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macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2012
There are so many different Android devices out. How many different types of iPhones are there? 1. So they kind of have an advantage. They have an annual release that everyone goes berserk over. When a new Android phone comes out its nothing new as they're constantly releasing new devices.

Someone wrote that they have several Apple products in their household and everything plays well together. From my personal experience that is true. And I don't have any other Apple devices other than an iPhone. Point is, you can hand your mom, grandma, grandpa, and a child an iPhone and they can figure it out in a matter of minutes. Now go hand your grandma any Android phone and watch her reaction. That's the typical scenario.


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2012
There are so many different Android devices out. How many different types of iPhones are there? 1. So they kind of have an advantage. They have an annual release that everyone goes berserk over. When a new Android phone comes out its nothing new as they're constantly releasing new devices.

Someone wrote that they have several Apple products in their household and everything plays well together. From my personal experience that is true. And I don't have any other Apple devices other than an iPhone. Point is, you can hand your mom, grandma, grandpa, and a child an iPhone and they can figure it out in a matter of minutes. Now go hand your grandma any Android phone and watch her reaction. That's the typical scenario.

So you are basically saying people are just smart enough to figure out iPhones, but are to stupid to figure out an Android phone? Interesting.

I would counter, by saying "some" Android based phones aren't as intuitive as an iPhone, except for Samsung phones using the Touchwiz UI. It is pretty similar, except for some added functionality via the icons.


macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2012
If you aren't a shareholder, why do you care? Apple's profits mean nothing to you. For some reason, people like you believe that your product is somehow better based on the profit margin per phone. Same could be said for Android fans that throughout marketshare numbers being an indicator that their phone is somehow better.

A product is better based on your needs and the capabilities of said product. If it can do or even exceed those requirements more so than another product, it is, by definition, better. In this case, the S3 is superior in just about every category over the iP4. This isn't conjecture, but based on nearly every review and comparison on the web. Even by noted iphone fans, like phonedog.

It seems as if you're trying to cram Android down someone's throat. Furthermore, how do you know if he/she isn't a shareholder? And let's stop right there and just turn things around for a bit. You mentioned the S3 is better all across the board. How would you know? Based on what? What you read? Or someone else's review, like phonedog? Also, how do you know what someone else is doing with their device in the first place. If you want everyone to share your same feelings then perhaps you should buy all of us a top tier Android device.


macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2012
So you are basically saying people are just smart enough to figure out iPhones, but are to stupid to figure out an Android phone? Interesting.

I would counter, by saying "some" Android based phones aren't as intuitive as an iPhone, except for Samsung phones using the Touchwiz UI. It is pretty similar, except for some added functionality via the icons.

Are you not paying attention? Most people can sit down and pick up an iPhone and hop right into things. I didn't say they couldn't or wouldn't ever figure out an Android device. There's a little more to it.


macrumors 68020
Jan 2, 2011
If you aren't a shareholder, why do you care? Apple's profits mean nothing to you. For some reason, people like you believe that your product is somehow better based on the profit margin per phone. Same could be said for Android fans that throughout marketshare numbers being an indicator that their phone is somehow better.

A product is better based on your needs and the capabilities of said product. If it can do or even exceed those requirements more so than another product, it is, by definition, better. In this case, the S3 is superior in just about every category over the iP4. This isn't conjecture, but based on nearly every review and comparison on the web. Even by noted iphone fans, like phonedog.

I actually am a share holder so yeah.

Oh and don't forget the iPhone is only like 5 devices android is thousands.


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2012
I actually am a share holder so yeah.

Oh and don't forget the iPhone is only like 5 devices android is thousands.

Then I completely understand why profits mean a lot to you. You, however, are the exception to the rule. Most of the people talking about profit have zero stake in Apple. Of course, as a shreholder it's comforting to know there are people that will blindly follow the :apple: logo no matter what.



macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2011
United States
Google isn't an ad company, as they have their own products (gmail, gmaps, chrome, an OS, etc), but they do make the majority of their money from advertising. Btw Google owns doubleclick! (just a fyi).

I knew they bought - that's what I don't like. They do make the majority of their money (I would probably go as far to say almost all of it) from advertising. Therefore, they data mine a great deal of information from their users to increase the price of their advertising service.

Their other products, particularly gmail, relies on advertising. Chrome is a portal for their search service, that funnels one in to their advertising, just like Android. It looks innocent from the surface, but in the end, it is all about advertising.

Google is very innovative, and some of their products have great value, but I am just not a big fan of their privacy standards.

I think for most users - particularly regular consumers and non-business users, the Droid X and other androids are probably fine phones and platforms.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2009
My dad is better than your dad!!

Oh yeah! Well my dad can beat up your dad!!

OH YEAH? Well my dad can beat up your dad with one hand tied behind his back!

Oh yeah well My Mom could beat up your dad!

What a load of crap these posts are becoming.

Snivel snivel whine whine snivel. If you have an open mind than you don't give two carps about what OS someone else is using and whether their thing feels cheap in your hand or not.

Poor me, I can afford an 800.00 phone with a cell phone plan of +50.00 per month. I am so hard done by.....

I am sure we can all appreciate being enthusiastic about our own choices because face it, MY choice is better than yours any day.

oooo mine is made out of glass and feels solid.. yeah well mine can do things on vibrate that yours will never dream of.

oh puhleeze.......


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
So Androids only sell to broke people because they are cheap? Lol, typical iPhone snob. I suppose Windows dominates PC sales because they are cheap and sell to broke people too right?

Yep, they are cheap and complicated. There main market is homeless people with above average IQ. /end sarcasm

There is so much fluff in this thread its insane. Did someone say a Samsung Android tablet DIDN'T have a home button? Lol


macrumors regular
Mar 23, 2011
I've had the Galaxy S III for just over a week and can pretty much say that (for me personally) no other phone would perform as well or fit my needs as it does.

Performance wise, it blows my old Galaxy Nexus away from general usage and seems to have a better speeds when it comes to 3g.
The fastest I got on my GN as around 7 to 10 meg.

The camera is superb, audio playback through headphones sounds great and having that SD card slot means it's more future proof than my 16gb Galaxy Nexus was. Even TouchWiz is far less intrusive than it ever has been and seeing what Samsung have enabled via USB host alone is amazing.

Now that the CyanogenMod 9 nightlies have startied for the SGS III, I doubt it'll be long until I'm trying out custom firmwares on the thing.

OP, you may thing the 4/4s are the best phones on the planet today but trust me when I say you don't speak for everybody. :)

LMAO have fun with your TV first brand phone, if anything happens you don't have a Samsung store to walk into. Also have fun with a size bulky in your pocket.. Yes now go away non apple boy


Really? Because morons that throw money away at used phones is a way for you to justify how good your phone is? Do you not see how crazy some of you sound? It's blissfully ignorant.

And by the way, I can get over $400 for my S2, but I wouldn't be obtuse enough to sell on ebay and pay fees to both paypal and ebay.

LMAO!! I bet my life you can't get $400 for your S2.. And if you did, how you going to call smart and good folks "moron" knowing they pay $450+ for a phone everybody wants and in demand... LMAO he mad his S2 is now obsolete since the 3 came out.. Magic poof


macrumors 603
Feb 3, 2008
Essex (UK)
LMAO have fun with your TV first brand phone, if anything happens you don't have a Samsung store to walk into. Also have fun with a size bulky in your pocket.. Yes now go away non apple boy

If anything does happen, I'll be sure to return my handset to Samsung but the lack of issues I've had with Samsung hardware gives me faith that nothing will go wrong. The only faulty handsets I've owned in recent years were Apple and HTC hardware (HTC did a week turnaround on warranty repair, the iPhone was replaced in store twice)

On the size, my last phone was the Galaxy Nexus which (just like the Galaxy S III) fits fine in my pocket. One of the advantages of wearing clothes that fit I guess.

Enjoy your trip to the Genius Bar when your phone does go wrong. I'll stick to hardware by a manufacturer that has a 0% failure rate from personal experience. ;)

EDIT: You sure do "LMAO" a lot.....


macrumors regular
Mar 23, 2011
no they don't and iPhone light years ahead of Android? LOL, just the simpe fact the iPhone STILL lacks 4G makes it light years behind Android. Not to mention you still have to jailbreak one just to get the basic functionality you can get with a stock Android phone out of the box. Plus there are still limitations in ios you can't get past even with a jailbreak. iOS has become a little better now that Apple has taken most of the best Android features we have had for years and put them in iOS. However, it's still light years behind Android.

Light years ahead yet you blame iPhones not getting 4G ?? LMAO.. Don't be mad you got a android device probably on Virgin mobile Or Boost Mobile.. Lol maybe even Cricket or one of those prepaids. My iPhone shows 4G btw and you act like 4G LTE is everywhere SMH fandroid bot


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2012
LMAO!! I bet my life you can't get $400 for your S2.. And if you did, how you going to call smart and good folks "moron" knowing they pay $450+ for a phone everybody wants and in demand... LMAO he mad his S2 is now obsolete since the 3 came out.. Magic poof

Well, since I appear to be talking to a child, you wouldn't have had a long life. Craigslist - Los Angeles.

I'll bet you don't even know what your iphone is capable of, much less one like the S2. Of course, when you have a phone like the iP4, with limited capabilities you'd think kids like you would know every in and out of your phone. But that is far from the case.


macrumors 6502
Feb 15, 2009
Its fairly obvious the the GS3 and the HTC One X are superior than the 4S, they are the latest technology, the 4S is almost a year old, when the next iPhone gets released they should be on a par with Samsung and HTC in terms of technology, then its your choice iOS or Android, then by christmas i would think the next generation of phones from samsung and htc will be ready for release, again taking them ahead of apple, i just wish apple wouldn't dictate to the buyer what they can and cannot do with products they buy!!, thats where android has a distinct advantage...for example, if i buy an album on iTunes why can i only play it on a Apple product!!, i'v paid for it i should be able to play that on any device i want, not what they say!!!!...getting a bit big brotherish!!, i'm not slagging apple off i'v used their products for 20 years, but once you get involved with their ecosystem you are well and truly trapped and dictated to what you have to buy to be able to enjoy your own media!!...
I'v got a 4S and a HTC One X and after comparing both extensively the HOX is the better device in terms of looks, ease of use,etc etc...doesnt worry me Android or iOS both are good but the ios6 update was just a catch up exercise really...


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
for example, if i buy an album on iTunes why can i only play it on a Apple product!!

Can you clarify this, because I have been buying stuff off iTunes and playing them in my car's sim card reader for years now.


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
"Iphone 4 and 4S still way better than any Android phone"

Ultimately this is just user preference. Many people including myself cannot get past the 3.5 inch display. I try all the time to use my wife's iPhone but I've been spoiled by Androids big display's. And the most precious thing I find with Android (I have a Nexus) is that ROM developers really do care about optimizing Android way more than what the OEM's can do. I love Android but I hate when OEM's screw with the stock builds. But various teams are out their so that we can have bloat free experiences on as many devices as possible.
I agree that people should not have to do this and I would recommend a iPhone to any of my friends. I just don't recommend older models especially after seeing Apple pull features from iOS as they see fit from older phones. But Android for me feels more personal. It's like cars. My wife drives the car and has no clue on how it operates. But I'm the only one that have serviced the vehicle for the last 13 years. My feelings towards the car is more intimate because I've spent hours repairing it and making sure that it runs. I know more about android because I've spent hours understanding how it works.


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
Point is, you can hand your mom, grandma, grandpa, and a child an iPhone and they can figure it out in a matter of minutes. Now go hand your grandma any Android phone and watch her reaction. That's the typical scenario.

Interestingly there are classes for how to use the iPhone that are held at the Apple store. They are generally packed, yes I said PACKED, with people who look to be 60+.

I didn't have trouble picking up iOS, Android, WP7, or any other OS I have picked up. In many ways, iOS and Android are similar in terms of UI. I really am not so sure how a person that can figure out an iPhone is going to innately not be able to figure out an Android device. I reserve making comments about WP7 and Blackberry OS because the out of the box UI on those devices are very different from iPhone/Android.


macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2012
I am actually testing a galaxy note at this time.I actually adjusted to the size quick, but there are definitely some quirks.

Default messaging app likes to list your contacts from every social network you use unless you configure those accounts to not sync contacts (wish it said something about that).

iPhone messaging and interface is slightly more refined. Now mind you, I'm on gingerbread again, but the unofficial ics roms fix a few nagging things but still IMO not as polished, but its getting there.

Notifications on Android are IMO a little more annoying as it reports everything with default settings more so than iphone defaults.but after some fiddling its nipped in the but. .

The screen size is a plus but I never had qualms with the iPhones size and still find the tap to zoom on the iphone portrait mode on the note, text is tiny even zoomed(fit to screen), but iphone isn't, weird. Landscape mode is brilliant though on the note. Figured I'd share some thoughts on it. Android has made some big strides its just the adjustment time of figuring or how to do things and expecting them to work almost t the same as the iphone. Apples to oranges in that regard.

See the attached photo to see what I'm talking about for portrait zoom on the note.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 17, 2012
I am actually testing a galaxy note at this time.I actually adjusted to the size quick, but there are definitely some quirks.

Default messaging app likes to list your contacts from every social network you use unless you configure those accounts to not sync contacts (wish it said something about that).

iPhone messaging and interface is slightly more refined. Now mind you, I'm on gingerbread again, but the unofficial ics roms fix a few nagging things but still IMO not as polished, but its getting there.

Notifications on Android are IMO a little more annoying as it reports everything with default settings more so than iphone defaults.but after some fiddling its nipped in the but. .

The screen size is a plus but I never had qualms with the iPhones size and still find the tap to zoom on the iphone portrait mode on the note, text is tiny even zoomed(fit to screen), but iphone isn't, weird. Landscape mode is brilliant though on the note. Figured I'd share some thoughts on it. Android has made some big strides its just the adjustment time of figuring or how to do things and expecting them to work almost t the same as the iphone. Apples to oranges in that regard.

See the attached photo to see what I'm talking about for portrait zoom on the note.Image

Ummm, still a TON more screen real estate than an iPhone. There is no mobile phone thats going to zoom in correctly on the desktop version of a forum. Thats why Tapatalk exists...


macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2012
Interestingly there are classes for how to use the iPhone that are held at the Apple store. They are generally packed, yes I said PACKED, with people who look to be 60+.

I didn't have trouble picking up iOS, Android, WP7, or any other OS I have picked up. In many ways, iOS and Android are similar in terms of UI. I really am not so sure how a person that can figure out an iPhone is going to innately not be able to figure out an Android device. I reserve making comments about WP7 and Blackberry OS because the out of the box UI on those devices are very different from iPhone/Android.

Yes, I know that the Apple retail stores do offer the classes on how to use all of their products. I think the entire thread has become a flame war though. While, I do enjoy both iOS and Android. I am not biased against one or the other. I have owned numerous Android phones, and quite honestly, I enjoyed the heck out of them. There are things I can nitpick about but why bother. As for making comments about BlackBerry and Windows Phones, I have owned a few different BlackBerry devices, and I think they are just out on their own, or should be used primarily as a business/work phone.

What I find comical is the fact that there are people in here complaining about the iPhone and which Android device is better. Hello, this is an Apple product related forum. If ya enjoy your iPhone and it works for you great. If Android is your thing and it works for you, wonderful, but don't go running around trying to prove a point saying your phone is so much better because XYZ, who cares. Just as long as you're happy.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2008
Ummm, still a TON more screen real estate than an iPhone. There is no mobile phone thats going to zoom in correctly on the desktop version of a forum. Thats why Tapatalk exists...

Yes, Tapatalk works quite nicely on iPhone, doesn't it? :D

Most of us don't want a device so large that a desktop version of a forum would fit with no zoom - that's what a tablet is for.


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
Why are we arguing about phone operating systems? Can we all agree that we love arguing about their shortcomings as much as how much better they are then everything else?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 11, 2010
One thing I love about the iPhone is the fluidity it's so smooth all around. Went from android android iPhone now going back to android (waiting for the s3).

iOS is now boring to me. After I get passed the app phase it comes down to the core and heart of the phone.

I don't use apps all that much anymore but the ones that I do use are on all 3 phones. iOS, android, and windows mobile.

Love the gmail app and maps on android so much better. I also enjoy the multi tasking much better a s how music apps run in the background.

Pisses me off on my iPhone when I'm using clock radio at the gym and I get a text message and i go I check it it stops the music and i have to go back in there to get it started again.

iOS 6 is showing me small improvements and i don't think their map system will developed for a while.

All in all each os has something special to offer. I think everyone should give each one try. I don't know about everyone else but i can't stand looking at the same damn thing for over a year.

Im just glad I'm not bias and I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. I have yet to try a widows mobile phone yet but as I right now nothing has caught my eye.


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2010
One thing I love about the iPhone is the fluidity it's so smooth all around. Went from android android iPhone now going back to android (waiting for the s3).

iOS is now boring to me. After I get passed the app phase it comes down to the core and heart of the phone.

I don't use apps all that much anymore but the ones that I do use are on all 3 phones. iOS, android, and windows mobile.

Love the gmail app and maps on android so much better. I also enjoy the multi tasking much better a s how music apps run in the background.

Pisses me off on my iPhone when I'm using clock radio at the gym and I get a text message and i go I check it it stops the music and i have to go back in there to get it started again.

iOS 6 is showing me small improvements and i don't think their map system will developed for a while.

All in all each os has something special to offer. I think everyone should give each one try. I don't know about everyone else but i can't stand looking at the same damn thing for over a year.

Im just glad I'm not bias and I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. I have yet to try a widows mobile phone yet but as I right now nothing has caught my eye.

Not sure what iPhone or version of ios you're using but the music should keep playing in the background.
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