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macrumors 65816
Oct 25, 2007
Left Coast
Uhh, just because we vote for them isn't indicative that we should absolve the behavior of politicians as any more morally just than those of a mob. I've seen plenty of political corruption in my day, and I can certainly say the ethics should in no way be higher than someone with a mob mentality - stupidity is stupidity, regardless of who's it is.

In that regard, your logic is flawed. I could care less who's mob it is. All of that crap should be treated equally harshly. Violence is never ok.

my logic is not flawed... as i don’t disagree with what you are saying. It’s that I realize you can’t do anything about mob idiots. We have no power to change those people, but we do have the power to elect our representatives. And I’m not going to ignore that politicians from both parties call for protests, and say things that can incite violence. Both. And too many people here seem to think it’s just one party, and are happy to ignore what their party does. It’s a fact than many Democrats called for protests this last year... protests that led to violence and deaths. Kamala Harris is one such person. It would be nice if you guys that hate Trump so much and condemned him so much took the same notice of those actions as well. Unlike Trump, who will be gone in a couple weeks, people like Kamala Harris will still be there.


macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2004
San Francisco, CA
my logic is not flawed... as i don’t disagree with what you are saying. It’s that I realize you can’t do anything about mob idiots. We have no power to change those people, but we do have the power to elect our representatives. And I’m not going to ignore that politicians from both parties call for protests, and say things that can incite violence. Both. And too many people here seem to think it’s just one party, and are happy to ignore what their party does. It’s a fact than many Democrats called for protests this last year... protests that led to violence and deaths. Kamala Harris is one such person. It would be nice if you guys that hate Trump so much and condemned him so much took the same notice of those actions as well. Unlike Trump, who will be gone in a couple weeks, people like Kamala Harris will still be there.
Yeah let's be clear, I have no fondness for Kamala, this was purely an election of lesser evils to me.


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2011
It’s a fact than many Democrats called for protests this last year... protests that led to violence and deaths.
Protests ≠ Riots ≠ Insurrection

Peaceful -> Not Peaceful -> Terrorism/Traitor (in that order)

Democrats called for peaceful protest, as is anyones right in this country. They did not call for non-peaceful riots or insurrection. Shall I draw you a diagram?

Edit: added does not equals signs


Apr 23, 2010
my logic is not flawed... as i don’t disagree with what you are saying. It’s that I realize you can’t do anything about mob idiots. We have no power to change those people, but we do have the power to elect our representatives. And I’m not going to ignore that politicians from both parties call for protests, and say things that can incite violence. Both. And too many people here seem to think it’s just one party, and are happy to ignore what their party does. It’s a fact than many Democrats called for protests this last year... protests that led to violence and deaths. Kamala Harris is one such person. It would be nice if you guys that hate Trump so much and condemned him so much took the same notice of those actions as well. Unlike Trump, who will be gone in a couple weeks, people like Kamala Harris will still be there.
Your logic iis flawed in that their was not one elected Democrat that called for violence in the protests. You are equating that protest = violence, and that is flawed.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
Only later did it become clear that lawmakers feared for their lives; that some of the attackers were hunting for congressional leaders; that there could have been a massacre. An ex Air Force Lt Coonel was carrying hand binding ties (he says he "found them on the floor", LOL). A gallows was erected outside the Capitol. Crowds were chanting "Where's Mike Pence, where ia Mike Pence, Find Mike Pence".
All those on here saying “Hang Mike Pence is trending on Twitter; double standard!” don’t seem to realize it’s because it’s a direct quote of what some of the people that stormed the Capitol were shouting.


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2008
my logic is not flawed... as i don’t disagree with what you are saying. It’s that I realize you can’t do anything about mob idiots. We have no power to change those people, but we do have the power to elect our representatives. And I’m not going to ignore that politicians from both parties call for protests, and say things that can incite violence. Both. And too many people here seem to think it’s just one party, and are happy to ignore what their party does. It’s a fact than many Democrats called for protests this last year... protests that led to violence and deaths. Kamala Harris is one such person. It would be nice if you guys that hate Trump so much and condemned him so much took the same notice of those actions as well. Unlike Trump, who will be gone in a couple weeks, people like Kamala Harris will still be there.
I guess maybe if you could post a source that said she incited riots, maybe I’d be mad? I’m a news junkie and I’m sure I’d remember that, but show me what I missed.


macrumors 65816
Oct 25, 2007
Left Coast
Because your entire party is complicit because they failed to call out Donald Trump and the far-right fringe, racist, Nazi lunatics. Make an effort to clean your house, and you probably wouldn’t feel as criticized.

Absurd argument. This last year, I saw protests rip apart a lot of cities, a lot of violence, and deaths. My city Seattle saw a lot of that violence. Not only did Democratic leadership not call it out, many Democratic leaders called for and incited those protests. I could cite a lot of stupid actions that Democrats did that their leadership said not one single word about. Remember those two female lawyers that were arrested for throwing Molotov cocktails at police cars? I suppose you must not mind that their leadership did not call them out for it. So there are complicit too, as you suggest. :-/


macrumors regular
Jul 13, 2007
Apple, you have lost your Corporate collective mind. I thought you were all about inclusion and so on. I mean that is your social contract with the world, right? Free Speech, the First Amendment. Dead And Apple led the charge. Let’s see how this plays out...what is good for me is also good for thee! Standby.


macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2004
San Francisco, CA
Absurd argument. This last year, I saw protests rip apart a lot of cities, a lot of violence, and deaths. My city Seattle saw a lot of that violence. Not only did Democratic leadership not call it out, many Democratic leaders called for and incited those protests. I could cite a lot of stupid actions that Democrats did that their leadership said not one single word about. Remember those two female lawyers that were arrested for throwing Molotov cocktails at police cars? I suppose you must not mind that their leadership did not call them out for it. So there are complicit too, as you suggest. :-/
I think we need to be clear though about the reason for these riots:
1) Riots due to a 10 minute video depicting a man being killed while in police custody due a knee on his neck
2) Riots due to the possibility of election fraud espoused by the President which to this day no legitimate proof has been provided

To me, personally, it's hard to stoke the idea that Democrat leaders encouraged riots when millions of people could watch a video themselves and feel a certain way about it. There's a difference when the leader of the country tells people there's fraud in an election, without actually being able to show something tangible to support it.


macrumors regular
Jul 13, 2007
And you are telling us that you ignore the violent and racist content.
I mean yeah, so speech is protected in America. You have the right to ignore something you disagree with. I guess you are a Parler user and have examples of this to share with those of us who are not Parler users? What about ****ter? I bet even I can find you a million examples of what you are claiming on that platform and they are not banned, etc.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2010
Riots due to a 10 minute video depicting a man being killed while in police custody due a knee on his neck
An unarmed black man whose alleged crime was not violent in nature, that was not resisting, that had already been placed in a police car, that was subsequently removed from the car, that was murdered because police know that 99.9% of the time they will never spend a single night in prison for anything they do.


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2008
I mean yeah, so speech is protected in America. You have the right to ignore something you disagree with. I guess you are a Parler user and have examples of this to share with those of us who are not Parler users? What about ****ter? I bet even I can find you a million examples of what you are claiming on that platform and they are not banned, etc.
Sigh. One more time. Twitter DOES moderate violent and offensive content; Parler was not doing that. That is a requirement to be in the App Store.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Right, you missed the part where I said YouTube can amend their TOS to say no gay content.

For the record, I don't support discrimination, period. I don't support censorship either.

You seem to be ok with censorship as long the censoring is a message you don't like. What happens when the censors start going after gay content in the name of religion or protecting their children?
The message being censored is “hey guys for the inauguration come join us with weapons where no police or army will be able to stand against us.” You realize that’s the message you’re crying that should be allowed, right?


macrumors regular
Jul 13, 2007
I think we need to be clear though about the reason for these riots:
1) Riots due to a 10 minute video depicting a man being killed while in police custody due a knee on his neck
2) Riots due to the possibility of election fraud espoused by the President which to this day no legitimate proof has been provided

To me, personally, it's hard to stoke the idea that Democrat leaders encouraged riots when millions of people could watch a video themselves and feel a certain way about it. There's a difference when the leader of the country tells people there's fraud in an election, without actually being able to show something tangible to support it.
I think you need to look at facts regarding your statement on the election. To be honest about this, and you should be or at least be informed, it looks like Judge after judge threw out these suits before they were ever heard because they used standing as their supporting cause to do so. That means evidence was not heard in the court nor presented to the people. There are faults with how the entire post-election back and forth went down but the American people were the losers in all of that.

Feel free to point fingers and such, I mean we were a free country until Thursday but you should at least do your homework.


macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2004
San Francisco, CA
I think you need to look at facts regarding your statement on the election. To be honest about this, and you should be or at least be informed, it looks like Judge after judge threw out these suits before they were ever heard because they used standing as their supporting cause to do so. That means evidence was not heard in the court nor presented to the people. There are faults with how the entire post-election back and forth went down but the American people were the losers in all of that.

Feel free to point fingers and such, I mean we were a free country until Thursday but you should at least do your homework.
Nothing has prevented anyone with evidence from coming forward and presenting it outside of each state's judiciary.
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macrumors regular
Jul 13, 2007
Sigh. One more time. Twitter DOES moderate violent and offensive content; Parler was not doing that. That is a requirement to be in the App Store.
Again, there are numerous examples where that is not moderated on the platform. You should stop shilling and start investigating your own claims. You are in fact, wrong here. I pity the fools...


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
The message being censored is “hey guys for the inauguration come join us with weapons where no police or army will be able to stand against us.” You realize that’s the message you’re crying that should be allowed, right?
I, a rational human being who isn’t angry for the sake of anger, can see this and blow it off. Sure, it’s just words. Whatever.
Problem is, there is a good portion of Trump supporters who see this a rallying cry and call to action.


macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2018
United States
I mean we were a free country until Thursday but you should at least do your homework.
Looks like you are the one that should do your homework. You plagiarize your statements right out of the Fox News and MAGA propaganda playbook: The Dems will take our guns and our rights! The election was stolen!
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macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Apple, you have lost your Corporate collective mind. I thought you were all about inclusion and so on. I mean that is your social contract with the world, right? Free Speech, the First Amendment. Dead And Apple led the charge. Let’s see how this plays out...what is good for me is also good for thee! Standby.
You mean stand back and stand by, like what Trump told the Proud Boys?
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