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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 27, 2016
I don't think people are taking this thing seriously.

At the supermarket yesterday, the two women in front of me didn't have masks, and the two women behind me wouldn't keep a reasonable distance. And roughly half the people at the post-office did not have face masks. (Both the supermarket and post-office had signs requiring face masks).
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Healer Flame

macrumors 68000
Feb 1, 2019
two women behind me wouldn't keep a reasonable distance

You can excuse them sometimes we all forget. What i can not stand are people who continuously cough without properly covering their face. Completely out of touch.
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Healer Flame

macrumors 68000
Feb 1, 2019
Cafe's and restaurants will be open here as from June 1st , really miss our outdoor social life, can't wait.


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
I don't think people are taking this thing seriously.

At the supermarket yesterday, the two women in front of me didn't have masks, and the two women behind me wouldn't keep a reasonable distance. And roughly half the people at the post-office did not have face masks. (Both the supermarket and post-office had signs requiring face masks).

Maybe some in New York State will start taking it more seriously now after the governor indicated stores can refuse entry to customers who decline to wear a mask or other face covering.

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Healer Flame

macrumors 68000
Feb 1, 2019
Would you feel violated if a Pharmacist took your temprature without your permission?

I felt that way last week as i was entering the store. A young girl came from nowhere and surprised me with that thing on my forehead.

I let her finish then made a complaint to the manager of the way she acted. It was like ambush.
An old lady behind me was stopped and they won't let her in as body temprature was bit high.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Criminal Mexi Midget
I don't think people are taking this thing seriously.

At the supermarket yesterday, the two women in front of me didn't have masks, and the two women behind me wouldn't keep a reasonable distance. And roughly half the people at the post-office did not have face masks. (Both the supermarket and post-office had signs requiring face masks).
they have been quarantined for weeks and most likely found you handsome................OMG hope they get desperate enough to get close to me....................


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I do look around a bit and see the unlicensed motorcyclists screaming around and people drinking in the park and do feel we could do with thinning our community out a bit anyway lol. We’ve got more people dying every 24 hours than a few European countries combined and it looks like we are heading towards another spike.


Jul 12, 2016
I do look around a bit and see the unlicensed motorcyclists screaming around and people drinking in the park and do feel we could do with thinning our community out a bit anyway lol. We’ve got more people dying every 24 hours than a few European countries combined and it looks like we are heading towards another spike.

We’ve actually canceled all our fireworks and county fairs in our state as well, and there’s been quite a bit of a rage over this, now virtually there’s nothing planned for the summer for Community’s. But I look at it in terms of I think it’s the best possible scenario right now given everyone is seems to be losing their focus because the ‘weather is nicer’, they lost grasp of the safety measures that was worked so hard on two months ago.

The issue I forsee, is when everybody was seriously doing what they could to make an impact by practicing ‘safe measures’ two months ago, the weather has been amazing, no one seems to care anymore, because they want to ‘get out and do things‘ where they congregate in large masses, but I think that is the ultimate recipe a second spike.

Board members, coordinators, event planners have made it clear that they don’t want large masses, and members of Community‘s are whining ‘what am I supposed to do now for the summer’, and this is part of life, you have Adapt and figure it out, But some of us (Like myself) are still setting the example in our communities.

An infectious disease doctor in my area has said basically everything that was ‘positively progressed’ will be completely reversed and back to ground zero, all Because people can’t seem to put simple logic first versus their ‘wants‘ [Not needs].
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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 27, 2016
In my humble opinion...
The *only* piece of encouraging information i’ve heard about combatting the virus, was regarding the effects sunlight, high-temperatures, humidity and UV have on it.

I’m surprised people aren't being encouraged to spend more time in sunlight on hot/humid days, in their backyards, etc.


macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
Some smart people have to figure out how to break the virus without closing down most businesses and putting so many people out of work. The problem this time around is that the virus got ahead of safety measures, medical supplies, and testing, and a lockdown was probably necessary. Unfortunately, testing is still not where it needs to be, and as far as I can tell, there is no contact tracing going on, at least not on a large scale.


Jul 12, 2016
As an investor in the restaurant industry in my community, one thing that I recommended to a few owners, (who have been totally on board with), is using Plexi glass inserts between the customer and employee. A lot of restaurants already made this transition, but some are still operating with face-to-face contact at a close range at the register/counter with no masking.

The issue is, is there still quite a few employees who are choosing not to wear a mask, vice versa with customers , and it takes one person to infect someone else in a restaurant, and then you have total shut down again for that specific establishment Given the sensitivity of the transferring of food/beverages. I’m surprised the health department isn’t making this a requirement, but it’s obvious because it’s an additional purchase that would have to be made by the restaurant owner.

Now for the restaurant/establishments who are wanting to install plexiglass inserts, are having a hard time finding the materials, because hardware stores are sold out with a plethora of businesses taking the same measures.


Jan 10, 2012
Yep, starting to see the plexiglass inserts all over the place. I actually like them. That said, the grocers still handle the products to scan them ... but it is less interaction. Costco is doing this really well in my state.

What gets me is the people laughing at me for wearing a mask, especially while exercising. I walk to a parking lot (with the mask on) and then drop it down to jog in a circular pattern (in an empty lot). If other people come I'll change my path.

But it really seems to tickle people's funny bone to see me in exercise clothes with a mask on.

Always bugged me to see people coughing without attempting to cover their mouths - I still saw it even before masks were a requirement in stores but the virus had become "common knowledge" - people coughing on products without covering their mouths.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
By my impression the number of mask wearers has plummeted in my area. I say hovering around 20% if not lower. Still my impression is that masks only really help if you are in the vicinity of someone sneezing or you sneeze/caugh with a mask on. Recently with my mask on in the grocery store just happened to see a grandmother type coming up an isle coughing, no mask, accompanied by her little granddaughter (assumed). I did an about face and headed the other way.


Jul 12, 2016
I think the other contributor to why were seeing less precautions with masking and social distancing, I think it’s just mentally taxing for some people to keep these ‘daily practices’ involved in their lives with safety measures (Especially Being the majority of people never had to Make any commitments like this before). I admit, it really is a lot of effort to mentally prepare how you approach your daily activities when shopping or traversing in stores, etc. When you factor in nice weather and the nonchalant/‘I don’t really care anymore attitude’ with the pandemic, there isn’t really much anyone can do for those who don’t care, as it’s a personal decision, but for those who do continue to practice safety measures, ‘Be the change that you want to see in your community‘ is my motto.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
The wearing of masks seems to be nothing with very little science behind it and more of a wee bit of theatre to make people feel safer. And unfortunately I can't wear the mask due to the same underlying health issues that I need to shield from the virus. Just sticking to two meters apart with the one in, one out system in place in shops seems the safe way. I am very much hoping things will return to normal soon, as much as I am enjoying the savings from working from home.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I thought I’d be happy with my new cloth mask, but it is hotter to wear in a hot climate, than the masks we got at the Japan Store.

The wearing of masks seems to be nothing with very little science behind it and more of a wee bit of theatre to make people feel safer. And unfortunately I can't wear the mask due to the same underlying health issues that I need to shield from the virus. Just sticking to two meters apart with the one in, one out system in place in shops seems the safe way. I am very much hoping things will return to normal soon, as much as I am enjoying the savings from working from home.
Not trying to start a fight with you, but, I’d disagree with your first point. My wife told me about a video she watched where someone in a lab setting coughed into a Petri dish designed to grow “things“ first without a mask, then into a different dish with a mask. The difference was was drastic between the two dishes, obviously the unmasked cough dish had many more things growing in it. I’d conclude that masks make some difference and are worthwhile.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
I thought I’d be happy with my new cloth mask, but it is hotter to wear in a hot climate, than the masks we got at the Japan Store.

Not trying to start a fight with you, but, I’d disagree with your first point. My wife told me about a video she watched where someone in a lab setting coughed into a Petri dish designed to grow “things“ first without a mask, then into a different dish with a mask. The difference was was drastic between the two dishes, obviously the unmasked cough dish had many more things growing in it. I’d conclude that masks make some difference and are worthwhile.

There is a lot of conflicting information about this particular virus and while many places are moving to mandatory face masks there has not been any change in stance from the same scientists that said they weren't required just weeks ago. Staying a two meters apart seems to be the overwhelming message that remains and since I can't wear a mask without emptying inhalers, I am going to have to stick to it. Being an international forum we have all sorts of opinions being mixed in from various governments so I would go with what you feel is safest and try to keep social distancing as a minimum.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
There is a lot of conflicting information about this particular virus and while many places are moving to mandatory face masks there has not been any change in stance from the same scientists that said they weren't required just weeks ago. Staying a two meters apart seems to be the overwhelming message that remains and since I can't wear a mask without emptying inhalers, I am going to have to stick to it. Being an international forum we have all sorts of opinions being mixed in from various governments so I would go with what you feel is safest and try to keep social distancing as a minimum.
If a mask makes someone feel immune, that could be bad if they do things they would not do without the mask. But if they are going to an area where there are people, than the mask would not hurt, maybe help. The biggest impact is the notion that a sneeze with droplets in you vicinity is where a mask makes a difference.
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Jul 12, 2016
I use N95 masks (Before anyone says ‘You can’t have those’...Yes, I’m a professional that has access to these masks), which has a much stronger filtration compared to what you’re seeing for the majority of people wearing a cloth mask.

But here’s the thing, when you wear a mask, you are essentially not just protecting yourself, you’re protecting others from spreading contagious pathogen’s and/or if you were asymptomatic.

Like I said above, it takes everybody to contribute to make a difference. Some people can’t wear Masks for ‘other’ underlying health conditions, and that’s Ok. There’s other ways that you can still create a positive impact in your community by following social distance guidelines, frequent handwashing, Try to avoid touching high contact points, [Common Touch points on door handles for example], limit your external activity in terms of shopping to once a week, etc. You don’t have to ‘wear just a mask’ to make an impact, there’s plenty of other solutions to create a workaround.
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