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macrumors 68000
Feb 5, 2007
Why the heck would DOD be buying from Apple when they can't get their phone secure? One day unlock hack. A week later Apple fix. Next day unlock hack.

Not a Blackberry person (haven't had a chance to try new one).

If you really want secure then Blackberry is great.

This is coming from a SG3 owner.

See my posts above. DoD is purchasing those devices for less than the highest levels of classified ops... Apple's hardware doesn't meet NSA requirements for TS-SCI, Q and Yankee White classified intel.... but MOST DoD personnel aren't going to have those levels of clearance.


macrumors 68040
Jun 13, 2004
Slow news day huh?

Slow comment day eh?

$uck it, Android lovers! Your tax dollars are going to buy iOS devices!

Sorry. I couldn't resist. Bad, bad me.

I wouldn't expect anything less...:rolleyes:

If you worked in the security sector you would enderstand why they chose ios, Android is a complete non started due to the hundreds of security holes,hidden code running on some handsets as well as key loggers and location services being monitored, a very close friend is high up in GE aviation security and they deal with US and Uk military contracts for aviation, they won't even allow an android handet on the internal wifi, he wont even own one, Apple has been well adopted but even that has known vulnerabilities not known to the public its far safer.

They were recently given a demonstration on a android handset picked off rhe shelf by UK government security being remotely hijacked an all contact and message data was pulled off and keyboard logging installed, all done fro an email attachment.

Scary stuff and its only getting worse.

We also had an even longer conversation on the Chinese and Hawie but that's for another year

Cool story bro!

I totally agree. It has been a long time there is an American company that puts out consumer products acclaimed worldwide. Additionally, iOS has proven itself since birth. It's an easy decision.

Too bad iOS hasn't grown since Apple gave birth to it.

Nope, your're wrong.


Jul 17, 2002
Cape Coral, FL
I just got my health inspection at my restaurant and they switched to iPad's since our last inspections. She said they switched in January. So at least Florida government agencies are switching to Apple.

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
Too bad iOS hasn't grown since Apple gave birth to it.

Grown how? # of users? Marketshare? # supporting apps?

I'm not sure what argument could could made to say iOS hasn't grown. In fact it's so mature it's creaking and ready for overhaul to better support uses like DOD that want the devices to do real work, not just piddle away time until the next train arrives.


macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2007
These are custom Type-1 devices with special NSA Suite A capable hardware bolted on. The 32GB Ipad 4 Type-1 edition is 19,350 dollars each. They have a slot for the CIK (Crypto Ignition Key) and it will be 3 1/2 inches thick for the associated EMSEC/TEMPEST shielding. They will be built in the USA in a special location housed in a L-3 communications corporation building. It will be a segregated section in the building housing L3 and select Apple employees(all cleared to TS/SCI)

Two special docking stations will be available (16,480 dollars) with CNR capabilities and legacy support for KYK-13 fill devices.
The Army edition will operate in SINCGARS And Air force model will operate in HAVEQUICK
Last edited:

Bubba Satori

Feb 15, 2008
The actual amount is 450 million rounds over five years, which equates to approximately 23 rounds per agent per month.
DHS Buys in Bulk to Save You Money

Sure, they save us money. That's hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle.
I don't know what's worse, naïveté or gullibility.
How many rounds do they need to kill us?

More DHS money saving news...

Homeland Security Has Spent $430 Million on Radios Its Employees Don’t Know How to Use.

DHS has spent $430 million over the past nine years to provide radios tuned to a common,
secure channel to 123,000 employees across the country.
Problem is, no one seems to know how to use them.


macrumors 6502
Feb 22, 2011
Shouldn't they invest in durable devices with secure software?

This seems like a terrible move. Overpay for devices that are prone to easy cracking/breaking, a mobile OS that isn't secure and puts entertainment over security, and an overall ecosystem that supports consumer grade products and software.

iOS is not professional grade let alone high level government clearance level software. Nothing wrong with iOS for the average consumer, but I don't want to see issues of national security and life or death situations being handled on entertainment devices.


macrumors regular
Mar 14, 2013
Sure, they save us money. That's hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle.
I don't know what's worse, naïveté or gullibility.
How many rounds do they need to kill us?

Ugh, Tea Party people again. Then again, at least the party is against retarded spending.


Well the government doesn't really care to much about security so this makes sense.

I don't really like to much about security either.


macrumors regular
Jul 20, 2010
While I am a long time Mac fan (my first Mac was a FatMac in 1984), this is a very poor decision by the DoD. They should be choosing open source solutions whenever possible and with smartphones and tablets, they have an easy choice, Android.

I watched and participated while our government's time and money were wasted with proprietary Microsoft DOS, Windows, etc. Microsoft continually jerked our DoD around and I see no reason to believe that Apple won't do the same.

I know fans of iOS will be happy to have their personal choice validated, but this is not a good direction for our tax money.

My mom's Android just had to be taken back to the AT&T store for malware and she doesn't even surf the web.


macrumors G3
Apr 6, 2007
Portland, OR
Tell me now, where are those iPhones made? Certainly not in the US, and therefor when bought support the country in which they were made, China. Don't be surprised when the US defaults on its own debt and China converts the White House into a King Buffet.
Oh boy this is an embarrassing post. China does not own the debt of the United States. Most dept is owned by American citizens. Besides that is not how a country defaulting happens; see Greece.
Anyway, a government agency purchasing this many iPhones is good for the country as well as Apple. Obviously, Apple gets a nice chunk of change (and a contract). The government gets phones at a discount, support, and security.
For those of you saying its a waste of money you are also wrong. The government is not giving the phones away, it's basically an investment in the employees.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 2, 2008
Actually, you are wrong: Android OS is all open source All of the source code is freely available except for the Google Play (formerly Android Market) app. This is a big deal.

I agree, if it was just the kernel that was open (say like OS X Darwin), it would be of limited value, but it is all open.

Not just Play, but Maps, Navigation, Gmail, etc. are also closed.
Not that it matters.

Because what does matter is that drivers on Android are almost all closed source. Without those, many outstanding bugs can't be understood enough for a reliable fix.


macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2003
This is just to stimulate the economy and scratch the backs of Apple donors.

The DDO could just built their own communicators with that UFO tech they have reverse-engineered.


macrumors demi-god
Mar 23, 2006
They are going to be so pissed to find out their brand new iPhone 5's are already obsolete in september!


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2011
San Francisco, CA
I work for DHS and one of the reasons my agency hasn't fully gone to IOS devices is because of the restrictions presented by the software. I am still unable to check my work email on my mac because the OS doesn't support the drivers needed for common access card readers. I guess DOD doesn't have this issue.


macrumors newbie
Apr 17, 2012
java=/ javascript

android doenst run java

As a developer, you have no idea what you are talking about.

I am an android fan FWIW, but it most definitely is based upon java. When you are developing android apps you are writing Java code - and lots of the Java SDK is available on Android.

This is pretty much common knowledge.

In terms of security, it's definitely true that it is easier to attack open source tools because you can more easily craft attacks that target specific vulnerabilities. You can also test attack strategies on locally installed instances of this software without sounding any alarms/monitors of the victim.

If you're going after government secrets, though, you are going to be crafting much more sophisticated attacks. Right now the most effective attacks are social engineering based and not actual software attacks. An attacker is far more likely to gain silent access to accounts via social media posts, etc, and then use that access to work their way through connections.

Debating security between iOS and Android is not unlike "My dad can beat up your dad". Android is going to be more vulnerable in stock form because it doesn't apply the training wheels. Android can also be modified to enforce whatever security rules you feel are required.


macrumors regular
Mar 14, 2013
This is just to stimulate the economy and scratch the backs of Apple donors.

The DDO could just built their own communicators with that UFO tech they have reverse-engineered.

Are you being serious?


They are going to be so pissed to find out their brand new iPhone 5's are already obsolete in september!

I guess my iPhone 4 is totally useless then. Thanks for telling me; I've been using this thing the whole time without that knowledge! Well, that is assuming you were talking about the iPhone 5 and not the iPhone 5'.


java=/ javascript

android doenst run java

Java ≠ Javascript.
Android most definitely DOES run Java (and Javascript).


macrumors 603
Feb 5, 2009
I'll will as soon as Apple does. Keep in mind that around 70% of Apple's cash is held outside of the USA and they won't repatriate that cash without a tax holiday.

Apple's not any different than any other American business in that sense.
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