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macrumors newbie
May 30, 2014
If someone just really has to have [widgets] then they can jailbreak and tweak it up.

Not everyone has the luxury of jailbreaking. E.g., maintaining compliance with enterprise security policies for access to corporate email, etc.


Mar 21, 2011
so, this is like quick look we have currently on mac ..

Is Apple bring stuff back to the Mac, or back to mobile ?

Seems kind of both.

On the mac, it looks great, but u can even see the text on an iPhone screen.. still too small.. Thats why u open the app.

Plus since it would only list the most recent, you'd end up opening the app anyway. Good concept, but i reckon Apple's security is in place just so they can add java script and other vulnerable things, while still staying protected on the inside (so to speak)

Not really how i think of security, but each to their own.

It's just another point of attack too if it's possible, someone will find a way.


macrumors 68000
Aug 18, 2008
At the bend in the river
I like the concept, but it wouldn't really work for me since most of my apps are in folders. I'm never going to keep facebook on my home screen. For those who would however, I imagine this would be a pretty nice solution. I actually think the pinch-open idea could stand alone without having to go all the way with the tiles. Just a quick pinch-open, see what you need to see, and maybe, if you pinch out more, instead of having the ridiculous tile, it just opens the app... Or maybe not. What the hell do I know.


macrumors member
Nov 28, 2012
One of the things I was excited about when I switched over to Android was widgets. As it turned out I ended up finding them mostly unappealing because I didn't consistently desire that sort of "at a glance" kind of view as often as expected, and as such they felt like unnecessary clutter.

What I like about this concept is the ability to keep that sort of widget clutter hidden, yet be able to quickly pop it open if desired. It's the best of both worlds in that sense. The main problem is that the pinch gesture demands two handed use. A double tap gesture might be a solution to that, although it could also cause confusion given what double click does on computers.


macrumors 6502
Jun 2, 2008
I really like that look, it adds some quick functionality to the home screen. They also show a "fixed" settings icon, the one now is terrible!


Aug 11, 2008
Should have been this way by now. You don't go through 7 VERSIONS without changing the homescreen. And I don't mean the icons.


Change for change sake is a sign a an impending disaster.
Like politicians who pass laws just so they can say they are working.


macrumors 68030
May 20, 2011
I am one of the few who likes iOS 7, but this is just awful. Live tiles don't work well without a solid color background.


Should have been this way by now. You don't go through 7 VERSIONS without changing the homescreen. And I don't mean the icons.

7 versions of success I must say. Otherwise they would've done it sooner.


macrumors G3
May 25, 2008
I like this a lot. At least having the option of turning on such a block-view feature will be a welcome addition to iOS 8. People don't want to have more options on modifying the way their homescreen looks? Hmm. I'm all for more detailed real-time information being displayed on my screen for different apps. Not to mention this totally has a fluid and sleek iOS feel to it. I say well done.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2005
This looks needlessly complicated. Not sure what this would add to the user experience.

Ungodly numbers of clicks to the damn home button is what's needlessly complicated. This looks pretty damn slick and would save me tons of time.

Weird, that workflow demo'd is almost verbatim of what I do throughout the day. Weather, stocks, messages.

Launch. Close. Launch. Close. Launch. Close.



macrumors 65816
Jan 24, 2010
Myself personally I'm not interested in widgets, but it would be great to have it as an option for those who do.

I fail to see many areas where a widget is needed and I think if Apple was to allow them then 3rd parties would use them for the sake of using them despite them not being any real benefit.
Don't push notifications basically do the same job as widgets?


macrumors 68020
Mar 14, 2010
Inside my head.
Just to let everyone know, me and @rv1raj are planning to work together with the designer of this concept to bring it to jailbroken devices. We've contacted him, and it's all systems go. Development is planned to begin in the latter half of August, and we're aiming to have compatibility with iOS 7 and 8.

How would this work unless the developers of each app made information available for your magic widgit generator?


Jul 26, 2005
Chicago, IL
Firstly, widgets are simply wrong for the home screen. Period. That's not where they belong. There is a place for custom/optional widgets: the lock screen. Or a special widget screen/app.

Secondly, I'm concerned because Apple has a habit of not making things fully configurable. I absolutely cannot stand that the notification center gesture cannot be disabled, not even in apps, not even if you've literally configured it such that it can never have any info in it.

So you may say I simply shouldn't turn any widgets on, but I worry that choice won't be available. There's going to be a stupid widget panel or apps that support widget mode will always show their widget data, and I'll just be stuck with it. Because that's how Apple keeps their UI consistent and thus simpler; they minimize configurability.

I'll give you that. If they implement it without a way to turn it off then it's not worth the hassle. And I agree that Apple is notorious for forcing things on its users. I still don't understand how to this day they don't offer an option to remove the default apps.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2007
Jefferson, WI
It looks like a lot of people do not realize that this is not an apple feature, but a demo by an independent designer. I too hope that Apple innovates in some way on the home screen because it needs it. What really needs help however is the keyboard.


macrumors 68040
Jul 28, 2008
California, USA


macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2011
Myself personally I'm not interested in widgets, but it would be great to have it as an option for those who do.

I fail to see many areas where a widget is needed and I think if Apple was to allow them then 3rd parties would use them for the sake of using them despite them not being any real benefit.
Don't push notifications basically do the same job as widgets?

what if you wanted to check some sports scores and the weather w/o having to enter a sports app, exit, then enter the weather app, then exit.


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
Ungodly numbers of clicks to the damn home button is what's needlessly complicated. This looks pretty damn slick and would save me tons of time.

Weird, that workflow demo'd is almost verbatim of what I do throughout the day. Weather, stocks, messages.

Launch. Close. Launch. Close. Launch. Close.


Why not just get a Windows Phone then?
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