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macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2011
Dude, do you even hear yourself? That screenshot is from an iphone 5/5s. I don't really understand why are you lying, people come on this thread to read stuff about 8.1.3.

Really? You think I am that stupid that I dont know what phone I have? Have never had 5, 5c or 5s. Went direct from 4s to 6. Not that I have to prove anything to you but to make you look like a dumb A** for calling someone a liar before doing research on what you are talking about. Here is a new screenshot NOT in zoom mode with battery stats. So maybe next time you need to listen to yourself before calling someone a liar. Besides what does ANY of this have to do with battery life that was being discussed? Is this sufficient or do I need to send you my MEID or maybe a camera photo of my iP6 with the battery status on the screen? Please take note of the 2nd screenshot (back in zoom mode and 640x1136 as I stated in earlier post as to WHY resolution was 640x1136), clearly showing Phone 6 and iOS 8.1.3 if you think that zoom mode does not have this effect.


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macrumors 68000
Jan 31, 2012
After a clean restore airdrop started working again with mac.... but the UI issues on imessages/messages came back..... i am referring to contacts photo getting overlapped by letters...


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2008
I used to get frequent skipping when playing music through Bluetooth audio in my car, especially when notifications were coming in. It appears to be fixed in 8.1.3.


macrumors 65816
Apr 10, 2007
Has anyone else experienced this weird Safari bug where it loads a tab from another Apple device that you have (e.g. if you're viewing Safari on your iPhone, it shows Safari tabs on your Mac), but when you swipe the tab and press delete, it doesn't go away?


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
Believe it or not, this usually occurs because the email address listed in Settings > iCloud has the first letter capitalized, e.g. If this is the case, sign out of iCloud and sign back in, typing all of the letters in lowercase format, and that should fix it.

This is correct. I was getting the pop-up 8-9 times a day. Finally signed out, logged back in with my first letter lowercase and the problem is solved.

In addition, I may be an outlier, but my battery is significantly better than 8.1.2 on my iPhone 6. I did the update OTA. After I do an OTA update, I always do a hard reset to kill anything that might have gotten stuck during the update process. Call me paranoid, but it seems to work and I never have had a problem.


macrumors 68000
Nov 29, 2009
Don't worry guys by the time all these bugs are fixed IOS 9 will bring a bunch of new ones :rolleyes:


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2011
wifi speed?

Never Mind wifi speed topic. Resolved. On flip side. Battery seems to be stellar on 8.1.3 after a few days. Currently 5hr 34min usage and 13 hrs stdby and 50% remaining. Mostly email and safari usage and 2hr phone calls. This on iPhone 6 standard. Pleased so far with the update.
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macrumors member
Nov 19, 2013
Sorry for my english, I will try it...

IPAD bugs:

-Copy/Paste bug still present. Sometimes is imposible to copy/paste a text because of is quickly missed.
-When you are writing a long review on App Store app, there`s a point in which you cannot see what you are wrinting, because the keyboard is over the text (this bug is present since IOS 7...)
-If you turn on REDUCE TRANSPARENCES, when you type with the stock ipad keyboard you can't see the pressed key, if your turn off REDUCE TRANSPARENCE the bug is gone...
-Sometimes the widgets are empty.
-The performance in the iPad Air is horrible... (this is not a bug, but it's very annoying)

IPHONE bugs:
-Multitasking closing app bug still present

I'm not a developer. I would be thanked if anyone reports this bugs to Apple.


macrumors regular
Jan 31, 2015
The copy/paste bug is brutal, and has caused me many a painful experience.

Also on the iPad it is difficult to unlock using Touch ID without activating Siri. The problem is not present on my iPhone 6+.

Since iOS 8, some public wifi fail to work on both devices. I have no problem at home.


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2014
Sorry for my english, I will try it...

IPAD bugs:

-Copy/Paste bug still present. Sometimes is imposible to copy/paste a text because of is quickly missed.
-When you are writing a long review on App Store app, there`s a point in which you cannot see what you are wrinting, because the keyboard is over the text (this bug is present since IOS 7...)
-If you turn on REDUCE TRANSPARENCES, when you type with the stock ipad keyboard you can't see the pressed key, if your turn off REDUCE TRANSPARENCE the bug is gone...
-Sometimes the widgets are empty.
-The performance in the iPad Air is horrible... (this is not a bug, but it's very annoying)

IPHONE bugs:
-Multitasking closing app bug still present

I'm not a developer. I would be thanked if anyone reports this bugs to Apple.

These are all the most major bugs that need to be fixed in my opinion... Especially performance on A7 iPads. It is truly horrendous. If you go to a website in safari, split the keyboard, tap the address bar (this already lags badly) and use control center or anything, it lags at around 15 frames per second. Even with reduce transparency on, it lags at around 25 frames per second! However on the iPad 2 and 3, this entire scenario never lags at all. Full 60fps entire time. 3-4 year old iPads are smashing 1 year old iPads in UI performance across the board because of the translucency in the newer devices.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 18, 2013
My Other space is 669.8MB, thats the lowest i have ever had on ANY iPhone, it's about the size of when you've done a fresh install and usually sits at about 1.5-2GB

i Have a 64GB iPhone 6 and my Other was nearly 3GB on 8.1.2


Apr 29, 2012
Has anyone noticed the Spotlight lag? On an iPhone 6, pull down to see the Spotlight Search and then click anywhere above the keyboard. The frame rate drops.


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2014
Has anyone noticed the Spotlight lag? On an iPhone 6, pull down to see the Spotlight Search and then click anywhere above the keyboard. The frame rate drops.

Smooth as on my iPhone 6 64gb MLC NAND try a fresh install

No, he's right. There are dropped frames in this situation. If you drag the homescreen up and down for spotlight without letting go, smooth as butter. But as soon as you actually go into spotlight, leaving will always have small frame drops. I've restored my iPhone 6 as new numerous times because I have such bad battery life (which for the record, is still 6 hours or less >_>) and this little stutter has always been there. However it doesn't bother me AT ALL because I have been using an iPad mini 2 on iOS 8 for quite awhile now :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2011
Ah! Its back! Was fixed before but now quick replay keyboard bug is back! :mad:

You're not the only one with that issue. It doesn't correct itself without closing out of the app completely, either.


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macrumors member
Jan 14, 2015
Was it brilliant before, or quite bad? Some folks go from good battery life to bad, and some go from bad to good. The vast majority seem to notice no difference. I'm on my third cycle with 8.1.3 and have achieved the worst battery life yet on my 6+. I've been at home all day tethered to WiFi and have been browsing on Safari almost 100%. By rights I should have had my best figures to date, but I only managed 9 hrs 23 mins of usage....on a 6 Plus. I regularly got almost 12 hours with 8.1.1

It sucked before and it got great. However, I sold it and bought a 6. Running 8.1.3 on that with a big fat 0 problems. It's easily the best phone I have ever owned
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