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Originally posted by backspinner
We passed the 10000 score border!
And we should be in the top 50 in a few days!

littlejim a.k.a. captainpovey


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2002
Originally posted by littlejim

And we should be in the top 50 in a few days!
Not if we continue to get negative results...


  • negative score.gif
    negative score.gif
    6.3 KB · Views: 306


Originally posted by backspinner

Not if we continue to get negative results...

Yep ... I'm stealing work units back and donating them to Apple Computer Inc. team. I feel sorry for them ...
No idea what that figure is. How the hell can I earn negative units?

littlejim a.k.a. captainpovey


Originally posted by pgwalsh
Where did you get that table from? What's the link page?

pgwalsh @ 7 and moving.
The main page is here

From there, you can examine each team in detail.

littlejim a.k.a. captainpovey

5th place ... and falling (if my negative scores continue)


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Our lab here has had 2 network outages and 2 power outages!!

Then we have another network outage scheduled on Sat! How's a man supposed to fold??!!??



macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
Originally posted by mc68k
Our lab here has had 2 network outages and 2 power outages!!

Then we have another network outage scheduled on Sat! How's a man supposed to fold?

Well, time to bust out the calculator, pencil and paper. :p


macrumors 65816
Jan 3, 2002
From Apple Learn & Earn course "Understanding Compute-Intensive Problems & Solutions&am

A high-performance computing solution is needed when the amount of time required for a single task to complete becomes unacceptable.

Many scientists are trying to understand how a linear molecule folds itself into a three-dimensional structure. Studying how a protein folds provides insight into how proteins work--such as how hemoglobin is able to fold and surround an iron molecule in order to carry oxygen through the body. Protein folding experiments are very computationally intensive. A single protein folding experiment on a 1 GHz Power Mac G4 can easily take several days. It would be ideal to speed up this process to a more reasonable amount of time, say 1 hour. This would require an HPC solution. Currently, the most cost-effective method of creating an HPC solution is with a cluster of off-the-shelf and readily available computers. This type of cluster accelerates the process by working cooperatively on the same computationally intensive task. The task of computational protein folding is considered tightly coupled, since each part of the simulation affects other parts of the simulation.

# Meta computing. This solution involves the use of available distributed computing resources for high-throughput solutions. Familiar examples are SETI and Folding@Home--Stanford University's (Pande Group) distributed simulation project to determine how proteins assemble themselves. These solutions require specialized application software, and the volume of processing depends entirely on the number of resources available.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by MacFocus
I,ve joined!

After just reading for a long time, I tought it was a good idea to help you all with the folding thing. So from now on my G4/533 will be folding 24/7, 365 days a year.

Happy folding...
Thanks for donating your machine to our cause!!! Your efforts are appreciated. :)


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
When I joined the Macrumors folding team we had 90 active processors. I looked today and we have 158. I joined about a month ago. IT would be neat if we could break 200 active processors.

I hope you all have a good weekend. I think I'm going clubing in SF. There's a lot of little Windows users out there that need a good bop on the head.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 11, 2001
Originally posted by pgwalsh
When I joined the Macrumors folding team we had 90 active processors. I looked today and we have 158. I joined about a month ago. IT would be neat if we could break 200 active processors.

if i'm lucky and can get around a few issues with security software and a very irritating firewall i will help bring us up past that 200 until school starts... but i can't really promise...

anyways we're just shooting up the list and soon we'll be in the upper 50... maybe by that time we can start a new thread... this one is becoming quite large ;)


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by pgwalsh
When I joined the Macrumors folding team we had 90 active processors. I looked today and we have 158. I joined about a month ago. IT would be neat if we could break 200 active processors.
Some of those processors aren't "real". They're duplicates processors on machines where we imaged a lab here, thus changing the client ID. Changing the unique client ID makes a new active processor and ups the count. Expect that number to go up again when we reimage the lab here and then go back down when the two week cycle for active processors retires the old ones.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by jelloshotsrule
the number of processors skyrocketed recently, when i added my parents' imac to work for the cause

oh wait.
Your contributions are even braver than ours! I know of the parents' wrath here when they found out about my "folding". You giveth all that is at your disposal, and I admire that. I think those ambitions are shared, judging by many replies here.

Now that my s900 "broke" they shant be complainin' na mur. All I have is a 7200 here to check my mail. :(


macrumors G3
Feb 7, 2002
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Ha. Every CPU counts.

Just cause we're running 40 or so doesn't mean you should feel any less special.:p :D

i didn't.

til you said that

yeah, it's my parents. but my mom only uses it really. and mainly for just email/web/text docs and whatnot.... so it doesn't matter. nothing big enough that folding would suck up all their power. of course, i leave all her apps going, so it's not at top speed. but oh well. better than nothing

ps. rower- i hate you


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by jelloshotsrule
wow, that's not cool..... i had to look it up though

n : a man who has sex with a boy [syn: paederast, child molester]


Glad to enlighten you in some way.:rolleyes:

Just in case anyone is confused, jello and I are joking around, as we sometimes do. This is not serious.
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