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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

It has been nearly 18 months since Apple last updated its iPad lineup, and customers are anxiously waiting for new models to be announced. For months, there have been rumors about new iPad Pro and iPad Air models, but the estimated timeframe for their release has been repeatedly pushed back from March to April to May.


In defense of these rumors, it does sound like Apple has experienced delays with the new iPads. DigiTimes this week cited sources at Taiwanese suppliers who said mass production of camera lenses for the upcoming iPads has been "repeatedly postponed," and the report vaguely mentions that a "production launch" will likely take place in May.

Bloomberg's Mark Gurman last week reported that Apple is currently aiming to launch the new iPad Pro and iPad Air models in "early May," and he said production of the devices has already been ramping up in Asia. He said Apple was still finishing iPadOS software development for the new iPads, and added that advanced OLED display manufacturing techniques have also contributed to the delayed launch.

Apple is expected to announce the following products:Apple last updated the iPad Pro and iPad Air in October 2022 and March 2022, respectively, so new versions of the devices are much anticipated.

Article Link: Apple Suppliers Say New iPads Have Been 'Repeatedly Postponed'


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
Have they really been "anxiously" waiting? Beside tech reviewers I don't know anyone who cares. What's this new iPad going to do that my 3 year old iPad can't? It's still the same limited OS.
Yes, I have been anxiously awaiting the introduction of OLED to the iPad Pros. This is literally one of the biggest upgrades to the iPad line in many, many years.


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2005
The iPad Mini has had the longest time since a release, if I understand correctly, appears to be popular judging from the forum (and my kid; I used to own one, too), and yet no mention of it? Wonder what this bodes for its prospects for an update any time soon.


macrumors 68000
Apr 10, 2015
Apple updates the hardware and software way more than needed. Thus, causing the end user a more frustrating experience than necessary. What I mean by updates, new features. In fact the new software features contribute to the unnecessary hardware updates. The stuck in an on going learning curve gets old fast. Very pleased with the pace of the iPad updates. Should be applied across all devices.
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