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macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2012
I think I am probably the only person out there that doesn't use it for playing music or transferring my mp3s to it. I just use Pandora. Heck, even when I had my Razr MAXX and its 32gb I didn't load a single song onto it but I played the crap out of Pandora.


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
Yes, I know that the Apple retail stores do offer the classes on how to use all of their products. I think the entire thread has become a flame war though. While, I do enjoy both iOS and Android. I am not biased against one or the other. I have owned numerous Android phones, and quite honestly, I enjoyed the heck out of them. There are things I can nitpick about but why bother. As for making comments about BlackBerry and Windows Phones, I have owned a few different BlackBerry devices, and I think they are just out on their own, or should be used primarily as a business/work phone.

What I find comical is the fact that there are people in here complaining about the iPhone and which Android device is better. Hello, this is an Apple product related forum. If ya enjoy your iPhone and it works for you great. If Android is your thing and it works for you, wonderful, but don't go running around trying to prove a point saying your phone is so much better because XYZ, who cares. Just as long as you're happy.

Things are going to become a flame war when you make sweeping statements like "Grannies can pickup iOS but wouldn't know what to do with ANDROID". I was merely responing to that statement with examples, rather than simply saying "you're wrong". While Apple does hold classes for all of their products, the iPhone class always seems to be the one packed to the gills (unless there is a secret meeting place for their Macs that I am unaware of). But anyway, be a part of the cure, not the disease. Or don't. It's all the same to me. :)


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
Android fanboy users in this thread:
Inferiority complex towards the more iconic Apple brand.

Most Android users in the real world: wouldn't waste their time even knowing there is a thread like this.

BTW android market share dropped last quarter. Apple's went up even though no new iPhone was released. Android still majority by the sheer number of different phones by different carriers and manufacturers. Reminds me of the PC Vs Mac wars. Being a majority doesn't assume the best product sells.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 17, 2012
Android fanboy users in this thread:
Inferiority complex towards the more iconic Apple brand.

Most Android users in the real world: wouldn't waste their time even knowing there is a thread like this.

BTW android market share dropped last quarter. Apple's went up even though no new iPhone was released. Android still majority by the sheer number of different phones by different carriers and manufacturers. Reminds me of the PC Vs Mac wars. Being a majority doesn't assume the best product sells.

Judging from your sig and your responses, you are quite the Apple fanboy. Pot meet kettle.


macrumors 603
Feb 3, 2008
Essex (UK)
Android fanboy users in this thread:
Inferiority complex towards the more iconic Apple brand.

Most Android users in the real world: wouldn't waste their time even knowing there is a thread like this.

BTW android market share dropped last quarter. Apple's went up even though no new iPhone was released. Android still majority by the sheer number of different phones by different carriers and manufacturers. Reminds me of the PC Vs Mac wars. Being a majority doesn't assume the best product sells.
Apple users in this thread.
Inferiority complex towards anything other than the Apple brand.

Most smartphone users in the real world: wouldn't waste their time even knowing there is a thread like this

BTW, android and iOS usage continues to grow around the world.

I take it your marketshare decline numbers are only taking the U.S in account?


macrumors regular
May 16, 2010

- I love my 4S in any conceivable way a person can love a piece of technology
- I loved every single Android phone I've owned - yes that includes their battery lives
- 3 things I strongly, strongly miss about my Androids that even my JB'd iPhone cannot touch:
1.) global sharing system
2.) ability to set default apps
3.) screen the size of a text book - the iPhone looks and feels like a postage stamp in my hands
- My next phone will be an enormous-screened Windows Phone
- I'm a tech junkie, a gadget geek - I've owned multiple Treos, Blackberries, Windows Mobile 6, 6.1, 6.5 phones, and Androids - I am NOT tethered to a brand "just because." I switched b/c it was time to experience something DIFFERENT, NOT b/c it was an iPhone (had Sprint had the HTC Titan [WP7] I would have gone w/ that)
- I paid a hefty amount for a monster of a Mac and I love it but guess what? I love my Windows 7 laptop too (sometimes even more) and wouldn't trade it in for an MBP simply b/c I already own a Mac and want a Windows computer as well for things the Mac cannot do well or at all

Can some of you comprehend the position I hold regarding my post or are you just blown away that someone can have affinity towards a non-Apple product?


macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2012
Iphone 4 and 4S still way better than any Android phone

I don't think an Iphone has the potential to be better than an HTC becuase HTC has better graphics and has faster internet than the IPhone and the Android marketplace is way bigger than the Apple marketplace so the HTC is more relaible therefore it would suit your needs becuase you would such a fast phone with amazing graphics. This would satisfy your needs! not an Iphone. :mad:


macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2012
Things are going to become a flame war when you make sweeping statements like "Grannies can pickup iOS but wouldn't know what to do with ANDROID". I was merely responing to that statement with examples, rather than simply saying "you're wrong". While Apple does hold classes for all of their products, the iPhone class always seems to be the one packed to the gills (unless there is a secret meeting place for their Macs that I am unaware of). But anyway, be a part of the cure, not the disease. Or don't. It's all the same to me. :)

Be part of the cure? Considering the fact that I enjoy both Android and iOS I wouldn't say that I'm encouraging a flame war. I responded to someone else a while back because it seemed as though he/she was trying to shove Android down someone else's throat. What works for one person might not always work for someone else. Although this person felt the need to point out ever single thing he could about Android. In the end my response is simple, as long as I'm buying it you don't have a say in it, and your opinion really doesn't matter either. To each their own.


macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2012
One thing I love about the iPhone is the fluidity it's so smooth all around. Went from android android iPhone now going back to android (waiting for the s3).

iOS is now boring to me. After I get passed the app phase it comes down to the core and heart of the phone.

I don't use apps all that much anymore but the ones that I do use are on all 3 phones. iOS, android, and windows mobile.

Love the gmail app and maps on android so much better. I also enjoy the multi tasking much better a s how music apps run in the background.

Pisses me off on my iPhone when I'm using clock radio at the gym and I get a text message and i go I check it it stops the music and i have to go back in there to get it started again.

iOS 6 is showing me small improvements and i don't think their map system will developed for a while.

All in all each os has something special to offer. I think everyone should give each one try. I don't know about everyone else but i can't stand looking at the same damn thing for over a year.

Im just glad I'm not bias and I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. I have yet to try a widows mobile phone yet but as I right now nothing has caught my eye.

I to find that the iPhone OS seems to flow and seem more fluid. Things are just simpler and more intuitive. Now as I stated before it could just be that its because I am used to iOS, but I also did use an android device before as well.

The iPhone mail app imo is better than the stock app on android(how it handles multiple accounts, conversations etc), the messaging app is also better.

I am open to trying new things, I even toyed around with my FIL's HTC Radar Windows 7 phone. I did find it cool but got rather bored of it quickly.


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
Judging from your sig and your responses, you are quite the Apple fanboy. Pot meet kettle.

I had 2 androids. Went back to iPhone. I have a PC as well. I am also an apple stock holder.

Call me whatever you want but never, ever argue discuss actual facts! /sarcasm


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
Apple users in this thread.
Inferiority complex towards anything other than the Apple brand.

Most smartphone users in the real world: wouldn't waste their time even knowing there is a thread like this

BTW, android and iOS usage continues to grow around the world.

I take it your marketshare decline numbers are only taking the U.S in account?

Yes this was for the US.

I don't care what the other guy uses, for me the iPhone does the job.

It's funny how the other guy who replied assumed that I think the iPhone is better because I posted a stat and made a statement about the nature of the market share. I never said that the android is definitely inferior. Go read my post and note the verbiage. Any message he took from it is purely based on his attitude. I worded it very carefully. I thank him for confirming my hypothesis.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2011
So yes there's some 4, 5" phones, 16, 32GB handsets, great sound quality, more free apps on Android but STILL I don't get it. I really dislike the feel of Android. The App store bores me, the games are less superior especially free ones. The screens are much more unresponsive and the screen depth of text still doesn't match the retina. The build quality sucks on Samsungs. You just have to hold the Iphone vs the Samsung. Yes it's a bad idea to drop the Iphone but if you are careful it's a much smarter well made handset.

Galaxy note was almost as big as the Playbook. I tried most tablets in a store and found the playbook to be faster and more unique in design. The Android tablets were too complicated. The Galaxy had no home button unlike the Ipad and wiglets were annoying.

I go into phone shops all the time and they always dish the Iphone and say it's got crap signal, Android do better with there OS updates and this phone is much newer and better sound. Don't believe it.

The Iphone is much more interesting to use with Ibooks, the better app store, texting, surfing is smoother even was back in the 3GS days. The Iphone camera is better than any 5 or 8MP I've seen, Facetime is better than the dud 3G calls we had years ago.

It reminds me of the Sony Ericsson handsets they always had so much missing that Samsung never had but the K750i, K800i, C905 were all iconic flagship phones. Since Android came in it's been dull production lines of phones. Bigger memory, BIGGER screen, BIGGER camera like 12 mega pixels too much for a camera phone but they seem think it's better.

Give me IOS6 over any of these Android production line clones any day. 200 new features and a decent OS which works. Being honest there's not one handset I like. The odd Windows phone has got my eye but there's few others I'd prefer to own.

No doubt about it Iphone is the best all round smart phone money can buy. Iphone 3GS to the 4 to the 4S. Might lack some IOS6 features but from budget to high end comparison I'd much rather have the Iphone. Anybody agree?

If you say so


Android is the least appealing mobile OS on the market currently. The OS itself is junk, the phones are mostly horrid, and its core business model is flawed which is why iOS eats 75% of the mobile profits with only 24% global share.

Glad you enlightened us all dude


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
Be part of the cure? Considering the fact that I enjoy both Android and iOS I wouldn't say that I'm encouraging a flame war. I responded to someone else a while back because it seemed as though he/she was trying to shove Android down someone else's throat. What works for one person might not always work for someone else. Although this person felt the need to point out ever single thing he could about Android. In the end my response is simple, as long as I'm buying it you don't have a say in it, and your opinion really doesn't matter either. To each their own.

If you have no idea what I am referring to I certainly don't know what to do to make you understand, but I suppose I will give it one more try (below). The fact that you use both products is irrelevant based on other things you said.

Hint, I will repeat only the most relevant part of my response to you:
Things are going to become a flame war when you make sweeping statements like "Grannies can pickup iOS but wouldn't know what to do with ANDROID". I was merely responing to that statement with examples, rather than simply saying "you're wrong".

The above statement is an example of not being part of the cure, IMO.

HTH :)


macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2012
Ok, so, my mistake. Most of the people I see that are old couldn't and wouldn't operate an Android phone because it LOOKS confusing. iOS looks like a phone a 5 year could operate.

Phone Junky

macrumors 68020
Oct 29, 2011
Ok, so, my mistake. Most of the people I see that are old couldn't and wouldn't operate an Android phone because it LOOKS confusing. iOS looks like a phone a 5 year could operate.

I have an iPhone 4s. Both of my parents (who are 70 years old) have HTC Evo 4gs. They have absolutely no problem operating their phones including texting, email, web browsing and using google maps to get where they're going.
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