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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
For sure, but so can he. A better one even.

It'll be very tough for Musk to get out of the deal unscathed.

Twitter has publicly disclosed that roughly 5% of its users are bots since it went public. Its regulatory filings and disclosures are all publicly available.

There's not a lot of room to back out of such a deal saying Musk has been misled.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2008
Good deal. Musk has enough to handle running a car business without destroying Twitter.
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
Sued? Twitter said that there were only "x%" of bots, and multiple independent bodies found that Twitter mis-represented material facts in the number of bots. This is what we call "fraud". In fact, what will likely happen next is that advertisers, who were promised an engagement platform of reaching potential customers, were in fact, paying inflated prices to advertise to non-entity bots. That is fraud, against multiple advertisers, over years. Share Holders, who were told in SEC filings that Twitter engaged with some number of people on their platform, were lied to.

Yet, somehow all of Twitter's fraud is Musk's fault? If I were to sell you a car, and you found out I lied about the mileage on the car, the year of the car, the accident record of the car, the maintenance issues with the car, and even something as basic as the size of the engine in the car - because of fraud, any contract is NULL and VOID. It's not rocket science.

All those disclosures by Twitter are clearly stated as estimates. There's no fraud happening.

You don't offer to purchase a company without asking for estimate methodology. That's really Musk's fault for not asking.

Musk basically offered to buy a car no questions asked without an odometer present, and is now trying to back out saying he questions the estimate methodology. You can't make an offer like that and back out. Not without paying damages.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 16, 2020
The agreement stated that Twitter didn't have to disclose any information they felt would be harmful to the company should the deal not go through. Whatever the peanut gallery feels about Twitter or allegations of bot fraud are immaterial to the obligations Musk had under the contract. He waived the opportunity for formal due diligence before making a binding offer which would have prevented much of this drama and gave him a clean exit if he didn't like what he saw (or didn't see). I suspect Twitter is going to clean the floors with him in court unless a settlement is reached first.


macrumors 65816
Oct 21, 2013
There is something good that's come from this though. Musk truly exposed the extreme left wing bias running the company that favors censoring opinion it doesn't like.
Sued? Twitter said that there were only "x%" of bots, and multiple independent bodies found that Twitter mis-represented material facts in the number of bots. This is what we call "fraud"....
Except that Musk, with the finances to employ any amount of expertise to prove this, has pulled out precisely because he is unable to prove that Twitter have been deceptive about bots and the like. We'd certainly know about it if he could.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2003
Kalapana, HI
Good. Now if just he and Twitter would go away completely and forever. Fake accounts, especially Russian ones, are literally Twitter's business model. Imagine if the NYT claimed to have 100 million subscribers and charged advertising rates accordingly, though 50 million didn't actually exist. Twitter in a nutshell.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 8, 2021
Why? Musk WAIVED his right for due diligence. Bots or not bots this is alllll on him.

Lawyers will do Lawyer things, but he'll pay big for this one.

Despite public speculation on this point, Mr. Musk did not waive his right to review Twitter’s data and information simply because he chose not to seek this data and information before entering into the Merger Agreement. In fact, he negotiated access and information rights within the Merger Agreement precisely so that he could review data and information that is important to Twitter’s business before financing and completing the transaction.

Reading. It's a useful skill.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
Honestly, I think he should build a new social network by using Mastodon which is free software that acts exactly like Twitter but its not picking up.

Twitter and Instagram needs competition.


macrumors 68040
Jan 8, 2003
What is it about making billions of dollars that turns people into either clowns or sociopathic clowns.

I can’t believe I’m saying this after a lifetime of loathing and bashing Microsoft, but Bill Gates turned out alright. At least the dude is trying to leave the planet a better place. (versus, you know, just leaving the planet)


macrumors 65816
Jul 9, 2002
Los Angeles
People calling Musk a failure are hilarious. He has more success in his pinky than all of us here combined. You can not like the guy, but to act like he is a failure in life or stupid is just plain wrong.
You can fail at more than just making money. Any idiot can make money, but being a good and decent human is way harder. The fact that you only see his financial wealth as an indicator of his success, says something. I know poor people with hearts of gold that I value as way more successful in life than this loser Elon.


macrumors 603
Sep 29, 2016
What is it about making billions of dollars that turns people into either clowns or sociopathic clowns.

I can’t believe I’m saying this after a lifetime of loathing and bashing Microsoft, but Bill Gates turned out alright. At least the dude is trying to leave the planet a better place. (versus, you know, just leaving the planet)
Before we put old Bill on a pedestal, let's not forget that he too had allegations of questionable behavior.
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