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macrumors newbie
Jul 14, 2017
Totally believing in and passing on the mojo! Thought we lost my daughter's iPad. While reading this forum, it magically came on and started counting down on the restore. Amazing!


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2017
Totally believing in and passing on the mojo! Thought we lost my daughter's iPad. While reading this forum, it magically came on and started counting down on the restore. Amazing!


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2017
alright! I'm saving this page, because this is really cool. I read two pages with a smile on my face with a desire to believe in this, even someone from Apple support said it worked. Well it worked for me too and I believe it, but Don't know maybe because that I did the following :
1. Unplugged my phone from a USB hub (plugged it in straight to my mac - step 5)
2. Quit iTunes
3. Cleared the memory with Memory Clean 2 (free App
4. Reopened iTunes
5. Plugged it in straight to my mac
6. Entered the password and glanced here for a second
7. Looked back and it said 2 hours remaining (I have a lot of content).
Good Luck!


macrumors member
Apr 24, 2015
I revived my dead ass account (even recovered the password) to comment that this thread WORKED

I literally can't believe it. Wow.


macrumors newbie
Jul 19, 2017
Well **** me, this actually worked. Didn't even read the whole thing because it's 16 pages, but it actually went from estimating to 2 minutes left before I got through page 3. I literally made this account for the sole purpose of saying that it worked, and it even finished loading before I finished creating this account. Holy ****.


macrumors newbie
Jul 19, 2017
My phone died for some un-obvious reason to me, my tech friends then a short parade of apple employees. SO I'm doing the icloud back up on a new phone and the estimate was reasonable then the time was ticking pretty slowly then we were under 5 minutes.

I stopped lying to myself that it was all fine...3 hours later when each minute still proclaimed either 1, 2 or 3 minutes were left in any order. Sometimes 5. Four didn't show up often but I was excited to see it during hour 3 because the inconsistency seemed like a real estimate. Then I went on the internet and found this sweet post. About an hour later I finished reading it and I did a hard reset, a phrase I've used so much in the past two phone-less days I think I'm not allowed to use it again for a decade. Or perhaps I am supposed to use it all the time and if I had I wouldn't be in this mess.

Then my phone lingered on "time estimate" and my heart broke but I signed up for this forum! Then I got an estimate of 55 minutes, then 1 hour then 8 minutes...and the blue line was in the same place (about 5/8th across the screen) it was during those 4 hours of lies.

I hope you enjoyed my story as I was convinced that reading these stories was the distraction needed for our phones to be well so much more than phones. The blue line is now almost complete, time remaining is 1 minute and I am pretty sure staring at it helps.

Oh it does. Thanks magical if you could only remind me what my gmail password is!


macrumors newbie
Jul 20, 2017
Made an account just to say, no magic for me, I've been reading the thread for 5 pages and nothing, still hoping.


macrumors newbie
Jul 21, 2017
WOW it actually worked for me
At first i went through the first page and it went from estiamting to "2 hours left", gettin the 3rd or 4th page, it went back to three hours left, to be honest, i lost hope but i went up to the 12th page and it showed the Apple logo sign. Now its restoring my apps. I was so close to tears at first when i couldnt figure it out but i thank God


macrumors newbie
Aug 1, 2017
Another succes story here:eek::eek:
Was stuck for hours, started googling for possible solutions and opened this thread.. Of course I didn't believe this would actually work but the next moment I glanced at my phone screen and the blue line had started moving! I am now writing this post on have 5 more minutes to go.. Thank you thread!

EDIT: Phone up and running!
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macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2017
Trying to setup my new iPhone and it is stuck at restoring my iCloud backup at the time remaining: estimating part.

I turned it off and back on, disabled Find my IPhone on the old phone, but it is still hanging there. Been about 45 minutes or so now.

Just wondering if anyone else had this issue or if it is just that a lot of people are restoring their phones and the servers are just overloaded or something.


Okay here we go, I'm trying to back up my info on my iPhone 6 to transfer everything on my new phone. Before reading this post my iPhone was stuck on estimating time and just a bit of blue line. As soon as I opened this thread my blue line jumped to 1/3 which was a great improvement and 2 hours remaining, I was so surprised I read on and I couldn't believe that this had happened to many other people too! This is truly magic. But on the downside, it doesn't seem to be moving forward and seems stuck on 2 hours. Hopefully the back up will finish quick. Will be posting updates!

20:55 : blue line seems to be moving, but still saying 2 hours remaining. Still there is improvementüü
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macrumors newbie
Aug 9, 2017
What in the entire ****. I'm not going to even say what happened by the time I got to the bottom of the first page but I'm thankful lol
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macrumors newbie
Aug 15, 2017
DUDE WHAT EVEN. This is genuinely scary...I open this up and bam, it started loading.. WHAT
also i went out of my way to make an account just to tell ppl this sh-t is r e a l lol


macrumors newbie
Aug 16, 2017
HAHAHAHAHA. I had the same problem. Started reading about the magic of the thread. Everyone said you have to read through ALL of it. I was reading and I was on page 2 and looked down and saw it was 16 pages long!!!! So I said, "Hmmm, wonder if I could just skip to a later page and trick it." So I skipped to page 15, read 15 through to the end.... went to the phone, and LIKE MAGIC MY BACKUP IS DONE. So I think maybe if you just read the first 2 pages and the last 2 pages, you can convince the magic to happen for YOU.

This is honestly hilarious.


macrumors newbie
Aug 16, 2017
Dawg. I was desperate like most of us. And looked at this thread. My phone was at 26 hours and went down to 3 hours. Seems like an hour is coming off every 5 minutes or every time I move to the next page in the thread.

This **** is crazy. I can't...Magic thread WOW. Do as the folks are telling you. Go through the thread and keep going. It's worth a try and it's better than waiting all night.


macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2017
Been trying to restore my iPhone 6s for the longest time. Almost all of the photos in my camera roll deleted because I downloaded the app called Magic Cleaner to my phone in an attempt for it to clear space and cache files that were stored in the documents & data section of my phone so I could update to the new iOs. BIG MISTAKE. It deleted my pics and created a bug in my photos app that makes it crash. Please do not download that app! All it cause was a massive waste of time and frustration. Thank God I had a backup prior to that happening. I Googled the issue to see if I could find anything that would help me solve this cause restoring my backup was taking 7 HOURS. I have no idea why. I stumbled across this thread and tried again. It says "about 3 hours" I hope some of this magic from this thread rubs off! I DO BELIEVE! I'll keep posted...

So... it still says 3 hours, 5 hours later... its a little more than halfway but still not loading fast like everyone is saying. I've done what everyone recommended, but still no luck. I seriously am so upset and frustrated. I don't know why it's taking so long... No magic for me I guess...

Well my backup restore did work, however it was entirely pointless and a waste of time. None of my pictures restored and they're gone permanently cause I didn't back them up to iCloud like an idiot. Not only that, the crashing didn't fix either. I had to update the phone to the new iOS in order for that to fix. The restore took 10 hours, even though it only said 4 on my computer. Unfortunately I didn't have any luck. I guess it could have been worse. I could have lost all of my data. Thankfully I didn't. I really love Apple but when things go wrong with their system or products it's a PAIN to fix. I hope you guys have more luck!
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macrumors newbie
Aug 18, 2017
Started to read this and had waited almost 2 hours at 1%. Reset the phone, started up backup and as I'm reading only one page, 2% then 30 seconds later 1%, and it went faster than before. Hoping the post will shed off some magic.

Right as I posted this (the very second): my phone restarted with a complete backup! This is insane.

P.S. I also got an account JUST to post this.


macrumors newbie
Aug 18, 2017
Started to read this and had waited almost 2 hours at 1%. Reset the phone, started up backup and as I'm reading only one page, 2% then 30 seconds later 1%, and it went faster than before. Hoping the post will shed off some magic.

Right as I posted this (the very second): my phone restarted with a complete backup! This is insane.

P.S. I also got an account JUST to post this.

I hope this works for my phone!! Its been hours of waiting and it has not moved at all from estimating time remaining and I have no idea what else to do!!! Fingers crossed that this page actually has some magic
I hope this works for my phone!! Its been hours of waiting and it has not moved at all from estimating time remaining and I have no idea what else to do!!! Fingers crossed that this page actually has some magic
currently there is no progress...


macrumors newbie
Aug 29, 2017
Okay, I'm sure it's just confirmation bias, but this thread is too fun not to get into (even made an account just for this, like many above). I read the first three posts, laughed, and looked down at my phone and after 30+ minutes it had finally switched from "Time remaining: estimate" to an actual estimate (which was unfortunately 8 hours, but thankfully within 10 min that was revised to 2, then 1 hours. Spread the mojo! :)


macrumors newbie
Aug 31, 2017
Unreal. I was working on restoring a freinds phone for 2 hours. came across this page and 3 pages into the replies her restore crashed, restarted, and was complete within minutes.

Again. Unreal. I screamed when this worked
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