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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
No of course not, with Android a consumer has many choices to updates and make the phone operate the way they want too. With iOS you are locked into how Apple things you should work or use the phone.

One size does not fit all, and I think choice and competition is good, without android would we have seen multitasking, the notification center, improvements in the notification center, etc etc.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 9, 2014
No of course not, with Android a consumer has many choices to updates and make the phone operate the way they want too. With iOS you are locked into how Apple things you should work or use the phone.

One size does not fit all, and I think choice and competition is good, without android would we have seen multitasking, the notification center, improvements in the notification center, etc etc.

Absolutely right. So if we talk about the technical aspects and the new language "Swift" will Apple give the tough call to Android? or we should expect some very important announcements from Google I/O?


Jul 2, 2012
Ios 8 implements a lot of old android features. A very welcome development for users. Knock out android. Impossible.


macrumors G4
Jun 30, 2007
Ios 8 implements a lot of old android features. A very welcome development for users. Knock out android. Impossible.

...and add that many customers don't care about the OS but DO care about the price. Android has a "lock' on inexpensive smart phones and Apple's not going there.


macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
Apple will never knock out Android, due to Android being open-sourced. Android will always have way more options and functionality...that's not to say all of it is implemented well. As long as Apple users are happy, then that's all Apple cares about.


Jan 11, 2013
Honestly, with the bigger iphone 6 coming out, and iOS 8's new features, it's been the first time I've really felt that Apple has made buying an android obsolete.


macrumors P6
Jul 4, 2007
Atlanta, GA
No of course not, with Android a consumer has many choices to updates and make the phone operate the way they want too. With iOS you are locked into how Apple things you should work or use the phone.

General consumers only get updates if the carrier decides its worth their while, and many times they don't. So you're either at Apple's mercy, or you're at Verizon's mercy.


macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2012
Lakeland Fl
Being a diehard Android guy since the OG Droid came out on Verizon I am going to give my $.02 for what its worth:

Chances are that if Apple introduces a 4.7in iPhone that has similar dimensions to the leaked bodies I will swap out my Google Play Edition HTC One M8 for it. For years even the most diehard Android guys have been jealous of 2 things:

1 - Fantastic camera (w/great features)
2 - Something that "just works"

Regardless of how polished Google has made Android, even in 4.4.3, Android still cannot achieve the level of polish in iOS. Yes, Android is a little snappier, quicker on the transitions and more flexible. But iOS (especially in 8) adds a lot of Androids flexibility without sacrificing its security and its polish.

Customizing Android is a large benefit but at what cost? Most android lockscreen replacements are not a 1-1 replacement. They dont work all the time, they dont work on boot, the system can kill them, they sometimes cause the device to unlock to the old one, then the new one before actually unlocking...... Its a common thread. Its fantastic to have those options, but I find myself avoiding them in the name of stability. Likewise, many applications are built catering to the largest share of users leaving awesome new APIs introduced in new versions unused.

I will miss the ability to copy any file to my device, and I will miss some of the awesome features like Google Now integration. But Google just does not have a good grip on Android right now. Its getting better, but when OEM's are allowed to just change whatever they please (such as the lock screens, camera apps, dialers.....) you wind up with a very.... well a very fragmented Android with no clear direction. No matter how hard Google tries to change that right now, its almost impossible at this point.

Android skins that deteriorate the best experiences (LG & Samsung are mainly at fault) proliferate so much that its almost useless for Google to properly develop the base Android experience. Its sad... Some of KitKat 4.4's best features are hidden on the most common devices. Google Dialer Lookup -Nope, Powerful lockscreen - Nope, Google Now Launcher - Nope, Tap & Pay - Nope....

Will iOS 8 kill Android, No. Not by a mile.

Does Google stand to lose a large portion of the higher end market share... Yes


macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2009
Android will always be a key player due to it's flexibility in general.
Any phone can be built for it by anybody due to it being open source.


macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
There are phone users who would never buy an Apple phone no matter how great and ones that wouldn't buy an Android no matter how great.

Hey people still buy Blackberry phones.


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Of course Apple doesn't knock out Android.

I think Apple is going to have an absolutely massive holiday quarter - they could sell 100 million iPhones - and it still wouldn't grab more than 5-10% market share away from Android.

It would take a bunch of huge quarters over a long period of time for Apple to REALLY dent Android's stranglehold.

Honestly, Samsung leaving with Tizen would be a bigger blow - and even that wouldn't knock out Android.


macrumors 604
Apr 30, 2013
Los Angeles
No of course not, with Android a consumer has many choices to updates and make the phone operate the way they want too. With iOS you are locked into how Apple things you should work or use the phone.

One size does not fit all, and I think choice and competition is good, without android would we have seen multitasking, the notification center, improvements in the notification center, etc etc.

Although Android does bring with it choices it also takes away choices. A significant amount of Android handsets cannot run Kitkat or will not see KitKat in a reasonable amount of time after release.

Although we hear a lot of complaints here about how slow iOS runs on older devices it is at least available to them.

Apple blogger

macrumors 6502a
Feb 28, 2013
I'd like to know the experts take on this piece Does Apple knock Out Android with iOS 8?

Is iOS8 really give the tough call to Android Kitkat? What can we expect from the Apple?

Please update.


From what I have seen, ios 8 is a release which pretty much everyone was asking for..sure features were already available on android.. But just like that, there's the "Apple's touch" on them..
Currently, these 2 operating system offer pretty much same stuff.. Android is just a little open,ios can be open once you jailbreak..

But when the overall experience come, ios is still far ahead if android... The way it handles all the small things which are a daily ruitine is much better on ios ...


Sep 22, 2012
In my personal opinion, Android is a Google OS which means no respect for privacy plus a lot of malware.

I'd rather have a "closed" environment.


macrumors 6502
Aug 28, 2013
Prepare to see both android and apple fanboys


Although Android does bring with it choices it also takes away choices. A significant amount of Android handsets cannot run Kitkat or will not see KitKat in a reasonable amount of time after release.

Although we hear a lot of complaints here about how slow iOS runs on older devices it is at least available to them.

Wouldn't you rather have a device with an older os that it runs perfectly as opposed to a device with the newest OS that it can barely run at all?


macrumors 604
Apr 30, 2013
Los Angeles
Prepare to see both android and apple fanboys


Wouldn't you rather have a device with an older os that it runs perfectly as opposed to a device with the newest OS that it can barely run at all?

iOS 7.1 in my observation runs a bit slower on a iPhone 4 and 4S compared to my iphone 5 but I would exactly describe it as "barely running".

So to answer your question I'd rather have an updated version of sofware with security patches, bug fixes and new features in exchange for a small performance hit.


macrumors 68040
Feb 15, 2010
Boston, MA
a lot of people hate apple just to hate apple. So Apple will never win over those sales. With iOS 8 and a bigger iPhone 6 apple has however made it a lot more difficult for those haters to find reasons to tell people to not buy an iPhone. The playing field is a lot more level.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 21, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
In my personal opinion, Android is a Google OS which means no respect for privacy plus a lot of malware.

I'd rather have a "closed" environment.

Welcome to internet. There is no such thing called privacy in internet. Just look all the NSA leak and hacks... All companies uses our information for something, Apple is no exception.


May 8, 2011
Los Angeles
Android OS is an open source and iOS is not I don't think iOS is much better than KitKit just yet...They have a long way to catch up with Android OS. And Chrome OS can't knock out Maverick/Yosemite. :apple:


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
Feature wise, iOS8 basically caught up to WP8.1. It's still behind KitKat.

As a comprehensive OS though, it's probably around the same as Android, and just behind 8.1.


macrumors 65816
Jun 7, 2011
IOS 8 knocks out the Android lure for Apple fans who have recently left Apple for Android but it won't affect people who have no interest in Apple products. It'll probably bring me back to the iPhone but I may wait until iOS 8 jailbreak is released to get a bit more. So far I'm satisfied with my HTC One M8.


Jul 2, 2012
Honestly, with the bigger iphone 6 coming out, and iOS 8's new features, it's been the first time I've really felt that Apple has made buying an android obsolete.

How so?


IOS 8 knocks out the Android lure for Apple fans who have recently left Apple for Android but it won't affect people who have no interest in Apple products. It'll probably bring me back to the iPhone but I may wait until iOS 8 jailbreak is released to get a bit more. So far I'm satisfied with my HTC One M8.

I'll be going back to the iPhone if it's screen is big enough.
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