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macrumors member
Jun 21, 2010
Here is the picture you asked for. I don't really want to send this one back. I haven't canceled the other yet.

Can I ask why you don't want to send it back? I mean, that's your choice, but just curious.

When you're spending this kind of money I think you should get what looks best on you, and the 42mm is definitely going to suit you better. You'll have a little bit more room, and a wider face will make it so it proportionately sits on your wrist. It's better to wait and be happy than settle now just so you can play around.


macrumors 68000
Aug 1, 2010
Here is the picture you asked for. I don't really want to send this one back. I haven't canceled the other yet.

You should think long term. In 6 months from now, you will be very glad you went with the bigger watch. I'd keep your preorder and hope it gets shipped sooner than June. It likely will.


Oct 8, 2011
Last night, I posted that I was afraid the watch I ordered wouldn't fit. Got it today, it fits with not a lot of loop left. I got the 38mm with Milinese loop. I owe apologies to people who I got upset with when they were rude to me. So I am very sorry. I hope everyone is enjoying their watches and if you haven't gotten it yet, I hope it comes soon. I have changed the face to the flowers. I had ordered the 42mm SS watch to try in case this one didn't work. It was scheduled for delivery in June, but I think I will cancel it.

that looks too small man


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 19, 2013
Here is one showing more of my arm and hand. Thanks again.


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Crazy Matt

macrumors 6502
Apr 20, 2015
Here is the picture you asked for. I don't really want to send this one back. I haven't canceled the other yet.

You need to back off when you take the pic. It's to hard to put it into perspective with a close up like that. In your pics it's hard to tell if your watch is on your arm or your leg! Take a shot of your whole arm and hand.


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
Here is the picture you asked for. I don't really want to send this one back. I haven't canceled the other yet.

Thank you for posting this.
Honestly, I know it's tough because you have this watch in hand (literately), in the long run I think you will be happier with the 42.

I would hate to see you rebuy after the return period.


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2010
I'm rockin the Mickey too. Didn't think I'd like it that much


OP, go to the Apple Store and try on the 42. I'm thinking it'll be more comfortable on you.


macrumors 6502
Oct 4, 2007
Houston, TX
I wouldn't make any hasty decisions, no one here can see it better than you can, and you haven't had it for very long either. I'd sit on it a few days, and go in to the apple store and try on the 42 and see how that feels.

Don't make your decision until you have all the facts!


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 19, 2013
Can I ask why you don't want to send it back? I mean, that's your choice, but just curious.

When you're spending this kind of money I think you should get what looks best on you, and the 42mm is definitely going to suit you better. You'll have a little bit more room, and a wider face will make it so it proportionately sits on your wrist. It's better to wait and be happy than settle now just so you can play around.
I'm not wanting to keep it for the reason you mentioned, I don't like big jewelry. But thanks for your opinion.


macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2010
Teach, I'd go with the 42. I think the 38 will be too limiting on the other available bands, and the 42 will be more in proportion. I also think you can sell the one you have, rather than return it. That way you don't have to worry about the 14 day return window.

So happy for you that it is going to work out. Hope you are having fun with it!


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 19, 2013
Another shot, this time I pulled back as recommended. Sorry the size of my wrist and arm offends people. But please keep that part to yourself.


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macrumors 68020
Apr 6, 2010
Based on your most recent picture, I think that the 42mm would look better but the 38mm really looks fine as well.


macrumors 65816
Dec 8, 2008
Did you try the 42 on at the store? Maybe do that before canceling so you know 100%.

Otherwise all that matters is if you love it. I would still try the 42 to see if you think it's too big before canceling!
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macrumors 68040
Jul 23, 2008
After seeing the full shot of your arm, I think you could wear the 38mm, but the sport band would fit you better.

Or the 42mm, with a variety of band options. Either would work.

You should do the online band swap option to get Apple to send you a sport band so you can make sure that you have the best fitting band. You can do that and keep the 38mm, if you prefer that size case.


Looks great on you!

Thank you. These are really great devices. :)
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LD Curb

macrumors 6502
Apr 19, 2015
Teach, I think what you want to make sure of is that the watch band is not so tight as to cinch in your wrist. I think that is what makes a watch or anything else look too small and forced. It may be the photos or angles that makes it look like that but just make sure it doesn't cinch in your wrist area and you should be fine, if you like the smaller size.

I am the opposite ... tiny wrists and I like big jewelry! My wrist is about 6" around and I got the 42!! So we all have our preferences!:)

The watch is gorgeous, BTW!


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2014
Hi Teach, I'm glad the watch fits, even if it's a little on the small side. I'd also recommend a 42. Look at the photos of other people with well fitted watches. The bands don't dig in to the wrist or pull on the skin. That band may feel comfortable to you, but I think you'll find more flexibility with the 42mm, and the watch itself will look more proportionate to your wrist. I wouldn't worry about the 42mm looking too large, I think it will look great on you!


macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2008
To me, it looks great after you loosened it. It did look too tight at first. I personally think the larger size would be too big, but I do like the suggestion to go try one on in the store and see what YOU think.


macrumors regular
Nov 15, 2014
I completely understand wanting to hold onto that one because returns are a drag and finally having any  Watch on hand will be hard to let go but I think a 42mm will suit your wrist more, have a more relaxed look and you'll have to advantage of a slightly bigger screen and slightly better battery life.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 19, 2013
Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts and opinions. I am hanging on to this one and thinking about the other. I don't know right now. I didn't think the 38mm looked bad. I am not conviently near an Apple Store, and don't have a car to go try one on.


macrumors regular
Mar 19, 2012
Bottom line... Does it make you happy? Do you like the way it looks? If so and it fits securely, who cares what the rest of us bozos think!!!


macrumors 65816
Apr 2, 2003
Tampa, FL (Orlando, 2003 - 2023)
I like smaller watches too. If you like it and you feel like it's securely on your wrist (and honestly, we know it is - that magnet is nice and solid), you ultimately have to go with your personal preference and comfort. I have the same watch as you - 38 mm Milanese Loop with flowers, so I have nothing but nice things to say about it! :D


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2009
I did order a 42mm SS with sport loop, but when I showed my sister, she thought this one looked good since I am a girl. The other watch is not slated to ship til June.

I'm a girl and the 42 mm looks fine on me. I'm with everyone else. I think this looks like it would be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time. It all depends on how you feel. For reference my wrist are 185 mm (7.25 inch.)


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