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macrumors regular
Apr 29, 2008
960x640 vs 840x480. Its a little better, but only marginally so.

One third more (in one dimension alone) is not marginal. Also, Gruber just posted some more details on why the screen is better. Focusing on published specs and not on how something actually works in real life is one reason everyone else is still playing catch-up.


macrumors 6502
Dec 27, 2008
One third more (in one dimension alone) is not marginal. Also, Gruber just posted some more details on why the screen is better. Focusing on published specs and not on how something actually works in real life is one reason everyone else is still playing catch-up.

Heh well I think the hardware is very slick, but once again on a 3.5" screen, I think the difference will be marginal. Apple touts the contrast ratio as 800:1 as Google touts the Nexus One as 100,000:1 (of course you cant see the N1 in sunlight). nontheless I look forward to seeing it in person


macrumors 601
Nov 12, 2007
Heh well I think the hardware is very slick, but once again on a 3.5" screen, I think the difference will be marginal. Apple touts the contrast ratio as 800:1 as Google touts the Nexus One as 100,000:1 (of course you cant see the N1 in sunlight). nontheless I look forward to seeing it in person

Different technology tho, Apple is using proven IPS technology whereas N1 is using immature OLED technology. 800:1 contrast (they didn't say dynamic contrast) on IPS might be better than 100,000:1 (i doubt this isn't dynamic) on OLED.


macrumors member
Apr 23, 2010
I must say some of these posts are quite comical, there will always be technological advancements very quick in electronic devices.
If you want to always wonder if you are getting snubbed and wait for something newer and better to come out you will never pull the trigger.
The iPad was released, we had a chance to read the specs before buying and make an informed decision based on the information available.
I remember when intel was making strides in processors that would really date me, the point was when you purchased/built your PC and had it up and running Intel was releasing a new processor the following day.
I don't remember junking the PC I had or feeling cheated.
I look forward to the next version of iPad or other device and will probably purchase that and pass this one on to the wife or grand kids.


macrumors newbie
Jun 7, 2010
I think the gyro sensor would be nice if its available on iPad. Also, a user-facing camera would be useful for Skype (or other video call softwares).


macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2008
I can assure you 100% that if the iPad had been announced with a wide-screen display no-one here would be saying they had made a mistake and should have gone with 4:3 instead.

I most definitely wouldn't have picked one up. This is more than an HD video player, and if you recall there is still a TON of 4:3 video content out there anyways.

16:9 would be terrible for this device.


macrumors member
Mar 19, 2010
I agree that widescreen would be better for films but the iPad isn't just a video player. I think a widescreen wouldn't feel right in your hands, and would certainly not work in portrait view.
Agreed, 16x9 just does not work for me as a hand held device. I expect the iPad to stick close to book/magazine aspect ratios. Have you seen photos of the JooJoo? Just odd.

At the most we might see something like 1280x800 (16x10) as used on the MacBooks or keeping the current aspect, 1280x960 - both of which can accomodate 720 HD.


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2008
Born NYC Living in CT
I love my iPad. I knew the next gen was coming and have no problems or regrets with what I got. It's so much better than surfing or reading on a 3.5 screen no matter what the res is!

People who are whinning about the new phone and the wait for the new os should just jailbreak their ipad and then they have their sacred multitasking right away.

Screen res update and a front and rear camera will come next year and when it does we'll all loose our unlimited plans!


macrumors 65816
Feb 18, 2006
I am looking forward to fall. iMovie for iPad would be sweet and hopefully a few new extras for the iPad. I am sure they have something up their sleeves waiting a few more months.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 8, 2008
Well I for one am still happy with what my iPad has, even after seeing what they are adding to the new iPhone, in fact I'm not even in a hurry to upgrade my iPhone anymore as the only compelling feature of the new iPhone to me is the higher res screen, that would be pretty nice, the rest of the features would be good to have but I would never use them, I mean I only ever took about 6 photos with all of my previous iPhones combined so I'm not in the slightest bit bothered about the higher MP camera and the flash, as for the fro t facing camera...I have never made a video call or had a chat over webcams in my life, nor have I wanted too, now as long as the iPad gets OS4 I'll be perfectly happy and I don't even mind waiting a few months for that to come out.


macrumors member
May 21, 2010
Retina display - wtf, it's nothing new there's are things close to this on windows mobile and android since a very long time. Only that it's unbelievable for Steve and company in relative to iPhones original ****** display.

Not putting a similar display on iPad, tells about the dubious marketing means at apple. We paid a premium for blurry fonts on the glorified ebook reader. those who think this technology didn't exist in time to be included in iPad are not thinking hmm.

Facetime ... Only jobs can keep such an old technology away from users for years and still get applause announcing it in a ****** cramped form and loudly tell he almost invented this. Watch their video for more laugh on this.

Ios4 -- apple sure has a thing for cisco names. But why there's no folders or multitasking for iPad for another 5 months. Maybe Steve puts his trust in cydia.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2007
Retina display - wtf, it's nothing new there's are things close to this on windows mobile and android since a very long time. Only that it's unbelievable for Steve and company in relative to iPhones original ****** display.

Not putting a similar display on iPad, tells about the dubious marketing means at apple. We paid a premium for blurry fonts on the glorified ebook reader. those who think this technology didn't exist in time to be included in iPad are not thinking hmm.

Facetime ... Only jobs can keep such an old technology away from users for years and still get applause announcing it in a ****** cramped form and loudly tell he almost invented this. Watch their video for more laugh on this.

Ios4 -- apple sure has a thing for cisco names. But why there's no folders or multitasking for iPad for another 5 months. Maybe Steve puts his trust in cydia.

Wow. Speculation much? Are you an Apple insider who knows exactly what's been behind each software and hardware feature release?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 8, 2008
Wow. Speculation much? Are you an Apple insider who knows exactly what's been behind each software and hardware feature release?

He has a point though, this time next year apple will announce a new iPad which has all of the features people wanted to see in this iPad (front and rear facing cameras, higher res screen etc) people at the event will cheer and everyone will buy it, it happens every year with every apple device. Now I know how this is how businesses work, they add features that people want to see but with apple they add old features that every other phone/laptop/tablet has already had for the last 3 years and then charges you up the arse for it and these aren't "revolutionary" or "magical" features and neither are they features that couldn't have been added the the previous years device

The General

macrumors 601
Jul 7, 2006
In order for the iPad to have a "retina display" it would have to have a 2560x1920 resolution at 9.7". In order for the 27" iMac to have a retina display, it would have to be 8000x4500. There are obvious technological hurdles that we need to jump in order for larger displays to have that kind of resolution. 960x640 is nothing we haven't done before, it just hasn't been this small yet.

It is unrealistic to expect the iPad to have that high of a resolution at this point in time. Maybe a few years from now if computer monitors keep jumping up to higher and higher pixel density. That's also assuming a new display adaptor standard comes to existence that can do higher than 2560x1600 and doesn't cost thousands of dollars like current medical imaging stations.


macrumors member
May 21, 2010
In order for the iPad to have a "retina display" it would have to have a 2560x1920 resolution at 9.7". In order for the 27" iMac to have a retina display, it would have to be 8000x4500. There are obvious technological hurdles that we need to jump in order for larger displays to have that kind of resolution. 960x640 is nothing we haven't done before, it just hasn't been this small yet.

It is unrealistic to expect the iPad to have that high of a resolution at this point in time. Maybe a few years from now if computer monitors keep jumping up to higher and higher pixel density. That's also assuming a new display adaptor standard comes to existence that can do higher than 2560x1600 and doesn't cost thousands of dollars like current medical imaging stations.

2560x1920 hmm. Just needed a sufficient resolution so that the ereading experience in portrait mode was not blurry.

The General

macrumors 601
Jul 7, 2006
2560x1920 hmm. Just needed a sufficient resolution so that the ereading experience in portrait mode was not blurry.

The text in landscape mode is the exact same size as the text in portrait mode.


I think the reason it may appear to be blurry compared to landscape mode is because the pixels are RGB vertically instead of horizontally. I am assuming this is the reason Apple decided to go with antialiasing instead of sub-pixel smoothing for the text in iPhone OS (because it wouldn't work right with sideways pixels) aside from the obvious extra CPU cycles it would take to do proper font rendering.

Attached is a comparison of iPad's anti-aliasing (bottom) and Mac OS X's sub-pixel font rendering (top).


  • subpixel.jpg
    113.7 KB · Views: 75


macrumors regular
Feb 8, 2010
I would agree that iPhone 4 blows away iPad.

In the hierarchy of product importance, I think iPhone > iPad.

Just wait till iPod touch 4th gen comes out. If it comes with rear video cam and the video editing, it will rock the iPad IMHO.

Front camera is one thing missing from iPad.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2009
Keep in mind that the iPad is cheaper than the iPhone. The new iPhone is $599 unsubsidized for the 16GB model while the 16GB iPad is $499.

You can argue the iPhone has 3G so maybe the better comparison is to the 3G iPad, which is $629. But the iPad is bigger in size, with a bigger display, bigger battery, more glass and aluminum, yet is similarly priced to the iPhone. This means there will be sacrifices.

The iPad is a value product. The iPhone is a high-end smartphone. If you want something much better, wait for an iPad Pro, which, if exists, will probably be $1000 or more.


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2009
Seattle, WA
Yeah, I know, I agree with you both. But I'm still really annoyed that the iOS4 for the iPad is coming in 4 months.
Do you think it will be release in the fall because it's going to have some extra features designed specifically for the iPad?

PS - D'you expect iMovie HD video editing on iPad?

Patience is a virtue. There are some really nice things coming to our iPads with the iOS 4. Would you prefer to have them earlier and half-baked, or what you be ok with giving Apple some time to make sure that the new OS goes through its required share of testing? I really enjoy my iPad as it is. I know that the product will continue to be evolved, but it already is so much fun!


macrumors member
Aug 28, 2008
United Kingdom
As others have said, the resolution required to run the iPhone 4's pixel density on the iPad isn't feasible at the moment simply because the hardware required to run such resolutions would be difficult to fit into the iPad and screens of this size just haven't really been made at this density. There's a good list on Wikipedia of pixel densities, and apart from the Sony X1, there's nothing else with a density over 300 listed:

You'll also see on there that the iMac 27" (which I'm using right now) has a lower pixel density than the iPad, interestingly. Do I think my iMac screen sucks? Not at all, it's wonderful. Same with my iPad screen.

Another point is that on very small screens, high density is much more advantageous because it enables you to get sharpness, especially on text. On a larger screen that's not so important. Notice that everything in the interface on the iPhone 4 is the same size, they're using the pixels for clarity, not to stuff more on the screen. You're still dealing with a very small viewing area, regardless.

But does the iPhone 4 blow away the iPad? Well, they're chalk and cheese. On the go, the iPhone 4 will be fantastic, at home on the sofa the iPad is fantastic. At my desk the iMac is fantastic. I think it's also important to remember that technology such as this new screen would have inflated the price of the iPad, so above the technical considerations, now just wasn't right to put something like this into it.

I'm still using the iPhone 1st gen because the 3G and 3Gs just weren't big enough steps for me to want trade it in. It's a bit battered now (dents from dropping etc.) but it still works really well. It will be getting retired now though and I'll get the iPhone 4. But at home on the sofa I'll continue to use my iPad because you just can't beat a bigger screen size no matter the pixel density :)


macrumors 65816
Jul 26, 2005
I think you might be just the only one. Early adopters especially understand that all gadgets play a constant game of leapfrog. Deal with it or go back to the abacus. Those haven't been updated for years so no change of disappointment.

The abacus probably gave birth to computers and modern calculators. As for calculators, it's probably safe to stick with a TI-89 as Texas Instruments seem to take forever to significantly update them.

As for the iPad, I would love to see an iMovie editor in its app store. It'd be awesome shooting HD movies with my Zi8 or T2i, transferring the video to my iPad for some basic, on-the-go editing, and later finishing the job on my iMac at home. I'd love to see a higher resolution iPad later on down the line, but I'm not going to hold my breath for it.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2010
Manchester, UK
Why are people complaining? I dont know of any other 9-10" screens with as high a resolution as the iPad. Its a high resolution IPS screen, at this point, one of the best, if not THE best screen of this size available.
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