactures.

The fact is people die. In fact everyone will die at some point.

I have a friend that has had several heart attacks, has a pacemaker, has COPG, smoked most of his life, is in poor health generally, overweight, cannot walk far, and takes a dozen or so drugs to stay alive. He and his wife (not much better health) both got COVID, medically confirmed. One night in the hospital for each and never given oxygen. Back to pre-covid health after about 30 days of bad flu symptoms for both of them.

Our son and one granddaughter both got covid, our daughter-in-law did not. Three days of normal flu. All three were at the same event (weekend party) where they got it. 14 of the 17 people at the party all got it. All confirmed medically. All just fine after normal flu symptoms.

There is no doubt that this virus is devastating to some people. What we don't know is why. The government does not know and the scientists don't know.

What we do know is that masks do NOT work. See the simple explanation I posted in this thread. We know that quarantine does work. You can quarantine your family without any government regulations, rules, or laws. Also without causing me any loss of freedom.

What we also know is that governments the world over use panic and fear to take our rights away. Rights we will never get back without a war. Since people can quarantine themselves, why does it take the government to do it?

I don't want your family suffering. But I don't what to give up my freedoms for a fake promise that the government cannot substantiate or deliver. Nature always wins, there is no real vaccine for viruses. Even the flu vaccine is only effective (believing government numbers) 20 to 40 percent of the time, with a vaccine (and I think they fudge these numbers in order to support large pharmaceutical companies campaign donations).

People that have taken the vaccine still get the flu they are vaccinated against and still die. The scientists don't know why. The government does not know why. If you read our CDC site they say the vaccine does not work very good but you still should take it. They don't collect any numbers about the number of people that die from the flu when they have been vaccinated. Wonder why?

So why do you want to take away my freedoms based on the lie that the government will be able to protect you and your family from nature and living? Especially in light of all of the conflicting evidence and motivation from the government.

Yes, let's review some facts.

The flu kills 15,000 people in a year. Yeah, this has killed 350,000 and that's WITH ALL THESE MEASURES IN PLACE. Also note, the flu is virtually non-existent this year... thanks to the aforementioned measures in place.

People die in car accidents. And we have an insane number of traffic laws to direct the direction you drive, the speed you drive, how you cross intersections, how you can pass other drivers, insurance requirements, capability tests, knowledge tests, road signs, paintings on roads, car inspections, regulations that guide how cars mechanically function, a ban on drugs and alcohol being in your system, vision tests... the list goes on.

People die from smoking and there's all kinds of education on why smoking is bad, what it can do to you, laws that prevent you from smoking indoors in public places, laws that prevent you from smoking in a car with children, higher insurance rates, commercials all over TV, massive sin taxes on tobacco products...

We do know why people that get the flu vaccine still get the flu. There are 4 strands of influenza, A, B, C and D. Each of those 4 strands have numerous sub-types... using Influenza A as an example, these are divided as Hx (Hemagglutinin) and Ny (Neuraminidase) (ie, H1N1). There are 16 types of H and 9 types of Y. 144 potential strands of influenza A by itself! Each individual subtype constantly mutates, so there are many variants of the subtype. Because of this, you need to get a vaccine every single year, and the projection can miss.

This vaccine will prevent SARS-CoV-2, and only that. There are many coronaviruses... which is why they were able to create this vaccine so quickly. They've been working on coronavirus vaccines since 2002.

So why do you want to take away my freedoms because you're mildly inconvenienced based on the lie that the worst President in American history has fed you? Especially in light of the fact he's recorded as saying he knows how deadly it is.


macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2011
Fact is. The app was actively seeking to promote illegal gatherings. Regardless of the goading and ridiculous bull from Pro dump and anti maskers, the app was created for breaking the law. It doesn’t matter who voted for who or what you believe with regard to the virus.
Wait what? Meeting up in groups is now illegal? What kind of clown world is this?


macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2011
That has literally nothing to do with this

It should though. Actual protests are OK. But Burning, Looting and Murdering is against the law just like getting together in groups apparently is. BLM and Antifa were meeting up and using apps to organize yet Apple did nothing about it. So while both are two completely separate issues. Both are in violation of the law. Again, this is when Apple does their virtual signaling but only when it favors them. They also took down that app in the Chinese App Store that the Hong Kongers were using to to organize. They did that from pressure from the Chinese government because they didn’t want to get their products kicked out of China. Hopefully you’re able to see the hypocrisy with how Apple does one thing to one set of protesters but a complete opposite to the other set of protesters.
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