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macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2010
Plenty of reasons why it can't completely replace your laptop.

Throttling (and heating) is one of the main reasons. Unless you're a very light user, you will experience throttling issues. Average users also play games on their laptop (I don't mean tetris) and this is another thing SP3 can't do without throttling.
It even throttled when I was watching a movie on chrome while installing a light program.

There are also other minor reasons like it doesn't come with a keyboard, it only has 1 USB port, etc. which definitely all add up.

Given the budget, it makes sense for one to go for a proper laptop than an SP3 if he/she doesn't already own a laptop.

SP3 is great as a laptop supplement, but to be a main laptop, it's just not there yet.

false. i know many who have replaced their laptop with a sp3.


macrumors regular
Feb 10, 2013
I still think they're too heavy to be used as tablets though. Makes a difference when you're trying to surf on the couch or do other tablet things with it.
some of the 8 inchers are as light as iPad mini. and with broadwell coming, the 10 inch full windows tablets will be as light as air. I think within 3 years, it will be hard to justify purchasing an iPad over a fully functional windows tab


macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2009
I'm a software designer/engineer, just as a backdrop. My iPad is a my one true "personal computer." It's the one I go to for general purpose computing, including writing. I have a Logitech ultrathin keyboard cover that goes along with it most of the time. 95% of the time, it's just a stand (much sturdier than using a folded smart cover.) But, it does come in very handy when much typing is done.

That said, I am always wishing I could use it to do my job. Even if it was just sometimes, for some tasks or short bursts where I'm out and about, or whatever. My 15" Retina MBP does a great job, but, that's a lot of computer to tote around (I'm a semi-minimalist at heart.) And at home, when I have something serious to do on my own time, I have my 27" iMac.

So, to finally answer the question, my iPad replaces all of the basic, casual, and common personal computer purposes of my desktop and laptop, but, it can't replace either entirely for me. But that's okay, because, all I have to carry around on a regular basis to always have my primary personal computer is my iPad.

So like 80% it has replaced my laptop.
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Omar Comin' Yo

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 15, 2012
This thread appears every few months. My answer is always the same: my iPad replaced my notebook for certain activities of contents fruition, like web browsing. It can't replace a notebook for serious contents creation.
So basically I need both.

I'm not sure what you mean about "serious contents creations".

I am just apprehensive about using an iPAD for writing. Programs I use:

Final Draft
and a few others

Also, if I am saving files (docs, images), where are they stored on the iPad? I use Final Draft 70% of the time I am doing work.
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macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2012
Has anyone replaced their laptop with an iPad?

I actually ended up buying a MacBook Air after getting my iPad!

I used to use my work laptop for various things like Skype, web browsing etc and my first iPad as a reader, few games, Tapatalk etc. New security put in place on work laptop so it only became any good for VPN and a remote connection to my work desktop, guess that's the idea of a work laptop haha

Found the iPad just a little restrictive to use as my only portable computer so bought my MacBook alongside it.

I personally don't think a tablet offers what a laptop can just yet but it is close!


macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
i still need both and if i have to choose only one device it will be a laptop.
ipad is really more of a consumption device for me.


Sep 23, 2013
Upstate, NY
My official plan is to sell my rMBP to my daughters friend, snag a low cost windows based laptop for the household just so we have a computer if need be, and then just use our tablets for everything else. I'm confident it'll work.

I loved my rMBP but I can't justify the $1000+ dollars I have tied up in it. I'm getting most of my money back too so that's good. The longer I wait to sell it the less it's worth.

The extra cash will come in handy. ;)


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2010
They must be light users

nah were just not apple fanboys and reconize a damn good product when we see it. ipad owners only wish they had a device with the functionality of SP3. the ipad is a toy.
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macrumors 68040
Jul 16, 2014
Plenty of reasons why it can't completely replace your laptop.

Throttling (and heating) is one of the main reasons. Unless you're a very light user, you will experience throttling issues.

im not sure about throttling in a normal use. And about gaming, most laptops are not made for a serious gaming they dont have necessary graphic cards, not sp3 either. sure, you can play light games and even heavier with some or a bad experience. people who play lot of games dont buy a laptop, or they choose a laptop built for gaming - and they will also warm alot!

the heat issue has kept me away from buying it. i had a laptop once and it was terrible to keep it on your lap because of heat. but im still considering to buy i7 model.

There are also other minor reasons like it doesn't come with a keyboard, it only has 1 USB port, etc. which definitely all add up.

and how many ports are in macbook air?

it has onscreen keyboard, and you can attach a bt keyboard easily. i rarely use any of the 3 usb ports in my zenbook. well, for charging my smartwatch =D

Given the budget, it makes sense for one to go for a proper laptop than an SP3 if he/she doesn't already own a laptop.

a laptop and sp3 are quite differend products. if you dont need a touch screen, a tablet kind device with a pen, why an earth you even need to think about buying sp3... of course you buy a better laptop with same amount of money.

SP3 is great as a laptop supplement, but to be a main laptop, it's just not there yet.

it has all features what it needed from a laptop. it is pricey and has some issues. but i still think it can replace any budget price laptops. i have a great win laptop already (actually two: zenbook and mbpr) so it is a difficult question, do i still need sp3 or not. but im quite sure i could do atleast the same with sp3 than i do with my other laptops. i dont play games, but i could do it with my zenbook (it has another graphic card and i7 cpu), so that is not a problem. and the games i play, doesnt need the computer be the latest and greatest.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
My wife replaced her laptop recently to run her small business. All she needs is Pages for contracts, Numbers for expense tracking, then stock apps like Mail, Safari, Calendars, etc. I bought her the ClamCase Mini and she really likes it. It's a little tight for me (average to slightly above average guy hands), but works well with her average sized girl hands. Her business isn't very complicated, so this works well. The keyboard case also makes a great stand in multiple orientations. She likes that it feels like a mini MacBook Air—so much so that she keeps trying to swipe at it like there is a trackpad present. It's too bad Apple doesn't allow bluetooth trackpad use for at least basic gestures, like scrolling, zooming or switching between apps. I can see not having a mouse pointer on a touch-based OS, but having an external gesture controller makes sense to me, at least within the context of using a keyboard case.


Sep 23, 2013
Upstate, NY
My wife replaced her laptop recently to run her small business. All she needs is Pages for contracts, Numbers for expense tracking, then stock apps like Mail, Safari, Calendars, etc. I bought her the ClamCase Mini and she really likes it. It's a little tight for me (average to slightly above average guy hands), but works well with her average sized girl hands. Her business isn't very complicated, so this works well. The keyboard case also makes a great stand in multiple orientations. She likes that it feels like a mini MacBook Air—so much so that she keeps trying to swipe at it like there is a trackpad present. It's too bad Apple doesn't allow bluetooth trackpad use for at least basic gestures, like scrolling, zooming or switching between apps. I can see not having a mouse pointer on a touch-based OS, but having an external gesture controller makes sense to me, at least within the context of using a keyboard case.

That would be interesting, to have the Bluetooth trackpad available.

Hmmmm..... :)


macrumors regular
Oct 6, 2013
I'm kind of the opposite end of the spectrum.

I've never felt the need or seen the point in having an iPad because i've got a 13 Macbook Pro, a desktop PC and an iPhone.

I'm the kind of guy who has 40 tabs open as well...


macrumors regular
Apr 9, 2012
I'm not sure what you mean about "serious contents creations".

I am just apprehensive about using an iPAD for writing. Programs I use:

Final Draft
and a few others

Also, if I am saving files (docs, images), where are they stored on the iPad? I use Final Draft 70% of the time I am doing work.

I use Dropbox from which I can save files to and retrieve from Pages where I create and/or edit them. I dont use Final Draft so cannot comment but I use Evernote without any issues.


macrumors 6502
May 15, 2010
Cloud 9
nah were just not apple fanboys and reconize a damn good product when we see it. ipad owners only wish they had a device with the functionality of SP3. the ipad is a toy.

Your comment is very true! I'm an iPad owner and I wish I had the functionality of a SP3! The iPad indeed feels like a toy! So much so that I have been considering giving my iPads to my young children and purchasing a real device for myself such as the SP3! I would rather an Apple tablet with OS X and a usb 3.0 port etc but I feel it's never going to happen as greedy Apple don't want to loose laptop sales, they want people to buy both!


macrumors 6502
Nov 21, 2010
Planet Earth
I don't think so. Everyone talks like the ipad was suppose to replace labtops. It wasn't.....and IMO, it never will be. Its a pick up and go consumable device, that is always on, easy to look up something, and then throw it across the room to someone to show what you looked at.

I don't get the concept, that it needs to replace anything. Both can coexist just fine. I have a macbook I use everyday, but when I'm barbecuing or relaxing in bed I use an ipad.

I like choices and options. You can enjoy both devices. I don't want to be stuck with just one.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2010
Your comment is very true! I'm an iPad owner and I wish I had the functionality of a SP3! The iPad indeed feels like a toy! So much so that I have been considering giving my iPads to my young children and purchasing a real device for myself such as the SP3! I would rather an Apple tablet with OS X and a usb 3.0 port etc but I feel it's never going to happen as greedy Apple don't want to loose laptop sales, they want people to buy both!

i sold my 2011 macbook pro and ipad air last week right after getting a SP3 and havent looked back. first time in 4 years that i dont own a single apple device


macrumors 6502
Dec 21, 2013
Yessir I did! I used to think that an iPad could never replace my laptop... But that is before I got my iPad mini 2!!! I haven't touched my laptop since I got it!!! I couldn't be happier!


macrumors member
May 18, 2010
As a student I'm not able to fully replace my laptop with my iPad. Don't get me wrong, I am in love with my new iPad but unfortunately many of the homework systems my professors use aren't compatible with it (some require flash, etc) plus I'm not able to write code on it.

Other than that it's an excellent device and I couldn't be happier with it.


macrumors regular
Sep 26, 2014
LA Unified District dumped the iPad for Surface Pro 2, Lenovo Yoga Touch, Dell Latitude and Chromebooks.

Mirrors my usage. I only use my iPad for light consumption until I made the mistake of installing iOS 8.x. For productivity, creativity and consumption I now reach for the Surface Pro 3.

Also swapped my MacBook for the Surface Pro 3 - although I'm intrigued to see what Apple will do with the iPad Pro should it come to fruition. Day 1 buy for me if it runs OSX, but if it runs some sort of hybrid OS, I'll be sticking with the SP3.


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2014
No i have not replaced my laptop with my iPad and i would not want to, its the right device for the right moment. I have a iPhone 6, iPad Mini, iPad Air, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air and a Mac Mini and i use them all and would not want just one device.

Infact i sometimes use them both for the same task in hand, i may have documentation open on the iPad to the side of my Macbook Pro.

My nan however has replaced her laptop with the iPad as all she does is look at Wikipedia, buy off Amazon and read her email. Thats it.

I think sometimes we forget the iPad has only been out just under 5 years, its still a baby, its got years to mature and grow yet.


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2014
I am the general manager of a company and switched my laptop for an iPad and I have never looked back.

We have changed a lot of the program's we use in our company to apple programs and what a pleasure.

I needed a very portable device as I need to be infront of our customers. But now that I have been using IOS for so long, even if I wasnt traveling a lot I would still not change.

I choose iPad and IOS is for the following reasons;

It's fast, secure, simple yet complex, extremely portable, I have all my information in one place and now with the iPad Air 2 it's as powerful as a 2014 MacBook Air!
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2012
I think sometimes we forget the iPad has only been out just under 5 years, its still a baby, its got years to mature and grow yet.

I think back and wow. I can't believe the iPad has been out almost a full 5 years.


macrumors newbie
Jan 7, 2015
I've had a MacBook Pro Retina for a year now, and quite frankly, its simply overkill for what I used the computer for on a daily basis. I would have been fine with a MacBook Air, but elected to spend the extra cash for a nice screen.

I use writing intensive programs (Final Draft, Pages, etc), but outside from that, just do regular web browsing, music, and etc.

I was curious of if anyone on here had replaced their laptop with an iPad, because I am considering doing that. I'm just curious about how the keyboards work with the iPad.

In my opinion a tablet can't replace a notebook!
At a first sight you can say, yes you can browsing, emailing and other usual stuff, but it will come a day that you'll need to do something that can be done only on a notebook and you'll say "damn" :).
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