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You know, Dec keeps hitting me up in PMs asking if I want to buy an Apple Watch. I eventually caved and bought one, and you know what?

He sold me a goddamn Rolex. I can't even check my heart rate with it.

Don't trust him, people. He's not just a shill, he's a conman. Worst $30 I've ever spent.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2014
Since you assume that my replies are being paid by Apple / TC

By the way, here's another one. Here is this Apple PR reps. rationalization, defense, and justification for soldered RAM in pro and desktop computers:
Even "pros" don't need to open the case as often as they used to.

Hilarious! You PR guys make it so obvious. Or, maybe he's just a regular non-Apple affiliated consumer who just loves soldered RAM in his pro and desktop computers? Yeah, that's it. LOL!!!


Apr 15, 2012
By the way, here's another one. Here is this Apple PR reps. rationalization, defense, and justification for soldered RAM in pro and desktop computers:

Hilarious! You PR guys make it so obvious. Or, maybe he's just a regular non-Apple affiliated consumer who just loves soldered RAM in his pro and desktop computers? Yeah, that's it. LOL!!!

I suppose that you really have cornered me now and at this point I have no other option than admit that I work for Apple. They pay me for my posts.

@Renzatic: Hey, Dr. (I still can't believe that we're already on a first name basis :cool: ) gave me that Rolex as his new image has no use for bling.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2014
I suppose that you really have cornered me now and at this point I have no other option than admit that I work for Apple. They pay me for my posts.

@Renzatic: Hey, Dr. (I still can't believe that we're already on a first name basis :cool: ) gave me that Rolex as his new image has no use for bling.

Yes, I know you are affiliated with Apple. I'm sure we'll meet again when you post with one of your other usernames. How many do you forum PR guys use per person?

It's just a matter of asking the right questions to expose the Apple PR/marketing shills. Notice you still never answered any of those questions, as I predicted you wouldn't.

And why didn't you quote the appropriate post when responding. Hoping others don't see it? Here it is, just so others are aware.

I'm not running away at all, it just doesn't make much sense to talk to someone like you who is not able to discuss on a neutral level, you've already made pretty clear that anything pro-Apple hints towards someone having to be a shill, personally I find that quite delusional and it rules out any further rational (or even emotional) discussion (that also could explain why you've heard "it doesn't matter what you think" a few times before, assuming that you've accused those people in the same way as you've been accusing me), plus the "you are being paid by xyz" really is such a stale cliche...

Anyway... soldered ram? Upgrade unfriendly and that sucks, I don't know why Apple would chose to do so. I'm sorry to say that it doesn't really affect me, I have a MacMini that I don't even know the year of anymore, it's working as a music server, I probably will need to upgrade it sometime, but then I'll just buy a new one, although I feel sorry for everyone who isn't able to replace it that easy. Soldered ram sucks and it's not customer friendly.

iMacs - soldered ram is a shame there, because it does limit the options in the long run, the purchase has to be based on the evaluation of the estimated lifetime of the computer as whole as opposed to "can we upgrade this at some point?", that's where Apple probably again (unfortunately) singles themselves out as "computers for people that don't care about the money".

Since we're at it - I have plently of other issues with Apple. I bought an iPhone 6+, had to replace it after 2 months because the upper left corner was starting to peel off, it made a tacky clicking sound when I pressed the screen in that region. Great, I did get a replacement. After 2 months that phone started crashing like crazy, I took it to the Apple store, the "genius" checked it and said "yep, you have a lot of crashing issues going on", he replaced it with a new one, since a few weeks Safari has been crashing more and more, to the point where it's almost impossbile to visit sites that use Disqus, as that is one of the major factors that crashes the phone, that means my 4th iPhone 6+ is coming up soon. Are Samsung's parts really that bad that it sucks every time? (that was a joke).
My partner has an iPhone 6+ as well, after a few weeks it started to behave weird and all of the sudden the entire screen was shifted to the right by pretty much one icon row, while the GUI itself reacted as if the icons were in the right spot, apparently the "genius"'s had a blast showing that bug around at Apple store , but still, that makes 3 of 3 iPhone 6+ in our household faulty, which is a rate of 100% - pretty rough. They weren't bent though...

Remote App - we use that MacMini as music server, without a screen, I use TeamViewer and Screen Sharing to operate the computer, it's great but the remote app sucks, I cannot make playlists etc., it's a shame that Apple limit the functionality of that Remote App to complete basic interaction like play, stop, bla. Also it freezes everytime the MacMini tries to play a track that has been deleted (an "!" track - happens when I delete duplicates), which is a f**king joke.

Bluetooth/MacBook Pro - my partner has a 15" rMBP - it worked fine with the two thunderbolt displays for a while, now it's a total pain, it keeps losing the bluetooth connection to the mouse and keyboard, it freezes, it's just a mess. Besides the fact that the thunderbolt displays are completely unusable with anything else (blame your hero SJ for that though ;-) ).

The new music app is a joke, I usually end up listening to something completely random just by trying to find my way around that messed up UI.

I've never done any funky stuff with my Macbook Air, it's only a "kitchen laptop", but still, it ended up being a total mess to log on, I had to login twice many times, as it showed something I'd almost call a "ghost login" screen, where I'd login but it wouldn't go to the desktop, just wait for a bit and then show another login screen. That's absolute garbage. It does not "just work".

I've had a bluetooth error on my rMBP where I needed to reset something after looking it up on forums. That doesn't "just work" either.

Back to the soldered ram - I don't necessarily like the idea of my +2K rMBP being non-upgradable in that respect as RAM demand is a constant growth, but its lifecycle shouldn't really be that much worse than that of a comparable non-Apple laptop, considering CPU/RAM etc. - but obviously being able to extend the ram would be the customer friendly option as opposed to the idiotic "you can't do anything here" solution they are going for right now. They need to understand that a MacBook is not an iPad on steroids but a PC/laptop that is a tool for professionals.

And about Dr. Dre - those guys are drunk and they are partying. I haven't heard any words in that video that I haven't heard drunk friends or guys from work say. You're trying hard to find something that is not there and you're being very judgmental of certain attributes of those that you're complaining about.

Here we go again with the Apple PR dishonesty and purposeful misrepresentation. "Anything pro-Apple hints at shill?" Anything"? I said 99% of apologists are PR. There's a difference between pro-Apple unbiased consumer and PR/marketing forum apologists; and, as mentioned, it's rather easy to spot the difference. Most of you guys make it so obvious.

Delusional? You'll notice I covered this before. One of the very common tactics used by the PR rep. is to try and attack the person when things get desperate to get other readers to dismiss the critic. Pretty typical.
that also could explain why you've heard "it doesn't matter what you think" a few times before

Here's another dishonest, purposeful misrepresentation by you. What I said was, I get the 'it doesn't matter what I (PR person) think" response, when I ask certain questions, which the PR rep. is forbidden from answering, because they know they're not allowed to criticize Apple on a forum. Nice way to try to and misrepresent what I said.
plus the "you are being paid by xyz" really is such a stale cliche...

"Stale"? That means it's said often. A lot of people notice too, so must be some truth to it.

Why the big long story with excuses and explanations regarding the soldered RAM issue? Trying to bury your forced Apple critique under long stories and explanations? You realize most readers don't read long, drawn-out posts. And why the "it doesn't affect me" comment, as if that's a reason to dismiss and forgive the soldering issue? Why not just say, there is absolutely nothing good about the decision for soldered RAM and it's nothing more than a greedy, bean-counter move by a bean-counting CEO. That's all you had to say. Direct and to the point.

And why play dumb with the, "I don't know why Apple would chose to do so"? You know why. A greedy, bean-counter CEO move. With this comment, you're trying to introduce mystery, as if there's some possible mysterious good reasons why Tim would do it, that we just don't understand. There's not. So drop the little mysterious soldered RAM justification.
but then I'll just buy a new one, although I feel sorry for everyone who isn't able to replace it that easy.

Nice suggestive marketing & promotion. This is exactly what Apple wants us to do; "just buy a new one." And nice that you show pity on the less fortunate. How elitist of Apple PR.

Your iPhone6 story is nothing but a promotion for the "great" Apple replacement customer service. And you made sure to not put the blame on Apple for the problems, but to blame it on Samsung and Disqus.

Blame Teamviewer.

Blame SJ, etc.
Back to the soldered ram - I don't necessarily like the idea of my +2K rMBP being non-upgradable in that respect as RAM demand is a constant growth, but its lifecycle shouldn't really be that much worse than that of a comparable non-Apple laptop, considering CPU/RAM etc.

Then, you conclude right back into an apologetic excuse and rationalization for the stinkin' soldered RAM, that you earlier pretended to criticize. Unbelievable! You've got to be joking! You "don't necessarily like the idea, but…" LOL! How about "I hate the idea, and…"? No one, other than Apple affiliated PR, would attempt to defend soldered RAM in pro and desktop computers.
And about Dr. Dre

And right back into the heavy apologetics for Apple and Dre while still not answering the actual Dre questions, which I predicted you wouldn't. Here's the question again:
What are some of the words you hear in the video? Can you list them, please? You won't even and can't even post them.

I haven't heard any words in that video that I haven't heard drunk friends or guys from work say.

Yeah, and we already established that it's okay to use those words at your work, being that you and "Dr." Dre have the same boss. So, your friends and co-workers say the "N" word and MF'er and, the ever juvenile, "homie"? How about "fix your face" (definition: a term used to essentially say "go fu** yourself" to a potential adversary)? "Watts/Compton…Right here on the MFing West Coast…" That is gang affiliated territory speak used to intimidate and belittle rival territories (east coast/west coast, Watts/Compton vs. competing territories, etc.). Your friends and co-workers use these same words and have that same ignorant, arrogant, childish, thug attitude when speaking? Even if so, the difference is, that Dre. is supposed to be a "changed man" and should be promoting a positive message to his "brothers," and not encouraging and promoting stupid ignorant behavior that is detrimental to the welfare of those he influences. Furthermore, he is placed in an executive position representing a billion dollar company, unlike your "friends/guys from work, so his idiocy is not acceptable. Unless, of course, Tim likes a negative company image. If you can actually find excuses for what I've stated, no doubt you are affiliated.

And, Dre. wasn't the question I was referring to and I think you know it. The question I was referring to, which you predictably avoided, was this:
Have another question for you to answer, or, more like, avoid answering: Do you think this site has any Apple PR/marketing employees participating? If so, what do think the percentage is? High number/low number? You will never answer this honestly, and that says a lot. Probably use the, "it doesn't matter what I think" non-answer, again.

Just like before, and as I've said before, you'll never answer honestly.

I should use your admission in my sig. line.
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macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2014
This little diversionary discussion between you two (or one, more likely a monologue) started yesterday right after my clearly damaging/exposing post, and now you pick up the diversionary pointless conversation within 1 minute of my follow-up post? Picked up within 1 minute from nearly 24 hours ago? You guys make it so obvious.

So, appears that dec. is Renzatic or Renzatic is dec.? How many other multiple usernames?


Apr 15, 2012
Yes, I know you are affiliated with Apple. I'm sure we'll meet again when you post with one of your other usernames. How many do you forum PR guys use per person?

It's just a matter of asking the right questions to expose the Apple PR/marketing shills. Notice you still never answered any of those questions, as I predicted you wouldn't.

And why didn't you quote the appropriate post when responding. Hoping others don't see it? Here it is, just so others are aware.

I should use your admission in my sig. line.

Of course I didn't respond to any of your questions, Tim would not like that at all and we all know what happens when he gets upset.

Yes, actually I'm counting on people not seeing this, that's another point that you have got right.


Apr 15, 2012
This little diversionary discussion between you two (or one, more likely a monologue) started yesterday right after my clearly damaging/exposing post, and now you pick up the diversionary pointless conversation within 1 minute of my follow-up post? Picked up within 1 minute from nearly 24 hours ago? You guys make it so obvious.

So, appears that dec. is Renzatic or Renzatic is dec.? How many other multiple usernames?

I've already been contacted by my boss today after being exposed on here as a shill, so there's not THAT much left to lose. Renzatic was my main account on here for a long time, Apple's PR - who obviously are overly present on this board - found a great liking in my very Apple-defending posts that they contacted me one day and made an offer that was quite hard to resist, I mean, opening up a few multiple accounts, writing something unicorn-rainbowish about Apple and their products (including the Apple Watch), is a pretty laid back job for someone who is an Apple fanboy anyway.


Oct 18, 2005
Nobody is "get[ing] off" to this. The guy attacked a woman, apologised (hooray!) but then tried to prevent her getting compensation for it.
Do you not think that's pretty vile?

You obviously get off on judging others from your lily white high horse. Yes, I do think the whole thing is pretty vile. I also think it happened years ago and is a private matter. As I said in an earlier post, who are you to decide whether Dre is truly sorry or not? That was my only point. Obviously his public apology isn't good enough for you, nor does it matter to you how he's lived his life since then. You just want to judge. And it's obvious that there's nothing he can do to avoid your scarlet letter.


Jan 18, 2005
You obviously get off on judging others from your lily white high horse. Yes, I do think the whole thing is pretty vile. I also think it happened years ago and is a private matter. As I said in an earlier post, who are you to decide whether Dre is truly sorry or not? That was my only point. Obviously his public apology isn't good enough for you, nor does it matter to you how he's lived his life since then. You just want to judge. And it's obvious that there's nothing he can do to avoid your scarlet letter.
I'm sorry, I'm not really up to speed with using the word "judge" so freely. Am I making a personal decision based on his horrible behaviour, that he tried to cover up and further injure the victim; sure. I'd urge anyone else to do the same considering how people let off the most vile people just because they're fans of the attackers work.

Imagine if he touched upon the events that happened between this woman and himself, that would just be a fantastic way to show how brutal and horrible misogyny can be to such a wide audience. Covering it up, well that's just not good at all.
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Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
You obviously get off on judging others from your lily white high horse. Yes, I do think the whole thing is pretty vile. I also think it happened years ago and is a private matter. As I said in an earlier post, who are you to decide whether Dre is truly sorry or not? That was my only point. Obviously his public apology isn't good enough for you, nor does it matter to you how he's lived his life since then. You just want to judge. And it's obvious that there's nothing he can do to avoid your scarlet letter.

Well said.

I literally don't get the point of this thread now that I think about it.

What exactly is the thesis.

If nobody is playing devils advocate what exactly are we trying to conclude or achieve?

I guess as a best case scenario it's to tarnish the reputation of Dr Dre and reframe all this in the worst light possible.

That is the goal and challenge of the haters here.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2014
I just now realized, username Bobby Corwen is Dr. Dre undercover.

Now all his psychotic posts make perfect sense.
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macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2014
The real question is, am I dec., or is dec. me?

Another dead giveaway of Apple employee status is when members are logged on for hours a day, just like a regular work shift. Normal people don't hang around forum sites for 8-12 hours a day/everyday unless their paid to do so.

You have multiple usernames and Renzatic and dec. are just two of them.


Another dead giveaway of Apple employee status is when members are logged on for hours a day, just like a regular work shift. Normal people don't hang around forum sites for 8-12 hours a day/everyday unless their paid to do so.

...but I just logged in 10 minutes ago.

Which is weird, cuz I was sure I had myself set to stay logged in. I don't know what the hell's going on.
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macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2014
...but I just logged in 10 minutes ago.

Which is weird, cuz I was sure I had myself set to stay logged in. I don't know what the hell's going on.

Logged on for hours a day, and always responding to posts within minutes, during each log in session?

Trying to pretend you're only logged on via settings option, but not really active during that entire 12 hour shift? LOL!


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2014

...I mean I don't know what you're talking about. O_0

You logged on for 12 hours/day 7days/week = instant response to any Apple criticism. The difference is, who initially lightning responds?

Now, you're using the Apple PR diversion tactic. Your objective is to create a diversion for those who criticize Apple, so the critic is kept busy responding to your nonsense, rather than posting their critique of Apple.

Also, you're attempting to bait, in hopes of getting the critic banned and, therefore, silenced. PR people are quite a piece of work.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Criminal Mexi Midget
Another dead giveaway of Apple employee status is when members are logged on for hours a day, just like a regular work shift. Normal people don't hang around forum sites for 8-12 hours a day/everyday unless their paid to do so.

You have multiple usernames and Renzatic and dec. are just two of them.
where is my check?


Renz has better looking legs than Dec. ; smoother too

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Apr 15, 2012
Ok, my last few posts probably gave it away: I'm jkcerda too. Now logging over to my alt "AppleScruff1" (I pretend to be a bit crazy on that one, just so that it's not TOO obvious, but hey, I'm sure someone already has figured that out).


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Criminal Mexi Midget
Ok, my last few posts probably gave it away: I'm jkcerda too. Now logging over to my alt "AppleScruff1" (I pretend to be a bit crazy on that one, just so that it's not TOO obvious, but hey, I'm sure someone already has figured that out).
I am curious, are we each getting a check ? or does one check cover all personalities/alters?

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