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Jan 10, 2012
The best mask is the Uniqlo mask. Really comfortable and feels like something from Marvel Universe.

Why didn’t Apple sell masks with Apple logos? I would have bought 3 in every color.
I'm guessing quite a few people would cry out that Apple was trying to profit from a pandemic.


macrumors 65816
May 31, 2020
I'm guessing quite a few people would cry out that Apple was trying to profit from a pandemic.

Nobody is saying that about all the clothing big brands who did so it’s worth the risk. Too late now, unless another big wave with a new mutation comes.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
I never go to the Apple Store to browse anymore! I do everything online now! The local mall here, only restaurant workers and Apple associate have masks on!
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Mar 21, 2011
Just make it optional. People will be irrationally mad no matter when you lift the unnecessary mandate.
Optional ya, i would go one further...

Those country/states with higher infection rates marks store. Everyone i hear keeps wanting things to be back to normal anyway.. This method they will have that in stages.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2015
Seems like a hot topic and I won't be reading through 20 pages of replies. Will just say if they require it, wear it. If I walked in wearing my underwear they would tell me to put my pants on and would be within their rights to do it. Don't like it, don't shop there. Pretty simple. The level of disrespect those who regularly preach "law and order" show is frankly astounding.


Jan 1, 2018
looks like we’ve got another one
Tell me, I suppose you support the Communist Marxist critical race theory ? No, looks like we have another one - I state truth… I am not in the UASS - Union of American Socialist States, but here we are living free and we have freedom of speech.. tell me, do you know that your regime is trying to indoctrinate school children with CRT ?? a product of Stalinist, Communist Marxist thinking..


Jan 1, 2018
How many people have to die before you give a damn?
Look it up !!! Covid -19 99.9% recovery rate and also why is it that every time there is a death it’s because of Covid ? Hmm.. sounds like a cover up to me.. and of course we all know Covid was created in a lab in Wuhan.


Jan 10, 2012
Also, in Ukraine we had much lower deaths.. I don’t know why, but it sounds like a deep state cover up to make the virus worse than what it was and is.
For a Ukrainian you sound like a certain political party here in the USA. :p. And I'm happy there was less death in Ukraine. I lost 6 relatives in Peru - virtually attended 2 funerals of healthy people I had met in person a handful of years ago. Their whole family was decimated - some still unable to walk on their own months later.

I'm happy for you and normally I'm pro asking questions. But the idea of an organized, all powerful, one goal'ed deep state seems a little up there - especially as a manager - I have a very difficult time keeping 15 people on one unified path.

99.9% sounds nice but in the day and age where we have 7 billion people on this planet, that can be used to excuse a LOT of unnecessary death. Only problem I got with that.

Do I have all the answers? Nope. But I don't spend a lot of time reacting to the what if, pie in sky paranoia I see prevalent everywhere today.
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Jan 10, 2012
I never go to the Apple Store to browse anymore! I do everything online now! The local mall here, only restaurant workers and Apple associate have masks on!
I prefer online - I got better things to do with my time than stand in a line and talk to someone who knows a lot less about the product I want to buy than I do (I know not everyone is like me).

Here where I live in Southern California - most people are still wearing masks even though they aren't required. I find this all quite interesting. I've witnessed a rise in mask violence - even witnessed 4 police officers running into our local Vons to break up a fight recently.

I'm vaccinated but I'm wearing a mask because WHO is asking people to because of the delta variant and I wear a mask to not attract unnecessary attention. Life is difficult enough without going out of my way to attract attention.

I recently went to a Chipotle (before the WHO request) where half the customers weren't wearing a mask - so I took mine off and noticed several stares from other masked customers that made me feel like I was stabbing baby bunnies repeatedly.
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Jan 1, 2018
For a Ukrainian you sound like a certain political party here in the USA. :p. And I'm happy there was less death in Ukraine. I lost 6 relatives in Peru - virtually attended 2 funerals of healthy people I had met in person a handful of years ago. Their whole family was decimated - some still unable to walk on their own months later.

I'm happy for you and normally I'm pro asking questions. But the idea of an organized, all powerful, one goal'ed deep state seems a little up there - especially as a manager - I have a very difficult time keeping 15 people on one unified path.

99.9% sounds nice but in the day and age where we have 7 billion people on this planet, that can be used to excuse a LOT of unnecessary death. Only problem I got with that.

Do I have all the answers? Nope. But I don't spend a lot of time reacting to the what if, pie in sky paranoia I see prevalent everywhere today.
Let’s just say I have friends in USA and they tell me a lot of things that go on there. I am president of a Ukrainian freedom movement against Russian aggression yes. But I know a lot about your nations issue.
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