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macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2021
If this were an argument about universal healthcare or universal basic income, you might have a point. But does an employee who is "rude" (to use your example) entitled to those things *from Apple*? I would argue they are not, and should be fired, because "rude" isn't what Apple hired them for.

I mean, if they’re gonna fire them fire them. But if they’re working for Apple (or any company) they should have healthcare, a living wage, etc


macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2009
The problem is that right now we live in a worst of both worlds scenario. Companies can fire you for almost anything, and even among the things they're not allowed to fire you for, they can make up something giving them plausible deniability. Look at the people trying to organize unions being fired, which is not allowed, but which is obviously the actual reason they're being fired. And after you're fired, the government "safety net" provides hilariously little in return.
How's that any different than any private company? Company needs downsize, boom, you are gone. You don't perform up to par last year, boom, gone. Again, what's so special about retail that needs union? All is does is enable bottom performers hiding behind the group and makes it almost impossible to weed out the bad ones.


macrumors 601
Nov 11, 2020
Mexico City living in Berlin
Because for many people, it's much easier to complain compared to learn a new skill, educate themselves and simply find a better job if they find the current one unsuitable.

Well in Germany a union protects you from just being fired for no reason and almost more importantly, they have to agree on who to hire. „Vitamin-b“ isn’t always good enough. It works at the company I work for

Mr. Dee

macrumors 603
Dec 4, 2003
Apple as a public corporation is beholden to shareholders. If they were a private company, they could easily just make a decision to pay everyone $70,000 a year. But, as a public company, if they’re paying well over the regional average for retail employees (which would be true to afford an average lifestyle), the shareholders would have something to say even before it’s implemented.
I’m not asking them to give away all the wealth. If I took 98% of Bill Gates wealth, he would still have nearly 3 billion. I don’t think Bill Gates standard of living is drop because he doesn’t have 122 billion anymore.

These systems of business, stock markets, shareholder value are all artificial. At the end of the day, everyone including shareholders such as myself are getting their portion.

Leon Ze Professional

macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2021
Instead of dissuading their staff from unionizing.

Apple should be looking at root causes to the problem and demonstrating genuinely how they're going to practically address the areas of retail concern.

A period of reflection is always a good starting point.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
People who are pro union and anti-corporate act as if they have no agency. You can leave and find a better job. You can leave and start your own business. You have options.

Unions are awful. I was forced to join a union when I was a teen working a part-time gig at a supermarket. I hated the fact that a chunk of my already low paycheck went to enrich some union boss. I got absolutely nothing in return.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
How's that any different than any private company? Company needs downsize, boom, you are gone. You don't perform up to par last year, boom, gone. Again, what's so special about retail that needs union? All is does is enable bottom performers hiding behind the group and makes it almost impossible to weed out the bad ones.
It's not different in that regard, however retail and service sector jobs being the bottom of the barrel suffer the worst in the fire-you-for-whatever-reason-we-want regime. There's essentially no penalty or lost productivity when you fire a retail worker. The company will either just hire another poor schlep for the job or pile the workload onto the rest of the employees. Other higher levels and forms of employment have the luxury of the existence of a real productivity loss if someone is fired. For instance I work on a team of three chemists. If any one of us were fired, the loss of one third of the team's productivity would be measurable, at least on the local scale. Though this is likely to not even amount to a rounding error on the scale of my Fortune 500 employer. Conversely, what's firing one cashier when you already have two dozen others doing the same job. Each of the remaining cashiers works an extra hour or two and boom "problem" solved. And while my company can fire me if they want, because I make a lot more than the $12/hour a typical retail worker gets, I'm able to weather that storm much better if I were to wind up without a job tomorrow. I might have to take the undesirable route of dipping into my 401k if I couldn't find another job, but I wouldn't be in a situation where I'm suddenly faced with the prospect of being without a place to live in 30 days if I can't get a job right away like a retail worker would.

And let's for a moment take your supposition as true that unions will enable some "bottom performers" to hide behind the rest of the union. Then so be it. That sounds far preferable to the status quo where companies have all of the power and individuals have none, outside of the "leverage" of quitting their job. I think you'll find that if even the best cashier or stocker at a local Walmart them they would quit if they didn't get a (measly) $1/hour raise for being the best performer, that the managers would laugh in their face and tell them "see ya later then." So why on Earth wouldn't those employees be incentivized to unionize when the company isn't giving even the good employees anything for their effort?


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
I don’t think you really understand what a union is or does, you have just read the hugely manipulated bad press they can receive - precisely because they’re a good thing for workers. You have misunderstood what they’re good for and how they operate.

Even though a US company, I’m surprised Apple are doing this type of thing tbh.
No they are not good for workers if they decimate companies and even entire industries, which they have done. Not to mention they take a % of everyone’s pay to pay union leaders that make 5x what Apple employees make.


macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Remarkable that such a very basic thing should be at all controversial, in this day and age. Apple is one of the very richest companies on earth, with huge profits, and their leadership makes huge money on stock. Apple is only able to create this wealth through the labor of its work force. A union will help the workers organize collectively to fight for a fair share of the wealth they they themselves created in the first place!


macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
No they are not good for workers if they decimate companies and even entire industries, which they have done. Not to mention they take a % of everyone’s pay to pay union leaders that make 5x what Apple employees make.
That’s not always the case. Look at the new Amazon union. Run by and for the workers. You’ve been reading too much propaganda


macrumors 6502
Jan 2, 2014
Belgrade, Serbia
It will be bad news for Apple if the workers unionize.

Well they can prevent that by giving their employees decent wages and working conditions. They have more than enough bucks for that move. Decent wages/conditions = more desirable company to work at/happier and more productive employees.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
Well they can prevent that by giving their employees decent wages and working conditions. They have more than enough bucks for that move. Decent wages/conditions = more desirable company to work at/happier and more productive employees.
Apple can certainly do that. However, in this day and age, even if Apple were to do that, I don''t think it would stop what is already in motion. It is just a matter of time. And with that will come an increase in prices as well.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Apple can certainly do that. However, in this day and age, even if Apple were to do that, I don''t think it would stop what is already in motion. It is just a matter of time. And with that will come an increase in prices as well.
I don't buy that. If I were an Apple retail employee making $50k/year, had a 5% 401k match, and had decent healthcare benefits, I'd be thinking what the hell do I need a union for? People who are paid fairly don’t seek out unions because they don’t need them. I’m not in a union and am not seeking to be in one because my company treats their workers fairly for the most part. Aside from decent pay I get an 8% contribution from my company into my 401k, 3 weeks of vacation (10 years with the company next year puts me at 4 weeks) and get 6 weeks of paid paternity/maternity leave. Why would I seek out a union?
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macrumors 6502
Jan 2, 2014
Belgrade, Serbia
Apple can certainly do that. However, in this day and age, even if Apple were to do that, I don''t think it would stop what is already in motion. It is just a matter of time. And with that will come an increase in prices as well.

I somehow doubt that. But if you're right, that would mean that they've completely lost control and sense, given the current economic and political situation. They could lower their profit margins and do the damage control, yet remain succesful.

But if their shareholders really have all that deciding power and doesn't approve any of that (as many folks on MR state), then... they won't be the first company in history to quickly go downhill because of bad business decisions and greed.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
You forgot to mention that all supermarkets are awful too.
Nothing wrong with paying a high school teen with no skills low wages. I happily agreed to it. What I didn’t expect was to see so much of it taken out for taxes and union dues… something that came as bit of a shock. At least I got some of my taxes back. Union dues OTOH went to buy someone’s Porsche.

Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
I’m not asking them to give away all the wealth. If I took 98% of Bill Gates wealth, he would still have nearly 3 billion. I don’t think Bill Gates standard of living is drop because he doesn’t have 122 billion anymore.

These systems of business, stock markets, shareholder value are all artificial. At the end of the day, everyone including shareholders such as myself are getting their portion.
Sure, but there’s not really a process in place where Apple can simply “pay a living wage” to all retail employees without getting approval from the shareholders. (And who knows, I wouldn’t be surprised if the SEC had a say)


macrumors 6502
Jan 2, 2014
Belgrade, Serbia
Nothing wrong with paying a high school teen with no skills low wages. I happily agreed to it. What I didn’t expect was to see so much of it taken out for taxes and union dues… something that came as bit of a shock. At least I got some of my taxes back. Union dues OTOH went to buy someone’s Porsche.

But that only means that particular union is corrupted. If you ate a really awful burger at xyz, it doesn't mean burgers are awful in general.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Nothing wrong with paying a high school teen with no skills low wages. I happily agreed to it. What I didn’t expect was to see so much of it taken out for taxes and union dues… something that came as bit of a shock. At least I got some of my taxes back. Union dues OTOH went to buy someone’s Porsche.
Do you seriously believe Walmart or Kroger can run off the labor of only teenagers? And restaurants? I guess nobody should plan on eating out for lunch anymore since all the workers will be in school at that time. The median age of a frontline retail worker is 40 years old. You live in a fantasy world.
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Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
I’m not in a union and am not seeking to be in one because my company treats their workers fairly for the most part.
Do you work retail? Because I believe how companies treat their workers is likely directly related to how valuable that worker is to them. If an employee is valuable enough to a company, they’ll pay them $50k/year…even more, give a 5% 401k match, and decent healthcare benefits, plus more.

Is it possible to make 50K in retail? As a Senior Team Lead, Manager, Buyer, Communications Specialist or other skilled worker, sure, AND they get added benefits as well. For retail employees? I’d say the current market trend is 30K, but that may be generous.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
That’s not always the case. Look at the new Amazon union. Run by and for the workers. You’ve been reading too much propaganda
Right, and how do you think that’s going to end up? As unions grow they need hierarchy, leaders, money.

I’m a realist. The only ones falling for propaganda are the ones who believe that unions are the answer to anything. They’re free to get another job or start their own business. A better life starts with taking accountability, not asking the govt or companies for handouts.

This Marxist notion that Bezos shouldn’t be worth 100B but workers with little to no skills that never risked a dime should somehow be paid some random amount ($30… hmm I wonder how they came up with that number??) is beyond hypocritical.
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