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Jun 6, 2010
I’m sure I’ll get banned for this cause “nobody challenged the narrative” Surely this should be in the Political section no?
Everyone should watch every video here. Open your eyes to this madness. Sadly I’ve had 2 - but I draw the line.
Good on Apple (for now).



macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
What is surprising to me. 10 years ago, all the left leaning people I knew were constantly criticizing „big Pharma“ and their money making schemes. Now suddenly big Pharma is their best friend and they want everyone to get vaccinated asap.
Science doesn't lie to protect big Pharma interests. Our leaders and people that don't trust science are the ones who lie to protect their own interests.


macrumors demi-god
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
It's simply becoming standard practice. In many ways, we're starting to move toward a hygienic safety practice. I hate to use the overused example of seatbelts, but it really is a parallel.

- Use of seatbelts saves lives. It might not save you from a very nasty accident, but your odds of survival helps for what its tested for.
- You could survive without a seatbelt, but it's a massive risk to ones self to go without one.
- Insurance companies end up being the ones footing the bill for a bunch of people without seatbelts getting injured or killed. They then put the costs onto users, who even though they might be using seatbelts, they have to pay the increases cause the insurance companies have to incur those costs.
- Hence, people want to start practices that reduces their costs (in my example, money in seatbelts, medical costs and what not in COVID) and have everyone follow the same practice, or else.

Either way, people who are saying "screw the system" can also be screwing the system because you can't infringe on what they do. It's the freedom to do what you want, even if its wrong. Based on this article, Apple totally doesn't want to carry the costs of medical insurance spikes that may come from it all.

Had my eyes opened, hadn’t thought about it before, my daughter had to get the vaccine for her work even though she already had and recovered from Covid. The vaccine won’t help but she is risk (slim) for side effects. It obviously has nothing to do with her health nor protecting others.


Oct 22, 2020
Southern Cal
And why do you care about the administrators instead of the people unable to get care?
I don’t care about them. I’m making a point about it.

People without COVID not able to get care are far and few between. We get anecdotal evidence of this “people not able to get care” through the media and everyone believes it’s a huge problem.


macrumors demi-god
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
How can we ever get long term data if new variants keep popping up specifically from unvaccinated transmission of COVID? You have created an endless loop of infection->treatment->reinfection in your logic and unfortunately pulled every human into it with you. I'm not attacking you personally, but rather your thought process.

Nice reading into what I wrote. I have not created anything. Not sure what you are driving at.
I just stated some of what we don’t have.
I never mentioned hurdles and other impediments.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2014
Your personal choice is killing others.

Get the shot or expect to be ignored at every major event, hospital etc. in the very near future.
Employers, schools, show runners... businesses generally want these vaccination requirements. And rightfully so.

Unvaccinated people are nothing but a legal liability. American Airlines doesn't want a $10 million lawsuit because someone lost their beloved uncle and their family of lawyers contact-traced it back to a cluster of sick people on their flight.

Right now it's "vaccine or lots of testing." Soon enough it's "vaccine or you don't work here."

You're not allowed to work in an Apple store naked because you dislike the uniforms... this is that.


macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2016
What has yet to be thoroughly tested in the courts (and Apple no doubt wants to avoid) is whether or not an employer can be held liable for damages if they compel an employee to get a vaccine and the employee is subsequently injured by it. I’m not sure if that is why Apple is being diplomatic about the COVID vaccine, but it wouldn’t surprise me….
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Mar 24, 2015
Had my eyes opened, hadn’t thought about it before, my daughter had to get the vaccine for her work even though she already had and recovered from Covid. The vaccine won’t help but she is risk (slim) for side effects. It obviously has nothing to do with her health nor protecting others.
Tactically, to employers it could be about protecting themselves financially. Much like how Delta announced they'd just raise insurance costs for non-vaccinated people. It's still not fair for people who had recovered from COVID, as there are reports that antibodies from a recovered patient is similar to those with the vaccine. I guess it's all down to how one interprets it, along with how it's documented.

Side note: Personally, I'm vaccinated, since I'm not 100% certain I had COVID. I had a seriously f'd up illness that has the signatures of COVID back in Feb, but I was never 100% certain it was, so I got vaxxed anyway. I'm not one to tell others what they do, much like how I don't expect anyone to be bothered that I'm still wearing a mask when in an enclosed area.
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macrumors demi-god
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
Employers, schools, show runners... businesses generally want these vaccination requirements. And rightfully so.

Unvaccinated people are nothing but a legal liability. American Airlines doesn't want a $10 million lawsuit because someone lost their beloved uncle and their family of lawyers contact-traced it back to a cluster of sick people on their flight.

Right now it's "vaccine or lots of testing." Soon enough it's "vaccine or you don't work here."

You're not allowed to work in an Apple store naked because you dislike the uniforms... this is that.

You are making to general of a statement.
Why vaccinate people who have recovered from COVID?


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2014
You are making to general of a statement.
Why vaccinate people who have recovered from COVID?
Because, like my coworker, you can catch it again and it hits back even harder the 2nd go around. Your weakened lungs and kidneys don't appreciate a repeat infection.

The immunity granted by Covid is not well understood, nor particularly long-lasting. Without vaccination, we let the virus mutate and get lots of new strains... eventually a new strain comes that the current vaccines don't address, and we're all back to March 2020... with potentially a strain that kills 10% instead of 1%... then you start to see things get crazy, like The Last of Us crazy, minus zombies.
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