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macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
If any adult is still unvaccinated they are likely to stay that way. They will stop wearing their masks as soon as mandates are lifted, risking the health of children not yet old enough to be vaccinated.

at this point it’s a matter of about 4-6 weeks to get a critical mass of teenagers vaccinated. These are kids likely to be working in the public with summer jobs. Just keep indoor mask mandates a few weeks longer.

The vaccine poses a greater risk to kids than COVID-19. More kids probably died in swimming pools or car accidents last year than from COVID-19. Weird how the same people who scream at us to “trust the science” don’t trust the stats.


macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
The vaccine poses a greater risk to kids than COVID-19.
In what way?

More kids probably died in swimming pools or car accidents last year than from COVID-19. Weird how the same people who scream at us to “trust the science” don’t trust the stats.
That may be true, but last I checked, "probably" isn't a statistic.

I took my kids to swim lessons at an early age so they would learn to swim properly (and my daughter is now a lifeguard), and I do everything in my power to avoid car accidents when I'm driving.

Statistically speaking I'd rather have my kids get the vaccine than to have long haul symptoms, and that is their preference also.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
In what way?

That may be true, but last I checked, "probably" isn't a statistic.

I took my kids to swim lessons at an early age so they would learn to swim properly (and my daughter is now a lifeguard), and I do everything in my power to avoid car accidents when I'm driving.

Statistically speaking I'd rather have my kids get the vaccine than to have long haul symptoms, and that is their preference also.

”Long haul COVID-19” is mostly a mental illness, and unlike driving carefully to avoid car accidents, there’s nothing one can do to ward off possible vaccine side effects such as blood clots or fertility issues.

We know COVID-19 poses close to zero risk to kids. Meanwhile, we have no idea whatsoever what the long-term effects of an mRNA vaccine might be on kids, since it’s never been used before.


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
In what way?

That may be true, but last I checked, "probably" isn't a statistic.

I took my kids to swim lessons at an early age so they would learn to swim properly (and my daughter is now a lifeguard), and I do everything in my power to avoid car accidents when I'm driving.

Statistically speaking I'd rather have my kids get the vaccine than to have long haul symptoms, and that is their preference also.


"Nearly 1,000 young people succumbed to drowning in 2017" - apparently includes up to 20 year olds.

2019 - 844 motor vehicle crash deaths among children younger than 13 - of which 612 were passenger vehicle occupants.

2020/2021 - Table 1 - total of 309 deaths involving COVID-19 in the 0-17 year old age group - meaning they had (or presumed to have) COVID even if that wasn't necessarily the primary cause of death
Also Table 1- 45,513 deaths from all causes in the 0-17 year old age group

So while the above mixes age groups disallowing a direct comparison with cars/pools/covid, and while I didn't quickly come across 2020 non-covid data other than the CDC link listing all-causes, the indications are that on an overall basis cars and drowning likely do exceed covid-involved deaths among youth.

Less than seven in ten-thousand deaths among 0-17 year olds were with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
Meanwhile, a study out of Israel shows that roughly 1 in 4,500 kids under 18 who get the COVID-19 vaccination contract myocarditis, and prior studies have shown that if you get myocarditis at 18 or under, you have a 60% chance of needing a heart transplant within 10 years.

But, yeah, let’s rush to vaccinate kids. Lunacy.


macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
Given that my father in law died from COVID and that the myocarditis cleared up in most of the Israel youth, our family is very pro vaccine.

I encourage everyone to make informed decisions that fit their families best and know not all will come to the same conclusion.


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
Meanwhile, a study out of Israel shows that roughly 1 in 4,500 kids under 18 who get the COVID-19 vaccination contract myocarditis, and prior studies have shown that if you get myocarditis at 18 or under, you have a 60% chance of needing a heart transplant within 10 years.

But, yeah, let’s rush to vaccinate kids. Lunacy.

Link to the study please?

The articles I'm finding based on an "Israel study myocarditis" search don't seem to mention a 1-in-4500 figure so I'm curious to read the actual study. Thanks.


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
I encourage everyone to make informed decisions that fit their families best and know not all will come to the same conclusion.

Indeed. It can be fascinating how various factors affect our individual perceptions of risk, and two people can read the same facts yet reach a different conclusion of what constitutes acceptable risk.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
Given that my father in law died from COVID and that the myocarditis cleared up in most of the Israel youth, our family is very pro vaccine.

I encourage everyone to make informed decisions that fit their families best and know not all will come to the same conclusion.

Your father-in-law wasn’t 8 years old, and having myocarditis under age 18 doesn’t “clear up” — it yields a 60% chance of needing a heart transplant within 10 years. You don’t seem to be making an “informed decision” at all. You seem to be making an emotional decision.


macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
Your father-in-law wasn’t 8 years old, and having myocarditis under age 18 doesn’t “clear up” — it yields a 60% chance of needing a heart transplant within 10 years. You don’t seem to be making an “informed decision” at all. You seem to be making an emotional decision.

“It does suggest that this is, at least statistically, a real phenomenon,” says Peter Liu, a cardiologist and chief scientific officer of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Diekema says it’s important to investigate “even a hint of a signal,” but cautions that “while this report is suggestive … it requires validation in other populations by other investigators before we can be certain the link exists.” Other factors may be in play, Diekema says. Now that children are back to socializing and playing sports, his hospital’s emergency room is “seeing more viral diseases than we’ve seen in a year,” and as a result, “I would expect to see a little bump in myocarditis versus a year ago.” Ideally, scientists should compare cohorts of vaccinated and unvaccinated youngsters at the same time, Diekema says, and he’s heartened that such studies are now gearing up. ...

He says he and his colleagues treated about 40 cases. Only a few needed corticosteroids, he said, and most have recovered fully.

Even if the link between the shots and myocarditis firms up, Liu says the vaccine’s benefit—being well-protected from COVID-19—outweighs the risks, even for young people, who are generally at lower risk of severe disease.



macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
Also that source states a 1 in 50,000 risk, not 1 in 4,500. Do you have a source for your number?

The article did make note of a 1 in 5,000 risk for men between the ages of 16-24, which is fairly specific. My children do not meet that specific risk criteria.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
The 1 in 50,000 was for myocarditis occurrences in all vaccinated people. It’s closer to 1 in 4,500 for people under 18 or 19, which is the cohort we’re discussing here.

You’d rather your kids have a 1 in 10,000 chance of needing a heart transplant within 10 years than a 1 in 50,000 chance of dying of COVID-19?



macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
The vaccine poses a greater risk to kids than COVID-19. More kids probably died in swimming pools or car accidents last year than from COVID-19. Weird how the same people who scream at us to “trust the science” don’t trust the stats.
Doesn't dying <> full recovery...does it? What are the stats of how many kids didn't actually make a full recovery?


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
The 1 in 50,000 was for myocarditis occurrences in all vaccinated people. It’s closer to 1 in 4,500 for people under 18 or 19, which is the cohort we’re discussing here.

You’d rather your kids have a 1 in 10,000 chance of needing a heart transplant within 10 years than a 1 in 50,000 chance of dying of COVID-19?


Second request: please link the study/source you read that provides this figure?

I've searched but been unable to find it, and I would like to read this study.

Thank you.


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
It’s on the main page of Israel’s health site.

I must be having a brain fart.

I'm looking at both here on the main site:

and here on the News site

and here on the Press Releases subsite

... yet somehow I'm having trouble finding it.

I'm sure others would appreciate it if you'd just post the link to the study so they can read it too.



macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
I don’t keep links of every article I read. A person above (mollyc) just cited the same study, so it shouldn’t be hard to find.

The simple fact is, people under 20 are at such low risk of COVID-19 that the “experts” can’t even calculate a statistical risk. And yet they’re pushing the vaccine on everyone.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
I suspect this is the original article. It specifically mentions men aged 16-24, not children aged 12-15.

Children just started getting the vaccine. It’s crazy to assume the numbers will be better in those under 16 than those 16 to 20.


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2017
I don’t keep links of every article I read. A person above (mollyc) just cited the same study, so it shouldn’t be hard to find.

The simple fact is, people under 20 are at such low risk of COVID-19 that the “experts” can’t even calculate a statistical risk. And yet they’re pushing the vaccine on everyone.

pushing the vaccine on everyone isn't about who in particular is at risk of getting sick, the more people that are vaccinated the less the virus spreads
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macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2017
Children just started getting the vaccine. It’s crazy to assume the numbers will be better in those under 16 than those 16 to 20.

I'm not sure why you would make any assumption one way or another

not to mention that the article in question doesn't actually contain any of the numbers you've typed. is there another article you haven't linked or are you just making **** up.

and if you can't remember the links to every article you read how are we to believe that you remember the correct numbers?
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
pushing the vaccine on everyone isn't about who in particular is at risk of getting sick, the more people that are vaccinated the less the virus spreads

Giving 5- and 10- and 15-year-olds who are statistically at zero risk of COVID-19 an experimental vaccine in order to theoretically help a bunch of unvaccinated 80-year-olds is absolutely monstrous. What is wrong with some of you people?


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2017
We know COVID-19 poses close to zero risk to kids. Meanwhile, we have no idea whatsoever what the long-term effects of an mRNA vaccine might be on kids, since it’s never been used before.

we actually have no idea what the long term-effects of children asymptomatically contracting the covid-19 virus are either, since they've never had it before


macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
My friend’s 21 year old son had a “mild” case and nine months later he still doesn’t smell things properly.

Another friend’s middle school aged child was sick for several months. My 15 year old daughter’s friend was sick for over a month with it during January.

These are people my family knows personally who are young and seemingly healthy when contracting it. If I can prevent my own children from going through this I will.
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