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macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2012
Probably a stupid question......but when I download the .zip file from Blucop, I end up with a .xml file that I haven't been able to open on my mac. Any ideas?


macrumors regular
Apr 18, 2004
Cincinnati, Oh
zip file

Your mac has decompressed the zip file and that is the contents.

You need the original uncompressed zip file, not the xml contents.

It is probably in the download folder or wherever your default download location is, unless you have set your browser to delete originals after uncompressing.


macrumors newbie
Jun 6, 2011
Terminal Help

Will step 5 only work on intel based mac? I completed the jailbreak on a different computer. Now I am now trying to do step 5 and following from a PowerPC mac but when i get to step 5 I get the following message in the terminal:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname root: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
What does this mean?


macrumors regular
Apr 18, 2004
Cincinnati, Oh
Will step 5 only work on intel based mac? I completed the jailbreak on a different computer. Now I am now trying to do step 5 and following from a PowerPC mac but when i get to step 5 I get the following message in the terminal:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname root: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
What does this mean?

The error means the form of your ssh command is incorrect because it is interpreting "root" as the device address not the login id. Check your syntax carefully.


macrumors newbie
Jun 6, 2011
Will step 5 only work on intel based mac? I completed the jailbreak on a different computer. Now I am now trying to do step 5 and following from a PowerPC mac but when i get to step 5 I get the following message in the terminal:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname root: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
What does this mean?


Don't know what I was doing wrong but I never could make it work with the command found in this post even when I copy and pasted into terminal and just changed the ip address to my own.

However, I was able to make it work with a command I found in a youtube video here:

(thank You i0sen)

The command that worked was:
ssh root@192.168.x.xx

after I got in with that command the rest of the steps listed here worked perfectly. Although, for what it's worth, Hulu does not work even after installed correctly on my device. Lots of other features are definately worth the time to jailbreak and install XBMC, etc...


The error means the form of your ssh command is incorrect because it is interpreting "root" as the device address not the login id. Check your syntax carefully.

Thank you for your help jetlife.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 16, 2008

Don't know what I was doing wrong but I never could make it work with the command found in this post even when I copy and pasted into terminal and just changed the ip address to my own.

The command that worked was:
ssh root@192.168.x.xx

Sorry the listed syntax didn't work for you. Odd, since it does work for me. Someone else was having a similar problem, but they were typing "-1" (dash one) instead of "-l" (dash lowercase L). But you say you copy-pasted the command and got the same error, which I can't explain. The ssh program is standardized across all UNIX platforms, so yours shouldn't be behaving any differently than mine. *shrug*

FYI: the command "ssh -l root 192.168.x.xx" means the following:
ssh = Secure Shell connection program
-l = the lowercase L flag tells ssh you want to connect to the remote host (the ATV) as a different user than you are currently typing as. When you open a terminal on your mac, you are the home user by default. . . whatever user account you used to log in to your mac. So for example I would be user dgalvan123 on my mac. But the account dgalvan123 doesn't exist on my ATV, so I have to log in as the special user "root" instead.
root = the powerful user account that all unix systems have.
IP address = the location of the remote host into which you are logging.

The command you ended up using: "ssh root@192.168.x.xx" is just another way of doing the same thing.

Although, for what it's worth, Hulu does not work even after installed correctly on my device.

Maybe we can troubleshoot this. What do you mean it doesn't work? What happens when you go into Hulu on your ATV and select a show? did you try making a Hulu account (free) on your web browser on your computer, and then entering those credentials into the plugin settings in XBMC?


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2010
OK I've installed XBMC, and been able to use some of the add-ons to access good content, that's awesome! But how do I use XBMC to stream content from my computer?

Also, if anyone has figured out how to show the weather in farenheit or how to set the clock and wants to share that info, it would be much appreciated.


macrumors newbie
Jun 6, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Re-enabled Hulu and it's working now. Thanks for the help!


macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2010
do you have to use a Mac to do this? or can i use a windows pc? BTW thank you very much for taking the time to write this, it is very helpful!


macrumors newbie
Jan 4, 2012
Not sure if someone has asked this, but is there a way to get Hulu to work in Canada? Some feeds work but most of them come up with a script error.


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2012
Script error

Hulu was working two days ago but now whenever I try to load a tv show get the message script error video plugin...

Need some help to fix this please ..tried uninstalling and reinstalling but no luck


macrumors 68020
Feb 28, 2011
Does it look like Bluecop's taken the repository down off of Google to anyone else or is it just me? Just picked up a second ATV2, and went to load it and seems like it's gone.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 16, 2008
Hulu was working two days ago but now whenever I try to load a tv show get the message script error video plugin...

Is this problem consistent across multiple different TV shows or movies? If it works for some shows but not others than the problem is the source, not your setup.

I get this problem sporadically. Often I find it's one of two things:

1. The show I'm trying to access is the most recent episode of that show, and the earlier episodes from the current season work fine. I chalk this up to the most recent show not being "ready" (I know, not very specific or scientific) and just waiting a day or two and trying again.

2. Try backing out to the main ATV menu and re-entering XBMC (essentially restarting XBMC). Most of the time this solves the problem for me.


Does it look like Bluecop's taken the repository down off of Google to anyone else or is it just me? Just picked up a second ATV2, and went to load it and seems like it's gone.

It's still there as far as I can tell:


do you have to use a Mac to do this? or can i use a windows pc? BTW thank you very much for taking the time to write this, it is very helpful!

I haven't tested with a Windows PC, but I've seen other users claim it works fine. It certainly should work, since there is no platform-dependent step involved in jailbreaking, adding xbmc, or adding the bluecop repository.

To do the SSH stuff on a windows machine I think you will need to download a terminal application. I haven't used it myself, but I hear that Putty is a good option.

or here:

Also you may want to use a GUI ftp client on your windows machine. Filezilla has a windows version:


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2012
Is this problem consistent across multiple different TV shows or movies? If it works for some shows but not others than the problem is the source, not your setup.

I get this problem sporadically. Often I find it's one of two things:

1. The show I'm trying to access is the most recent episode of that show, and the earlier episodes from the current season work fine. I chalk this up to the most recent show not being "ready" (I know, not very specific or scientific) and just waiting a day or two and trying again.

2. Try backing out to the main ATV menu and re-entering XBMC (essentially restarting XBMC). Most of the time this solves the problem for me.

I saw there was an update for Hulu 2 days ago and that seemed to correct everything..thanks


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 16, 2008
Based on discussions on XBMC, he is taking this offline. Sounds a bit like he's suffering user fatigue which I really can understand being in the IT field myself.

Bummer. Could you link to the forums where he posts? It would be good to keep tabs on this.

Anyway, if he does end up taking it down, I'd recommend anyone here interested in enabling Hulu on the ATV2 download the bluecop repository while you can. You can always do the full jailbreak/install later. Just get the repository code on your computer so it's available to you now.


macrumors newbie
Dec 12, 2011
south dakota
I had been following this thread

since it's inception and gradually worked up enough confidence after reading the instructions thru enough times to do this on Saturday. I did have a little trouble with putting the file on the ATV2 but after plugging and unplugging the power cord from it it magically worked. I had no idea how to use terminal commands or anything else but am now happily watching Hulu on my ATV2.

I am a 48 yr old grandma and the instructions were clear enough to work for me, so thanks for all your hard work and continued responses to those having trouble getting it done!

Felt so good about myself that I jb my 4S the same day. No real reason to do so other than that I could.:D


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2006
Peace in Plainfield
First of all ... THANKS. Very detailed step-by-step instructions that were very easy to follow.

However, I am also having this problem. Everything I try to add sticks at 0% downloading and when I try to run it, it says Error, script failed, plug-in.hulu.something or other. The only exception is HGTV, which went to 84% and then stalled. Since the HGTV downloaded, some, I am thinking it may not be a bad zip file? Phillip did you ever get yours working?

Also, how do I change the weather to Farenheit and how do I set the clock?

Yeah I just wanted to let you know it takes a few to download items from this. You have to TAKE. YOUR. TIME. For me it was slow. I literally just picked Hulu from the list and backed out of the XBMC menus until i was back at the main menu. I just sat at the end of my bed and gave it all the time it needed and eventually I saw a notification popup the bottom right hand side saying "Hulu plugin installed". It took a few minutes but give it all the time it needs.

Also!! I ran into an issue where the prerequisites for the plugins were not getting installed or I wasn't installing enough items.

If your Hulu plugin is not working correctly, I THINK I had to install python via apt-get because I was getting modules missing errors in XBMC logs (or was it Hulus?). Also, when I installed reddit-videos, I had to install the youtube plugin as well. There was also the crypt-lib (I think it was called that) module that didn't get installed when I installed Hulu. I just uninstalled Hulu and reinstalled it, also for good measure I installed ESPN plugin and Amazon VOD too. I guess eventually I just dumped enough crap on there that Hulu stopped giving me a script error (took a couple days of debugging to figure out what a plugin was complaining about)

As for the Fahrenheit conversion, check the locale settings in XBMC it's way hidden but I'm pretty sure it's the system settings. I don't trust it though. SO unreliable. One day it was 191F the next moment it was like -19 or something silly. At this point I Just open a window for a couple minutes and do a hot/cold test and close it again.

I'm not on my main machine right now and it's alllll the way in the other room so I know I'm not giving very detailed descriptions but I'll check back at this thread often and I'll point people in the right direction to the logs and where to read for what. By nature, crap just breaks for me so I end up learning how to fix really obnoxious errors :)

EDIT: To those who need help with C to F conversion in XBMC follow this, it's in the international settings. change your region
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Jan 5, 2012
BlueCop has been updating the plugin on a daily basis, so i don't blame him for being sick of supporting it. He's done a great job, i just wish apple would support it from the front end instead of needing an xbmc plugin in order to get it up and working.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2011
SF Bay Area
So is anyone getting commericals using this method?
I'm watching regular free Hulu, not Hulu+, and I haven't seen one commercial yet. Just a 5-10 second black screen where the commercials ususally are.


macrumors member
Feb 7, 2012

It looks like accordong to what ive read i must have a mac to jailbreak my ATV. I dont own a computer, just my original ipad and my iphone 4s. Is there anyway to jailbreak it without the computer? IF not, does anyone offer this service for a fee?
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