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macrumors member
Aug 26, 2011
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Thanks Apple for giving us a choice of syncing Gmail (AKA Android) contacts thru MacOSX iCloud app...

This way I can continue to use the best setup: My MacBook Pro with my Nexus S...

That was a very good deed from Apple to their customers!

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 4S: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

blairh said:
Curious how many MR members are seriously considering an Android device if the next iPhone features no redesign and is strictly a spec update.


No. Aesthetics aren't the only reason for me to keep or change a phone. The iPhone isn't a status symbol for me. I like it because it's functional to me and I like the iOS ecosystem.

The iPhone does all I need and want it to and it's works seemlessly with my Mac and ATV2.


macrumors 68030
Jul 28, 2011
I'm already using both, and have been since Android was first introduced. I really enjoy having two lines and two different platforms.

I'm too much of an Apple enthusiast to give up on them. I've had every iPhone up until the 4S, which I purposely passed on since it doesn't appeal to me.

After a few years of 4.3" displays on my various Androids I'm just too happy with that size to buy another iPhone with it's tiny display. The moment Apple comes to their senses and includes a larger display I will then buy immediately.


macrumors regular
May 12, 2009
Derby, CT
I learned a big lesson last year after Apples conference for "Antenneagate" when I threw a tantrum and switched from my new iPhone 4 to the Droid X, then to the Droid 2, then over to Sprint's Evo. Both Droids were severely overloaded with bugs & I vowed NEVER to by a Motorola phone again. The Evo was nice, but really lacked when compared to IOS's polished experience. I picked up my girl's iPhone and realized what I was missing. I put it down & went straight to AT&T to get another iPhone 4. Unless the user experience goes to hell, I don't think I'll be defecting to Android for ANYTHING!!! Now, WP7? That doesn't look bad at all. But for now, iOS & myself are in a great relationship.


macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2007
You do realise you're quoting yourself right?

Lol. :D

He is a troll made from lesser trolls. Lol.

Android 4.0 looks not bad. Not as good as IOS5. Delayed because of Steve, or maybe to get up up to par with IOS. The Specs are weak sauce. Weaker camera with weaker optics. Weaker CPU and GPU, screen bigger. Face rec. Why? Gimmick. How is that even useful?

Siri is useful and innovative. NFC payments are nice thought. Until Google can provide a Ecosystem that can compete with Apple they will always play second fiddle. LTE is a bonus if they produce one, not just promise one. If the battery life doesn't suck. Which I doubt.

But it is like a iPhone. Lol. iPhone killer, sure. Hahaha.


macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
No, Android doesn't stick with their devices long enough. I'm not about to pay $200 for a Android device then three months later, it cannot even support the latest OS update and spec wise, is already outdated, compared to the newer Android devices.


macrumors 65816
Jan 8, 2009
Lol. :D

He is a troll made from lesser trolls. Lol.

Android 4.0 looks not bad. Not as good as IOS5. Delayed because of Steve, or maybe to get up up to par with IOS. The Specs are weak sauce. Weaker camera with weaker optics. Weaker CPU and GPU, screen bigger. Face rec. Why? Gimmick. How is that even useful?

Siri is useful and innovative. NFC payments are nice thought. Until Google can provide a Ecosystem that can compete with Apple they will always play second fiddle. LTE is a bonus if they produce one, not just promise one. If the battery life doesn't suck. Which I doubt.

But it is like a iPhone. Lol. iPhone killer, sure. Hahaha.

Please comfirm that the spec are in fact weaker? I need facts, not opinion.


macrumors 68000
Aug 7, 2011
Columbus, OH
I find it funny that the Nexus phones are iPhone Killers. And yet, how many Nexus S phones have sold? My guess is fewer than the iPhone 4S sold on its first weekend. Samsung reported that ALL Galaxy S 1 phones (of which the Nexus S is part of) have sold 20 million units. I highly doubt the Nexus S accounts for 1/4 of them.

The Galaxy Nexus looks like a very solid phone, but based on what I've seen with benchmarks on other similarly specified phones, the 4S should be slightly faster in regular processing tasks, MASSIVELY faster in graphics performance (they're using an old GPU that is nowhere near as good as the one in the 4S) and will likely have worse battery life. Yes, the screen is much bigger (too big IMO, but that's for each user to decide), and very high res, and that's awesome. ICS looks quite nice (they stole some good things from webOS). Camera is meh.

Hardly an iPhone killer, unless you base your purchasing decisions solely on screen size, and you want huge.


macrumors 65816
Jan 8, 2009
I find it funny that the Nexus phones are iPhone Killers. And yet, how many Nexus S phones have sold? My guess is fewer than the iPhone 4S sold on its first weekend. Samsung reported that ALL Galaxy S 1 phones (of which the Nexus S is part of) have sold 20 million units. I highly doubt the Nexus S accounts for 1/4 of them.

The Galaxy Nexus looks like a very solid phone, but based on what I've seen with benchmarks on other similarly specified phones, the 4S should be slightly faster in regular processing tasks, MASSIVELY faster in graphics performance (they're using an old GPU that is nowhere near as good as the one in the 4S) and will likely have worse battery life. Yes, the screen is much bigger (too big IMO, but that's for each user to decide), and very high res, and that's awesome. ICS looks quite nice (they stole some good things from webOS). Camera is meh.

Hardly an iPhone killer, unless you base your purchasing decisions solely on screen size, and you want huge.

I think the term "Iphone Killer" come not from the amount of handset samsung can move, but the feature set of the handset + OS.

The feature set can be a Iphone Killer, without actually outselling an iPhone 4 or 4s.


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2011
Hagerstown, MD
after seeing how much more ridiculous the UI on android got with 4.0, I'm going to be sticking with iPhone for the foreseeable future.

I wasn't really thinking about switching in the first place, I've purchased over $600 in software between my iPhone, iPad and iPod... :eek:


macrumors member
Oct 17, 2011
Not because of the design

Since I went from a 3gS to a 4S, the new phone is already a new design for me. I like the sleek, understated design of the 4 and 4s. If I were to go to Android, it wouldn't be for the phone design, but if Android becomes such a pleasure to use that it overtakes iOS in sleekness, smoothness and everything else. Currently, Android feels very very dated and DOS-like, while iOS is the standard for elegant UI, IMHO.


macrumors 68000
Aug 7, 2011
Columbus, OH
I think the term "Iphone Killer" come not from the amount of handset samsung can move, but the feature set of the handset + OS.

The feature set can be a Iphone Killer, without actually outselling an iPhone 4 or 4s.

Killer implies it will kill the iPhone. i.e. displace it from top of the heap. At least, that's what I think of. Is it a better phone? That's up for debate. It might be. It probably is in many areas, and is not in many areas. That's why we have choice. :)


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
Typically, fanboys and sometimes journalists assign monikers such as "the iPhone killer" to a new device. It's kind of silly. iPhone isn't going to be "killed," and to be the "iPhone killer" often isn't even the intent of the maker of said device.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2011
I don't want the 4S but need a new phone cos my 3GS is on its last legs

I'd like to go Android but have one massive concern - I live on iCal. Will Android sync with iCal?! What are my options in this area?


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2009
New Jersey
Sticking with Apple and keeping my iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S if no redesign.

The only product I know that will work for years without major issues.

Try getting a Windows phone, BB, or Android phone to work for more than 2 years, the batteries do not last and the OS upgrades are horrible to do. I learned to stay away after the 2.1 upgrade on my wife's HTC Droid Eris from 1.6, made the phone worse than it was. The only phone I find remotely interesting is the HTC Inspire as I am on AT&T, however I have a feeling they will be replacing it soon as the price has dropped to Free almost. I prefer to stick with the 3.5 or 3.7" screen the bigger screens eat your battery, and I really do not need mine to replace a laptop or desktop Mac, my phone is an inbetween device, not a replacement.

Others may leave, but fact is you can not ignore the acutal facts, Apple is selling the phones and they are the hottest electronic device out there, the problem is they compare the 50 different Android based phones running 10 different version to just one iOS device, how is this a fair and how can we say Android is out selling Apple when one OS sells across several and the other is only on one.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 15, 2011
There isn't really much to redesign...

The iPhone 4 size, style, body everything is pretty much perfect.
It feels amazing in the hand, and if it were to go thinner. That would just be silly.


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2006
I'm curious about android, but I know I like the iphone and the OS. My previous phone was a Palm Pre, which I actually liked a lot, but ultimately it was a disappointment. I'm sticking with Apple until someone show's me a more complete total package.
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