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macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2014
It's kinda funny. On a different thread, people are telling each other not to care what others think of them, and to wear whatever Apple watch/band that they want. Here, we're trying to convince people how dumb they'll look with a case on their watch.

I would never put a case on my watch, Apple or otherwise, because I do personally think it's a dumb concept. However, I don't care the least bit what someone else puts on their watch. Why should I? It's not my wrist. Chances are I'll never even see someone wih a case on their watch anyway, I'll just be hearing about people who do via forums.

Now if people start making protective cases for the bands, that's when I may lose it.


macrumors 68000
Mar 18, 2012
Just to add to my post...

I chose black zirconia for my my wedding ring, very cheap but not a mark on it as it's almost impossible to scratch.
A more traditional and expensive ring would look terrible by now wearing it at work.

I want to be able to wear the AW all day so protection at work is important to me.


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
I'm ready..................... :D



Sep 11, 2014
Piggie, there are days I think I could use a bubble wrap suit! :D

Again, I feel so old on this forum because the things some of you folks fuss about now, I've already seen and lived through. Like I said, we did this sort of thing to Swatch Watches back in the 80's. There were funny little snap on cases and cages for them, both for customization and protection.

And as with the Apple Watch, there were bands sold that were meant to be easily interchangeable with the ones sold on the Swatch. They had categories of bands to match certain models. And Swatch watches initially came in two sizes for most models. There was a small one and a very large one...don't know the measurements offhand but they never said specifically if the smaller one was for ladies and the larger one was for guys. So a lot of women with larger wrists chose the larger size.

Since Jony Ive is my age I would not be surprised if he borrowed these Swatch concepts for the Apple Watch. And I'm sure there are loads of people working at Spigen who are my age who remember the Swatch guards and think this idea is just brilliant. And it really is pretty interesting to me.

But alas, I live in the Internet age now and not in the fun and funky 80's anymore. People seem more judgemental and cranky these days and very scared of bucking the status quo or offending the sensibilities of some amorphous idea of "everybody." Even 30-something people with interesting tattoos and piercings that I meet seem shockingly afraid of defying standards and expectations in other respects. It's in the teens and college aged kids that I'm seeing the sense of adventure I remember from my own youth.


macrumors 6502
Apr 3, 2015
Piggie, there are days I think I could use a bubble wrap suit! :D

Again, I feel so old on this forum because the things some of you folks fuss about now, I've already seen and lived through. Like I said, we did this sort of thing to Swatch Watches back in the 80's. There were funny little snap on cases and cages for them, both for customization and protection.

And as with the Apple Watch, there were bands sold that were meant to be easily interchangeable with the ones sold on the Swatch. They had categories of bands to match certain models. And Swatch watches initially came in two sizes for most models. There was a small one and a very large one...don't know the measurements offhand but they never said specifically if the smaller one was for ladies and the larger one was for guys. So a lot of women with larger wrists chose the larger size.

Since Jony Ive is my age I would not be surprised if he borrowed these Swatch concepts for the Apple Watch. And I'm sure there are loads of people working at Spigen who are my age who remember the Swatch guards and think this idea is just brilliant. And it really is pretty interesting to me.

But alas, I live in the Internet age now and not in the fun and funky 80's anymore. People seem more judgemental and cranky these days and very scared of bucking the status quo or offending the sensibilities of some amorphous idea of "everybody." Even 30-something people with interesting tattoos and piercings that I meet seem shockingly afraid of defying standards and expectations in other respects. It's in the teens and college aged kids that I'm seeing the sense of adventure I remember from my own youth.

I'm 24, & I appreciate you & people like you.


Sep 11, 2014
Thank you Sterl320. That's a lovely thing to say, I appreciate it. Keep your sense of adventure, stay true to what you love and just have fun and savor life. And stay as kind as you are.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Well, there are things far far dumber that tens of thousands of people already do.

1: Get Tattoo's
2: Smoke Cigarettes.

I hope you laugh even harder in such dumb people's faces who do either of these things which are FAR worse than a removable little watch cover?

How exactly are tattoo's bad? :confused:


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
How exactly are tattoo's bad? :confused:

I don't really think you need me or anyone else here to answer that.
I'm sure you know the answer to that yourself :)
It's a personal choice type of thing after all.


macrumors regular
Feb 18, 2015
Warren, pa.
If you put a case on an apple watch that's a new level of D bag

Wow! that's kind of rash calling people a " D bag " . I guess I am one, because I will be using a case. You apparently have lots of money, and could afford a new one when the sapphire breaks while you are doing manual work, you do manual work don't you? Well I do and lots of it, so don't be so judgmental. if you don't want one don't get one. As for me I have to work hard for my money, and will need the extra protection or the watch would be junk in no time:D


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2009
I'm not spending an extra $200 for a stainless steel casing and Sapphire Crystal only to stick it in a $15.00 plastic case.

You know what? Im not spending a 600 bucks on a stainless steel when I can obviously get a case to cover my aluminum for nights on the town with my girlfriend.

That champagne gold case has made me realize, case makers are going to come out with thin case covers that will allow us to disguise our sport models as steel or gold models when necessary.

With the amount of different third party bands that are going to come out, I think I'll be safe with getting the sport and dressing it up for special occasions.

I can imagine a world where accessory companies will create Apple Watch sets that include a a case cover and band for special occasions. I'd definitely buy something like that as long as it looks decent.

Maybe Im dreaming, but I really think that could be a huge market. The key for me would be whether or not the watch case could get thin enough. I don't want to add a case that will make the watch look bulky.

I don't need my watch to be real gold if Im only going to wear 3 or four times a year. I'll be wearing the aluminum everyday for the most part. If an accessory company can create a band and watch case that looks nice, Ill pay for it. Just sell me something I can wear and look good with on Easter Sunday and when I take my girl out for a special occasion.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Apr 3, 2015
Nor should you, since you're spending extra.

However, I could easily see some people with the aluminum model getting a $15 case like this one:

View attachment 538812

I love this case. I would love a midnight blue one as well.


You know what? Im not spending a 600 bucks on a stainless steel when I can obviously get a case that to cover my aluminum for nights on the town with my girlfriend.

That champagne gold case has made me realize, case makers are going to come out with thin case covers that will allow us to disguise our sport models as steel or gold models when necessary.

With the amount of different third party bands that are going to come out, I think I'll be safe with getting the sport and dressing it up for special occasions.

I can imagine a world where accessory companies will create Apple Watch sets that include a a case cover and band for special occasions. I'd definitely buy something like that as long as it looks decent.

Maybe Im dreaming, but I really think that could be a huge market. The key for me would be whether or not the watch case could get thin enough. I don't want to add a case that make the watch look bulky.

I don't need my watch to be real gold if Im only going to wear 3 or four times a year. If an accessory company can create a band and watch case that looks nice, Ill pay for it. Just sell me something I can wear and look good with on Easter Sunday and when I take my girl out for a special occasion.

This will definitely happen. It happens for literally everything else. And there's too much to be made for it to not happen.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2006
The sapphire is not going to break. I've said this to others and I'll say it again, but in over 7 years of wearing a watch with sapphire crystal, I've never broken it, cracked or even scratched it. I've fallen off my bike, been hit by cars (while riding a bike), and tossed around in many oceans into rocks and otherwise, all while wearing it. Not a scratch.

Not that the Apple watch is all that beautiful, but seriously man, don't put a case on a watch. That's a joke. Every single scratch you put on the case is part of the watch's character. Watches are meant to be worn, not babied.

Wow! that's kind of rash calling people a " D bag " . I guess I am one, because I will be using a case. You apparently have lots of money, and could afford a new one when the sapphire breaks while you are doing manual work, you do manual work don't you? Well I do and lots of it, so don't be so judgmental. if you don't want one don't get one. As for me I have to work hard for my money, and will need the extra protection or the watch would be junk in no time:D


Sep 11, 2014
That's your opinion. It's not one that everyone shares. I don't want my watch riddled with scratches and dents at this stage of my life. That was fine when I was 14-24 and if my watched looked ratty, who cares because I was cute. I'm a middle aged woman now and I'd like for my smart watch to look reasonably well kept, now that I'm all covered in scars and marks. Lol! Something on my sorry carcass needs to look spiffy! :cool:

Also as I stated before, this sort of case could be necessary for people who get contact dermatitis from their tech gear. It's an actual problem and accounts of it are readily available with a quick search.

p.s. It doesn't seem like most of us who are interested in the case for protection are going to keep them on all the time. Just when we are doing activity with a high probability of damaging the watch.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2006
But your argument makes no sense. The watch isn't going to look spiffy with a case on it. It looks ugly. What are you keeping it pretty underneath for?

And also, believe me, it isn't going to get THAT scratched up. And even if it does, get it polished out. Problem solved and you weren't early some ugly rubber bumper on your wrist.

That's your opinion. It's not one that everyone shares. I don't want my watch riddled with scratches and dents at this stage of my life. That was fine when I was 14-24 and if my watched looked ratty, who cares because I was cute. I'm a middle aged woman now and I'd like for my smart watch to look reasonably well kept, now that I'm all covered in scars and marks. Lol! Something on my sorry carcass needs to look spiffy! :cool:

Also as I stated before, this sort of case could be necessary for people who get contact dermatitis from their tech gear. It's an actual problem and accounts of it are readily available with a quick search.


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2014
Actually, it might turn out to be a necessity to people who want the Apple Watch but have allergies to the metals in the alloys that would give them contact dermatitis. Really severely allergic people, and I know a rare few, would not be able to wear or handle the Apple Watch at all, in any of its iterations. Most other allergic people fall along a spectrum and for them and possibly myself, the case might be useful and I would not appreciate being judged a D-bag for using one. I am a lady so I'd be especially adverse to such a crude judgement against myself.

Also, a large part of what I do in the spring and summer months is landscaping and gardening. I hit up against a lot of harsh stones and composite landscaping blocks when I work near or on retaining walls. A case like these might be nice to have on while I'm working. It's been a long time since I've worn a watch except while dressing up for an evening out. I was definitely planning on wearing my Apple Watch while working because it's a pain to always have my huge IPhone jammed into any of the pockets of even my most generously appointed work jeans.

Oh and I don't know how old the folks here commenting are, but I remember back in the 80's Swatch and third parties sold all kinds of snap on guards and edgings to decorate or "protect" the Swatch watches. They were decently popular. These cases remind me of those pieces.

This guy, right here.

I'd love to get the Stainless Steel model. I honestly think it looks better than the Sport. I can't wear anything with SS though, it makes me break out in the exact outline of whatever was there.

I'm hoping that the Apple Watch Sport and the iPhone are made of the same or very similar aluminum as my 6+ doesn't seem to give me any problems.

I could try one of these cases but... they're honestly kinda ugly hahaha
And I wouldn't want to chance it. If I have to exchange it, I'll more than likely end up with a watch that I can't wear for a week or two while I wait for the stores to get them in stock.


macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2007
Washington, DC
Anyone who puts a case on a watch should not be wearing a watch in the first place.

Exactly. It's not like the watch is going to slip out of your hands if it is attached to your wrist. As long as you don't flail your arms around all the time, a case should not be needed.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2015
I have a number of watches, with sapphire and glass faces. Most of them stainless steel, one titanium. None have cases. Just wear it as is. In a few years, you'll be upgrading to a newer model anyway. And if the bands still fit, then we're all lucky and save money.


macrumors 6502
Apr 3, 2015
Customization guys. Customization.

That word should appeal to those who don't like looking like everyone else. You guys are willing to spend hundreds on simple bands. You guys are begging for custom faces. Is looking for cases and skins for the color of the face where you guys draw the line?


macrumors 68020
Apr 21, 2007
As someone said before in some thread, it is the equivalent of putting plastics over your sofa's... in full public view...



Feb 11, 2008
A case for a watch.... No no no .... Yes it will scratch, but watches do , it's part of thier charm


Customization guys. Customization.

That word should appeal to those who don't like looking like everyone else. You guys are willing to spend hundreds on simple bands. You guys are begging for custom faces. Is looking for cases and skins for the color of the face where you guys draw the line?

Put a case on a watch, and you will look special :)


macrumors 603
Apr 3, 2011
London, UK.
Not that the Apple watch is all that beautiful, but seriously man, don't put a case on a watch. That's a joke. Every single scratch you put on the case is part of the watch's character. Watches are meant to be worn, not babied.

Absolute rubbish. First of all the :apple:Watch is pretty good looking for a smart watch especially compared to others. Secondly putting a case even on a watch especially one as expensive as this is far from a joke. Third your statement that scratches provide character to a watch is no more true then it is for any other device like a phone or tablet. Yes watches are meant to be worn and that is the only thing right about your post. However I don't want to be wearing one with scratches and dents on it and if I can avoid it on some way I will certainly consider it.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2006
Oh it's absolutely a joke. Imagine a person putting a case protector on a Rolex. Or a Patek Philippe. It's expensive, so why not right? No. Just no. And I'll explain why.

1. A large part of what you're purchasing is the design. As much as it pains me to admit it, because you're wearing it, and it's on display always, it's somewhat anyway, a part of your fashion. So when you put a case on it, you're saying you've got better ideas than it's designer, about how it should look. Trust me, you don't. And if you do, save yourself a boatload of money, and buy a G-shock. You'll still be able to tell time, and you'll have the bulky load of plastic look on your wrist that you're going for.

2. The Apple watch isn't THAT expensive. I mean, the Edition is, sure, but if you buy the Edition, who's only differentiating factor is it's build in Gold, and then you put a case on that, you're the biggest idiot of all. Might as well have gone with a sport and put the same case on it.

3. This is going to come as a shock, I know, but the Apple Watch isn't the first stainless steel or gold watch to exist. There's been at least a few before it. Oh, and I think a couple of those may have had sapphire crystal too. Me personally, I've owned 4 stainless steel watches with sapphire crystal in the last 10 years, and you know how many of them dented? 0. You know how many had the sapphire scratched? 0. Broken or cracked? 0. I'll say it yet again, but I've fallen of bikes, been hit by cars, been to concerts, played sports, worked out and been tossed around by serious waves while wearing all of them. The worst that happened to any of them is scratches, and the worst place that's going to occur is the bracelet. You gonna put a bumper on the link bracelet too? Scratches DO build character. They're a visual reminder of everything you've been through. It's also called a patina. In 4 years of wearing my current daily go to, if I look close, there's scratches. From a normal distance away if you and I were having a conversation, the watch looks brand new. You couldn't see a single scratch.

4. In the case of stainless steel and gold, you can polish scratches out. It's very easy to do. If Apple won't do it (which would also be a joke), you could take it to most jewelers who would. When I have my watches serviced every 4 years I figure out if I want to have them polished and come back looking like new. Some I do, some I don't.

I do subscribe to the idea that you shouldn't care what others think about you, so take this with a grain of salt, but the day I see a person wearing an Apple watch with a case or bumper, my sides are going to hurt from how hard I'm going to be laughing. You've completely missed the point. What are you even buying an Apple Watch for anyway? You said yourself it's much nicer looking than any other smartwatch, so WHY would you want to cover that up? Who exactly are you covering it up for? The person you plan to sell the watch to in a year when it's becoming obsolete? Come on dude, just chill out. Live life, enjoy the design of nice things you purchase and don't be that ******* that covers his (probably awful) furniture in plastic.

Absolute rubbish. First of all the :apple:Watch is pretty good looking for a smart watch especially compared to others. Secondly putting a case even on a watch especially one as expensive as this is far from a joke. Third your statement that scratches provide character to a watch is no more true then it is for any other device like a phone or tablet. Yes watches are meant to be worn and that is the only thing right about your post. However I don't want to be wearing one with scratches and dents on it and if I can avoid it on some way I will certainly consider it.


macrumors 603
Apr 3, 2011
London, UK.
Oh it's absolutely a joke. Imagine a person putting a case protector on a Rolex. Or a Patek Philippe. It's expensive, so why not right? No. Just no. And I'll explain why.

1. A large part of what you're purchasing is the design. As much as it pains me to admit it, because you're wearing it, and it's on display always, it's somewhat anyway, a part of your fashion. So when you put a case on it, you're saying you've got better ideas than it's designer, about how it should look. Trust me, you don't. And if you do, save yourself a boatload of money, and buy a G-shock. You'll still be able to tell time, and you'll have the bulky load of plastic look on your wrist that you're going for.

2. The Apple watch isn't THAT expensive. I mean, the Edition is, sure, but if you buy the Edition, who's only differentiating factor is it's build in Gold, and then you put a case on that, you're the biggest idiot of all. Might as well have gone with a sport and put the same case on it.

3. This is going to come as a shock, I know, but the Apple Watch isn't the first stainless steel or gold watch to exist. There's been at least a few before it. Oh, and I think a couple of those may have had sapphire crystal too. Me personally, I've owned 4 stainless steel watches with sapphire crystal in the last 10 years, and you know how many of them dented? 0. You know how many had the sapphire scratched? 0. Broken or cracked? 0. I'll say it yet again, but I've fallen of bikes, been hit by cars, been to concerts, played sports, worked out and been tossed around by serious waves while wearing all of them. The worst that happened to any of them is scratches, and the worst place that's going to occur is the bracelet. You gonna put a bumper on the link bracelet too? Scratches DO build character. They're a visual reminder of everything you've been through. It's also called a patina. In 4 years of wearing my current daily go to, if I look close, there's scratches. From a normal distance away if you and I were having a conversation, the watch looks brand new. You couldn't see a single scratch.

4. In the case of stainless steel and gold, you can polish scratches out. It's very easy to do. If Apple won't do it (which would also be a joke), you could take it to most jewelers who would. When I have my watches serviced every 4 years I figure out if I want to have them polished and come back looking like new. Some I do, some I don't.

I do subscribe to the idea that you shouldn't care what others think about you, so take this with a grain of salt, but the day I see a person wearing an Apple watch with a case or bumper, my sides are going to hurt from how hard I'm going to be laughing. You've completely missed the point. What are you even buying an Apple Watch for anyway? You said yourself it's much nicer looking than any other smartwatch, so WHY would you want to cover that up? Who exactly are you covering it up for? The person you plan to sell the watch to in a year when it's becoming obsolete? Come on dude, just chill out. Live life, enjoy the design of nice things you purchase and don't be that ******* that covers his (probably awful) furniture in plastic.

All your'e doing is trolling and to be honest nothing you say makes any sense. I think it's you who needs to chill out. If that's your opinion then so be it but stop proclaiming everyone else should have the same opinion as you. You don't know me or my circumstances so you aren't in a position to claim what maybe right for you has to be right for everyone else.
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