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macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2010
Because your entire party is complicit because they failed to call out Donald Trump and the far-right fringe, racist, Nazi lunatics. Make an effort to clean your house, and you probably wouldn’t feel as criticized.
You mean the same way Joe Biden and the Democratic Party failed to call out violent protests and riots last summer which led to burning cities, while some even encouraged the harassment of Senators and Congressmen and women? What a clean house they have.

The Far-Right fringe is just that— a fringe. The vast majority of protesters in DC were peaceful.


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2011
I, a rational human being who isn’t angry for the sake of anger, can see this and blow it off. Sure, it’s just words. Whatever.
Problem is, there is a good portion of Trump supporters who see this a rallying cry and call to action.
Like the QAnon Shaman:

“On January 7, 2021, CHANSLEY called in to the Washington Field Office of the FBI, to voluntarily speak with law enforcement. Your affiant and an FBI agent spoke on the phone with CHANSLEY, who confirmed that he was the male in the face paint and headdress in the Vice President’s chair in the Senate. CHANSLEY stated that he came as a part of a group effort, with other “patriots” from Arizona, at the request of the President that all ‘patriots’ come to D.C. on January 6, 2021.”


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2008
Again, there are numerous examples where that is not moderated on the platform. You should stop shilling and start investigating your own claims. You are in fact, wrong here. I pity the fools...
I don’t know how to help you understand this. The requirement is that there is a system of moderation. Apple doesn’t expect perfection, but they do expect that content that incites violence and criminal behavior be moderated.

Parler had no such system of moderation.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
Again, there are numerous examples where that is not moderated on the platform. You should stop shilling and start investigating your own claims. You are in fact, wrong here. I pity the fools...
It’s imperfect. Hell, it’s downright sloppy and inconsistent, but Twitter does moderate.
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macrumors regular
Jul 13, 2007
Trump’s own FBI have said the hatred platforms like Parler foment are the number-one threat to America at the moment.
The F...B...I...that same organization that could not figure out the Federal government was running a Russian influence hoax for 4 years. That FBI? The same one that determined classified email on a home server was okay. Just seeing if we are talking about the same one, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That one? The one that says yeah we knew about the Nashville nut job who blew up AT&T but did nothing after credible evidence was provided years ago. SMH. Parler. I get it, a lot of you hate freedom of thought and the very notion of ideas but, perhaps you aren’t from America. I don’t know but it is very American to have your own thoughts and your own opinions on matters. When a corporation tells you what to think and what to say and how to say it, that crosses every line ever drawn.

You stand now or kneel later because a pendulum always swings as it is in constant motion. When you advocate for something you do not really understand out of “feels”, well, one day you might be the farmer and another day you are the chicken.


macrumors 601
May 28, 2008
You mean the same way Joe Biden and the Democratic Party failed to call out violent protests and riots last summer which led to burning cities, while some even encouraged the harassment of Senators and Congressmen and women? What a clean house they have.

The Far-Right fringe is just that— a fringe. The vast majority of protesters in DC were peaceful.

Were the vast majority of protesters this past summer peaceful?


macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2010
Sigh. One more time. Twitter DOES moderate violent and offensive content; Parler was not doing that. That is a requirement to be in the App Store.
Twitter SELECTIVELY moderates content in an incredibly biased way. “Shoot them all,” referring to Trump supporters, was up for days. Twitter violates its own EULA constantly, and Apple needs to remove them too. If they want to play this game, play it all the way.

And as an added benefit, just think of how great the world would actually be without Twitter.


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2011
You mean the same way Joe Biden and the Democratic Party failed to call out violent protests and riots last summer which led to burning cities, while some even encouraged the harassment of Senators and Congressmen and women? What a clean house they have.

The Far-Right fringe is just that— a fringe. The vast majority of protesters in DC were peaceful.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
Like the QAnon Shaman:
Guys like him are attention seekers with nothing to lose. The attention is part of the rush.
It’s the regular guy who lost his job and is terrified of the future, who has been told by those he voted for for years that he should be angry and hate everyone else except the actual policies put in place by the very people he voted for, that I worry about.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2004
San Francisco, CA
I don’t know but it is very American to have your own thoughts and your own opinions on matters. When a corporation tells you what to think and what to say and how to say it, that crosses every line ever drawn.
Pretty sure nowhere did Apple say "don't be thinking or sounding conservative, or we'll find 'ya!" </sarcasm>
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macrumors 6502
Apr 16, 2020
If this thread is any indication of the level of discourse we should expect in the next four years, I want as little to do with the media, the political establishment, and popular American society as possible. It’s going to be the past 4-8 years all over again.

Have fun everyone.


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Anyone that wants to see the cesspool that Parler is without going on just needs to look at Reddit’s ParlerWatch, it’s pretty wild.

I don’t have a problem with Apple doing what they did. Parler users can still use so it’s not like it’s impossible to view or use the site on iPhones.



macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2018
United States
The F...B...I...that same organization that could not figure out the Federal government was running a Russian influence hoax for 4 years. That FBI? The same one that determined classified email on a home server was okay. Just seeing if we are talking about the same one, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That one? The one that says yeah we knew about the Nashville nut job who blew up AT&T but did nothing after credible evidence was provided years ago. SMH. Parler. I get it, a lot of you hate freedom of thought and the very notion of ideas but, perhaps you aren’t from America. I don’t know but it is very American to have your own thoughts and your own opinions on matters. When a corporation tells you what to think and what to say and how to say it, that crosses every line ever drawn.

You stand now or kneel later because a pendulum always swings as it is in constant motion. When you advocate for something you do not really understand out of “feels”, well, one day you might be the farmer and another day you are the chicken.
Woah, there is a lot to unpack in your statement. Summarizing, you believe in "deep state" conspiracy theories about the FBI and in my guess other government agencies. You accuse others of hating freedom and being un-American. Yet you dont seem to understand what constitutes freedom and American-ness. And you don't seem to know that your ideology, your way of thinking, actually supports the opposite of free thought and freedom.


Oct 21, 2009
I support this move but there are inconsistencies in application of Apple's actions in cases like this. Will Apple remove iMessage and Safari? Both allow for the proliferation of threats to people's safety. One could even argue using Apple's rationale that some agency needs to be able to moderate iMessages (e.g., a backdoor into the encryption). That would be unacceptable but is essentially the argument a number of governments and law enforcement agencies make.

Again, Apple is well within their rights to do this and I support this removal.
How is it inconsistent? You cannot control the entirety of the internet, and you cannot tell me what I can or can't say to my friends - I would never say such hurtful things but just making a point. But limited to a single company's service is definitely doable.


macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
The message being censored is “hey guys for the inauguration come join us with weapons where no police or army will be able to stand against us.” You realize that’s the message you’re crying that should be allowed, right?
You still don't get it. You assume the power to censor will only be used by the "good guys."

And again if Apple didn't insist on being the sole gatekeeper of iOS apps, I wouldn't care what they ban.


macrumors 65816
May 31, 2020
The Far Right:

Look at me so tough look my Jesus power beard God love me so much my tattoo so strong look my flag I super patriot more love my country than you look my AR15 so fire look my SUV so much power look my chest so hard.

Also the Far Right:

Weee weee mommy how come I can’t share racist xenophobic tinfoil hat conspiracy memes and threats to people on the internet
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Oct 21, 2009
Good thing we have such shining examples in Facebook and Twitter that are still in the store... because, you know, they are the epicenter of cleanliness and shining examples of upholding Apple Guidelines. /s :rolleyes:
Some stuff will always slip through NO MATTER WHAT. I believe you can report tweets right (don't use twitter other than to promote things). In order to have the POTENTIAL to moderate EVERYTHING, you will need double the world's population. Essentially a moderator for every person on Twitter. But then who would moderate the moderators? SO we need another group of people.
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