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macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2014
Many studies agave already shown that the vaccine is effective mainly for self protection. It does not significantly lower viral load.
Why do people keep trying to force everyone to take it? There are many studies on this.

I am vaccinated and I don’t care what anyone else is doing. It’s their choice and their risk.


macrumors 68030
Oct 25, 2008
So, this whole health department and FDA.. is a joke?

I would rather people live a long healthier life then worrying about if it’s approved or not.
Are you telling me the FDA doesn’t make mistakes? Vioxx and Fen-phen would like to have a word with you… what’s appalling too is that all of these vaccine makers have full immunity from being sued. You can try going after the feds for damages but it’s easier getting blood out of a stone…

Not saying the vaccines are useless, but no one’s really talking about heart inflammation in teenage boys/ young men from the mRNA vaccines or that breakthrough infections are much more common than what most people think.


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2012
Science is never settled, otherwise it would not be science. It should always remain open to new studies and understanding as technology improves and our access to different test methods are discovered/developed.

Haha that was the old science definition. They've recently updated the definition. New science is always settled immediately and new questions are not allowed.


Sep 25, 2018
Umm NO
Why do folks not get it, The science is not settled. Yes it seems good and seems the risk is small for side effects but TIME will tell. It should be a personal choice nothing more get the vax don't get the vax its not anyone but the individuals choice and info!!!
We are out of TIME!
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2014
What is surprising to me. 10 years ago, all the left leaning people I knew were constantly criticizing „big Pharma“ and their money making schemes. Now suddenly big Pharma is their best friend and they want everyone to get vaccinated asap.


Mar 24, 2015
Many studies agave already shown that the vaccine is effective mainly for self protection. It does not significantly lower viral load.
Why do people keep trying to force everyone to take it? There are many studies on this.

I am vaccinated and I don’t care what anyone else is doing. It’s their choice and their risk.
It's simply becoming standard practice. In many ways, we're starting to move toward a hygienic safety practice. I hate to use the overused example of seatbelts, but it really is a parallel.

- Use of seatbelts saves lives. It might not save you from a very nasty accident, but your odds of survival helps for what its tested for.
- You could survive without a seatbelt, but it's a massive risk to ones self to go without one.
- Insurance companies end up being the ones footing the bill for a bunch of people without seatbelts getting injured or killed. They then put the costs onto users, who even though they might be using seatbelts, they have to pay the increases cause the insurance companies have to incur those costs.
- Hence, people want to start practices that reduces their costs (in my example, money in seatbelts, medical costs and what not in COVID) and have everyone follow the same practice, or else.

Either way, people who are saying "screw the system" can also be screwing the system because you can't infringe on what they do. It's the freedom to do what you want, even if its wrong. Based on this article, Apple totally doesn't want to carry the costs of medical insurance spikes that may come from it all.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2017
?Sure, let me know when a new study reveals that gravity doesn't exist.
Actually the studies involving gravity are still ongoing because the force cannot be fully explained, but I'm sure you knew that and were just testing us. ? We're not here to discuss gravitons, we're off-topic and discussing immunology, virology, and the constantly misrepresented viral transmission vectors.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 11, 2006
Actually the studies involving gravity are still ongoing because the force cannot be fully explained, but I'm sure you knew that and were just testing us. ? We're not here to discuss gravitons, we're off-topic and discussing immunology, virology, and the constantly misrepresented viral transmission vectors.
Really? And here I thought we were discussing people too scared and selfish to get a shot.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2014
The data tells us that 90-95% of those severe Covid patients occupying ICUs are unvaccinated, often with other co-morbidities. If vaccinated folks were clogging up ICUs and dying preventable deaths, the data would show it - and it does not. Your risk of dying of Covid is 10-30x greater when not vaxxed - and goes up if you've got other comorbidities, obesity being the primary one.

Don't take the internet's word for it, go ask your MD (not your neighbor who does medical billing, nor an LPN, nor a politician)... they'll inevitably tell you to get vaccinated.

There's a reason why we didn't close schools and businesses for the flu or previous viruses... they didn't fill up ICUs and fracture families in anything close to the numbers that Covid does.


Mar 24, 2015
What is surprising to me. 10 years ago, all the left leaning people I knew were constantly criticizing „big Pharma“ and their money making schemes. Now suddenly big Pharma is their best friend and they want everyone to get vaccinated asap.
Much like how 1990s liberals were hocking Christian values and were pro-censorship (see Tripper Gore and music/media censorship). Now the tables have turned. Politics is never stable.


Oct 22, 2020
Southern Cal
Way to entice people into getting vaccinated. Just do non-stop annoying tests on them lol

I've just thrown up my arms in the air on this. I was vaccinated because I was told we can start removing masks mandates and so forth. Then they brought that stuff back in certain areas blaming the unvaccinated as if I'm supposed to care that they keep themselves at risk of bad infection. If they have their reasons, stupid or not, just leave them be.

At this point if they recommend me to get a 3rd shot, I'm not doing it. We keep getting the goalposts moved on this. Enough of the Wuhan Virus.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Umm NO
Why do folks not get it, The science is not settled. Yes it seems good and seems the risk is small for side effects but TIME will tell. It should be a personal choice nothing more get the vax don't get the vax its not anyone but the individuals choice and info!!!
The science will never be settled on this because we know we will not get rid of this virus anytime soon and some new variants require new vaccines which could have only been prevented by vaccinating in the first place. So by the time the science is settled for one variant, there will new variants that require new testing and vaccination all over again. We will never catch up.

Nothing is 100% safe in life. Talking to anti or vaccine hesistant people, it's clear that their resistance has moved away from caution and further towards selfishness.


macrumors 68030
Oct 11, 2008
Umm NO
Why do folks not get it, The science is not settled. Yes it seems good and seems the risk is small for side effects but TIME will tell. It should be a personal choice nothing more get the vax don't get the vax its not anyone but the individuals choice and info!!!
Your personal choice is killing others.

Get the shot or expect to be ignored at every major event, hospital etc. in the very near future.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Far from settled.
We are missing a lot of key data points.
A lot of the actions are politically driven.
We have nowhere enough long term data.

That’s just some of what is missing.
How can we ever get long term data if new variants keep popping up specifically from unvaccinated transmission of COVID? You have created an endless loop of infection->treatment->reinfection in your logic and unfortunately pulled every human into it with you. I'm not attacking you personally, but rather your thought process.
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